The Weather Local thundershowers this afternoon or night; tomorrow, cloudy and cooler. C, 4r I~~Aflkia 4)att Editorials Words And Slogans ... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1937 PRICE FIVE ENTS Buffalo Hit By Food Shortage As Truce Halts Packers' Tieup Priest Heads State Labor' Board Holding Parley To End Dispute Union Agrees Not To Extend Strikes BUFFALO, N.Y., July 24.-()- Two thousand striking meat packers and wholesale grocery truck drivers reached a 24-hour truce with their employers tonight after a four-day setrike but the agreement provided no alleviation of a food shortage caused by a tieup of delivery trucks. The Rev. Dr. John P. Boland, chairman of the State Labor Board, said the employers agreed not to move meats, butter, eggs and staple groceries for 24 hours and union leaders promised abandonment of picketing and other steps taken to prevent food deliveries- Both groups consented to meet to- morrow with Dr. Boland and media- tion assistants to discuss closed shop clauses in proposed contracts., Dr. Boland, Buffalo priest who started settling labor disputes as a hobby, returned to his home here and drew the contenders into a quick conciliation conference as a special state mediator. after wholesalers ap- pealed to Governor Lehman to inter- vene. The priest, who recently gave up most of his parish duties to become chairman of the newly created State Labor Board, also obtained an agree- ment from union leaders that they would not . call further strikes to tighten the food blockade. Local Churches Present Varied Sermons Today Many Evening Activities Sponsored For Summer Session Students A full day of religious festivities is again offered to the church goers of Ann Arbor, by the many churches of the city. the Rev. Henry Lewis will hold Holy Communion at 8 a.m. at the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, followed by the morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.m. The Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on "Man Must Live with Others," at 11 a.m. in the Unitarian Church. This talk is the last in the series on Re- ligion and Life. Prof. Paul Muesche of the English department, will speak on "Proletarian Drama" at 7:30 p.m., with the regular discussion hour fol- lowing. At 10:30 a.m. the Rev. E. C. Stell- horn will deliver a sermon at the Zion Lutheran Church. "Knowing and then Doing," is the subject of Rev. Henry Yoder's ser- mon at 9:15 a.m. in the Trinity Lu- theran Church this morning. Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Stellhorn will hold the Lutheran Student meeting in their home this evening at 6 p.m. The discussion will center on the top- ic "What should be the attitude of the Church on Current Problems." Invitations are extended to all Lu- theran Students and their friends. A light supper will be served previous to the general discussion, which will be under the direction of Rev. E. C. Stelhorn. As usual, the student class will be (Continued on Page 4) Police Spread Net For Bank Robbers FLINT, Mich., July 24.-(M)-Armed with descriptions of robbers who looted the Otisville state bank, Fed- eral agents, state police, Flint police and Genesee County authorities spread a wide net today for the gun- men. Details of the bandits' appearance were broadcast, and police combed "hangouts" where they might be rec- ognized. Highway hlnckadegwere Japan Plans Tokyo To New York Flight TOKYO, July 24. -(P)-Japan's most ambitious aerial attempt, a nonstop flight from Tokyo to New York in an all Japanese designed and built "wonder plane" is expected t be launched in the near fture. The crisis in North China threats J ened to delay the venture, but with the easing of the tension, the Japan- ese promoterstare preparing to go forward with their original plans. The plane, just completed at theC aeronautic institute of Imperial University, is declaredtobe capable of traveling 10,000 or more miles out refueling. Current distant record for air- planes is held by three Russian air- r men who flew 6,262 miles from Mos- t cow to Southern California. The b distance from Tokyo to New York by f northern latitudes is approximately S 7,000 miles. t t I Slow Moving Oft Chinese Army~ i Ominous Atmosphere Is Evident In Far East As o Japan Issues Warning T C PEIPING, July 24.