PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 22, 193 7,. PAQE TWO THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1931. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the .Summer Session Edited and managed by student of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of 'Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.59. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00: by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 ~REPRES"ENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO Los ANGELES * PORTLAND SATTrLE EDITORIAL STAFF' MANAGING EDITOR.......... RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR... ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assitant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MGR. ......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER ...........ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE D. RUEGER Outside Agitators. * * N THESE TIMES of industrial I.strife there is a constant raising of the cry of "outside agitator!" whenever a union organizes a plant or a strike is called. Employers, ably 'aided and abetted by the prostituted press which they control, do their best to convince the public that their workers are peaceful and con- tented, desirous of working, but that foreign reds, asssted by a few ne-er-do-wells and malcon- tents, are stirring up trouble and inciting strikes and riots for their own personal emolument and the benefit of the enemies of the United States. Loyal workers-they are never "scabs"-are always satisfied in the picture which the indus- trial autocrat paints. Everything would be well if only the "outside agitator" who comes into the community to disturb the public peace were put out of the way. The number of people who believe these fan- tastic tales of alien radicals and destructive phi- losophies which 'are told by the economic royal- ists of America is tragically high. The average citizen, unacquainted with trade unions and their activities, and having implicit faith in the word of those above them in the economic scale, swal- lows without hesitation all kinds of the most utter nonsense. Is it nonsense? An investigation of the charges of "outside agitator" shows that it is. The employer who rants against outsiders coming in to organize his workers does not hesitate to hire lawyers, efficiency experts, tech- nicians, managers, or other help from outside his home community. He is perfectly willing to contract with a strike-breaking agency from another state to have hundreds of professional "scabs" and strike-breakers-men whom the'La- Follette investigations have shown to be scav- enged from prisons, slums, and the underworld, and including perpetrators of every crime on the statute books-brought into his home town to break the resistance of the workers. He is a memnber of4 employers' associations which unite him with other industrialists againstthe unions. Yet in spite of all these connections of his own with the outside world, he raises his voice, in bawls of protest against his workers receiving any assistance., The plain fact of the matter is that it is prac- tically essential that a union in a community have help from outside. If local workers try to carry on organization they are bound to ex- pose themselves and lay themselves liable to los- ing their jobs for their activities on one pre- text or another. The outsider is beyond the em- ployer's reach and can act without fear for his own economic security. Equally important is the fact that the out- sider is trained for his job of organizing workers. Knowing its techniques, he is naturally more effi- cient than local workers. He is able to deal ef- fectively with the employer when it comes to bar- gaining. Having a thorough knowledge of the industry and its problems, he can match the tricks of corporation attorneys and thereby im- prove the conditions of the workers. Why do the unions send men into a commu- nity? Because little can be done by the workers in one locality while those in another remain unorganized. Thus, raising wages in one plant alone merely cuts that one employer's profits. He may often go out of business because he cannot compete with unorganized plants. .It is therefore obviously to the interest of union work- ers to see every plant organized. And do "loyal workers" always want to work in the face of a strike? Is it true that the majority of, workers are generally contented? We doubt it. min. miri -nnot ecily call strikes and side agitators. The employers would do well to speak a little more softly and do a little more to improve the conditions under which their workers live and work if they are really so anxious to avoid trouble. La Guardia Should Win Again.. . THE TAMMANY TIGER is snarling and emaciated. Pickings are lean. Four years of La Guardia piled on to four years of Roosevelt have virtually destroyed a