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July 26, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-26

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loudy and cooler today;
orrow also cloudy.





The Administration
And The-Trusts ...



Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Union Rioters
Stall Trial of 4
UAW Officers
On Red Charge
Hurl 'Frame-Up' Charges
Requiring Adjournmen:
Of International Board
Defendants Incited
Riot, Says Martin
DETROIT, July 25-(P)-Demon-
strating supporters of four suspended
officers of the United Automobile
Workers Union forced a day's delay
today in the quartet's trial amid
1harges of "frame-up," "irresponsible
Corpmunists," and "union wreckers."
Prominent also in the tense several
hours before the Union's Internation-
al Executive Board adjourned until
tomorrow were a brief fist fight and
two visits from police in futile efforts
to clear a crowd of demonstrators
from union headquarters.
At the last the Board, controlled
by Homer Martin, UAW president,
refused a formal petition to permit
a "committee of observers" in the
trial room, and bitter words followed
from both sides. The Board said
such permission would "discriminate"
against other union members.
Committee Assails Martin
A "Committee of 11," named by the
demonstrating delegation, charged in
a formal statement that Martin was
"afraid to conduct the trials in the
open," adding "it is plain a frane-up
is being schemed by Martin and his
Martin, in a press conference, re-
torted .the demonstration was "typ-
ically Communistic." From time to
time he has charged certain of his
foes with being "Communists" or
under "Communist influence."'
The four officers slated for trial-
vice presidents. Richard T. Franken-
steen, Wyndham Mortimer, Ed Hall
and Walter N. Wells-were charged
by Martin with partial responsibility,
in the demonstration.
Board To Meet Today
"These Communists." Martin said:
ih referring to demonstrators re-
fisd the request of the international
Board, unanimously adopted, that
they leave the building in order that
SDemocratic and' orderly procedure
migh prevail."
When the demonstrators departed,
with the Board announcing it -would
metagain tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.,
proximately 50 men took over the
vnth floor international offices.
eporters said they weer pro-Martin
men planning to remain all night and
be on hand for the start of the
Board's meetigg tomorrow.
Defendants Supporters Mustered
At the hours of the scheduled trial
oday supporters of the suspended
officers forced their way into the
Union's International Headquarters,
demanding the right to attend the
,During a five - minute scuffle,
George F. Addes, expelled secretary-
treasurer of the union, drew blood by
striking Maurice Silverman, adver-
tising solicitor for the UAW news-
paper, on the nose. Addes, who
was ousted after a trial two weeks
ago, said he swung his fist after
someone struck at him. Thirty per-
sons took part in the brief melee.
Band Groups
Present Recital

High School Band Clinic
Players To Be Featured
Featuring various woodwind and
brass ensembles, a program of novelty
and interest will be presented at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium,
under the direction of Charles Gil-
bert, oboist of the Curtis Institute,
and graduate of the School of Music
in the class of 1936.
Artist members of th6 High School
Band Clinic will participate in com-
positions for various groups of wood-
wind instruments, in which the tech-
nical capacities and artistic abilities
of the players will be given oppor-
tunity for display.
The final number on the program
will be an arrangement of the famous
"Passacaglia in C minor," by Bach,
for woodwind, horns and string bass.
Originally written for the modern
symphony by Respighi, Tschaicowski,
Stock and others, the composition has
nehip~ti arta d ealof narity.

Two Bands Will Mass Personnel
InHugeOut-Door Concert Friday
Ferry Field Seats 10,0001
People; Prof. Prescott
Of Minnesota To Direct 3

Czechs Accept
English Aid
For Sudeten)

Massing their joint personnel, a
group of 215 musicians, the Univer-
sity Summer Session Band and the
All-High School Clinic.Band, will pre-
sent the largest out-door band con-
cert ever staged in Ann Arbor, at
7:15 p.m. Friday on Ferry Field, ac-
cording to Prof. William D. Revelli,
director of the Michigan Band.
This huge spectacle will attempt to
set a musical precedent, said Profes-
sor Revelli, which he hopes will be-
come an annual affair, second in im-
portance only to the May Festival.
A similar concert was held in Randall
Stadium last year at Madison, Wis.,
and a crowd exceeding 20,000 -people
attended. Seats,, for approxima'tely
10,000, said Professor Revelli, are be-
ing erected on Ferry Field and a
capacity crowd is expected to attend.
JIn case of rain the concert will be
held in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.,
continued Professor Revelli, and oth-
erwise the plans will ,be unchanged.
Prof. Gerald Prescott, director of
bands at the University of Minnesota
will be the guest conductor for Fri-
day night's affair. Professor Prescott
is the second guest conductor of the
two bands to appear in Ann Arbor
this season. He follows Victor J.
Grabel, who conducted last Sunday's
concert in Hill Auditorium.
Unusual features of the out-door
concert in Ferry Field will be the
selections to be given by the combined
bands, including "Stars and Stripes,"
by Sousa; "Varsity," by Moore; "Sla-
vonic Rhapsody, No. 2," by Liszt;
"From Africa to Harlem," by Ben-


