THE MICHIGAN DIiALY T MICHIGAN DAILY I l. -. 13 1 ited and managed by students of the University of :i igan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stuent Publications. Publishea every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ufe for republication of all news dispatches credited, to it ,, rot oterwise credited in this newspaper. All - fs frepublication of all other matters herein also reserved. , 1ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as econd class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.0; - pymail. $4.50. &lember, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738 NEPRESmNTSD POR NATIONAL AOVURTIN NY National Advertising Service,inc.. College Publishers Reresentative 440 MADISON AV. N4Ew YORK. N. V.. SNIt D - BOTON Lo ANGELES -SAN FRACISCS Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.. IRVING SILVERMAN City Editor ..........Robert I. Fitzhenry Aijtant Editors. . . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. i Busines Department iUS NESS MANAGER. .. ERNEST A. JONES Cedit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Cirulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall Aistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY L. SONNEBORN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to rform the world. Only the schools which act on thi belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. The Catholic Church And The Spanish War ... VOLLOWING Father OFlanagan's r'talk on the war in Spain last week, several questions were asked by the audience. That of most interest concerned the official (pro-rebel) position of the Catholic Church on the war. Although Father O'Flanagan did not go into great detail in his reply to the query, he mentioned the two reasons generally given by the Church, Communist influence in the Valen- cia government, and the burning of churches by the Loyalists. Now the fact that these two charges still ap- pear to be the basis for the alignment of the Church with a fascist rebellion against a demo- cratically elected government appears to call for some examination, not only of the charges themselves, but of the background of the Church which makes them. To take the accusations in reverse order, there is no doubt that churches have ineed been destroyed in Spain, most of them by the Loyalists, although several have also been re- ported struck during fascist air raids. But while destruction of church property is deplorable, is it not possible that the conduct of certain members -of the clergy, rather than the bar- barous'nature of the Loyalist ideologies caused these events? Churches have been burned many times in Spain, long before the Republic was ever established. Moreover, there is testimony from many sources that the churches were used as secret arsenals in preparation for the revolt. As for Communist influence in Spain, there a is a great deal. But it has sprung up almost entirely since the beginning of the civil war- there were no more than 30,000 Communists in Spain in the spring of 1936; only 14 Com- munists sat in the Cortes, which numbered more than 450. The growth of the Communist Party in Spain has been due to the absolute desertion of the workers and peasants by the ruling class, and even, one might add, by the Church. Under the pressure of the rebellion, the'people understandably turned to the radical parties, although even now the government is by no means "Communist" for only one Communist holds a portfolio. But even if one draws no distinction among the various left-wing groups participating in the Valencia government, and lumps them all together as anti-Christian (in spite of the guar- antee of religious freedom in the Republican Constitution) is the Church justified yet in en- tering the lists, not only of politics but of actual civil war, in the role of abettor of a rebellion against the legally-constituted government? Pope Leo XIII said: " . . . the Church . . . has always reproved doctrines, and condemned men, in rebellion against ihe legtimate authority. And even in times when the holders of power abused their power against the Church." And in September, 1531, a collective declaration by the Spanish bishops themselves said, "The Church never fails to teach submission and obe- dience as due to the constituted power, even when those who hold and represent that power, use it in abuse of the Church." The bishops' letter justified the rebellion as an "armed plebiscite.' Is this also the position of the Catholic Church in America? Does the BOOKS By STANLEY LEBERGOTT THE COMING VICTORY FOR DEMOCRACY, by Thomas Mann, Knopf 1938 67pp. $1.00 In this the sixth decade of his life, Thomas Mann has set down in The Coming Victory For Democracy his profession of faith as artist, as thinker, and as living man. A more stinging in- dictment of the fascist scheme of things will not come in our time. Mann's purpose in now presenting his credo at full length has been, he declares, to reaffirm his faith in the durable values of truth, justice and freedom, and to contrast these values of democracy with thebsystematic ignorance con- sistent