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July 22, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-22

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The Weather
Fair today, somewhat warmer
in southeast; tomorrow partly
cloudy, somewhat warmer.

C, - r



Outside Agitators.
La Guardia Should
Win Again ..

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Evacuation Of
Chinese From
Zone Of War
Eases Tension
Nations Make Agreement
To Clear North China;
JapaneseStill There
Chinese Guarantee
Order For Area
TIENTSIN, July 21.-(P)-Chinese
troop withdrawals from the Wan-
ping-Hsien battle zone west of Pei-
ping tonight eased Sino-Japanese
tension in North China.
Two weeks after conflict broke out
in the area, almost all soldiers of the
Chinese 29th army were evacuated
under an agreement calling also for
withdrawal of Japanme troops.
Chinese said late tonight that the
next 24 hours may tell whether the
Japanese will fulfill their part of the
bargain or attempt to occupy the de-
militarized zone.
They declared such occupation
would give the Japanese control of
the northern terminal of the strategic
Peiping-Hankow Railroad.
The Sino-Japanese understanding
provided for withdrawal of Japanese
troops after Chinese regulars in the
area had been replaced by officers
entrusted with maintenance of civil
Japanese maintained watch during
the day as the Chinese soldiers de-
parted. Machine gunners guarded
trenches behind which batteries of
howitzers were trained on Wangping-
Secondary batteries pointed north
toward Peiping.
No firing .was heard from the Jap-
anese front lines except one outburst
from a machine gun near Wanping-
hsien, which wentunanswered.
It was estimated there were be-
tween 14,000 and 15,000 Japanese
troops in the area. South and east
of Peiping, Japanese positions were
being strengthened with the erection;
of earthworks and barbed wire en-
Batteries were camouflaged as a
precaution againstpossible air at-
Trucks which transported troops
and munitions to the front from the
Fengtai field headquarters were
covered partially with branches
while soldiers disguised their steel
helmets under leaves.
Major Takio Imai, assistant Japan-
ese military attaches in Peiping, was
stated to have been one of the ob-
servers of the Chinese withdrawal.
The 15th United States Infantry
meanwhile was ordered to stand by
under full war packs to defend Amer-
ican citizens and interests.
All able-bodied American men were
urged by the United States consulate
to form a volunteer company to re-
inforce the garrison.
Colonel Of Chinese
Held By Japanese
TOKYO, July 22.-(Thursday)-
(I)-The newspaper Hochi reported
today from Tientsin that an alleged
attempt to assassinate Japanese Am-
bassador Shigeru Kawagoe and the
Mayor of Tientsin had been frustrat-
ed by Japanese consular police.
The newspaper said officers ar-
rested the Chinese colonel Bai Shou-
Tang when he visited Kawagoe's
hotel. They charged him with plan-
ning to kill the ambassador.

Colonel Bai, the dispatch said, was
formerly a staff officer under Gen.
Feng Yu-Hsiang, vice-chairman of
the Military Affairs Commission of
the Nanking (Central) Chinese Gov-
Head Recommends
State Intervention
LANSING, July 21.-(IP)-James G.
Bryant, state welfare director, rec-
ommended today against state inter-
vention in the sit-down strike of
Genesee county welfare clients at the
emergency relief commission offices
in Flint.
His oral report was called to the
attention of Governor Murphy, who
reserved comment pending further
The welfare offices were closed in
Flint this week because of a lack of
funds to carry out other than emer-