-(/P)-Japanese a army leaders tonight declared theC North China situation, which for two weeks has kept China and Japan on b the verge of war, again had become is ominous because Chinese troops were not leaving this area rapidly enough. They charged that units the Chin- ese had undertaken to withdraw ac- tually were digging in for resistance. a Peaceful settlement of the crisis, r which yesterday appeared in process of being carried out, had struck a dangerous snag.w Twice in the past 24 hours, said C Domei, (the Japanese News Agency,) the Japanese command had warned b Chinese leaders they must speed upN withdrawal of the "anti-Japanese" p 37th division. Japanese troops began searching o passengers on trains of the Peiping- C Hankow Railway, on which normal sevice had just been restored after p two weeks. As a result service again was suspended. The attitude of North China lead- ers toward Japan, hitherto concilia- tory, had stiffened, the Japanese de- A cared, and this coincided with the arrival here of General Hsiung Ping, n vice-chief of the Chinese General h Staff. I General Hsiung came by airplanei from Nanking on orders from Gen- eralissimo-Premier Chiang Kai-Shek.' Japanese said they believed he had induced General Cheh-Yuan, chair- man of the Hopeh-Chahar political council and commander of the 29th Chinese army, to alter his recently yielding attitude. Criminal Argot To Be Lecture TopicTuesday Louisville Professor Will Speak After Linguistic Institute Luncheonf Dr. David W. Maurer, an authority on the language of the underworld, will discuss "Problems in Criminal Argot" as the first lecture of the com- ing week's series sponsored by the Linguistic Institute. He will speak at the Michigan Union at 1 p.m. Tues- day, following the regul r Linguistic luncheon. For years Dr. Maurer, who is pro- fessor of English at the University" of Louisville, has made a study of the peculiar jargon in use among criminals. Much of his detailed knowledge of it has been due to his ability to gain the confidence of convicts and thus to acquire infor- mation otherwise unobtainable by an investigator. A number of ar- ticles, especially in the periodical "American Speech," have already been published by Dr. Maurer upon different aspects of underworld Eng- lish. Problems of meaning will qccupy the attention of the linguists at the second luncheon conference Thurs- day, when Dr. Lloyd S. Woodburne and Prof. Hereward T. Price, both of the University, will lead a round- table discussion of the topic, "Mean- ing." Two visiting speakers have been Dr. Peck Opens Lecture Series For This Week Dr. Creel, Chinese History Authority, To Give Talk At 5 P.M._Tuesday Crane, Price Close Program Planned "Recent Advances in the Treat- nent of Cancer by Means of Radia- ion" will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. Willis S. Peck, assistant pro- essor of physical therapy in the School of Medicine, assistant direc- or of the department of physical herapy at University Hospital and Roentgenologist in the Health Serv- ce, at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Natural science Auditorium. Radiation, a comparative innova- ion in the field of cancer cure, has made notable strides in recent years. Dr. Peck's lecture, which will be il- ustrated by slides, will discuss these mprovements and their significance. Dr. Herlee G. Creel will speak on 'Ancient Chinese History in the Light f Recent Investigations" at 5 p.m. Tuesday. Dr. Creel is professor of Chinese at the University of Chicago und an outstanding scholar in Chinese history and language. He is the author of a number of ooks on China, best known of which s "Birth of China," published a few ears ago. At present he is about o publish a new work entitled, 'Studies in Early Chinese Culture." He returned from the Orient a year go, after a lengthy sojourn spent in esearch and study. At 5 p.m. Wednesday Prof. Verner W. Crane of the history department will speak on "Father Jacques Mar- luette," the French missionary ex- plorer whose 300th anniversary is being celebrated this year. Father Marquette, together with his com- panion-churchman, Father Joliet, was the most famous early pioneer of the Great Lakes region. Professor Crane had originally intended to talk on Benjamin-Franklin, but altered his plans to honor the birth of the mis- ionary. Prof. Hereward T. Price of the Eng- ish department will speak at 5 p.m. Thursday on "Escape from Siberia." A prisoner in Russia during the war, Professor Price passed through a number of exciting episodes during his successful escape and has pub- ished a book describing his exper- ences. Second Vesper Service To Be Offered Today At 7:30 p.m. this evening, the sec- ond Vesper service will be held on the Library terrace, with the Summer Session Orchestra makirig its initial appearance. Music by the Summer Session Chorus under the direction o Prof. David Mattern, of the music school offers Leo Luskins as the accompan- ist, and Warren Foster as the soloist The chorus will lead the assembly ir five hymns, followed by an address by the Baptist Church minister, Rev R. Edward Sayles. Dr. W. Blakeman, counselor in Re- ligious Education, will conduct the invocation. After the assembly sings "Serenity," Dr. Blakeman will offer a benidiction to close the services. Prof. Wilmot F. Pratt, carrillon. neur, will give the 19th Summer Ses. sion carillon concert at 8:30 p.m. In. cluded in his program of hymns, Pro fessor Pratt will play Jerome Kern "Old Man River." Reward Offered For Evidence Of Earhart's Fat( SAN FRANCISCO, July 24.