once happy hunting grounds. For the first time in the history of New York City the time-worn truism that no reform mayor can succeed in reelection is about to be disproved. The chances are slim indeed that swarthy, fiery tongued little Fiorello H. La Guardia will not again be undertaking the political destinies of Gotham Town and the burial of the starved animal. No accident that this Italian immigrant should be the one to apply the death grip and override the precedent of failure established by those re- doubtable reformers of yesteryear-William L. Strong, Seth Low and John Purroy Mitchel- when they sought reelection. No, Fiorello is no novice, culled from the ranks of the vigilantes, who suddenly found himself squatting on the mayor's seat. Fiorello is experienced. He can sling brick bats on his own, as Herr Hitler will testify. New York reformers in the past have always been good bourgeois citizens stirred to a state of righteous indignation by some particularly flagrant Tammany abuse, but lacking in political finesse and personality. Theirs has been an ad- ministration of scrupulous honesty, economy and perhaps even civil service reform, but on social questions they preserved a cautious silence. La- Guardia is unlike these. Fiorello has not allowed his P. T. Barnum qual- ities to go unnoticed. A born showman, he has missed few opportunities in marching front and center to claim credit, that was, of course, no more than his due, for the social program he has sponsored, for the parks, playgrounds, housing and bridges he has built, for the new life he has infused into a lethargic hierarchy of municipal departments, and lastly for the haymaker he hasdelivered to James J. Dooling and his co- horts. La Guardia's is a personal government and it is from this personal equation that his strength is derived. Even the fusion organization which was his main forte in the 1933 elections has lan- guished and faded. But Fiorello needs no ma- chine. He has become a cogent name to the New York masses, as impelling in its appeal as the Tammany wheelhorses of the '20's-Al Smith, John "Faithful" Hyland, Herbert Lehman and Franklin D. Roosevelt. The top-heavy majorities which this quintet rolled up was not due alone to the machine behind them. But it is not only the character and record of La Guardia that practically insures his return to the post. Look at the opposition the Democrats offer for the slaughter-Royal S. Copeland, con- firmed anti-New Dealer in a rabidly New Deal town. And we can but chortle with La Guardia at the suggestion of Grover A. Whalen, erstwhile chairman of the Mayor's Committee of Welcome to Distinguished Guests and laughing stock of "New York's Finest" as police commissioner. Months ago Gotham's political leaders agreed that effective opposition to La Guardia could only be summoned with a united front and now they have divided into three internecine groups. The Republicans can either support Mayor La Guar- dia, select another candidate to oppose the Mayor in the primaries or accept Senator Copeland as the Republican nominee. Ethnic lines in New York are sharply drawn into three divisions-the Irish, the Jews and the Italians. By thumbing his nose at Der Fuehrer La Guardia has not exactly displeased the Jews, while to the Italians he's just a fellow immigrant. This leaves only the Irish, who will undoubtedly partition their fealty. DRAMA By JOSEPH GIES "Yellow Jack." a drama by Sidney Howard, pre- sented by the Michigan Repertory Players under the direction of Frederic 0. Crandall. At the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This forceful dramatization of the conquest of yellow fever, scourge of tropical lands for centuries, by Walter Reed and his heroic com- rade-scientists, indeed marks a new epoch in the theatre. The theme of epic scientific re- search has been translated into as glamorous and appealing a theatre piece as has previously been constructed from the more commonly util- ized material of love, war, psycho-pathology and the rest. At the same time, however, it must be said that Sidney Howard has not quite succeeded in saving all of the excitement of the original Paul de Kruif narration, in spite of free employ- ment of a number of technical devices, chief of blackout scene system, by which a large number which is the difficult and successfully managed of brief and highly dramatic interludes are used to maintain a sense of tension and continuity. Some of the scenes amount almost to tableaux, but the effect is seldom lost. A notable example of the shortcomings of this instrument is the monologue by Dr. Carroll made directly to the audience in one of the later scenes. Charles Harrell and Saunders Walker seemed particularly convincing in opposite roles as the savagely temperamental Lazear and the calmly Latin Agramonte respectively. William Halstead and Robert Cunningham, handled perhaps slightly