131k igau & titiglmm Editorials Klpke Deserves Another Chance... A Third Term For Roosevelt.. Official Publication Of The Summer Session ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS i i PkICE FIVE 'I~WI1M a ,,-.. -.. 1 ... .- ,. ! Forestry Campers Entertained By Forty Blind Date' Lassies Iron River Citizens To Make University 'Enjoy' Northern Plan Men Stay LONDON, July 26 -()- Greal Britain stepped into the explosive Czechoslovak-German quarrel today by appointing an unofficial mediato and assured the world that a Euro- pean' war was further away. Prime Minister 'Neville Chamber- lain put the main hope of dispelling Europe's war clouds in the British mediator's success at solving the Czechoslovak problem and announc- ed that Viscount Runciman, former member of the cabinet, had been chosen for the post. He told an intent and sometimes ctheering House of Commons that if a solution to the dispute between the Czchoslovak government and its autonomy-seeking $ermanic and other minorities could 'be found, "I should feel that the way is open again.to further effort in general appeasement." He declared Britain's policy had contributed to a better atmosphere in Europe and added that "we intend to pursue it." Throughout Europe, he said, tension which ""six months ago was oppressive" has relaxed. In his 50-minute address, during the last debate on foreign affairs be- fore Parliament recesses Friday for three months, the prime minister also: Hinted that Britain might yet give some form of aid to China; Held out hope for an early agree- ment in British-American trade ne- gotiations; Announced that Spanish insur- gent authorities had agreed to a British proposal for investigation bombings of British ships; Gave an implied promise to let the British-Italian friendship pact go into force when foreign fighters, including Italy's, are withdrawn from Spain; Paid tribute to Adolf Hitler for a "notable gesture . . for protection of peace" in the British-German naval agreement. Chamberlain said the Govern- ment's aimn was maintenance of peace through removal of all possible causes of conflict, but warned that "though we seek peace" Britain is not willing "to sacrifice, even for peace, British honor and vital tradi- tions." Day by day, he said, the armed strength of the country becomes more formidable. "The tremendous power we are accumulating remains there as a guarantee that we can defend our- selves if we are attacked," he de- clared. Of British-American trade nego- tiations, the Prime Minister said there was good will on both sides. He saw in the talks an "effort tol demonstrate the possibility of these two great countries working together on a subject which, if they can come to terms, may prove to be the fore- runner of wider application." Prof. Courtis To Talk Today Physical Education Meet To Hear Three Others Prof. S. A. Courtis of the School of Education will be the first speaker in today's program of the Conference on Curriculum Problems in Physical Education, School of Health, and Recreation when he discusses at 10 a.m. in, the University High School auditorium methods of developing de- sirable attitudes toward physical and health educatiop in pupils. At 11 a.m. Prof. Howard Y. Mc- Clusky of the School of Education" will speak on "What Recognition Should the Public Schools Give to Mental Hygiene?" Both the morning lectures are a part of Unit IL of the Conference, the theme of which is the interrelationship of physical edu- cation to school health. Lectures starting at 7 p.m. in the \ Women's Athletic Building will in- ml, n,~,...a +la c.4,,- A f t ha i ,a-., ,- (Editor's Note: The following articles are reprinted from the Iron River Re- porter). -Before- Forty young women of the Iron River district and 40 young ,men stu- dents at the University of Michigan Forestry camp near Golden Lake are rather ekcited about tomorrow night. Although they have never met, a party has been arranged for them by a group of Iron River men and women interested in making the summer ses- sion enjoyable for the forestry stu- dents who have come here from 23 states for the 10-week summer ses- sion, and for the young women here, many of whom are home from college on vacation. When Ray Zerbel and Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mertins learned last 1week that no provisions for social affairs had been made for the entertainment of the forestry students, they decided to remedy the situation by introdu-° cing the young men to personable young women of the Iron River-Stam- baugh-Casian-Gaastra area. Zerbel talked to Prof. Robert Craig jr., camp director, about the idea and obtained his approval. Then it was suggested to the group of 65 students that each, if he chose, write a letter to the Iron River people, listing their age and height and preferences. Forty letters promptly were dis- patched. The comments ranged from the comical to the serious, but all were in earnest about applying for a "date" for the Saturday night party. The Misses Betty Mertins and Hen- rietta Mahon were detailed to invite 40 young women to the party and in no time at all, the "dates" had been arranged. Zerbel, manager of the Delft the- ater, has provided 80 guest cards to the theater for tomorrow evening so the affair will be a theater party. The young people will meet at Mertins cafe on Genesee street and after be- coming acquainted with each other will be taken to the Delft. Following the picture, they