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June 27, 1938 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1938-16-27

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MICE . , ..

As the hot rays of Old Sol beating down make studying increasingly
difficult and soft zephyrs waft in through class windows to make the great
outdoors seem doubly inviting, the thought of recreational activities comes
to mind. ... The department of physical education for women, foreseeing
all this, has several activities all planned and recreational facili-
ties and equipment can be obtained in large doses by those'
Classes in archery, badminton, modern dance (both a
methods and an introduction class will be given), tap dancing
(two classes will also be given, one for women and one a mixed
class at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays), golf, swimming,
recreational swimming (this is a class where no instruction is
given but you just swim around for pleasure), tennis and rid-
ing ... . If there is a demand for additional classes, or the hours
at which the classes are schedtiled at present prove inconvenient,
new sections will be opened if the department finds it possible to do so and
if the demand is made evident within the first few days . . . . So the
sooner you get over to Barbour Gym and register the better a chance you
have of getting what you want when you want it . . . . And the best
thing about it all is the fact that you can rent equipment for the nominal
sum of 25 cents for the summer in each sport except riding . . . And
ihat's the only cost of the sport for the whole six weeks it's given . .
"Line forms at the .right". . .
If you want to be really efficient and get in your classes as soon as
possible, here's the procedure . Registration takes place at Barbour
Gym, so it's necessary to go over there and get a paper (which they'll give
you), which names the activities, their section numbers, the days, hours
and the place at which they're given . ... Then, after you've found a section
that doesn't conflict with your classes or any other activities, make out a
card for it, and hand it in . . . . If -you wish to rent equipment, having
neglected to pack your golf clubs or tennis racquet at the
last minute, you can purchase an equipment ticket in Room
15 in Barbour Gym before attending class . . . . The
tickets, except in-the case of riding, where six lessons cost
$5, can be obtained for 25 cents each and will last' you
through the summer.
Next, you're required by the department to go to the f
Health Service for a medical check, which consists of a l
brief physical examination and a blood and urine count....
You can secure an appointment for the pedical check and
at the end you're told whether you're in fit condition to
participate in all kinds of activities or if not, what kinds might prove too
strenuous.... In this way, you're protected (as well as the physical educa-
tion department) from doing something that's too much for you. .
And if you have anything the matter with you, in most cases, you can have
it treated at the Health Service all the time you're enrolled here. . . . The
check is required before class participation will be allowed. . . And once
you've finished doing these t'ings, classes meet for work starting Wednes-
day, except in the case of three dancing sections which begin today.. .
In order to give you time for doing any cramming you may need to for
final exams, all activity classes close at the end of the sixth week, giving
you two full weeks to study. .
"Hours to cool off... .
For those who desire recreational swimming without any special
instruction, the Union swimming pool will be open to women from 11 a.m.
to noon Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and

French House i
Begins Fourth
Summer Here
Opportunity Is Offered'
For Practicing French
Conversation Informally
The French House,established in
1935, will be located at 1414 Wash-
tenaw' Ave., during the 1938 Sum-
mer Session, it was announced by Mr
Charles E. Koella, director of the
Summer Session French Club this
Le Foyer Francais has ,usually a
membership of 40 to 45, students,
most of whom are graduates. More
than 20 women will live in the house,
and .both men and women will take
their meals there.
Director isFrench Women
Miss Jeane Rosselet, a native of
French Switzerland, has beei secured
as the director of the French House.
She has taught several years in
Europe and the United States and
is now head of the French depart-
ment at Goucher College, Baltimore,
The French Club will meet at 8
p.m. every Thursday at Le Foyer
Francais. Informal talks will be given
by faculty members or advanced
students. Music, singing, discussions,
games and refreshments will also
be included in the entertainment
Nothing but French is permitted to
be spoken in the house, andnews-
papers, magazines, reviews, the li-
brary, gramophones plates, songs,
food and all will be French, Mr.
Koella said. The house will offer
opportunities to obtain a better com-
mand of the structure and essential
prases of the language to acquire
fluency in speaking.
Members ToSpeak French
Membership for the Summer Ses-
sion French Club will be open to
graduate and undergraduate students
of the French department, to any
student on the campus, and to faculty
members and faculty women. The
only requirement for membership is
a reasonable speaking knowledge of
the French language.
There will be a special program
Thursday, July 14, celebrating the
national French holiday.
Announces Hours
Of League Library
Hours for the League Library dur-
ng the 1938 Summer Session have
been announced by. Miss Ethel A.
McCormick, social director for the
Summer Session.
The library, which is located on the
third floor of the League, is open to
women only from 12:30 p.m. to 9:30
'p.m. daily. New books, including
popular novels, have been added to
the collection, Miss McCormick said.
A gift was recently received from
Miss Helen Arthur, director of the
1938 Dramatic Season, of two plays:
"French Without Tears" and "The
Ghost of Yankee Doodle."