De Valera Heads
Irish Free State
DUBLIN, July 21.-(P)-Tall, au-
stere Eamon De Valera today was
elected to a third term as President
of the Irish Free State while his sup-
porters cheered for a "united and free
The New York-born President met
a new test in his stormy career and
emerged victor with a 30-vote ma-
jority in the Dail (parliament).
His chief opponent, former Presi-
dent William T. Cosgrave unsuccess-
fully sought to align the labor bloc
with Cosgrave supporters against De
Valera. He asserted that economic
ills growing from Anglo-Irish dis-
putes are among "The evils gradual-
ly undermining the welfare of all
sections of the community."
The Dail voted 82 to 52 to return
De Valera to office, however. Frank
Fahy, a member of De Valera's Fian-
na Fail Party, was named speaker of
the Dail and a laborite, Patrick So-
gam, deputy speaker.
i -
Nurse In Spain
During War To
Prof. Brent D. Allinson
Will Talk At Meeting
Held ByLocal Group
Lini Fuhr, nurse for the Spanish
Loyalists who has just returned to
this country, will describe her exper-
iences in Spain's one-year-old civil
war at 8 p.m. today in the First Meth-
odist Church. The meeting is spon-
sored by the Ann Arbor Committee
for Medical Aid to Spain.
Prof. Brent D. Allinson of the in-
ternational law department of Amer-
ican University, Washington, D.C.,
will also speak. He will discuss
"American Policy Toward Spain."
Miss Fuhr was a member of the
first contingent of nurses sent to
Spain by the nation-wide Medical
Aid Committee. She organized nurs-
ing service stations in hospitals
which were opened early this year.
Professor Allinson was for several
years the European correspondent for
several American newspapers, and is
now a special writer on international
problems for the Washington Post.
He is attending the International
Law Institute here. He will conduct
in the near future a radio discussion
for the Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
tem on the Spanish war.
Johnston Gi v e s
Education Talk
On Participation
Extra-Curricular Activities
Of Pupils Are Discussed
By PopularPrincipal
Planning an assembly program,
perparing for a school party, report-
ing student activities for the school
paper, participation on athletic
teams-all represent pupil experience
in a learning situation and conse-
quently comprise a definite part of
the curriculum, Dr. Edgar G. Johns-
ton, principal of the University high
school, told a group yesterday in the
auditorium of the high school.
"We are interested in having ex-
periences provided for pupils through
which they may develop their own
abilities and powers more effectively,
may learn to accept responsibility
and to work cooperatively with their
fellows, may contribute generously to
the common good and may evaluate

with increasing discernment the
worth of their own contribuitions,"
he said.
Dr. Johnston continued saying that
the aim of education today is to de-
velop in pupils an understanding of
the world in which they find them-
selves, those abilities, essential to
performing effectively their part as
citizens and as self-supporting mem-
bers of the community and those at-
titudes which will lead them to play
a responsible part as members of the
"There will be a large place in
schools for types of experience grow-
ing out of the spontaneous interests
of pupils, with pupils accepting the
major responsibility for planning
and developing them and with a very
close relation to immediate needs,"'
Dr. Johnston stated.
DETROIT, July 21.-(A)-Examin-
ation of Charles Darrow, 55, charged

Biblical Study
Depends Upon
Ancient Papyri
Sanders Says European
Manuscripts Are Nearly
Exhausted At Present
Coptic Documents
Should Last Longer
Fragmentary bits of ancient papy-
rus manuscripts of Egypt, of which
the University possesses 30 leaves,
are the chief source at present for the
work of Biblical scholars, according
to Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chairman
of the department of speech and gen-
eral linguistics, who addressed the
audience of yesterday's Summer Ses-
sion lecture on the subject: "Recent
Biblical Studies and Discoveries."
"The old parchment manuscripts
of Europe are practically exhausted,"
Professor Sanders said. "They have
been carefully exploited by scholars
for centuries, and have little new
knowledge to yield. The Egyptian,
or Coptic manuscripts, on the other
hand, should furnish material for
study for a great many years yet.
The collection of Chester Beatty of
London in particular has proved
fruitful in recent years." The Mich-
igan collection is taken from the
Beatty papers.
The King James edition of the
English Bible was a result of the cele-
brated Hampton Court Conference of
1604 during te dispute between the
exponents of "high church" and "low
church" worship. The revised text,
which was prepared over a period of
more than 10 years following a reso-
lution of a church council in 1870,
was an attempt to make a number of
corrections, mostly of minor nature,
in the original version, he said. It
was received without enthusiasm,'
however, although scholars since have
recognized its worth.
The lecture was illustrated with
slides showing several fragments of
scripts in the University's collection.
Among these was what Professor
Sanders termed "the 'first notable
fragment of its kind of a New Testa-
ment book" dating from the third
century and containing 17 verses of
the beginning of Matthew.
8th Excursion {
Is Planned For
Proving grounds of the General
Motors Corporation at Milford, 30
miles north of Ann Arbor, will be
visited Saturday by the eighth Ses-
sion excursion. Reservations should
be made by 5 p.m. tomorrow.
A laboratory of 1268 acres, the
proving grounds were established for
the carrying out of exhaustive and
scientifically controlled tests on all
makes of automobiles. Facilities are
included for applying 165 different
Proving ground engineers, in good
weather and bad, here amass facts
essential to further improvement of
motor car products. Different kinds
of road surfaces include mud, brick,
dirt, gravel, tar and concrete.
The party will board special buses
for a comprehensive tour of the road-
ways. Among points of interest,ato
be explained by engineer-guides, are
the four-mile concrete loop, difficult
curves, and the "bath-tub," a de-
pressed piece of concrete built for
testing effect of water on the moving