will re- turn to Mertins for dancing and a midnight lunch. The first experiment of the com- munity's new "date bureau" is awai- ted with keen interest. * * * The 40 blind dates arranged by a group of Iron River people between young men of the University of Michigan Forestry Camp at Golden Lake and young women of this dis- trict for a theater-dancing party last Saturday night were enjoyed by all concerned. Those who co-operated in the event were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mertins, Ray Zerbel, Delft manager, Miss Henrietta Mahon, Maurice No- lingberg, of the Nolingberg Baking Co., Charles Sleder, of the Hewitt Grocery company, and John Olinger, of the Cashway store. Another simi- lar party is contemplated for the near future. Prof. Robert Craig, jr., direc- tor of Camp Filibert Roth, and six instructors of the camp dropped into Mertins' cafe for coffee later in the evening after the couples had at-1 tended the show at the Delft. The singing of college songs around a piano at the cafe brought the evening to an end.' "Kind Lady," a mystery melodrama by Edward Chodorov will open at. 8:30 p;m. today at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre as the sixth offering of the Michigan Repertory Players. An adoption of Hugh Walpole's "Silver Mask," thet play centers about a wealthy and gracious lady who finds her home usurped. by a clever band of theieves.' Claribel Baird, in her first ap- pearance this summer with the University troupe, will play the title role, and S. J. Bernhard is cast as the leader of the thieves. Others who will appear in the play are Bur- dette Moeller, Leslie Reynolds, Mar- garet Echols, Lillian Hopping, Ruth Le Roux, Edward Grace, Lillian Holmes, Richard Orr, Katherine Johnson, Nancy Schaeffer and Ray Pedersen. Dr. Keeler Seesj Education Gain Sees Future Here Bright For Exceptional Students "The future of 'education for excep- tional children looks very bright in Michigan" Prof. L. W. Keeler of the School of Education said yesterday in his lecture on "Special Education," in the University High School audi- torium. Professor Keeler pointed out that prospective cooperation between the Normal and the School of Education. here would open new opportunities for teacher training in this field. He explained that "exceptional" children meant those who are handicapped by subnormal mentality or by physical' disability as well as those whose fa- culties were above the average. Greenfleld Trip At 1P.M. Today Is Second Last Party Of 80 To Make Tour Of 'Old -Time' Village Established By Ford Special buses will conduct approx- imately 80 people to Greenfield Vil- lage near Detroit when the second last University excursion starts at 1 p.m. today from thefront of Angell Hall. This will be the second trip to Greenfield Village this season. The party will visit the cololnial style town hall, the blacksmith shop, the court house, the post office, the country tore and the red-brick school house. Henry Ford caused the in the Village as a life size museum. In addition to the Village sites a tour of inspection of the Menlo Park Laboratory and Factory of Thomas A. Edison also located in Ford's Greenfield Village will be made. Ex- penses for the tour wil be $1.25 per person. The next and last tour of the University excursion series will be to Put-In-Bay, Lake Erie. It will, be held August 3. f c 1; t: t: a R f c ii French Certain Of Future War, Writer__Asserts1 Resignation To Inevitable Strife Is Reflected In FrenchThought (Editors Note: The following letter was sent to the Daily by Mr. Swinton, a staff member, who is now traveling in France). By STAN SWINTON Once again the youth of the world will be regimented into legions of uni- formed automatons to be shot down on European battlefields. But when? Tomorrow or next Fall. The average Frenchman thinks not. In the United States bold faced headlines picture war as certain to come in the near future. What bare- y receives front page prominence in the Parisan papers is an "Interna- ional Crisis". Here they see the war as five or ten years away. Hitler and Mussolini and France, too, cannot af- ord it. Yet Europe knows war is coming, knows it and is resigned. A former Dartmouth student resid- ng here spent last week camping near Fountfleau. With him were 25 French youths. "They are convinced they'll ie in the trenches", he declared on his return. British Raid Palestine Hills After Battle Move Taken To Preveni Formation Of Guerrilla Bands InHoly Land Time-Bomb Found In Arabian Market HAIFA, Palestine, July 26.-()- British troops started extensive raid today to prevent formation of guer- rilla bands which authorities feared might broaden the racial conflict be- tween the Holy Land's Arabs anc Jews. The troops made numerous swift raids in the village-dotted hills fol- lowing the death of 65 persons and injury of 107 when a time bomb ex- ploded yesterday in a Haifa market place. The bombing 'appeared to have loosened a new avalanche of terror- ism. A great loss of life was averted to- day when a time bomb set for 9 a.m. in the crowded Arab vegetable mar- ket of Jerusalem was discovered just 15 minutes earlier. Three members of a terrorist band were killed when the group attacked a detachment of special constables. A 14-year-old Jewish boy and his fath- er were slain in ambush near the Jew- ish settlement of Mishmar Hayarden on the River Jordan. Smoke from incendiary fires in the mixed quarter rolled