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July 21, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-21

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Official Publication of the Summer Session

. .

r .74


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credted in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Enltered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, 4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Rpresenttive
CITY EDITOR .....................JOSEPH S. MATTES
Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert- Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
OF#IOE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE
Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
Anniversary Of
The Spanish War..
T HE WAR IN SPAIN is one year
old. Since the outbreak of the
military irevolt of July 19, 1936, a total number
of lives 'estimated as high as 1,000,000 has been
lost in the sanguinary conflict. The figure may
be an excessive one, but at any rate the loss
of life has been far higher than could possibly
have been anticipated by leaders of either side,
both of whom were confident of early victory.
Appalling as this tremendous destruction of
humanity has been, it is by no means the only
disastrous result of the struggle. Spain has ex-
perienced all the manifold devastations of ma-
terial wealth, institutions, and morale inevitable
in a modern large-scale war. And the end ap-
pears much father away now than it did a year
The Spanish war has become the paramount
diplomatic and social question of the day for
Europe and the world, and as such merits a
careful examination and analysis. The attempted
revolution, or rather coup d'etat, came as a result
of the gigantic class conflict within the Republic,
which since its inception in 1931 has witnessed
a violent struggle between the factions of the
right and left. Due to her economic backward-
ness, the result of centuries of misrule by Haps-
burg and Bourbon monarchs, Spain had no
middle class to maintain a balance between the
extreme elements. Following the expulsion of
Alfonso XIII, the reactionaries who had sup-
ported him and his dictator-minister Rivera suc-
ceeded in gaining control of the Republican gov-
ernment, largely through the active and vigorous
aid of the Church, 9Spain's largest land holder,
especially effective in influencing the women's
vote. The combination of the parties of the left
in the Popular Front proved victorious, however,
in the elections of 1936, and a liberal cabinet
headed by the moderate and scholarly Manuel
Azana, who had been premier in 1932, came into
But the Azana program of reform was not
destined to pave the road to progress in the Re-
public. The Popular Front, made up of elements
in many ways antithetical to one another, broke
upon the rock of party difference. Discouraged
by the dissension among his followers, Azana
retired from the position of premier to accept
that of president. Immediately the conflict be-
tween the right and left grew in intensity, the
new Fascist party clashed constantly in street
brawls with Anarchists and Communists, while
progressive government became increasingly dif-
In .many sections the peasants, disappointed
with the slowness of promised agrarian reform,
and living on the edge of starvation, began to

occupy the estates of the great landlords, who,
numbering one per cent of the population, held
over half the land. Seldom was property seized
outright; the peasants apportioned the land
peacefully and systematically in tenancy and
paid rent regularly through agents of the gov-
ernment, which presently legalized the acts. The
latter wire nonetheless made the basis for right-
ist calumny against the Republican "anarchy."
The government, observing too late that it had
made the error of the Weimar Republic of Ger-
many in permitting its avowed enemies too much
freedom, at last took steps to defend itself. The
transfer of a number of generals to obscure
and distant stations proved the signal for the
revolt. Garrisons rose all over Spain. In many
places, mostly in the west, they gained control
of their posts. In others they were defeated by
the citizens, despite their advantages of train-
ing and weapons.
The conflict instantly assumed the character-