more difficult parts competently. Many of the lines of all four, drawn verbatim from the De Kruif essay, lacked necessary spontaneity for stage purposes. The four soldiers, played by Morlye Baer, Ed- ward Jurist, Charles McCaffrey and Charles Max- well, almost stole the show. Given excellent dia- logue, both for comedy punch and credible sim- plicity, they carried off their parts with a sort of all-American combination of homeliness and cosmopolitanism which drew the most from every scene in which they appeared. Col. Tory, the righteously indignant medical conservative, was played by Vincent Klein with a good feeling for the narrowness of the military mind. O..)n TheLeve DAILY OFFICIAL 11 BULLETIN At 4:Q5 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium Dr. Verner' M. Sims, Associate Professor of Psychology of the University of Al- abama, will lecture on "Educational Measurements and the New Cur- riculum." The 5 o'clock lecture today in Na- tural Science Auditorium will be an illustrated lecture on "Phillipine Caves and Celadon Pottery" by Dr.j Classilfied Direetory miara nxw . n rrr.r.nm rr r ®w. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance only 11c per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. NOTICE TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. 632 FOR RENT LAUNDRY FOR RENT: Completely furnished apartment with private bath and shower. Continuous hot water. Also garage. 422 E. Washington. Phone 8544. 637 } I Carl E. Guthe.iEXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- _-----dent laundry. Call for and deliver. Committee for Medical Aid to Phone 4863. 2x Spain: The public is invited to a LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, meeting in the First Methodist Careful work at low price. lx Church, Thursday, July 22, at 8 p.m. Lini Fuhr, returned war nurse, will describe her experiences behind the to 9 p.m. at the Intramural Sports lines in Spain, and Prof. Brent D. Building for men and women students Allinson, teacher of International in the Summer Session. Equipment Law, American University, Washing- will be furnished and instruction will ton, D.C., will discuss "America's Pol- be given if desired. icy Toward Spain." - - IAll Negro students are invited to Graduate Students Specializing in' attend the bridge, whist and bingo Education, for the Master's Degree: tournament on Friday, July 23, at the The Advisory Inventory Test will be Dunbar, 420 S. 4th Ave. There will given this afternoon (Thursday), 2 to also be dancing and prizes given. Re- 5 p.m., and Saturday morning, July freshments are free, admission is 25 24, 9 to 12 a.m., in the High School cents. Auditorium. It is required of those curclled in graduate courses in edui- Biological Chemistry 120: The op- cation for the first time and of those cuing lecture of this course will be who have completed less than 8 hours given on Saturday, July- 24. at 7 a.m. of graduate work in education; and (Contui ed on F nze 3) may be taken on either of the dates - -- mentioned. Week-End Special Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. 200 Sheets CLEANSING I I TISSUE Onlyj 7c MILLERI DRUG STORE 727 North University Phone 9797 Cercle Francais: Meeting tonight, July 22, at 8 p.m. Mr. Francis Gra- vit will give a talk on Henry IV. Re- freshments. All members are urged to attend. Linguistic Luncheon Conference: Prof. Franklin Edgerton of Yale University will speak on "Etymology and Interpretation" at the Michigan Union at 1 p.m. today. Those in- terested are invited to attend also the Linguistic luncheon at the Union at 12:10 p.m. Michigan Dames family picnic Fri- day afternoon. Leaving League promptly at 5:15 p.m. Bring food fir your own group. There will be swimming and baseball. Those whoI have cars bring them and expenses will be shared by those who do not drive. Public Evenings at Angell Hall Ob- servatory: the 10-inch refractor and the 15-inch relfletcor, located on the fifth floor of Angell Hall, will be available for Summer Session stu- dents from 8 to 10 p.m. Friday even- ing, July 23. Badminton and Squash: The Physical Education Faculty is spon- soring an open night in badminton and squash on Friday, July 23 from 8 SELLING OUT i =al It's a case of first come, first served now at the former Laura Belle Stock. We no longer have a wide range of sizes and you will never be able to duplicate these fine values. BASTISTE GOWNS and PAJAMAS in dainty flowered pat- terns that sold at $1.25......... Now 69c 11 By WRAG WE WERE SITTING on the front steps of An- gell Hall between classes yesterday when we overheard a very puzzling conversation. A woman, apparently a graduate student, ploughed through the group of between-the-facts smokers on the steps ,and as she was walking down the stairs a man hailed her and said, "I'm sorry I diminished your broccoli ,6lgrowing dis- tricts." T h e l ady turn e d