-(')_ A reward was offered for definite evi dence of the fate of Amelia Earhar today as friends planned a memoria service for the aviatrix. Sydney S. Bowman, a friend c Miss Earhart's husband, George Pal mer Putnam, announced a $2,00 reward would be paid for informatio which would "definitely clear up th Politics Mean Little To Inmate; Never Heard Of Roosevelt McALESTER, Okla., July 24.-(I~ -"Where were you on the night of Nov. 3 last?" might be a fair question to ask one of the inmates to McAlester penitentiary. In a letter requesting the board of affairs to enlarge the prison school, the Rev. A. R. Garrett, prison chap- lain, included the following memor- andum on a new prisoner just ma- triculated from LeFlore county: "He didn't know who is President of the United States. He didn't know the name of the county from which Round Table For Teachers To Open Here Reading Problems To Be Discussed In Reference To Case Studies Outside Lecturers Offered This Week L ,p n n n t n c i 1 k t: r, McCormack Passes Lie Detector Test LANSING, July 24.-(P)-Detective Lieutenant Harold Mulbar said that relimniary lie detector tests "gave no indication" that James McCor- mack either started the New Balti- more roadhouse fire or killed Mary Jane Mohan, 16-year-old victim of the blaze. McCormack was closeted with Mulbar and St Clair County offi- cials for nearly three hours, from 1 to 3:45 p.m. There were four tests. On the blunt questions, "Did you kill the girl?" and "Did you strike the girl?" there was no deviation of the line representing McCormack's reaction on the graph, Mulbar said. After the long session the question- ers and the questioned left the test room, all visibly affected by the closeness of the room, witnesses said. Austen Novel Is Repertory's NextOffering Legislation Is Threatened By Demands For Adjournment Roosevelt, Barkley Confer On Five Point Program Of Administration Wage And Hour Act May Be Held Over I A round table conference on read- had lived all hisence andinwhich know ng problems of teachers, and lecturesr the name of the judge who sentenced by faculty members and educatorse didn't know who was gov- from out of Ann Arbor will be fea- him Hedkntho w tured this week in the summer pro-I ernor of Oklahoma."c ernor_____._gram of the School of Education. The round table conference, which Regents Meet starts Monday to last through Friday will place emphasis upon the newer 1 materials and the newer methods of W ith Rutl ven instruction as well as on diagnosis and treatment of reading difficulties At Frankf ort of students. There are no reuirements for al- mittance to this conference other than an interest in reading problems, Two More Professors Give although it is intended specifically Resignations; $21,000 for school people who are struggling with the practical phases of the prob- In Gifts Received lem of teaching pupils who are re- tarded in reading. FRANKFORT, July 23.-(Special To Discuss Case Studies to The Daily)-Acceptance of the The round table will enable those resignations of two faculty members, in attendance to discuss case studiesf and scrutinize progress reports off acknowledgement of more than $21,- children enrolled in the reading sec- 000 in, gifts and creation of 25 new tion of the Secondary School Clinic undergraduate scholarships were the of the Summer Session.c chief results of the business meeting Among those that will take part in of the University Regents held Fri- this conference are Prof. Ernest Hornt day night at President Ruthven's of the State University of Iowa, Prof.o "Summer White House" at Frank- Louise Farwell Davis of the National fort, Mich. College of Education, Prof. Francisi The resignations were those of D. Curtis of the education school,' Prof. Harland A. Carpenter of the Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the educa-o library science department and Prof. tion school, Prof. Raleigh Schorling Jackson R. Sharman of the depart- of the education school, Prof. Willard ment of physical education. Profes- Olson of the education school, Prof. sor Carpenter will become head of Louis Eich of the speech department the public library of New Bedford, and Prof. John Muyskens of theI Mass., in September, while Professor speech department. Sharman will remain at the Univer- At the first of the daily lectures at, sity of Alabama where he is teach- 4 p.m. tomorrow in the auditorium of ing at present. University High School, Prof. L. W.I Total Scholarship Now 75 Keeler of the School of EducationI The additional scholarships will will speak on "Proceedures Used inI bring the total of undergraduate Instructing Exceptional Children."'' awards to 75. These scholarships in- At 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union,I lude both those given annually to a Prof.