Assist In


nett; and "Selections from Mozart
Melodies." The program will also in-
clude a number of Strauss waltzes.
The band will be comprised of 60
clarinets, 20 trombones, 34 cornets,
16 flutes, 15 French horns, 14 Sousa-
phones, and 12 percussion instru-
ments. In addition to ensemble play-,
ing, each band will offer selections.
This will be the final appearance in
Ann Arbor of the 1938 High School
Band Clinic Band, a group of 155 high
school students perfecting the tech-
nique of professional stage and con-
cert playing under Professor Revelli
and the guest 'conductors. The Sum-
mer Session Band will make two more
Professor Revelli said there is a
possibility of some community sing-
ing as an added attraction on Fri-
day's concert.


New Nationalities
Statute Prepared
Reports from Praha last night
stated that the Czechoslovakian,
Government had accepted Lord
Rundiman, British statesman, as
mediator of the Sudeten German j
minority question.-.
PRAHA, July 25 --()- Premier
Milan Hodza today summoned Par-
liament to meet August 2 for a ses-
sion at which the Government's na-
tionalities statute will be submitted
in an effort to appease Germanic
and other minorities.
The statute will not be considered
immediately, however, as various
other measures on the calendar have
the right of way.
The date on which the measure will
be laid before the law makers de-
pends on progress of inter-party con-
sultations and on negotiations with
Konrad Henlein's Sudeten German
Party, the most persistent of the
nation's autonomy-demanding fac-
To Submit Statute
Informed circles said tonight Vis-
count Runciman, former president of
the British Board of Trade, was ex-
pected soon to act as adviser to
the Czechoslovak Gevernment in its
negotiations with the Sudeten Ger-
Hodza hoped to be able to submit.
the completed draft of the proposed
minorities statute to the leaders of
the Nazi-supported minority some
time tomorrow.
Authoritative sources said the pre-
mier was optimistic that the repub-
lic's 3,500,000 Sudeten Germans
would be surprised at the liberality
of the Government's provisions.
Other Minorities Involved:
After the draft has been submitted
to the enlein4ts,.it will be ,handed
to Hung n* d olish noities.
Should the Germans reject the
proposals, it was understood Hodza
would be willing to follow Great Bri-
tain's advice and continue efforts
to find an early solution to the issue
which is threatening European peace.
Official quarters emphasized Run-
ciman would serve only in an advisory
capacity and not as an arbitrator..

English Study
To Be Abroad
In New Course
Graduate English Students
To Tour Great Britain
In '39 Summer Session
Weaver To Lead
Initial Excursion
A graduate reading course in Eng-
lish literature will be.combined with
a tour of England for the first time
during the 1939 Summer Session, en-
abling the enrolled students to study
the works of great English writers
"on location."
Covering the principal points of
interest to English literature students,
the tour will take approximately 11
weeks, and will be led during its
first year by Prof. Bennett Weaver
of the English department. The tour
will offer four or six hours of grad-
uate credit in the University, de-
pending upon the amount of reading
done, and will be opened to students
in candidacy for the M.A. in English.
According to the discretion of the
Committee in charge of the tour,
which includes Prof. Warner G. Rice,
Prof Louis I. Bredvold, and Professor
Weaver, all of the English depart-
ment, a limited number of students
who already have received the M.A.
in English from Michigan may be
admitted to the tour.
A meeting will be held in the early
part of August for those interested
in enrolling for the tour, the date to
be announced later.
In order to be accepted as a member
of the tour each student must sat-
isfy the committee of his fitness to
profit by travel and study in England.
The reading lists to be used during
the tour include three classes of
books: general works on history, ar-
chitecture painting, etc; works of the
principal authors to be studied in
the course of the tour, a minimum
required for all students; special lists,
one for each major author to be stud-
ied. Each student will be required
to choose one of these for intensive
The tour .tentatively will begin
June 23, 1939, from Montreal bring-
ing the students to Liverpool on June
30, from which point a train will
take them to London, the starting
point for the reading course. Here.
the tour will be equipped wth a bus
which will take the students and
director to various points of study
and interest adjoining the main
"trunk line" of the tour. The morn-
ings will be devoted to reading and
consultation, with the afternoon
being given over to traveling. 'The
principal towns on the tours will be
Cambridge, following London, then
Stratford-on-the-Avon, Lincoln, Dur-
ham, Melrose, Ayr, Grasmere, Lake-
land, Chester, Hereford, Salisbury,
Cobh, Southhampton and from there
to New York.
The students will visit the birth-
places, homes, and points of inspir-
ation of such writers as Dickens,
Chaucer, Milton, Dryden, Johnson,
Pope, Bunyan, Cowper, Shakespeare,
Scott, Burns, Carlyle, Wordsworth,
Southey, Ruskin, Samuel and Hartley
Coleridge, DeQuincy, Hardy and
It is hoped by the Committee that
the tour will be given each summer,
with a different director in charge
for each successive tour.