around, smiled sadly and said, -_-___"Oh, that's all -- - ~ - right., The smokers on the steps couldn't help overhearing the con- versation, and after the couple had walked away, the group had quite a discussion as to what the man might have meant by "diminishing broccoli growing districts." It was finally agreed that the two broccoli discussers had just come out of a geography class where the man had derided some statements the woman had made about broccoli. At any rate, his apology was accepted and the two seemed to have the broccoli situa- tion well in hand. * * * * SPEAKING of geography classes, we were quite startled at what happened in one of Pro- fessor Hall's geography classes the other day. The class it seems had just gotten back its mid- semester exams, and Hall asked if there were any questions to be answered. Many hands were raised, and after a few questioners had been sated, Mr. Hall called on a quietly insistent hand at the back of the room. "Mr. Hall," said the possessor of the hand, "I just studied, and studied and studied for this examination, but I just couldn't make head nor tail of it." After this con- fession, the woman broke down and started to sob heartily into her hanky. The entire class as well as Mr. Hall was somewhat taken aback at having a crying woman in their midst, but the tears soon stopped and the class got back to looking at maps. Mr. Hall certainly must have laid awake all night thinking of what an old meanie he had been to give such an exam. FROM GEORGIA TECH comes this story about a particularly brilliant blind student. It seems that this student entered a class a bit late this summer session, and before he came into the class the average for the first exam had been very low. As soon as the new student came in, the class average sky-rocketed up about fifty per cent. After an investigation, the professor dis- covered that the blind student used a portable typewriter to write all his examinations. The professor also recalled that all of his quizzes were of the true and false nature. After another test he found out that the entire class waited for the blind student to type out his answer to a cer- tain question, and if the fellow hit only two keys, the class knew that the correct answer was GARTER-BELTS-Our entire stock, including Maiden-forms that s'old to $1.00 .......................Now 29c THE FABRIC GLOVES sale went over so big that we are offering them again. Fownes, Van Raalte, and Globe fab- rics that sold to $1.50. Now 39c, 3 for $1.00 ANOTHER HEADLINER is our reduction in purses. Genu- ine leathers, fine suedes and spot-proof fabrics that sold to $5.00....................Now $.- Other groups at 98c, 69c, 49c and 29c Former Laura Belle Stock NOW LOCATED at CHUBB'S - 209 SO. STATE - ----- --- ------ ----- ---- - ------ As Others See It A Good MICHIGAN ALUMNUS 1. Joins a local University of Michigan Club. There are 150 of these Clubs in all parts of the world. They have their social programs and they initiate activ- ities for the benefit of their members, their communities and their University. 2. Concerns himself with his Class Organization. Every Alumni Class has its officers and its program. A Reunion is held once every five years on the Campus. 3. Reads the Michigan Alumnus. The magazine is issued 26 times each year and is the chief liaison agency between the University and its Alumni. (From New York Herald-Tribune) THAT GUGLIELMO MARCONI was a great in- ventor is hardly likely to be the verdict of history. But it is beyond question that he was the most admirable example on record of the scientific promoter. Holding many personal pat- ents, he had none to cover what could be called any of radio's essentials. Ranking with Alex- ander Graham Bell as one of the two great stim- ulators of inventive research in modern times, he made, it is safe to say, no fundamental discovery. Parentage of radio goes back at least to Jean Baptiste Biot, who well over a century ago ob- served that froks' legs tied to a small loop of wire jumped when an electric spark exploded across the laboratory. With the announcement in 1873 of James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light, it became evident that communication might be possible by invisible electric waves, a conclusion confirmed experimentally by Hein- rich Hertz as early as 1885. First to send read- able signals through space electrically was prob- ably the still-living veteran, Sir Oliver Lodge. It was shortly before 1893 that young Marconi learned, from his vivid and persuasive physics teacher, Professor Augusto Righi, of the Univer- sity of Bologna, of the new electric waves which he was to tame to human use. By 1895 Marconi stood among the first on the long honor roll of radio amateurs. Within two venrs he proceeded to organize his first company 4. Remembers always that he is A Michigan Man. III A I Ih4LUI u CA rlfrlIA'DTGIDS