over this Medi- terranean port city, which by Mon- day's tragedy in the market place had become the greatest point of friction between two peoples, each claiming Palestine as its own. Britain, carrying out her long- troubled League of Nations mandate over the Holy Land, struggled to re- store order. Guns of the battle cruiser Repulse were trained on the lower section of Haifa. Wholesale arrests of suspect- ed terrorists were made. Platoons of marines, soldiers and police shuttled through the disturbed areas in ar- mored cars and fire trucks. Neutron-Proton) Theory Is Aired Julian Schwinger Speaks Before Physics Group Neutron-Proton Interaction was the subject of the talk given last night in the Rackham Building by Julian Schwinger, Grad., before the bi-wek-] ly colloquium held in connection with the symposium on Theoretical Physics being held here this summer, The attraction forces which are fective at small distances in hold- ing neutrons and protons together was the main topic of his talk. It has been found that, in this type of nuclear forces, assumed up until re- mently, they have not been actually able to explain all the experimental{ data used. As a result, new calculations are being made with a type of force whose magnitude depends on the orienta- tion of the nuclear magnets with re- pect to one another. In this ex- perimentation, an effort is being made to see if these calculations willgive better agreement.n g This nuclear physics problem, somewhat similar to the nuclear theory discussed earlier in the sum-] mer by Prof. H. A. Bethe of Cornell, is being considered because it is cap- able of an exact solution. Sole Primary Candidate Loyalist Offensive Takes 10 Villages, -* * * Frank Murphy Has Clear Field For Primaries Republican Gubernatorial Race Wide Open As Last Petitions Are Entered LANSING July 26-OP)-Governor Frank Murphy was assured a clear field in the primary election as the period for filing qualifying petitons expired today, but the rest of the ballot-including both Democratic and Republican columns-will bristle with contests. Murphy's running-mate in 1936, Leo J. Nowicki, of Detroit, was less fortunate than the Governor. Now- icki's campaign for renomination for lieutenant governor will be contested by another Detroiter, George A. Schroeder, who was speaker of the House of Representatives during the 1937 legislative session. Petitions which would -have quali- fied Charles F. Hemans, Lansing at- torney and Democratic member of the University of Michigan Board of Regents, for the race lacked the proper number of signatures and were not submitted. Hemans was out of the city and did not know of his friends' last minute attempts to qual- ify him. By comparison, the Republican con- tests for governor and lieutenant governor have developed into wide- open affairs. Former Governor Frank D. Fitzgerald, of Grand Ledge, Harry S. Toy of Detroit, former justice of the Supreme Court and attorney general, and Roscoe Conkling Fitch of Ludington will vie for the honor of becoming the party's standard- bearer. The race for the Republican nom- ination for lieutenant governor de- veloped into a six-man contest today with the filing of petitions qualify- ing Horace T. Barnaby, Grand Rap- ids, as a candidate. His rivals are Luren D. Dickinson, of Charlotte, who seeks a seventh term; Thomas Read of Shelby, who has twice been lieutenant governor; Sen. Edward W. Fehling, St. Johns; Arthur F. Moore, twice mayor of Melvindale, and Jo- seph A. Powers, Detroit attorney. HENDAYE, France, (at the Span- ish Frontier), July 26.-(P)-The Spanish government tonight an- nounced that its forces had captured 10 villages, seven strategic hills, and 3,000 prisoners in a smashing thrust across the Ebro river on the Catalan front in Northeastern Spain. These victories came within 24 hours after the Government forces launched their Catalan offensive, it was announced. The Loyalist advance guard to- night passed Gandesa, Insurgent nil- itary headquarters in the region, without attempting to occupy the coy. Savage Aerial Attack Insurgent forces unleashed a sav- age aerial counterattack against the Government's ground forces in a fu- tile effort to block the offensive. The campaign settled down to a conflict between Government infan- try and' Insurgent planes with Gov- enrment troops holding the upper hand so far. The troops crouched in trenches and "under trees as Insurgent raiders came. overhead then they resumed the push. Menacing Gandesa, Insurgent garrison forces in these villages either fled, were captured, or "likuidated," the communique said, "as the victorious advance continued." Government troops also occupied the junction of the Maella-Fraga road and the Fayon road, and cut the road from 'Gandesa to Asee,. These points are south and west of the Ebro. The Catalonians were reported to be menacing Gandesa, and to have trapped a large force of Insurgents on the Ebro river delta. MartinBattles His Foe Behind Guarded Doors 3,000 Prisolners Spain's Government Army Drives 12-Mile Wedge Into RebelStronghold Rebel Forces Flee In Ebro Encounter Cowan And Sturtevant Address Two Linguistics Institute Sessions -Luncheon- Speaking oA "Experimental Lin- guistic Methods," Prof. J. Milton Cowan of the State University of Iowa explained at the Linguistic Institute Luncheon Conference yesterday how the recent techniques and new ap- paratus that the experimental lin- guist has evolved may be useful to the historical linguist. "Experimental linguistics," com- mented Dr. Cowan at the outset, "must not be confused with experi- mental phonetics, which has just about had its day. Experimental pho- netics, which dealt chiefly with physidlogical aspects of speech, con- sidered its work done when a high degree of scientific objectivity was reached, so that it ultimately became more and more physiology and less and less linguistics, since after all linguistics is primarily historical and comparative." Experimental linguistics, Dr. Cow- . . - --.