Italian Jews
Face Projected
ROME, July 25.-P)--The Fascist
Party Secretary Achille Starace de-j
clared today the principal ob of the
ministry of popular culture in 1939
would be "elaboration and discussion
of Fascist race principles."
Starace declared the Jews of every
country provided "the general staff of
The party secretary made his state-
ment in an address to the Fascist
scholars, selected members of various'
university faculties, who "edited or
adhered to the proposition which
fixes the bases of Fascist racism."
He referred to the professors re-
port, made under auspices of the min-
istry of popular culture, which was4
published last Thursday. In it theE
Italian people were declared to be of
Aryan origin and Jews, it was assert-
ed, "do not belong to the Italian race."'
At the time the report was regard-
ed as orienting Italian policy still.
closer to Germany.
Starace asserted that,Premier Mus-
solini at various times in his writings
and speeches had spoken of Italian
"race" as appertaining to the so-
called Indo-European group (to
which supporters of the Aryan race
theory trace Aryan origins).
Prison Heads
Open /Meeting
In Ann Arbor
Conference To Be Closed;I
Reveal Aim Is Review
Of Correction Methods
An estimated 35 wardens' assistants
and parole officers from 14 federal
penal and corrective institutions in
all parts of the country began a four-i
day conference here yesterday -at the
Michigan Union. Ann Arbor was se-
lected as a central for the meetingI
in which the Washington office of
the Federal Bureau of Prisons is rep-
The purpose of the closed confer-
ence, according to tdgar M. Ger-
lach, supervisor of social service, and
one of the directors of the conference,
is "to review critically the methods
and techniques which have been tried
out in Federal institutions in the past
few years, consolidate our gains and
cast aside whatever may have proved
ineffective or unproductive."
Associating with Mr. Gerlach in
the direction of the conference are
Judge A. E. Wood, chairman of the
United States bord of paroles; Frank
Loveland, supervisor of classifica-
tion for the federal bureau of prisons;
and Myrl E. Alexander, acting parole
executive. All are from Washington.
Judge Wood and Mr. Loveland ad-
dressed the meeting yesterday morn-
ing, and the remaining :three days
will be spent in round table discus-
sions. Included on the program is a
trip to the federal detention farm
at Milan.
All members of the conference are
college-trained professional social
workers. In the 22 federal institu-
tions housing 17,000 inmates, repre-
sented 'in the conference emphasis is
placed on individualization of treat-
ment, and plans are laid for parole
from the -time "of incarceration.

Attempt Made
On Governor
Of Puerto Rico
Maj.-Gen. Winship Unhurt
But 2 Bystanders Die
And 31 Are Wounded
Suspect Nationalists
Of Attempted Assault
PONCE, Puerto Rico, July 25.-(P)
-More than a dozen shots were fired
at Maj.-Gen. Blanton Winship, Gov-
ernor of Puerto Rico, in an attempt
to assassinate him today while he
was reviewing a parade celebrating
American occupation of the island.
Governor Winship was not hurt, al-
though the attack precipitated a
shooting affray in which two Puerto
Ricans were killed and at least 31
wounded, including three women.
Police said one of the men killed,
Angel Esteban Antongiorgi, was
among the governor's attackers. They
described him as a member of the
Nationalist Party, a group demand-
ing Puerto Rico be made independent
of the United States.
District Attorney G. S. Pierluissi, in
charge of the investigation, said five
Nationalists took part in the attack
and that only one escaped.
Several Arrested
In addition 'to the slain Anton-
giorgi, Pierluissi and those partici-
pating were Santiago Gonzalez, Ra-
mon Algarin Delfin, and Sepulveda
Leocadio Lopez, all under arrest, and
Eliphas Escobar, whose arrest has
been ordered.
The parade was in connection with
the 40th anniversary of the landing
of the United States troops in the
Spanish-American War. The Na-
tionalists had issued a manifesto
against holding the celebration.
The second fatality was Col. Luis
Irizarry of the Puerto Rican Na-
tional Guard. The wounded includ-
ed . Obdulio Rodiguez, the Gover-
nor's chauffeur; Miguel Angel Garcia
Mendez; speaker of teHouse of Rep-
resentatives; and Francisco Lopez
Dominguez, Commissioner of Agri-
culture and Commerce.
No Americans Hurt
None of the governor's official party
was seriously hurt nor were any of the
continental Americans of the large
crowd which had gathered in Ponce
for the celebration.
Despite his narrow escape from
harm, Governor Winship was calm.
His only comment, made to those
standing beside him, was:
What poor shots they are!"
A few moments later he delivered a
prepared speech in a firm voice. At
its close the crowd cheered him loud-