sadism and bitter limitation of the in- tellect practiced by Fascism. His democracy is, however, more than political formula enjoining majority rule and the Austrialian ballot. It is that social principle which flames with a living faith in the worth of the human personality and its free search for the ideal Dr. Mann does not attempt the Liberty League task of presenting America with an improbable choice between chaos on the one hand and de- mocracy plus liberty plus material prosperity plus a laissez-faire heaven of privileges on the other. His epistle to the Americans-perhaps unfortunately for its popular appeal-contains a far more philosophic and gallantly heroic creed than this. He holds out only the sombre and realistic but in every sense inspiring, pros- pect of democracy and its goals standing stark- ly alone in the midst of a desperate and never- ending struggle. In presenting this dark vision, the greatest of living German writers fulfills what he has declared to be the special task of the intellectual today: to stimulate reflection on and re-examination of the democratic process: "a spiritual and moral possession of which it would be dangerous to feel too secure- and too confident." With deep earnestness Mann pursues this task of counteracting the novelty, the revolutionary demeanor and opportunism, that constitute the advantage of fascism. To the fascist goal of force, he counters democrac'y's eternal purpose-the idea of justice. And he insists on this idea. For, he says, it is 'a specific and essential attribute of man, that which makes him human." On this declar- ation of faith, stemming from the high and lone- ly tradition of Plato and'Erasmus, he founds his hope for the ultimate victory of democracy. Whatever the fate of the political instrument which is middle class democracy, that democracy which is an honouring of the "idea of justice" can never die. And when fascism, ignoring that which enables man to transcend his error and fault, proceeds to give man heroics in place of conscience, it degrades what is noble and im- mortal in him. Its jejune ideology only succeeds in sanctifying the rule of the mob mind-expres- sed though it be, by self-appointed aristocrats. (For like Gasset, Mann has penetrated to the truth that the most assertively aristocratic of leaders-the demagogue-is outlined, stamped, and shaped off from the stock of the mass mind). * * * . Valuable To Radicals Up to this point' the rounded humanistic doc- trine of The Coming Victory for Democracy is of especial value to the radical movement. For if his vigorous and developed humanism is ac- cepted by radical groups it will fill out the trun- cated politico-economic credos which so many of them now profess. And if fully utilized it will strengthen the radical appeal by pulling it into full focus on reality. Mann's defense of democracy concludes with a tract for the times addressed to his fellow con- servatives. The phrase "fellow conservatives" has not been used carelessly for as Mann reiterates, his appeal is essentially a conservative one; "it aims to preserve our Occidental cultural tradi- tions to defend them against barbarism and po- litical running amuck of every sort." It aims to conserve the eternal substance the abiding values of democracy. And, as Cocteau has said, is not he who strikes out boldly, utilizing whatever of the past still applies, and solving new problems by new methods, the true conservativ?e Is he not in line with the great men of the past, who in their day also broke with the past on the less significant matters, who discarded whatever ad- ventitious and limiting trappings may have be- come attached to their ideals as time passed, but who continued their battle for the perman- ent ideals? It is, however, not sufficient for the intellectual to agree that the precious heritage of democracy is worth conserving; he must act to conserve it. To Mann, it is impossible to con- ceive that intellect should reside above and apart from the battle. If it is to mean anything at all, it must relate to life and activity. If, for a believer in democracy, its moral definition is "an appreciation of the dignity of man . . . then its psychological definition arises out of its de- termination to reconcile and combine knowledge and art, mind and life, thought and deed." * * * Intellectual's Problem The first problem confronting the intellectual is that of reasserting the freshness and vitality of the democratic tradition. This Mann terms ,spiritual reform. But there is another half to duty; to recognize and meet Fascism's demand for social justice; to develop the laissez-faire freedom which prevailed in "the epoch of bour- geois liberalism" to a further stage in order to kick the props from under the fascist facade. "If democracy wishes to make its undoubted moral superiority over fascism effective . . . it must adopt in the economic as well as the spiritual domain as much of the socialistic morality as the times make imperative and indespensable." In conclusion Mann turns from his intellectual analysis to express in a manner which strangely moves a reader far from