Establish Good
Of Greek Mute
Prof. Sturtevant Of Yale
Presents Evidence For
Refers To Ancient
Greek Grammars
Evidence for establishing an ac-
ceptable pronunciation of the class-
ical Greek "rough mutes" was pre-
sented last night in a Linguistic In-
stitute lecture in Angell Hall by Prof.
E. H. Sturtevant of Yale University.
Dr. Sturtevant, who is in Ann Ar-
bor this week as invited lecturer be-
fore the Institute, announced at the
beginning of his discussion that he
would confine himself to the nine
arguments based upon internal evi-
dience.Ten additional reasons sup-
porting his theory will comprise the
subject of this second lecture Fri-
day evening.
The "rough mutes" Dr. Sturtevant
explained as the Greek ch, called
chi, th, called theta, and ph, called
phi. According to modern Greek pro-
nunciation these letters are pro-
nounced as spirants that is, like the
German ch in "ach," th in English
"thin," and ph in English "philoso-
phy," respectively. It was Profes-
sor Sturtevant's contention that the
Greeks of the classical period actually
pronounced these as aspirates, that is,
as k followed by h, t followed by h,
and p followed by h, the h being the
ordinary breathing sound as in Eng-
lish "hat."
The Yale linguist's opening argu-
ments were drawn from statements
made by the ancient Greek grammar-
ians. First, he said, the Greeks them-
selves classified all consonants as
semivowels and mutes or stop con-
sonants; and in this classification
[they ranked ch, th, and ph with
the mutes, thus, according to Dr.
Sturtevant, providing evidence that
these sounds could not have been
spirants, for spirants are continuants.
Further, the Greek grammarians5
characterized these sounds as "rough,"
and elsewhere defined "rough" as
"having breath," hence, Dr. Sturte-
vant believes, as being aspirates. .
A third reason the speaker found
in the fact, established in compara-
tive Indo-European philology, that in
prehistoric Greek an initial h sound
was lost if another h sound followed
in the word. Thus by inference, from
Sanskrit, for example, it is known that
the verb form "echo" of classical
Greek must have been "hecho" in his-
(Continued on Page 3)
Hindenburg Crash
Caused By Spark
spark of static electricity probably
caused the explosion which destroyed
the dirigible Hindenburg, the Bureau
>f Air Commerce reported today.
"The cause of the accident was the
ignition of a mixture of free hydro-
gen and air," said Secretary Roper's
special investigators.
Because of an apparent leak in the
dirigible, a combustible mixture of
hydrogen and air formed in the upper
stern of the ship, the report said.
When landing ropes touched the
ground the charge of electricity on
the ship became equalized with that
of the ground, the experts theorized,
and the resulting electrostatic dis-
charge ignited the mixture.
The Hindenburg was destroyed at
Lakehurst, N. J., on May 6, with a loss
of 36 lives.