Of Past Made
By Languages
Linguistics Expert Shows
Relation Between Old
TonguesAnd History
Opening the series of public lec-
tures to be presented this week by the
University under the auspices of the]
Lingustic Institute, Dr. Roland G.1
Kent, professor of comparative phi-i
lology and chairman of the depart-
ment of linguistics at the University
of Pennsylvania, yesterday afternoon
explained how the linguistic scholars
of the world are aiding in the great
task of reconstructing the past by re-
constructing the languages of the
With the deliberate choice of many9
illustrations drawn from more fa-I
miliar languages, Professor Kent re-
vealed the processes of lingustic re-
search which are applicable to the,
study of all languages.
The whole process, he explained,
must always begin with what is com-:
monly known as a word. "When we
look at words, we see such relation-
ships as are suggested by the fact that
English 'father' and 'foot' are not
greatly unlike French 'pere' and
'pied,' Italian 'padre' and 'pied,'
Spanish 'padre' and 'pie,' and Latin
'patrem' and 'pedem.' Closer study
reveals also that there must be re-
lationships among French 'pleuvoir'
(rain), Italian 'piovere,' Spanish,
'llowr,' Portuguese 'chouver,' and
Latin 'pluere.'
"Thousands of such obviously re-
lated examples show us that sounds
and forms of languages change with
regularity, and thus utlimately we are
able to build up a science of language.
Even the many exceptions," said Dr.
Kent, "are often explicable and form
rules of their own.
"When we look farther afield, we
can find such correspondences as ex-
ist in English 'foot,' German 'Fuss,'
Gothic 'fotus,' Latin 'pedis,' Greek
'podas,' and Sanskrit 'padas.' The
study of word-groups limte these pro-
vide material for generalizing that,
for example, there is some relation-
ship between German 'f' and Latin
'p' and between English 'h' and Latin
'.'", 7
That the results of such studies
have made clear the existence of an
Indo-European family of languages
was pointed out by Dr. Kent, who
said that the general outlines of this
group were discovered by the lan-
guage scholars of a century ago. The
general divisions of this family are:
Indo-Iranian or Aryan, Armenian,
(Continued on Page 3)
T n 1 annma an T aisr TR ma

Petition Filed
To Renominate
Gov. Murphy

Delegation Roll Replete1
With Names -tae's
Democratic Leaders
LANSING, July 25-(IP)-Michigan
Democrats turned their "happy fam-
ily" face to the world today as peti-
tions qualifying Governor Murphy
for renomination were filed with the'
Secretary of State.
The roll call of the delegation that
filed the petitions reads like a "who's
who" in Michigan Democracy. State
Chairman Edward J. Fry, who gave
Murphy such a toung-lashing over
civil service policies. was there peer-
ing over the Governor's shoulder a
he skimmed through some of the
3,000 signatures that were filed.
So was Fry's brother, State Treas-
urer Theodore I. Fry, who has been
urged repeatedly to enter the primary
race against Murphy. In fact all the
members of Murphy's "cabinet" but
three, whowere out of the city,. took
part in the ceremony and those three,
with the exception of Lieut. Gov. Leo
J. Nowicki who has none, sent their
deputies to represent them.
Highway commissioner Murray D.
Van Wagoner, whose camp was
thrown into a case of jitters by re-
ports that Fry planned to qualify
for the Democratic gubernatorial race
at the last minute and thus jockey
"himself into position to win the nom-
ination by default should Murphy
accept a Federal appointment and
withdraw, was in the foreground.
Other participants included Na-
tional Committeeman Edmund C.
Shields, Harry Meade, powerful
Wayne County chairman and head
of Murphy's last campaign; Patrick
J. O'Connor, party chairman in the
sixteenth congressional district;
Frank X. Martel, president of the
Detroit and Wayne County Feder-
ation of Labor, and William Skrytzki
of Detroit who provided the link be-
tween the Governor and the Lieuten-
Chandler Poisoned,
His Doctor Finds
FRANKFORT, Ky., July 25.-(P)-
Gov. A. B. Chandler, ill for days, is
the victim of water "doctored with
a poison," Dr. J. W. Bryan, his Louis-
ville physician said in a statement
today. The doctor said he did not
know what kind of poison it was but
added "if consumed in sufficient
quantities would have caused death."
The nvernor . miling as of old,



