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Th..'[fe .Weather.
sh17owers cloudy tomorrow. aA:n
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
eCatholic Church
I The Spanish War...
NYA Will Aid
In 1938-19391
Gram Will Be Chairman
Of Committee To Select
Projects__And Workers
Final Specifications
Not Yet Received
Concert Selections Will Offset
Size Of Band, Says Prescott
Director Commends Clinic
.Band; Capacity Crowd
Is Expected For Concert
Although a band of the size that
which will play the open-air concert'
Friday night on Ferry Field is usually
disorganized and unbalanced, Prof.
Gerald Prescott Director of Bands
at the University of Minnesotaaand
guest conductor of Friday's concert,
said, the selections picked for the
approaching concert will be admir-
ably suited to massed playing and
should produce a fine effect.
Professor Prescott arrived on cam-
pus fresh from finishing the concert
season at Minnesota, he said, and
at the concluding open air concert
held there similar to. that being plan-
ned for Ann Arbor, a crowd of over
5,000 people attended. The bleachers
in Ferry Field will hold upwards of
10,000 and a capacity crowd is ex-
pected to attend.
"It has never been my privilege,"
asserted Professor Prescott, "to work
with a more talented Summer Session
Directors Band than the present one.
There is good balance and artistry
in every department and the work
in rehearsals has been very gratify-
The High School Clinic Band was
praised by Professor Prescott as being
a thoroughly expert high school
group and a fine group of student
Both bands will play individually
Friday and then will conclude the
program with a series of selections
played en masse. Approximately 215
players Will participate in the huge
musical show. Professor Prescott will
share the director's duties with Prof.
William D. Revelli, Director of the
Michigan Band.
Known for his work as adjudicator
in national, regional and state high
school band contests as well as for
his "Prescott System of Band Tech-
nique," Professor Prescott, is the
second guest conductor of the Sum-
mer Session.
Oflical notification that the part-
time employment of college students
under the National Youth Adminis-
tration will be continued during the
1938-1939 school year was received
yesterday afternoon by the Univer-
sity, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, chairman
of the N.Y.A. administration com-
mittee, announced yesterday. Final
specifications have not been received
yet but the basis of the program has
been announced.
A committee consisting of Dean
Joseph A. Burley and John C. Chris-
tensen in addition to Professor Gram,
will have charge of the administra-
tion under the general direction of
President Ruthven Projects for
which student aid is desired must be
presented to Professor Gram and they
will be judged by the committee as
soon as possible.
. Student applications for employ-
ment will " be received at the Dean
of Student's office in University Hall
and the eligilibity of students will
be passed on by the Committee. The
task of fittingi students to projects
will be under the supervision of Dean
Bursley with Miss Elizabeth A. Smith
in direct charge. The details of time-
keeping preparation of payrolls, etc.,
will be under'the supervision of Mr.
Christensen with Harold S. Anderson
in direct charge.
One of the stipulations in the out-
line of the program of the N.Y.A.
is that fundseallotted must be used
to pay students for doing socially
desirable work. The funds allotted,
however, shall not be used to replace
college funds available for the pro-
ject requested. The ordinary main-
tenance'work about the University
> that would be carried on anyway
must be financed from the usual
urces and not from federal relief
Society Honors
Two Teachers
Phi Delta Kappa Initiates
Members At Union
Honorary initiation into Phi Delta
Kappa, National Honorary Education
society, will be extended to two men
well-known to Michigan educators
at 4 p.m. today in the Michigan
Union. The two honorary initiates will
be Frederick A. Jeffers, Superinten-
ient of Painesdale Schools, who has
(MP)been connected with education for
over half a century, and Dr. David
Henry, assistant to the executive vice-
president of Wayne University.
The initiation will be followed by
a banquet at 6:30. Leon Waskiewicz,
president of the local chapter, will
make the introductory remarks, and
Dr. George E. Myers of the School of
Education Faculty will act as toast-
master. A welcome will be 'extended
to the initiates by W. Roger Zinn. The
response for the initiates will be made
by Robert Murray, graduate student
in education. The main talk of the
evening will be given by Gerald Bush
of the State Pardon and Parole
Board, formerly on the staff of the
School of Education, on the subject,
"An Ex-Teacher Looks at Teaching."
