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July 26, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-26

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Cabaret Style
To Be Tuesday
Women's Education Club
Announces Ticket Sale
To Be Limited To 300
Committee members for the second
annual all-campus cabaret supper-
dance to be given Tuesday by the
Women's Education Club have been
announced by Mary-Eliza Shannon,
general chairman.
Members of the publicity commit-i
tee, which is headed by Virginia
Johnston, are Erma Fust, Ruth Sher-
wood and Emma Musson. The pro-
gram chairman is Louise Paine, and
assisting her will be Miss Shannon.
Carol McCamman is the only mem-
ber of the supper committee, which
is under the direction of Helen Tay-
lor. Donna Hoyt, tickets head, has
on her committee Linda Boyd, Mary
Miller, Ruth Hartke, Catherine Bel-
worthy, Mildred Huffman, Martha
Pugh, Edith White, Mrs. Isca P. Mor-
ton, Claudine' Steffeck and Mildred
Tickets for the dance, which will
be given from 6:30 to 9 p.m., will be
priced at 75 cents and limited to 300
p.ersons. Guests may reserve tables
for a party, or may come alone. Per-
sons coming stag will be seated with
others attending the affair.
Charles Zwick and his orchestra
will play for the dancing. The Wom-
en's Education Club is the active
women's club on campus during the
.Summer Sessions.
Members of the cast of the floor
show will be announced at a later
date, Miss Shannon said.

Cyclist Wires His Bike For Swing

Of Past Made

iThe Editor

By Languages iets iold
(Continued from Page 1)
_.______ _a___.__-__--_ .(Continued from Page 2)
Albanian. Balto-Slavonic, Italic. Cel- - - -
tic and Germanic (including Eng- ton in building a thirty-mile unlined
lish). tunnel through marl; and the deve-
In linguistic research the scholar lopments in road construction and
finds that his difficulties multiply as maintenance by the South Carolina
he approaches the ancient languages Highway department.
like Assyrian or Egyptian, or the con- Particularly, I should state that in
temporary unwritten languages like three thousand miles of driving dur-
those of the Mexican Indian tribes. ing June of this year, the only "mud-
All possible records he has to utilize hole" road I encountered was in
in order to prevent serious errors, us- Southern Michigan and that the
ing not only the direct evidence of poorest main-traveled highway I have
inscriptions of glosses and oral tra- ever' encountered is that between Ann
ditions, but also the findings of ec- Arbor and Toledo.
onomic history and- of archeology. Inevitably, the race question ap-
Such idirect evidence is especially pears in a discussion of the South. It
valuable, remarked the speaker, be- has unnumbered implications, most
cause the linguist is interested in the of which it is impossible to under-
meanings of words as well as in their stand without living in the South. No
forms; and their meanings are part Southerners will deny that it is a ser-
of the life of the people. ious problem, and most of them are
"Linguistic research, however, is trying to work out an adjustment that
full of pitfalls into which some schol- l be fair for both races. But it is
furs haveialsadtumbleithme past,", a delicate problem, with which out-
as have aready tumbled in the siders ignorant of the facts cannot in-
imputing of a close relationship to' B for an early peaceful solution.
that such a relationship does not ex- Yes. we Southerners live in a sec-
ist is clear when we observe that tion with little capital for investment
Greek 'th' or theta becomes 'f' in --and we know what happened to the
Latin, as in 'thumos-fumos' and invested capital of the South in 1865.
'etheka-feci' (I have made). Nor We live in a section where agricultural
must we think that Greek 'mati' and and industrial wages are compara-
Polynesian 'mata' (the name of the tively low-and we know why our
famous spy during the World War agricultural and industrial products
a >py drinthe meWorld Warcannot compete on fair terms in the
Mata H'ari) are the same words be- large markets. But we are trying to
cause they both 'eye,' for their or- change things, and it must be ad-
igins are totally different." mitted that we've come a long way in
Professor Kent concluded by sug- the last fifty years. And so far, most
gesting the great undeveloped fields of us have been able to keep a rather
for future linguistic research in the long view of the situation and avoid
many unstudied language fields out- the psychopathic excitement found in
side the European group. the large Northern cities, and with it

'the large-scale ganig warfare that ap-
parently characterizes Northern enter
prises, legal and illegal alike. We see
our faults and try to remedy them,
but we don't like to be patronized or
held up to public shame. After all,
in America of 1938 who has the right
to throw the first stone?
-Raven Roac M David, Jr.
An Answer
The strenuous ob.iection which Mr.
McDavid takes to the bold-face type
for the phrase "the Southern portion
of the United States" is the only new
and pertinent point he brings to the
I have no intention here of carry-
ing on a point-by-point debate with
Mr. McDavid. Nor am I interested in
re-fighting the Civil War. If I may
be permitted to re-state my stand,
and repeat what I considered to be
the apparent thesis of the editorial, I
will be quite content to withdraw
from any further participation in.
Ssuch a screen drama!t y
Tomorrow - Wednesday --

He shall have music wherever he goes, decided Maurice Reutter,
a young radio engineer at Winona, Minn. In his spare time he invented
this portable bicycle radio set, complete with earphones for the rider,
and an aerial.

Indian Dies In Crash
PONTIAC, July 25.-Struck by an
automobile as he was attempting to
push his own car off the road, Chief
Little Elk, of the Soo band of Chip-
pewa Indians, was killed today on
Highway US-10 15 miles north of


Metal Properties
Subject Of Talk
The plasticity and creep of metals;
will be the general subject of the
talks to be given by two lecturers
before the weekly meeting of the
Engineering mechanics Symposium
on the properties of metals to be
held Saturday morning in 311 West
Engineering Building.
C. R. Soderberg of the Turbine
Division of Westinghouse Electricity
and Manufacturing Co. will speak on
"Plastisity and Creep in Pqlycrystal-
line Metals." P. G. McVetty of the
Westinghouse Research Laboratories
has chosen "The Creep of Metals of

Death Toll In Colombia
Plane Crash Reaches 42
BOGOTA, Colombia, July 25.-(.
-Eight additional deaths today
brought to 42 the number of. victims
of a stunting military plane which
crashed yesterday into a crowd of
50,00.0 watching a military review.
Many of the remaining 142 per-
sons injured by the hurtling, flame-
enveloped plane were reported in
grave condition. The injured were
visited during the day by President
Alfonso Lopez, who escaped unhurt.
The stand he occupied was struck by
the plane.
Memorial services were held this
afternoon in the'Plaza Bolivar in
front of the 'cathedral

F R E E E !116 Tickets have been given
away since last Friday
Now Playing: "THREE BLIND MICE" with Loretta Young
We have 333 articles in one of our windows.
Find two exactly alike and get your free tickets!
MARSHALL Cut-Rate Drug
231 South State 8 Doors North of Kresge's

Metals at High Temperature"


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