Oppositon To Court Bill
Informs Garner Reform
Hopes Must Be Dropped

Franco Battles
To Retain Point
Heavy Fighting Resumed
With Government Drives
To Straighten Lines
MADRID, July 21.-(P)-In-
surgents gained complete posses-
sion of Hill No. 660, captured in
their advance yesterday, by re-
pulsing Government troops who
tried to retake it in a bloody bat-
tle tonight.
Close-quarter fighting was des-
perate during the day, when
Government in f an try twice
swarmed to the peak's top and
twice were driven by withering
machine gun and rifle fire back
down its slopes.
MADRID, July 21.-(/P)-Strategic
Hill No. 660, captured by insurgents
yesterday, became a virtual "No-
Wian's-Land" tonight in desperate
government attempts to retake it.
Government infantry men twice
swarmed to the peak's top in the
face of withering machine gun and
rifle fire and twice were forced back
to defensive positions on its slopes
by waves of insurgent troops. Hand
grenades were used freely in the close-
quarter fighting.
The hill is east of Villanueva De La
Canada, which lies about 15 miles
west of Madrid. The town was taken
in the government drive two weeks
ago and the troops of Insurgent Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco are try-
ing to regain it.
The Insurgents before daybreak ad-
vanced westward in an effort to cap-
ture Villanueva De La Canada and cut
tPrough a government salient to de-
moralize the defenders of govern-
ment-held Brunete a few miles south.
The Government reported its forces
not only defended Villanueva De La
Canada ,but also were able to launch
several counter-attacks.
Brunete, Quijorna and Villafranca
Del Castillo, northwest of Madrid,
were sectors where the bitter fighting
of the last few days continued un-
abated. From Brunete the govern-
ment can threaten the towns of Se-
villa La Nueva and Navalcarnero,
about 20 miles southwest of Madrid.
Government troops also drove
against Villafranca Del Castillo, 15
miles northwest of Madrid, attempt-
ing to widen the bottle-neck of their
western salient and eventually break
the Insurgent siege, of Madrid.
8th Conference
Ends With Two
Final Sessions
Panels Discuss Changes In
Public School Education
And End Annual Event
Two panels discussing changes in
public school education concluded the
eighth annual summer education con-
ference yesterday in the Union.
At the morning session, Prof. L. W.
Keeler of the education school, led a
discussion on "What Changes Are Im-
pending or Should Be Initiated in the
Elementary School?"
A definition of the issues was given
by Dr. Paul T. Rankin of the Detroit
public schools and a discussion by a
panel of the Summer Session edu-
cation staff followed. Making up this

panel were Dr. Bessie Lee Gambrill,#
Prof. Warren R. Good, Dr. Katherine
B. Greene, Prof. Stuart A. Courtis,
Prof. Willard C. Olson, Dr. Mabel E.
Rugen, Prof. William C. Trow and
Prof. Clifford Woody.
Dr. H. L. Turner of the Michigan
State Normal College was chairman
of the afternoon meeting which dis-
cussed "What Changes in American
Senndarv Ednation Are Tmnending

Succeeds Robinson


Combined Band
Plans Concertt
For Tomorrow x
175 Musicians Will Taket
Part; Revelli Announces
Program For Affair
The high school clinic band andc
the regular Summer Session band,N
together numbering more than 1751
will present a concert at 8:30 p.m.t
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium under
the direction of Prof. William D.-
Revelli of the music school and Dr.r
Harold Bachmann; director of the'
University of Chicago band.1
The clinic band will open the pro-
gram by presenting two chorals,1
"Come Ye Thankful People" and
"Softly Now The Light of Day," the
march, "Builders of Youth," the brid-t
al song from "Rural Wedding Sym-
phony," "Bolero" and the overture,
"Soldier of Fortune."
The second part of the program1
will be presented by the Summer1
Session band playing the march "Am-r
parito Roca,' the overture "Anacre-
on," "Les Deux Petits Japonais," a1
trio for cornets and the farandoleS
from "L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2."
The flute ensemble of the clinic
band will follow this group of num-
bers presenting "Notturnino di Lu-
na," and they will be followed by thei
woodwind trio of the clinic band
playing "Three Blind Mice" and
"Rondes des Lutins." Next, the;
woodwind ensemble will play the
finale from "Octet in E-Flat Major."
The two bands will be combined to
present the fourth and final part of
the program. They will offer, the
overture "Calif of Bagdad," "Merry
Men," a selection of Tschaikowsky
melodies and the marches, "Varsity,"
"The Victors" and "The Yellow and
The Blue."
Professor Revelli said yesterday
that high school principals and su-
perintendents are especially invited
to attend this concert, in view of the
fact that a great part of it will be
played by high school students from
the state.
Guthe To Discuss
Caves And Pottery
"Philippine Caves and Celadon
Pottery" will be the subject of to-
day's Summer Session lecture, to be
given by Dr .Carl E. Guthe, director
of University Museums and of the
Museum of Anthropology, at 5 p.m.
in Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Guthe was engaged in an ar-
cheological survey of the southern
half of the Philippine Islands in
1922-25, interesting himself chiefly in
gathering evidence of ceramics and
pottery that had been sent from
China in exchange for Philippine pro-
ducts. In his talk he will discuss the
fragments of such material which he

