:I THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDlAY, JULY 2~4, H m Observatory Open House And cKind Lady' Head Entertainment Argentina Modernizes Army With European Equipment (Continued from Page 1) always the bridge and dancing class- es at the customary times and places for those with a "yen for learnin'". The faculty of the School of Music will give another concert at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. There will be some new shows at the various cinema houses this week -naturally. Beginning today at the Michigan and running -for four days is "Three Blind Mice", the story of three little gals who go to the city with their hearts set on luring three rich men into the trap of matrimony. Loretta Young, Marjorie Weaver and Pauline Moore are the young women in the case and others who play lead- ing roles in the film are Joel McCrea, David Niven, Stuart Erwin and Binnie Barnes. Along with the feature film will be some unusual news reel shots brought from abroad on the "pick-a- back" plane, the Mercury, which landed in America Thursday after a transatlantic flight. The pictures show the King and Queen of England visiting France, the departure and Round Table Topic s 'Case For Labor' "The Case for Labor as Not Stated by the Press" will be the subject of an address by Jack Weeks, Secretary of the Detroit Chapter of the American Newspaper Guild at 8 p.m. today be- fore the Round . Table Discussion Group at the Unitarian Church.. Mr. Week's relation to the press and to the unions places him in a po- sition peculiarly adapted to an un- derstanding of both factors in public attitudes and information about or- ganized labor, Prof. John Shepard said. "The discussion," he added, "is one of the occasional studies made by the Round Table group of the situations in present day society' in which human rights and values are at stake." DAILYoFICI arrival here of the Mercury and scenes of Douglas Corrigan in Ire- land. Thursday comes the film "We're Going To Be Rich", with Victor Mc- Laglen and the famous English comedienne Gracie Fields. The Ma- jestic offers "Lord Jeff" the much- heralded movie with English-born Freddie Bartholomew and Mickey Rooney of the Irish face. Wednesday through Friday the Majestic presents a double bill with "Bulldog Drum- mond's Peril" and "Swing Your Lady." John Barrymore, Louise Campbell and Reginald Denny are featured in the former, and the lat- ter includes in its cast of characters such well-known names as Humphrey Bogart, Frank McHugh of the silly, laugh, Allan Jenkins and muscleman Nat Pendleton. "Port of Seven Seas" begins Satur- day with Wallace Beery, Frank Mor- gan and Maureen O'Sullivan in the stellar roles. Down on Main Street the Wuerth is offering the "Adven- tures of Tom Sawyer" running Sun- day through Tuesday and starring Tom Kelly. Wednesday and Thursday have a double bill showing Dorothy Lamour in "Thrill of a Lifetime" and "Sinners in Paradise with John Boles and Madge Evans. The week is com- pleted with Dick Foran in "She Loved a Fireman" and "Dare Devils", featuring Dick Purcell. The other downtown theater, the Orpheum, starts the week with "Blue- beard's Eighth Wife" with Gary Cooper as the notorius gentleman. In the same bill "Dismal Menace" adds to the general horror of the situation by starring Boris Karloff as the men- ace. Wednesday and Thursdays, ap- propriately enough "Wednesday's a Holiday" with Mae West and the "Crime of Dr. Hallet"' with Ralph Bellamy as the doctor. The week is concluded by Gladys George suffer- ing in "Love is a Headache" and a drama of social significance entitled "Women in Prison" starring Scott Colton. .AL BULLETIN structfve 'iotia to all members of th Leading Economists See Upswing, Associated Press Survey Reveals (Continued from Page 3) spread unemployment, business loss- es, taxes labor unrest, unsettled a research organization supported foreign trade) s gradual increase in chiefly by large corporations: business activity seems to be in pros- "onyumerlsonand spnecnusatin in pect for the remainder of 1938. Es- consumer lines and speculation nopecially significant is a growing de- securities and commodities will pro- termination by more and more busi- bably increase in 1938 and will con- ness executives to go ahead despite tinue to fluctuate violently thereafter political and other. obstacles placed ith goveinment manufacture and in their paths." ditribtio of fasknes monteyrbut nor Irving Fisher, professor of econom- ic of business enterprise neces- i, Yale University: sary to restore sound prosperity can "Recovery has now begun and may be expected in this country for an be expected to continue whether or indefinite period." not the bull market in stocks con- Mordecai Ezekiel, economist of the tinues at the feverish pace It has Uas . n eartment ofhe be i c ture, recently taken on. In fact, recovery Wasi~aton sad h beievd tatmay go too far and become a boom. until well into next year, recovery On the other hand, there are counter- would have to depend, upon consumerontethradhreaecue- goods and materals wt recort vailing circumstances