--- . - ". -- _ . . . . - --- -Afternoon- That the common linguistic lapses of which everybody is guilty every day provide rich unmined material for linguistic study was the contention of Dr. Edgar H. Sturtevant, professor of linguistics at Yale University and as- sociate director of the Linguistic In- stitute, in his address yesterday af- ternoon on the University lecture series. "Linguistic 'changes are going on constantly," said Dr. Sturtevant, "and they are of many kinds. Most of them are rarely perceived during the period when they occur, except such conscious literary creations as sec- ond-rate writers invent to attract at- tention or such telescoped expressions as are familiar in the pages of the periodical "Time." These latter are often humorous but they lack a life of their own. They will not live. "The kind of change called lin- guistic lapses, however, can be stud- 'To Fight In 1946' Near Rouen at a sidewalk cafe a Frenchman told me, "We'll fight again in 1946". At another cafe off St. Germaine in Paris; "Yes it's coming, in another eight years ... but who can say?" Preparations are everywhere in evidence. Each building here con- tains instructions to be followed in case of an air raid. Men whose classes would be called immediately after the beginning of hostilities carry "Mobilization Cards" made of stiff paper printed in red and black ink with green stripes running diagonally across them, they tell the bearer where he must report. Rail- road fare to that place will be free upon presentation of the card. When he reaches the age of 21 rears every Frenchman must serve in the army for two years. Those with in- fluence can, as one fellow I asked, get themselves assigned to easy posts. But no matter what or who you are, rich or poor, politician or non-poli- tician. you must serve. Even those who are physically unable to enter the regular service are put to work in offices.- All Europe Tense What is true in France holds, in a varying degree for the rest of Europe. Everywhere is the blue uniform of the! army or the blue and white garb of the navy. But are the French willing to fight again? Do not the crippled and maim- ed of the last war who sell newspapers in the streets or hawk souvenirs make them unwilling to go to the front to face the Spain-tested instruments of modern war?I 'Fight To The Finish' Says 'Conspirators" Attorney As Tight Vigil is Kept DETROIT, July 26-)--Honmer Martin and the associates he charges conspired with communists to disrupt the CIO United Automobile Workers aired their dispute today behind clos- ed doors at UAW headquarters. Martin, international union presi- dent, marshaled 150 guards into elev- enth floor corridors outside Union offices to prevent interference as trial of four suspended vice-presi- dents began. The UAW executive board rootn was so closely guarded the "defen- dants" twice were barred by guards because they lacked "passes" to their own trial. When an official finally escorted them in, they marched between a long double file of guards, entered the board room and simulating a Nazi salute, greeted Martin, with, "Heil Hitler." The vice-presidents on trial, who were suspended by Martin June 13, are Richard T. Frankensteen, Wynd- ham Mortimer, Ed Hall and Walter Wells. A fifth suspended officer, George F. Addes, former secretary- treasurer who already has been tried, removed from office and expelled from membership, accompanied them into the board room. Maurice Sugar, attorney for the anti-Martinites, made clear the four had no intention of following the example of Addes, who walked out of the Board meeting July 8, at which he was being tried, and al- ,lowed the Martin forces to proceed alone. Fourth Summer Dance High School Bands Rehearse' For Open Air Concert On Friday Red lights registered the pitch and volume of the music in the strobo- scope, as Prof. William D. Revelli, band director, watched intently. Steadily the stop watch in Don Cow- an's hand marked the length of time required to play the selection, and Gerald R. Prescott, Director of Bands at the University of Minnesota, care- fully beat the measures on his baton and listened carefully to the various departments for off-key notes. The All-High School Band Clinic was holding a typical rehearsal for its busy week of concert recitals in [thP maucin,-i,- of Frv,-irnnl T Before Friday's recital, however, the 115 high school students studying ad- vanced concert techniques under the guest conductors of the Clinic,, will present an ensemble recital at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium today, and a radio broadcast with the Radio Broadcasting Class of Prof. William Halstead, at 3 p.m. tomorrow. Today the highlight of the en- semble recital will be the arrange- ment, "Passacaglia in C Minor," by Bach, written for a woodwind quintet. Charles Gilbert, oboist of the Curtis Institute of Philadelphia will direct.