-Emeritus William Hobbs will1 group of outstanding high school stu- speak to the Men's Education Club. dents, entering the University and He will talk on the difficulties the< those awarded to sophomores and Russian flyers, who recently flew from upperclassmen who have maintained Russia to the United States, en- high scholastic records after entering countered on their journey. on scholarships. Miss Greene Will Speak A gift of $10,000 from the Earhart Miss Katherine B. Greene, lecturer Foundation for the purpose of con- in genetic psychology will be the tinuing the work of the bureau of in- speaker Tuesday at the second lecture dustrial relations in the School of of the week. She will talk on "Tech- Business Administration for another niques Used With Very Young Chil- year was the largest donation re- dren." ceived.den c ieatwNwFllwhp Wednesday, at the third of the Create Two New Fellowships week's lectures, Walter A. Cox, direc- Two new fellowships of $2,400 each for of the Bureau of Health Educa- in the field of clinical research will tion in the city school system of Al- be established by a fund provided by bany, N.Y., will speak on "Tech- the Upjohn Co. of Kalamazoo. A nyueN.Ysdillspeakg onetech-d music set, valued at $2,500, including niques Used i Giving Tests and a phonograph, 945 records, 100 books Measurements in Physical Education and cabinets were given to the League and School Health." by a Chicago music company. Prof. William C. Trow of the edu- The Edward Swift Dunster scholar- cation school will speak on "Psycho- ship in the School of Medicine was in- logical Factors Underlying Home- creased by two $1,000 bonds from the room Activities" at the fourth and estate of Mrs. Bertram Dunster Su- final lecture of the week, Thursday. ker. The scholarship will beawarded only to graduate students in the md- BRITISH NETTERS LEAD ical school hereafter. The Anna Bis- NEWPORT, R.I., July 24.-(MP)-- sell fellowship in thoracic surgery was The combined British net forces of likewise increased by a gift of $1,500 Oxford and Cambridge Universities from Mr. R. Bissell, Jr., of Grand today went into a 7-5 lead over the Rapids. Harvard-Yale tennis stars. Want A Good Place To Live? Try New Dormitory South Of Union r t t f p Ci i g b Stage And Here Version Of Prejudice' Tuesday 'Pride Opens "Pride and Prejudice," Helen Je- rome's dramatization of Jane Austen's$ famous novel, will be the fifth of-.7 fering of the Repertory Players' Sum- ner Season, opening at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It will continue through Saturday. One of the special attractions oft the Summer Season because of itst outstanding success in New York 'andt London and the difficulty in bringingr it to Ann Arbor, the drama follows! fairly closely along the lines of the original novel, relying on qualities off wit, charm and romance for its ap- peal in contrast to the heavier "Yel- low Jack," last week's presentation. t Valentine B. Windt, directgir oft Play Production, will direct "Pridet and Prejudice." The cast is as fol- lows: Elizabeth Bennett, the heroine, Virginia Frink Harrell; Darcy, Charles McGaw; Bingley, William Rice; Col- lins, Herman Smith; Mr. and Mrs.< Bennett, Ralph Bell and Nancy Bow- man; other parts, Edward Jurist, Mary Pray, Evelyn Smith, and Mor- lye Baer.' Tickets for the production, as well as other remaining Repertory plays, are on sale at the box office. 11 Duce's Paper Terms Post-War1 Debts 'Fictions' MILAN, Italy, July 24.-()-Pre- mier Benito Mussolini's own news- paper, Il Popolo D'Italia, today listed numerous international "fictions" it said some day would be "overwhelmed by reality." Among them was the contention of the United States that World War debts still are collectable. Persons close to the government in Rome interpreted "reality"-which the newspaper went on to say always had "had a single brave name for which there was no substitute"-to mean war, with its general upheaval. They declared there was no doubt the vigorous style of the newspaper's 750-word editorial on "post-war make believe" was that of Il Duce himself. Informed persons saw a slap at the democratic powers in this statement: "Policies which ought to be real- istic and therefore face the problems as they exist become the play of irreality and sophism, sometimes dis- guised in the motheaten garments of immrta~l nin les" WASHINGTON, July 24.