which will or beyond 1936-1937 levels likely to make recovery uphill work. require some time and featured by Robert W. Dunn, executive secre- irregularity. tary, Labor Research Association, David Friday, consulting economist New York: }of Washington,D. C.: "Business recovery this fall will "How far revival will go depends probably push the industrial produc- upon how much costs of manufactur- tion index up 15 per cent or 20 per ing, building construction and trans- cent above the present level. There portation are deflated from high lev- will be no financial collapse as in els of 1937. A deflation of these costs 1931-1933. However, should wage-cut- is necessary to sustain demand and ting spread, consumption would be yield profits which will attract new curtailed and recovery retarded." investment. There are plenty of in- Charles W. Williams, professor of vestment funds, and reasonable pros- economics, University of Louisville: pect of profits will put them to work "Two fundamental factors are and give us a period of prolonged bringing about the change of senti- prosperity." ment vital to recovery: 1. Resumption Walter Lichtenstein, vice presi- of pump-priming on a grandiose dent, First National Bank, Chicago: scale, providing more purchasing "My guess is that the Federal Re- power, reviving old inflation talk which in recent months hovered a- which is innocuous; 2. Natural pro- round 76 will be somewhere between cesses-time and ordinary consump- 85 and 90 by the end of the year and tionneed have eaten into top-heavy is likely to go above 90 in the early inventories of last year now requir- months of 1939 regardless of one's ing replenishment." views about the ultimate effects of Marcus Nadler, Head of nstitute of the government's economic policies." nternational Finance, New York Lawrence Dennis, economist for E. University, New York: A. Pierce & Co., New York: "The principal question is whether "Money taken out of the market the revival in the consumers goods and held in idle balances must be put industries will branch over to the back. Idle cash cannot hope for high- heavy goods industries. To achieve er interest rates in any near future this, however, a number of maladjust- and has nowhere to go except back in- ments must be corrected. The greatest to American investments. .Higher obstacle is the high cost of produc- prices and increased production and tion. Under present conditions a re- payrolls seem indicated." adjustment in wages, notably in steel Melvin I. Copeland, professor of and railroad industries, even though economics, Harvard University: only of a temporary nature, would be "Despite grave uncertainties (wide- very helpful." N Twentieth century armament is needed for a nation "born" in the sixteenth century, military experts in Argentina have decided as they strengthen aerial, artillery and tank branches of the service. These new artil- lery pieces, bought in France, as well as new tanks purchased in England, figured in a recent celebration in Buenos Aires, capital city. Wulverstty. Copy received- at the ofce of the Aesisttto the Preeldent antil32:30: 11:00 a.m. ou Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) 7:45 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Instruction free.' F213, Conference int Physical, Edu-' cation: The program for Monday, July 25 has been changed and will be presented as follows: 10- a.m. "Health and Physical Edu- cation in the Curriculum of--the Ele- inentary School." Miss Grace Staf- ford, Supervisor of Physical Educa- tion for Girls, Gary, Ind. 11 a.m. "The Physical Education Program." Dr. J. C. Parker, Director of Curriculum Revision in High Schools, Michigan State Department of Public Instruction.1 The meetings will be hled in the University High School Auditorium.1 The Christian Student Prayer Group will meet at 2:10 p.m. this afternoon at the north entrance1 of the Michigan League, from where the group will go by automobile to Wayne to hear Dr. Arthur I. Brown, world famous surgeon, scientist, lec- turer and minister of the Gospel, who' is speaking at 3 and 7:30 on events of today from a prophetic point of view. The group will hold its regu- lar meeting between services in Wayne in conjunction with a pot- luck picnic. Students are urged' to attend this special meeting in Wayhe. Transportation will be provided. First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m. morning worship. Dr. G. H. Enss, who received his degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy at the June Com- mencement, will supply the pulpit. His subject is announced as "Springs of Spiritual Power." The Church School will meet at 9:30 a.m. Dr. A. J. Logan,, superintendent. Baptist University Students will be interested in the topic for presenta- tion this evening at 6 p.m., at the Students' Guild House, 503 E. Huron 1t., "Clinical Training for the, Ministry." The speaker will be the' Rev. Robert Morris who is spending the summer in Ann Arbor as super- vising director of a group of six theo- O.D.MORRILL; 314 S. State St. Typewriters, Stationery,1 Student and Office Supplies ' Since 1908 Phone 660 logical students, from as many sem- inaries, engaged in study, case work and attendance upon lectures at the University Hospital. This is a new experiment and is of interest to all churchmen. A social hour for further acquain- tance will follow the address and dis- cussion. First Congregational Church, cor- ner of State and William. 