Sen. Wheeler Is Sought
Out By Vice-President
For Compromise Plan
Logan Now Ready
To 'Let Bill Drop'
WASHINGTON, July 21.- () -
Vice-President Garner asked the
court bill's opposition for its peace
terms today and was immediately in-
formed that the Roosevelt Adminis-
tration must drop any idea of en-
larging the Supreme Court.
Garner, generally believed to be
acting as the personal emissary of
President Roosevelt, sought out Sen-
ator Wheeler (Dem., Mont.), oppo-
sition leader, and asked him to out-
line his terms for the consideration
of the administration.
Quickly, the Montanan called for
complete abandonment of the section
providing for new Supreme Court
Justices if justices past 75 do not re-
tire. He also demanded a guarantee
that there will be no political re-
prisals against those who have op-
posed the President's bill.
May Enact Some Reforms
On the positive side, he spoke of
enacting some reforms applying to
the lower courts.
Garner's action came after several
hitherto uncommitted senators were
reported to have served notice they
would vote to pigeon-hole the Presi-
dent's bill unless some "compromise"
were worked out quickly. The op-
position had hailed that develop-
ment as the final and fatal blow to
the Roosevelt bill.
Even some of the proponents were
publicly acknowledging defeat to-
night. For example, Senator Minton
(Dem., Ind.), said that the opposition
has "got the votes."
End Of Battle Sought
Senator Logan (Dem., Ky.) who
helped write the Administration bill
in the form in which it is now pend-
ing in the Senate, said he is "Ready
to let the whole thing drop." He
said he feels "sick and tired of the
court issue and Washington."
As a result of the Garner-Wheeler
parley, the fighting factions of the
Democratic party were engaged to-
night in a mutual search for some
formula that might end the gruelling
battle and restore harmony. There
was still no definite sign whether the
search would succeed.
In the middle of these fast moving
developments, Senator Wagner (Dem.
N.Y.) replied to the request of Gov-
ernor Lehman of New York that he
oppose the court bill with a letter
saying that when the measure is
finally worked out he will:
"Follow the dictates of my own
conscience and the counsel of my own
Herjoined the Governor, he said, in
seeking to maintain the independence
of the courts, but felt that the courts
must "be subjected to the same test
as the other organs of our govern-
ment, namely, whether they are serv-
ing the highest interests of the
The Garner - Wheeler meeting,
(Continued on Page 3,)
Police Search
For Victim Of
DETROIT, July 21.- Police are
searching for the body of a Black
Legion hanging victim, they disclosed
The search, they said, has been go-
ing on since last October, when Day-
ton Dean, convicted Black Legion
trigger-man, told of being witness at
a hanging in a grove on the eastern

outskirts of the city.
Police said Dean told of attending
a meeting in the spring of 1933, soon
after he joined the Legion. He told
of seeing a man dragged from a car
and hanged in the grove. The body,
he said, later was put back in the
car and taken away. The men in the
car had shovels, Dean said.

Many Students From Foreign
Lands Here For Summer Work
By WILBUR S. DAVIDSON hance their educational opportuni-
Your fellow-students this summer ties? How does the University of
include 132 from 18 different foreign Michigan attract students from the
mland 2Ofrhmse,8howevern olygnother side of the earth? What are
lands Of these, however, only 27 the impressions which Ann Arbor
students, or about 20 per cent of those conveys to people from other coun-
enrolled, are entered in the Univer- tries?
sity for the first time. The following students, enrolled
It is interesting to note that Can- in the University for the first time,
ada, the nearest country, is second were personally interviewed on these
with 22, while China, the farthest, is subjects, and their impressions of
first with 74 or considerably more Ann Arbor are given. The ones listed
than half of the total 132. The re- were chosen purely at random.
maining 36 then are divided between Tadashi Matsumoto, of Ichikawa-
16 other nations, 12 of which are in shi, Japan, is taking extra work in
the Old World. connection with his Fine Arts studies
From the Western Hemisphere, at the Trinity College, University of
Puerto Rico has 5 students here, Al- Toronto. He also came here for some
aska 2, and Mexico and Panama each Geography work. Mr. Matsumeto ii


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