The following are to be initiated;
Duncan Ackley, Harold Anderson,
Howard Batchelder, Bonner Craw-
ford, Paul Dressel, Marion Dross,
Raymond A. Garner, Harley Holmes,
Dan Kinsey, Ross Matteson, Lloyd
B. McLaughlin, George H. Mlls, Ro-
bert Murray, Frank Meyer, Joe Park,
Hilmer Olsen, E. Stephens Rice, Ches-
ter Sampson, Elwood Shirley, L. H.
Waugh, Floyd Yinger, Albert T. Allen
and S. A. Partington
The affair will be informal.
French Club Holds
Discussion Today
An open discussion of the educa-
tional merits of the French Lycee and
the American High School will be
held at the meeting of the Summer
Session French Club at 8 p.m. today
at the French House, 1414 Washte-
French songs, games and refresh-
ments will supplement the program
Lewis Name
Linked With
Trial Of Four
Martin Denies Assertion
ie Hinted A Connection
With 'Communist' Plot
Portions Of Trial
Are Made Pubhlie
DETROIT, July 27--()-John L.
Lewis' name was brought into the
trial of four suspended vice-presi-
dents of the CIO United Automobile
Workers today and a defense attorney
promptly charged that Homer Mar-
tin, UAW president, was trying to
link Lewis with what Martin has
termed a Communist conspiracy to
wreck the union.
Martin emphatically denied /the
asserton, made by Maurice Sugar,
and said it indicated Sugar's "per-
sistent attempt to misrepresent the
Martin Confirms Statement
Sugar said the first witness at
the trial, F. J. Michel, UAW Execu-
tive Board member from Racine,
Wis., told of a board meeting at
Washington in April, 1937, at which
Lewis requested permission to name
an administrator for the union.
Martin confirmed this but said
Lewis' request was made on represen-
tations from the officers now under
suspension and "when he learned the
true situation he dropped the sugges-
Map Shows Insurgents' Advances
BayofBisayR AN G
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NALpG '' a ' edilerranean Sea
0 SE 'TA JU v ',,9 ..
This Associated Press map shows how Spain looks after two years of
bloody civil war, with labels marking important events, in chronological
order. The forces of Generalissimo Francisco Franco, Insurgent chief-
tain, hold 70per cent of the Spanish territory.
Catalonian Shock Troops Drive
InsrensFrom ed qatr
S r o
May Adopt New
Graduate Study
Plan For State
University To Administer
Instruction Through The
State Teachers' Colleges
LANSING, July 27.-(I)-The State
Board of Education will meet Friday
at Marquette and the Regents of the
University of Michigan at Frankfort
to consider adoption of a plan to pro-
vide graduate study in state teachers
colleges under the sponsorship of the
University of Michigan.
Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, State Super-
intendent of Public Instruction, said
the plan is the first of its kind in the
nation and is designed t , avoid dupli-
cation of instruction in various in-
stitutions and to maintain economies.
He6 pointedout that in many states,
teachers colleges have extended into
the graduate study field until they
have become universities, each com-
peting with another and resulting in
a heavy financial burden on the state-
supported educational system.
The proposed plan would' allow
teachers colleges to establish gradu-
ate divisions to be organized and ad-
ministered in cooperation with the
University of Michigan. The Univer-
sity would appoint an official of its
graduate school to supervise the pro-
gram, while each teacher college
would appoint a graduate council to
administer their branch according to
University standards.
Staff members of the University or
staff members of the teacher col-
leges who have been given the status
of a graduate lecturer by the Univer-
sity would teach the, courses, Elliott
said. ;
'Co-Op Society
Invites Public
To ItsMeeting
Successful Group Starting
All Ann Arbor citizens and students
of the' Summer Session who are in-
terested in hearing an exposition of
co-operative principles and watching
an exceedingly successful cooperative
society conduct its business are in-
vited to attend the regular meeting
of the Ann Arbor society at 8 p.m.
today in Lane Hall.
According to A. K. Stevens of the
English department the local group
has just concluded the most success-
ful six months of its existence and
is beginning to foster subsidiary pro-
jects. Connected with the society is
a Group-Help arrangement whereby
200 local families have contracted to
hire a family physician for their own
use., The Ann Arbor Housing Asso-
ciation, also an outgrowth of the par-
ent co-operative, will undertake the
task of building homes for the in-
dividual members.