10:45 a.m., Service of worship. Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on "Re- ligion: Decoration or Dynamic?" Al- fred Erickson will sing the baritone solo, "My Sanctuary" by Buckley and the chorus choir will render the an-' them "O Come Let Us Worship" by Norden. Organ selections by Mary Porter: "Prelude"-Schmitt. "Finale -Variations"-Bonnet. This will be the closing service of the Summer Session. Trinity Lutheran Church: Services of worship will be held in Trinity Lu- theran Church today at 10:30. The Rev. Henry O. Yoder, pastor, will use as the theme of the sermon "Are You Spiritually Exhausted?" The Lutheran Students of the Sum- mer School will meet this Sunday at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30. Mr. Kenneth Jorgan will speak on 'Life in a Hindu Monastery." Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will hold a meeting for worship Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. This, will be followed by a social hour and a cafeteria supper in the Rus- sian Tea Room. All who are interest- ed are invited to attend. Notice to Chinese Students: A meet- ing of the Chinese Student Club will be held on Monday, July 25 at 7:15 p.m. in the Hussey Room of the Mich- igan League. Mr. Kane will show the moving picture of the "Massacre of Nanking." All Chinese students of the University are invited to be present. Parapsychology Club. A forum dis- cussion, to which the public is invited will be held at the Michigan League Monday, July 25, at 8 p.m. Dr. Gre- ville will open the discussion with a brief summary of the results obtained by Rhine and others in the study of telepathy, clairvoyance, and precog- nition. Limguistic Institute Luncheon Con- ference, 12:10 p.m. Tuesday, at the Michigan Union. Dr. J. Milton Cow- an of the University of Iowa -will discuss "Experimental Linguistic Methods." Tournaments for Women Students: The second round in the tennis and badminton tournaments are 'to "be completed by Wednesday evening, July 27. Qtialifying -.scores on 18 holes of the Michigan Golf are to be turned in by Friday evening, July 29. Chemistry Lecture. The fifth in the series of Chemistry lectures will be given by Prof. F. E. Bartell on Wed- nesday; July 27 at 4:15 p.m. in the amphitheatre of the Horace I. Rack- ham School of Graduate Studies. Subject: Recent developments in synthetic plastics. All interested are invited. Luncheon of the Graduate Confer- ence on Renaissance Studies,, Thurs- day, July .28, 12:15 p~m. at the Michi- gan Union. Professor L. C. Karpinski will speak on "The Place of Mathe- matics in the Renaissance." Make reservations at the English office, 3221 Angell Hall. Physical Education Luncheon: The regular weekly luncheon of all stu- dents and faculty interested in health, physical education, and recreation will be held in Room 316, Michigan Union, Thursday, July 28 at 12:10 p.m. Prof. Seward C. Staley, director of The Department of Physical Edu- cation at the University of Illinois, has been invited to address the group. Luncheon tickets, 57 cents. Call 21939 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. for reservations. Summer Session French Club: The next meeting of the Club will take place on Thursday, July 28, at 8 p.m., at "LeFoyer Francais," 1414 Washte- naw. There will be an open discussion on the educational nerits of the French Lycee and the American High School. Songs, games, refreshments. Linguistic Society Dinner. Tickets are available at the English office, 3221 Angell Hall, for the informal dinner of the special summer meet- ing of the Linguistic Society of Amer- ica at 6 p.m. Friday. The price is $1.10 including tax. Candidates for the Master's Degree in History: Students taking the lan- guage examination for the Master's Degree in History should register in the History Department office, 119 Haven Hall, before July 30. The examination will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, Aug. 5, in Room B, Haven Hall. I> I The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received a number of calls for well trained teachers of domestic science. Teachers.of Home Economics inter- ested in securing positions or promo- tions are requested to call at the Uni- versity Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational in- formation - -Y Theres news FOR you and A BOUT you ever ything thats going on - special press wires Campus through the Daily - and Daily ads carry news of real savings for you. '} : .;:.+14"' "3 . r I BOOKS ...Standard Classics EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY - The World's Best Books . . . . 90c each Over 900 volumes LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY - Greek and Latin Authors . $2.50 each With n rl Wp nglish *va~rotin ;,I I I I