Common Table Salt Is Best Weapon
In Fighting Hot Weather Prostration

State Health Official Saysx
Elderly People Should:
Avoid Over-Exertion
Common table salt was recom-
mended as a weapon against hot
weather fatalities in a statement is-I
sued by Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, State
Health Commissioner, last week.
Two years ago, Dr. Gudak'unst
pointed out, 956 deaths occurred dur-
ing the protracted heat wave of July.
"In case of excessive perspiration add
an extra amount of ordinary table.
salt to the diet," he urged residents
of the state. This extra amount of
salt, he said, lessens the danger of
heat exhaustion or' prostration. It
is best taken with drinking water,
he indicated.
Dr. Gudakunst said that young
children and old people are most
susceptible to extreme heat, and urged
persons over 40 and particularly those
suffering from diseases of the heart
or arteries to avoid over-exertion and
exposure to the sun during the hottest
part of the day.
The commissioner recommended the
following general rules of hot weather
1. Eat lightly and dress lightly.
,2. Avoid over-exertion especially
after eating.
3. Avoid exposure to the sun during
the hottest part of the day.
4. Abstain from stimulating drinks,

but drink plenty of water. , teir eating.
5. Take frequent cooling baths. 7. Add a teaspoonful of table salt
6. Avoid swimming immediately af- 1 to daily diet.



__ _



You'll Want Loads
of Cool Cottons
to Beat the Heat



' 3



11 to 46

Law School's
Session Beguin

k : c. r.
:: , b 3r

The Coolest,

S 1.95



Classes To

Continue Till


August 31
The forty-fourth annual Summer
Session of the Law School got under
way last Monday with 18 faculty
members and 160 students participat-
ing. The session will continue until
August 31, with the regular classwork
divided into two periods of five weeeks
The Schedule of the Summer Ses-
sion is planned so as to make avail-
able in successive summers most of
the prescribed courses of the first
two years of the required work lead-
ing to a degree.
Instruction is given for the most
part by members of the faculty of
the School, but a few courses will
be given by men of recognized ability
from other law schools.
: A

Softest, Daintiest
Sitinmer Foundation!
You can be cool and comfort-
able - yet perfectly groomed
during the hottest day! It's
easy with a Shadow Garment!
They're made of fine voile or
net or mesh - and they lare as
cool as a cucumber, yet as
strong as a far heavier bro-
cade or coutil.
This one is well boned, has a
special pad for abdominal con-
trol. The lace bust rounds the
bust into a youthful line.

Thursdays and from

8:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays. . .. If the demand justifies
it, the Intramural pool may be open for mixed swim-
ming during the week later on....'Also the department
has planned a mixed picnic swim for later in the sea-
son. . . . So you won't have to waste your time longing
for "ye olde swimming pool" as the thermometer
reaches new heights. . . . And tank suits can be
rented at the Union, if you've left your suit at home....
Dr. Margaret Bell, the director of physical edu-
cation for women and the head medical adviser for
women at the University Health Service, has a word

YOU'LL WANT a whole wardrobe of gala, inexpensive
cotton frocks to be happy in summer school!
WeV knoiw - for we've been filling the needs of
Michigan coeds for over fourteen years! So we're
ready with the freshest collection in many
a moon! Dirndls, shirtwaisters, two-piecers, peasant
styles! Linens, voiles, hopsacking, pique, sharkskin,
gingham, dotted swiss, shantung, lace, novelty

to say 'about renting equipment. . . . To quote her, "Contrary to custom,
this department, for a small rental of 25 cents a season, provides archery,
badminton, golf, swimming and tennis equipment. Naturally, this equip-
ment is limited, xd will be rented to the first applicants who present
themselves".. In other words, it's "first come, first served," if you want
to rent equipment, : the sooner you finish registering, the better your
chance of getting what you want. .. .
"The Who and Where".,...
Besides Dr. Bell, the staff of the department will include Dr. Mabel
Rugen, who is also with the division of Hygiene and Public Health as
well, Miss Dorothy Beise, Miss Marie Hartwig and two visiting instruc-
tors. . . . They are Miss Barbara Crowe, director of women's sports at the
University oY Vermont, who will teach archery and swimming, Miss Helen
Ellis, who will teach dance here after teaching it for three years at Purdue
and who has just finished a year of study with Henya
Holme in New York City, and Miss Helen McLane, a 1937
Michigan graduate, who will teach swimming here after
teaching for the year in Kalamazoo. .. .
If you don't want to go out for any organized activi-
ties, there are a lot of facilities open for you any time
you wish to use them. . . . First, there are 12 clay and
four cement tennis courts over at Palmer Field, an archery
range and a meticulously kept putting green, as well as a
driving field. . . . Besides this, there's the Women's Ath-
letic Building, right next to Palmer Field (they're both at the junction of
North University and Forest) where most of the equipment is kept.
It also has an archery range, bowling alleys and golf cages for those who
prefer indoor sports. . . . Oh yes, and there's a nice, cool veranda for
cooling yourself off after over-exerting on Palmer Field. . . . Besides these
sports, there are always canoeing, bicycling, roller skating and hiking for
those who prefer to stay a little off "the beaten track". . . . So it's your own
fault if you go away "out of condition" at the end of the summer..

Class & individual in-
struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers'
course. Open daily dur-
ng Summer Session,
10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Phone 9695 2nd Floor
Terrace9Garden Studio
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.




_ _t ,,

For Every Course on the Campus






Electric Fans ..........$1.49 and up
Alarm Clocks ..........98c and up



....... 29c - 49c

Our Specialty

Fountain Pens........50c - $1.00 up
Notebook Paper ..........1Oc Pkg.

Remember the Store

Towels.........25c - 35c and


Fresh Orangeade

Fresh Limeade


Tnrr&~sr.A ~arI IIi I


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