Detroit Negro Head
To Talk Here Today
"The Negro and the New Deal" will
be the subject of a talk to be given
here at 7:30 p.m. today in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium by C. Le-
Bron Simmons, Jr., leading Detroit
President of the Detroit Council of
the National Negro Congress, and a
member of the National Executive
Council, Mr. Simmons was a candi-
date for State Senator in the 1936
election and a member of Labor's
Non-Partisan League.AThe talk will
be sponsored by the A.S.U.
90 Mile Advance Madet
By Government Troops
Along Ebro River FrontI
Sugar charged
mony indicated
"contends that
that Michel's testi-
the Martin group
Lewis was one of
ish Frontier), July
Spanish Government;
(At the Span-
announced to-
Dr Bloomfield Hits 'Liberals,'
Speech Correctors, In Lecture
the 'conspirators' aligned with the
defendants in delivering the Inter-
national Union to the Communist
Charges Made Public
The trial proceeded behind closely-
guarded portals at UAW Internation-
al Headquarters. More than 50 un-
ionists who gathered outside the
building were warned by police to
keep the sidewalk clear.
Charges which Larry S. Davidow,
UAW consel, said would be proved
against the suspended officers includ,
That the "Unity" group was "dom-
inated by Communists," and that
Robert Travis, UAW organizer in
Flint, Mich., in 1937 was trying to
get Communists into strategic posts
to put the "Unity" faction in control.
That Frankensteen invited Martin
and a committee to meet with Com-
munist Party leaders at Mortimer's
That the suspended officers plotted
to seize control of the UAW executive
board at its June, 1938, meeting.
Organist Gives
Pupil Of Palmer Christian
To Present Concert
Miss Freda Op't Holt, organist of
Kalamazoo Mich., will present a re-
cital at 8:15 today as partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree in the
School of Music. Miss Holt is also a
graduate of Kalamazoo College, re-
ceiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts
in 1936.
She has been a pupil of Prof. Pal-
mer Christian at the University of
Michigan, and she has also completed
work with Prof. Marshall Bidwell,
organist of Carnegie Hall in Pittsburg-
who is guest professor of organ in the
Summer Session.
Miss Holt's program will include,
"Prelude and Fugue in F Minor," by
Bach; "O Mensch, bewein dein Sunder
gross," and "In Dulci Jubilo," by
Bach; "Toccata per L'Elevazione," by
Frescobaldi; the Romance and Min-
uet from Vierne's Fourth Symphony;
"Choral in A Minor," by Franck;
"Intercession (Suite for Organ, Op.
25"' by Bingham; and "Thou Art the
Rock," by Mulet.
Stuhldreher Leading
Coaches;_Kipke 4th
CHICAGO, July 27-(P)-Two Big
Ten coaches held a sizeable lead
today in first returns on the national
poll to select a coach for the Colleg-
iate All-Star Football Team which
will meet the Washington Redskins,
National Pio-League champions, here
August 31.
Harry Stuhldeher of Wisconsin was
., . fn fl O 7 9 0 n .-c4, ...and Avn
night that its three-day-old Ebro
River offensive had carried Catalon-
ian shock troops into the streets of
Gandesa, Generalissimo Francisco
Franco's South Catalonian headquar-
ters since April 2.
There they grappled hand-to-hand'
with the Insurgent forces that once.
had driven them from the town.
Entry of the town capped a surprise
thrust of more than 15 miles from
the banks of the Ebro in which the
Government reported capture of 15
vilalges and 4,000 prisoners.
The steamroller drive started early
Monday when Catalonian engineer-
ing squads, shielded by artillery,
swiftly laid pontoon bridges to carry'
brigades of infantry and field batter-,
ies into Insurgent territory.
The advance into Gandesa was said
to have been effected despite some
of the war's heaviest Insurgent aerial
operations-a day in which 150 heavy
bombers unloaded explosives on the
encroaching infantrymen hour after
The Government reported an ad-
vance all along the some 90 miles of
Ebro River front, from Amposta, at
the river mouth, inland to Flix. -
Before Gandesa, the Catalonian in-
fantrymen burrowed their way
through the ground or sought the
cover of scrub pines to escape the In-
surgent bombardments, edging for-
ward at intervals while supporting
artillery in the nearby hills shelled
the town.