the troubled scene of his feelings toward the social system which for- ced him and so many others from their home- land. "I am a man" he says. "who regards it as Heywood Broun The first.time I saw Ruth McKenney she was speaking at a protest meeting, and one of her friends said, "You know, we call her 'The Red Gracie Allen.'" That de- ceived me. It was not until a second meeting that I real- ized the uncommon good sense of the young woman. In her book "My Sister Eileen," which has just been published, Miss MKenney explains that as a school girl orator she stuttered "'Take the Marines out of Nicara- gua!' I used to thunder to a fairly spellbound audience, Redeem America's g-g-good n-n- name.' " r All that is gone now. Only a kind of breath- lessness remains. Miss McKenney was on the Vassar daisy chain, and I assume that she played anchor. And so when this fair and large young lady first stood up to state her sentiments with an air of wide-eyed wonder and a "Where am I?" look upon her face I hope I may be for- given for the fact that I felt she might not know what it was all about. Later I learned that under a breezy exterior lay a gale of sincere and effec- tive conviction. The Radicals Sense Of Humor Old delusions die hard, and the statement that radicals have no sense of humor has been made so many times that we come to accept it in spite of manifold testimony to the contrary. But even those who know better still cling to the notion that the wit of those with a cause mustinvariably fall in the channel of biting bitterness. The precise reverse is true. "My sister Eileen" seems to me one of the most amusing books I have read in years, but though it grieves Miss McKenney, I must admit that to my mind "wholesome" is the word for Ruth. It is interesting to compare Ruth McKenney with some of her fellow-contxibutors to the New Yorker. Take James Thurber, for instance. He is the finer craftsman by far. Indeed, in my estimation, Thurber is the most extraordinary humorist in America. But there is something terrifying in his humorous conceptions. He walks a tightrope over a Niagara of tragedy, and thus follows the tradition of Swift, Aldous Huxley in his earlier work and the best of Ring Larder. It is obvious enough that all three of these writers belong among those who have re- belled at life. But, speaking of the last two alone, I never heard either one suggest any- thing which could be done about it. The radical, on the contrary, has a very lively faith that the world can be changed. He is up to his ears in the youth movement and slum clearance and peace and security. And there can be such a thing as a passionate serenity. I've seen it. * * * Buoyancy And Bounce Decidedly I find this buoyancvy and bounce in the writing of Ruth McKenney. But if you have the idea that "My Sister Eileen" is a piece of crusading proletarian literature, I've done this all wrong. It is a series of light essays and episodes. There are some sly digs at stuffed shirts, but I doubt that even Mrs. Dilling would find it sub- versive at surface. There is, for instance, the story of the manner in which Ruth McKenney, as a college correspondent, went to the hotel to interview young Randolph Churchill. "Up to that very moment I had never tasted anything in alcoholic beverages except a variety of bootleg liquor distilled in some abandoned mines near New Stratisville, Ohio." And if "The Sock Hunt" isn't one of the most hilarious pieces written in several seasons you have only to turn to "Beware the Brazilian Navy," which is in the same volume. "It das four minutes before the Navy lads fell for the 'Oh, look!' gag, where you point in one direction and run like hell in the other. . . Eileen finally went to bed with her shoes on and the egg- beater beside her pillow." To all lovers of good clean fun I most heartily recommend "My Sister Eileen," the first book by "The Red Gracie Allen." Western culture have been rejected and trodden under foot. I have made many sacrifices iq order to save one thing which was denied me in Ger- many: freedom of thought and expression." The reader, who must inevitably recall with mingled sadness and fury the vanished Germany of Kant~ and Heine, of Goethe and Lessing, will wonder indeed what system is that which must limit, repress, and finally exile men like Mann. And as the portents of Spain and China darkly point the future, one thinks of the attitude of those intel- lectuals who are easily letting their values and purposes slide into innocuous desuetude while fascism strides forward; who refuse to affirm and implement their ideals by spiritual and economic reform. Mann's vision and message challenges them to help in the good fight. "I believe it to be the duty of every thinking man to take an active part in this task-which is tantaiount to the preservation of culture-and to give freely of himself." Will they understand and make use of the lesson which Mann has learned? Will they be in the vanguard of the fight? Or will they re- main on the sidelines, eulogizing in measured phrase the beauty of the chrysalis from which a more sufficient freedom has emerged? One