-()-A rush for adjournment seemed today ;o threaten 'the five-point program hat President Roosevelt has laid out for this -session of Congress. Senator Barkley (Dem., Ky.), fresh- y crowned with the laurels of Dem- ocratic leadership, traveled down the Potomac with President Roosevelt to figure out with him what might be salvagedufrom the presidential pro- gram. His return to Washington will bring new thoughts on the subject. As it stood, however, the clamor was rising for adjournment as soon as the greatly modified court reform bill has been passed. Republicans spoke strongly for such a step. Many important Democrats felt likewise. They spoke of this bill, or that one, being put over to the next session. All Anxious To Leave Representative Woodrum of Vir- ginia, frequently spoken of as a man who talks for the Administration in the House, said that any effort to jam through a heavy program now would meet wide opposition; that if a broad group of measures were insisted upon "Congress will still be here when the frost is on the pumpkin." The President has listed as "desir- able" for this session bills to fix minimum wages and maximum hours, to reorganize government depart- ments, to provide low cost housing, to plug tax loopholes, and to set up a new farm plan. Wage And Hour Legislation Senator Barkley has said that wage and hour legislation would pass the Senate by late Tuesday. The House Labor Committee is still trying to put such a measure into shape for action on that side of the capitol. Some leaders in the House say they would like to see it go over until next ses- sion to permit further study. Government reorganization has not been heard of in some time. The joint committee set up to study the presidential proposal will meet M.on- day or Tuesday to choose a new chair- man. That post was vacated by the death of Senator Robinson of Ar- kansas. Senator Byrnes of South Car- olina is spoken of as a likely choice. Not too much enthusiasm has been shown on the proposal from the be- ginning. Faculty Plan Vocal Program For Concert Artists To Present Songs From Early Classics To More Modern c r r f I By JENNY PETERSEN Waltz said. "We used to put up the lwl U'Vk p The ditoialscourged nations , From State St. the Union looks the teams on cots in the clubrooms but he eol srge ntion same, but from East Jefferson, Madi- that didn't work so well." He grinned of belligerent rights for Spanish in- son, and Thompson streets the old as he pointed out certain protective surgents, who, it said, control two- Union has metamorphosed into a measures taken in the furnishing of thirds of Spain. different building by reason of its new the dormitory, such as lights set in $400,000 addition. flush with the ceiling and built-in Begun a year ago last June, the closets. Dean Edm onson addition now includes 109 finished Ceilings in the corridors of the new rooms with private baths, two small addition are covered with a special l V e dining rooms, club rooms for the acoustic material designed to deaden University Club and quarters for vis- sound. The porches flanking the side M e tn iting athletic teams. Adjoining the corridors are bare of furnishing as At in1 1e n addition is the men's dormitory which yet, but it is Mr. Waltz's hope that Joint will be entirely completed by Sep- someday they will be equipped with tember. gay awnings and porch furniture. James B. Edmonson, dean of the The rooms in the Union addition When the dormitory is finished it School of Education, has been select- saw their first service during Com- will house 118 men and will be divided ed as guest speaker for the joint mencement Week when every one into two sections, Allen House and meeting of the Women's Educational was filled, according to Stanley Rumsey House. Rooms will be double Club and Pi Lambda Theta, national Waltz, manager of the Union. Last and will be arranged in units of eight educational honorary sorority, to be week-end the rooms were also all oc- around a central bath. Rent will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the cupied. Most of them are double comparable to that in women's dor- Michigan League. rooms, simply furnished, and com- mitories, $90 per semester, and board Dean Edmonson has chosen "New- _,_ -~f . .ha + Un in, will hp A n r .r .w eek or T ,~ 4- i-n Tighi+, AsneaM sof An interesting all vocal program will be offered at the next faculty concert to be given' at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 27, in Hill Auditorium. Thelma Lewis, soprano, Arthur Hack- ett, tenor, and Hardin Van Deursen, baritone, will sing separate groups, and will join in a group of trios and duets. The program which they will pre- sent ranges from the early classics to the moderns and is widely varied. Mr. Hackett and Mr. Van Deursen will open the program with the duet "Sol- enne in quest 'era," from the seldom- presented "La Forza del Destino," by Verdi. Miss Lewis will present a group by Handel and Haydn: "Del mio core" from "Orfeo," and "Sympathy" by Haydn, and "O Sleep! Why Dost Thou Leave Me," and "Alma mia," by Han- del. Mr. Van Deursen will sing the well- known baritone aria "Vision Fugi- tive," from "Herodiade," by Mass- enet. Mr. Hackett will sing a group of Italian moderns. The first two, love songs, "Luoghi sereni e cari," and "O del mio amato ben," are written by Donaudy, a modern Italian composer who writes in the old style. The sec- ond two songs which Mr. Hackett will circ ~r Qzr-n-r-P "..nnln" and