The Insurgents told of launching
a counteroffensive which they said
was "completely paralyzing the enemy
Gandesa fell April 2 to a fierce
thrust from the Aragon region by
Italian troops under General Garcia
Valino-part of the general offensive
which carried Franco's red and gold
banners to the Mediterranean at
... . ,
Suspect Illegal
For Tennessee
Senate Campaign Expense
Body Warns Democrats
Of ComingInvestigation
Ask Farley Probe
Of FSA In S. Dakota
WASHINGTON, July 27.-(A')-The
Senate Campaign Expenditures Com-
mittee cracked down on the Demo-
cratic senatorial fight in Tennessee
today with a warning that the suc-
cessful candidate was likely to face an
election contest in the Senate.
"Apparently every scheme and
questionable device that can be used
in a political contest to raise funds
to influence votes and control the
election result is in full swing," the
committee said in a statement after
hearing a report from its Tennessee
Tennessee primary candidates are
Sen. George L. Berry, Tom Stewart,
J. Ridley Mitchell, Dr. John R. Neal
and Edward W. Carmack. Committee-
men said Neal was one of those who
filed complaints with the committee
about Tennessee conditions.
Ask Investigation
/Besides its pronouncement on Ten-
nessee, the committee asked Postmas-
ter General Farley to investigate the
distribution of a "political circular"
by the Farm Security Administration
in South Dakota. The circular, it
was said, was sent out under govern-
or. Frank.
The committee said the FSA at
Yankton, S.D., had distributed a press
release which, "while pretending to
be information with respect to the
Farm Security Administration" was
in reality designed to aid the sena-
torial candidacy of former Gov. Tom
Berry of South Dakota.
During the day the committee also
decided to dispatch investigators to
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, North Da-
kota and California. It heard repots
from its investigators already at work
in Pennsylvania and Kentucky and
sent them back for additional infor-
Waive Hopkins' Statement
It dismissed from consideration a
recent statement by WPA Adminis-
trator Hopkins that 90 per cent of
WPA workers would vote for the
Roosevelt Administration. Because
charges have not been brought direct-
ly before it, the committee said it
would not send an investigator to
Missouri at this time.
Chairman Sheppard (Dem., Texas),
of the committee said he hoped that
at least six investigators could 'be dis-
patched to Tennessee at onceto check
further into conditions there
Piano Concert
"I am not liberal about language.
You often hear students of language
called 'liberal' when they express
their views about ideas of correctness.
But that is not being liberal any more
than it would have been for a person
to go into a community where witch-
hunting was practiced and say to the
people that there were no such things
as witches. I mean that it isn't being
liberal to be against superstitions."
With this preface, Dr. Leonard
Bloomfield, chairman of the depart-
ment of linguistics at the University
of Chicago, began his University lec-
ture yesterday afternoon on the topic,
"Linguistic Science and the Problem
of 'Correct' Language." -The lecture
was the third of a series of four pre-
sented this week under the auspices
of the Linguistic Institute. The
fourth occurs at 4:30 p.m. today in
the Rackham building, when Prof.
Charles C. Fries speaks on "The
Changing Grammar'of Modern Eng-
"Of course there are such things as
mistakes in English," admitted Dr.
Bloomfield. "The foreigner learning
English makes mistakes. The little
child, saying such things as 'those
mans,' makes mistakes. We all make
mistakes when we utter lapses and
get our words twisted up. Besides,
there are differences in style, because
there are less able and more able
"It might help us if we recognize'
that for us all there are two dialects
of English-the standard dialect
spoken in the courtroom, in the pul-
pit, on the stage, in the informal
conversation of educated people; and
the regional dialect, in which one
hears 'I seen it,' 'I done it,' and 'He
ain't got none.' There are really only
a few such differences between the
two dialects and it is these that the
schools should teach so that speakers
of the regional dialect could attain
a command of the other one also. But
the schools don't do this. They waste
a lot of time doing unnecessary
things, largely because of the influ-
ence of the speech corrector.