thing, however, is certain: It is hail and not fare- well; the permanent future lies with democracy. ABOARD U.S.S. HOUSTON, IN GALAPAGOS THEATRE By PROF. KARL LITZENBERG (Of the department of English) Kind Lady The purpose of this review is to suggest rather strongly that the gentle reader hie himself over to the Mendelssohn Theatre as quickly as possible for the purpose of purchasing1 admission to the current offering, Kind Lady. Continuing to manifesti that perversity in which we pride ourselves, we refuse to divulge any- thing. While Kind Lady will interestI all persons except the squeamish, the' weak-hearted, and the lonely rich, it will appeal especially to mystery and crime play fanciers. The play is written from what the fancy will doubtless call an eccentric (that is, an original) point of view. Many mystery and crime play fanciers are inclined to be highly critical of radical tech- niques, and are disposed to consider that the writer's business is to set up a series of complications which pre- vent the consumer from discovering who done it, from the time when the awful deed was did until the time when the mystery is undid. The sus- pense in such a story depends entirely upon the desire of the reader or au- dience to find out who is the proper person to hang; and the business of the author is to clutter up the prem- ises with false clues, with amateur detectives, maiden aunts, wire-haired terriers, local dogberrys, and three phials of a subtle oriental poison. This type of plot-this type of sus- pense-is the stock-in-trade of Mr. S. S. Van Dine, who, aided by learned literary allusions anid extravagantly profuse erudition-in-general, sends a whodunnit to the bookstores, to the stage, or to Hollywood oftener than he ought. Mr. Dashiell Hammett practices violent variations on the same theme, suffusing his plots with elaborately obscene degeneracy; and treating the whole ugly business with a studied disregard for the value of human life and humanrdecency which can only be described as epic. The whodunnit question of a work like The Glass Key becomes, after a while, a merely incidental matter. It was not so long ago that A. A. Milne's Perfect Alibi was performed with considerable success in London, and with such overwhelming approval in America that it is destined to roll down the ages with such other stan- dard Senior Class vehicles as Stop Thief and Green Stockings. The Perfect Alibi was by no means a who- dunnit; in fact, the murder was com- mitted immediately after the curtain rose, in full view of the audience. With left-handed dramatic irony, the author forced his characters to solve the mystery while the members of the audience chewed their finger-nails, hoping that the man whom they knew to be the murderer would be caught and punished. Mr. Milne trifled with the whodunnit tradition, but he did not let poetic justice down. La- burnam Grove could also be cited as exemplifying the new suspense tech- nique in the crime play-but perhaps we'd better get along with the morn- ing's business. This business, as we have indicated, is to pack you into the Mendelssohn without telling you a thing. We can promise, however, that you won't be bothered by foolish questions such as Who Killed Cock Robin? or Where Are Them Papers? But you won't really know what's what until you discover who is going to answer the doorbell which rings three seconds before the final curtain comes down. If you don't like the fearsome and the grotesque, you hadn't better go. But if you do go-and you probably will-you will see the best directed performance of the season, for which Frederic 0. Crandall is responsible; you will see also two remarkable per- formances by the duper and dupee, S. J. Bernhard and Claribel Baird. You. will -be allowed to look at a few museum pieces, some hanging on the walls, and some walking on the stage in the persons of Richard Orr, Kath- erine Johnson, Nancy Schaeffer and Lillian Holmes. Miss Holmes, playing the part of Mrs. Edwards, creates a character role second only to Mr. Sherman's Firk in The Shoemakers Holiday. Listen for that doorbell! Gets Told. An Answer On The Movies To the Editor: I was very much interested in the reply to the first of my articles on the cinema, made by the Ann Arbor manager of the Butterfield Corp. in defense of the industry. I am gratified to discover so objective a person as Mr. Hoag who is willing to recog- nize the faults of the industry of which he is a part. Nevertheless, I feel obliged to raise counter-objections to Mr. Hoag's own. If it were true that the Payne Fund Study was based entirely on silent films, I do not think that its findings would be all together invalidated by the coming of sound pictures. Cer- tainly the fact that millions of peo- THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1938 3 VOL. XLVHII. No. 27 In view of the fact that July 30 is a half day in many businesses, the Uni- versity payrolls will be ready on the morning of July 29.1 Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre To- night at 8:30-Michigan Repertory Players present "Kind Lady" by Ed- ward Chodorov. Tickets still