2nd Excursion To Villkege
Starts At 1 P.M.
Next to the last in the Summer
Session series of excursions this yearl
will be a second trip to Henry Ford's
Greenfield Village, near Detroit,
starting from Angell Hall at 1 p.m.
Buses will conduct the excursion
party . under the direction of Prof.
Louis Rouse of the mathematics de-
partment to and from its destination.
The expenses for the trip are $1.25
per person, covering bus fare and ad-
mission to the Village grounds.
This year in addition to the regular
features of the Greenfield Village
tour, namely, the post office, black-
smith shop, country store, red-brick
school house, and colonial style town
liall of the typical central Michigan
town of four score years ago, several
new attractions are being planned.
These will be a tour of the museum,
and a sight-seeing tour of the or-
iginal Menlo Park Laboratory and
Factory of Thomas A. Edison, trans-
ferred to the Village by Henry Ford.
Miss Virginia Ritter
To Present Recital
Miss Virginia Flowers Ritter, pian-
ist, of Clarksville, Tenn., will present
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Music
degree in the School of Music at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in the School of Music
Miss Ritter received the Bachelor
degree in music from the University
of Michigan in 1936. She is a pupil
of Prof. and Maud Okkelberg.
Her program of selections will in-
clude "Sonata (K. 310)," by Mozart,
in three movements-allegro maes-

In Trai



Meridian Bounds

Not Drawn To Favor Nations
By HARRY L. SONNEBORN Verde Islands, from the north pole
Although those boundary lines to the south pole, separating the
which follow parallels of latitude or lands of Spain and Portugal. He
longitude are never set up with re- stated that a commission was formed
gard for geographic, social, or racial in 1494, a year after the papal bull
factors, neither are they made to give was issued, to mark the boundary
any one nation strategic military ad- plainly upon the land it crossed. The
vantages, and often prove to be the commission never met.
most just, as in the case of the 49th The first international boundary
parallel boundary between the United recorded, Professor Reeves said, was
States andCanada. Prof .Jesse S. the one between the Greek state of
Staes andCandaPro, JsseS. onia and- the Peleponnesus. This
Reeves of the political science de-oundryhsmedynneus. umni
partment said last night. boundary was marked by a column
Speaking in the last of a series of which declared which side was not
four public lectures by members of Peleponnesus, he stated. It was point-
the faculty of the Summer Session in ed out that the Romans were the first
International Law, 1 rofessor Reeves to punish the violations of boun-
told an audience of approximately daries, although these boundaries
100 persons that "there are no more were usually between provinces of
artificial boundaries in the world the empire and not really interna-
than in North America, particularly tional in nature.
in the United States." Under the feudal system of the
"Any such line," Professor Reeves Middle Ages, a system of "marches,"
pointed out, "is necessarily made be- or buffer regions between states, was
fore colonization and without any 'used, a system that has since been
knowledge of the conditions of the eliminated by the modern boundary

Wins Shot Put In New York
Field Carnival
NEW. YORK, July 25.-)(A')-Bill
Watson of Michigan, Harley Howells
of Ohio State and Mozel Allerbe of
Tuskegee Institute starred in a twi-
light track and field meet conducted
by the Ancient Order of Hibernians
at Macomb's Dam Park, this evening.
Watson won the -shot put with a
heave of 51 feet, 7-8 inches.
Howells won the 440-yard 'n min
48.3 over a fast field. John Borican
of Virginia State and the Shore A.C.
was second, eight yards behind How-
ells, who broke the track record.
Charles Miller of Califorinia U. and
the ,Olympic Club was third and
Charles Beetham of Columbus, Ohio,
Ellerbe, who sails tomorrow with
most of the other athletes for com-
petition in Europe, won the 100 and
220-yard dashes, the former in 9.8
the latter in 22.4 around two turns.
Clyde Jeffrey finished a foot behind
Ellerbe in the 100 and Wilbur Greer,
of Michigan State, was second in the
Prof. Bidwell To Offer
Concert Of Bach Music
A program of Bach compositions
will be -featured by Prof. Marshall
Bidwell, guest professor of organ on
the School of Music faculty, in a
special concert at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.

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