"But unhappily for children in the
schools, the speech corrector is not
interested in observing the speech of
the standard dialect. He is interest-
ed in some kind of fanciful speech
used in a nightmare world where, ac-
cording to one of the correctors, 95
per cent of us would be constantly
making mistakes in our native lan-
"You see," Dr. Bloomfield conclud-
ed, "these speech correctors write
without having made any real obser-
vation of the language spoken around
them. They don't know very much
about it. My advice to all of you is
this. If some.speech corrector comes
Hold Linguistics
National Meet
Here Tomorrow
Success Of Local Group
In Past Three Years
Brings Society Here,
Stimulated by the success of the
Institute which it has sponsored atI
the University for the ast threeR
years, the Linguistic Societ of Amer-
ica will hold its first annual special
summer meeting in Ann Arbor to-
morrow and Saturday. Besides the4
regular members of the Linguistic In-
stitute, a number of outstanding
scholars from other institutions will
be in attendance.
A program of four sessions witha
18 speakers, besides a luncheon and.
an informal dinner, is announced,
for the society's gathering by Prof.
R. G. Kent, its secretary. All these
meetings are open to persons interest-
ed, regardless of membership in the
Linguistic Society.
Six papers will be read at the open-
ing session at 2 p.m. Friday in the
amphitheatre of the Rackham build-
ing, as follows: Dr. Mary R. Haas of
Yale University on "Alternative Syn-
cope in Primitive Muskogean"; Dr.
Raven I. McDavid of the Citadel, "An
Introduction of Undergraduates to
the International Phonetic Alpha-
bet"; Prof. E. H. Sturtevant of Yale
University, "The Prehistory of the
Indo-European Stems in long 'a';
Prof. J. M. Carriers of Northwestern
University, "French Dialectology";
Prof. Miles L. Hanley of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, "Ng"'; and Prof.
Hermann Meier of Drew University,
"The Word Families of the English
SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., July 27.-
(P)-nThe British pickaback seaplane
I Mw'ru tnig~ht conmpleted an 8,000-
Slattery, Lake
Capture City
Doubles Title
Lake And Christianson
Win The Mixed Doubles
Crown At Palmer Field
Bob Lake and Tom Slattery whip-
ped Chris Mack and Marve Bacon/
3-6, 6-0, 7-5, 6-3 to win the doubles
championships in the 18th annual
Ann Arbor city tennis tournament
at Palmer Field yesterday. Lake
teamed with Mary Christianson tot
down John Grey and Cynthia Adams,
6-2, 6-3 in the finals of the mixed
Slattery, a sophomore member of
the University of Michigan tennis
team last year, and Lake, a Penn
State instructor who formerly played
for the University of Alabama were
slow "in starting but their games got
better as the match progressed. In
the third set, the new champions were
down 5-2 but pulled the set out by
winning the next five games. Chris
Mack wa one half of last year's
winning 'team when he .paired with
Leroy Weir, varsity tennis coach.
Today Lake will go after his third
city crown, this one in the singles
play when he meets Sammy Durst,
Durst, a southpaw, was a member
of last year's freshmen squad.
Two other championships will be
decided today. In the women's finals
Beatrice Massman will meat Merida
Hobart, winner two years ago. The
finals of novice singles will also be
Professor Hollister
Will Speak Friday
Prof. S. C. Hollister, dean of en-
gineering at Cornell University will
be the speaker in a special lecture to
be held tomorrow afternoon in con-
nection with the applied mechanics
Will Be Today
Myron Meyers Will Give
Recital At 8:15 P.M.
Myron S. Meyers will offer as par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master's degree in the School
of Music, a piano concert at 8:15 p.m.
today in the School of Music Auditor-
Mr. Meyers received his undergrad-
uate training at the Milwaukee State
Teachers College, gaining the degree
of Bachelor of Music. in Education.
For the past few years he has been
teaching music in the public schools
of Milwaukee, and Hollins College,
Va., He is to assume a position in
the fall teaching theory and piano at
the Memphis College of Music,
Memphis, Tenn.
While here at the University, Mr.
Meyers has been a student of Prof.
Joseph Brinkman, and has had in-
struction with Milton Rusch of Mil-
waukee and the late Jacob Moerschel.
Linguistic Lecturer
Talks On Acoustics
Speaking on the topic, "Acoustics
and Linguistics," Dr. J. Milton Cowan
of the State University of Iowa yes-
terday explained to members of the
Linguistic Institute how recent deve-
lopments in acoustic experimental
apparatus are linking more and more