available at Box office. Phone 6300.. C. LeBron Simmons, Negro attor- ney and official of the National Negro Congress will speak tonight at 7:30 in Natural Science Auditorium on "The Negro and the New Deal". Aus- pices of the Progressive Club Michi- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of ahe Summer Session : until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. gan chapter of the American Student Union. Public meeting. Graduation Recital. Freda Op't Holt, organist, Kalamazoo, Mich., will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, Thursday evening, July 28, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The general public is invited to at- tend without admission charge. Luncheon of the Graduate Confer- ence on Renaissance Studies, Thurs- day. July 28, 12:15 p.m. at the Michi- gan Union. Professor L. C. Karpinski will speak on "The Place of Mathe- matics in the Reiaissance." Make reservations at the English office, 3221 Angell Hall. "The Changing Grammar of Mod- ern Englif"." Lecture by Prof. C. C. Fries at 4:35 this afternoon in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- ing. made was spoken dialogue ("The Jazz Singer") was filmed in 1926. By 1929 sound was an integral part of cinema production. Thus, for ex- ample, many of the conclusions reached by Professor Dale in The Content of Motion Pictures were based upon a study of sound films. It is true that some of the subjects listed in Professor Dale's balance sheet are more often treated in cur- rent movies than they were in 1932. It is true that we now have an oc- casional sincere effort like "Dead End" or, a masterpiece like "The In- former." But it was movies in the main, not these rare gems against which I raised my complaint. I still maintain that most movies distort life as it is and its finer values, and, that, for every "Dead End" there are 50 "quickies," pure and simple trash rushed through to fill up a prescribed quota. Cinema standards have been set by men like John Ford, Joris Ev- ens, Rotha, Strand, Lorentz, Eisen- stein. I doubt if Mr. Hoag can name 10 out of the total number of pictures that have passed through any of his Ann Arbor theatres in the last six months, a rough 300 which can ap- proach, idealogically or artistically, the standards set by these men. However much we may disagree on these matters I am sure that Mr. Hoag, on behalf of the industry, will raise no valid objections to a course1 in cinema appreciation. l -Edward C. Jurist. 11 Mr. Thomas Quigley will the Univefsity High Schrum ium at 4:05 this afternoon. ject is "The True and False tional Education." speak in Auditor- 'lis sub- in Voca- Education F213-Conference in Physical Education. The program for Thursday, July 28 is as follows: 10:00 a.m. "Physical Education's Contribution to the Use of Leisure Time." Dr. Elmer D. Mitchell. 11:00 a.m. "A Community-Wide Program of Recreation," Dean A. W. Thompson, School of Physical Edu- cation, West Virginia University. 7:30 p.m. "The Sports Curriculum." Dr. S. C. Staley, Director, School of Physical Education, University of Illinois. Morning meetings will be held in University High School Auditorium and evening meetings at the Women's Athletic 'Building. The regular weekly luncheon of all students and faculty interested in health, physical education, and re- creation will be held in Room 316 of the Michigan Union, Thursday, July 28 at 12:10 p.m. Professor Seward C. Staley, director of the Department of Physical Education at the Uni- (Continued on Page 4) Classlified Directory EXPERT TYPING-neatly and ac- curately. Rates reasonable. Miss De- Witt, 114 N. Ingalls. Ph. 3130 50x VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland, Phone 6327. 17x SILVER LAUNDRY--We call for and deliver. Bundles individually done, no markings. All work guaranteed. done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St._ Dial 5244. 2x TYPING -- Experienced. Reasonable rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood 43r SPECIAL PERMANENTS - $1.95. Regular $3.50 value. 'End perman- ents $1.50. Shampoo and finger- wave with rinse, 50c. Open eve. Ph. 2-2813. College Beauty Shop 48x LOST-Eastern Star past matron's pin between Packard and State. 422 Packard. Boley. 49x FURNISHED APARTMENT - with private bath and shower. Also, large' double room. Garage. Phone 8544 422 E. Washington 51x LOST-Phi Chi fraternity pin. Initial H. B. A. Reward. Tel. 4541 53x Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 5x DRESS MAKING and Alterations. Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine. Phone 4726. 34x TYPING - Neatly and accurately I Here's I H1 To Keep Cool I SPECIAL 8-inch FAN 8-inch Blade 12-inch Blod Creates a large br and durable fan. available in pastel OSCILLATING FANS Four-blade fan with sturdy wire guard and felt covered base. Guar- anteed for five years. 8-Inch Blade ...$4.39 12-Inch Blade ... $6.39 PRICE $1.39 Fan . $1.59 e ...$1.98 eeze. An efficient Fine motor and colors. I Safety FAN $3.95 Five-inch Blade 0 Noiseless S 0 0 Noiseless Use on A.C. or D.C. Current 5 Speeds Guaranteed Larger Size $7.95 8-inch Blade a I I I I I