and finally the German and Italian dictators.
There is every reason to believe the latter
were accomplices in the original conspiracy; it is
certain their material assistance was forthcom-
ing from the very outset. Opposed to this hetero-
geneous group are the masses; the Socialist peas-
ants, the anarchist miners, the Communist fac-
tory workers and the Republican petty bour-
geoisie, united in defense of their homes and their
freedom against the assault of their former ex-
ploiters with their mercenaries and foreign al-
From an enumeration of the opposing forces
and their composite natures it is readily apparent
that the war is an extremely complex problem.
It is clear that conflicting interests are at stake
on both sides. The dissension which marked
the Popular Front before the outbreak of the
rebellion has not entirely subsided; the an-
archists and Trotskyist organizations in particu-
lar have often declined to support the consti-
tuted government. The Socialists and Commu-
nists, on the other hand, it must be admitted,
have subordinated party interests almost entirely
to military victory. On the Fascist side Gen.
Franco, who succeeded to the leadership of the
revolt when Gen. Sanjurjo was killed in an air-
plane crash just after the rebellion's outbreak,
has the firm support of only his own Falan-
gista., The monarchists have grown increasingly
lukewarm in the prosecution of the war; with the
result that Franco has found it increasingly
necessary to lean upon his dictator-allies. Most
observers agree that there are between 80,000
and 100,000 Italian soldiers in Spain, while a con-
siderably smaller number of Germans, probably
about 15,000, is also engaged. Invaluable aid
has been rendered by both Italy and Germany
in supplying Franco with arms and munitions
of all types, especially bombing planes and heavy
artillery. It is more than probable that these
supplies would have been sufficient to win the
war last November had not the prompt inter-
vention of the Soviet Union in the form of mod-
ern arms and equipment for the half-trained
government militia and the remarkable defense
of Madrid by the foreign volunteers of the In-
ternational Brigade stayed the insurgent ad-
Italian and German aid to the rebels has not
proved up to expectations. The Italian military
reputation suffered a decided loss of prestige
in the great defeat of Brihuega in March, while
the opposition of the German general staff to
Hitler's adventure has proved a deterrent to
Nazi assistance. Nonetheless, both Hitler and
Mussolini have made their intervention less and
less guarded in recent months; Hitler has ordered
the most savage reprisals for alleged attacks on
German ships by the Loyalist government, while
Mussolini has boastedl quite openly of the part
Italy's glorious legions are playing in Spain.
The future of the war depends almost entirely
on the future of Italian and German policy. It
is safe to say that without new strong reinforce-
ments from abroad Franco cannot win the war.
Whether whatever promises of concessions in
Spain's rich mining fields and in Spanish Mo-
rocco Franco has given or can afford to give
will be sufficient to induce his Fascist con-
freres to finance him in men and guns to
the extent necessary for victory is impossible
to conjecture. It is said, and denied by insurgent
sources, that Italy will receive the Balearic
Islands, or at least Majorca, besides, and that
Germany will be given a naval base somewhere
near the Straits of Gibraltar.
The inherent strength of the government
seems certain to continue constantly to increase.
With every passing month more regiments,
drawn from the great resources of population
available, are trained, more airplanes and artil-
lery are turned out by the newly-completed fac-
tories, while the various factions supporting the
Republic become more and more firmly welded
together. For the first time, the army of the
Republic has an equality or near-equality of air-
planes with its adversary, while its artillery is at
last growing strong enough to support large
mass attacks.
The dictators have reached a crisis. They must
either act quickly, boldly and decisively in Fran-
co's behalf or withdraw as gracefully as possible
from the struggle. In either event the war will
probably drag on for months longer with little
likelihood of a negotiated peace.

FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS we have been
rather down in the dumps. We have been
regretting the fact that we failed to take advan-
tage of a race horse tip that was given us, last
Friday. But at the time we didn't realize that it
was a tip-we thought it was a rib.
Early in the morning Friday, we received a
phone call and the voice at the other end told us
there was a horse that must have been named
for us, and it was running in the first race at
Arlington Park, Friday afternoon. Then the
fellow, who apparently knows that we come from
Detroit, told us that the namesake we ought to
put all our money on was called "Detroit Bull."
We got quite a laugh out of the phone call, but
didn't take the advice to bet very seriously.
Just for fun we looked at the race results
the next morning. To our surprise and sorrow,
"Detroit Bull" had actually won the first race
at Arlington Park, and had returned the amazing
sum of $42.80 for a two dollar bet;
* * * *
YESTERDAY we saw a shocking sight that
showed us just how urbane college students
have become. A group of students were holding
a happy luncheon pic-
nic on the lawn in front
of Angell Hall. It was
all very disillusioning to
us because we are of the
old school and think of a
picnic only in the terms
of driving out into the
country and sharing
luke-warm coffee and
sandwiches with ants. We wanted to tell the
group spreading tablecloths and opening wax-
papered food on the lawn that the Arboretum
would be a much nicer place for a picnic, but
then we thought of what the Tribe and Druids
had done on the same lawn before them, so
we let the matter drop. But we. couldn't help
shaking our heads sadly as we pushed our way
through the crowd watching them. We were
thinking of "J.C.," our little goldfish at home.
* * * *
Our Trudy Steinberg has come through with
another scintillating poem. Her poem yesterday
incited quite a bit of comment, and made several
professors wonder why English courses are offered
at this University. Her yesterday's attempt had
no punctuation, rhyme, or reason. Today, Trudy
has added something of rhyme:
Slowly but surely it floated within
And then I heard an awful din
For then my dear it came to light
That your little girl was awful tight
With a root toot toot and a hip ho ray
How'm I doing hey hey
Where oh where is that awful street
On which I have to pound my feet
Alas alack and things and stuff
I should have known I'd had enough!
We have just discovered that "Trudy Stein-
burg" is a fiction. The name is a parody on Ger-
trude Stein, and the authors of these terrible
things are two graduate women who are residing
at the Tri-Delt house. We don't know their
names, but we wouldn't disclose them if we
did. The girls might be kicked out of school.
READING somewhere the other day that one
quart of water can be converted into some-
thing like 60 pounds of steam, it suddenly oc-
curred to us just why political speakers always
have a generous pitcher-full of water at their
right hand as they speak.
* Incidentally there is a certain lad in this town
who had better stop letting the girls in this town
know about his membership in the "Tall Story
Club." The girls aren't taking anything he says
to heart any more . . . It seems that he got this
membership by sending in this tall and ungodly
one . . . He and two other fellows including a
couple of guides were snowbound in a lodge up
in the Northern Peninsula; it got so cold that
even the hands on the clock froze and reached
down to warm themselves . . . in order to forget
the intense cold they turned the radio on, and
as the music came out it formed blocks of ice

. so-o-o-o-othey stored the blocks of ice in
a corner and covered them with sawdust...
When spring finally rolled around they chopped
the ice up into sheets and sold them for sheet
musicto earn their way back to civilization! ! ?!I
No wonder the girls doubt the lad.-Ra.G.S.
* * * *
What's this we hear about a couple of our very
special lads running around raising the turf
outside the B.B. House? The way we hear it is
that on one of our warmer A.A. nights these two
bliss-some lads (ignorance is no excuse) paraded
outside the dorm at two a.m. and called to a few
girls on the third floor who were having their
weekly "catty session." After gaining their full
and undivided attention they proceeded to raise
the proverbial "Ned," as it were.
They started to remove stockings and shoes
and after this they ran around getting the feel
of the good old earth between their toes . . . to
cap this they attempted to remove the "No Park-
ing-Building Entrance" sign . . . then the cli-
max . . . House mother and guest arrived upon
the scene . . . . needless to say, the boys, shoes
and hose disappeared as if spirited away . . . the
light in the upper window went out and all was
serene for the duration of the evening.
It was Mark Twain who eplained in his .cele-

French 208 will not meet this morn- Spain: The public is invited to a
ing (Wednesday). meeting in the First Methodist DETROIT, July 20.=/P--William
C. A. Knudson Church, Thursday, July 22, at 8 p.m. S. Knudsen, president of General Mo-
Lini Fuhr, returned war nurse, will tors. accused the United Automobile
Michigan Damnes cordially invite
wives of students and internes to describe her experiences behind the Noikers of America tonight of not
their weekly bridge party, Wednesday lines in Spain, and Prof. Brent D. adhering tc the grievance procedure
afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Grand Allinson, teacher of International in their agreement before calling
Rapids Room at the Michigan Law, American University, Washing- strikes.
othcntct and auction ton. D.C.. will discuss "America's Pol- Knudsen said that "the corpora-
bridge.wllbeplnyedicy Toward Spain." tion has reiterated its position that
bridge will be played. ways and means for definitely stop-
The lecture at 4:05 p.m. today in the Students, School of Education: J ping wildcat strikes must be nego-
Auditorium of the University High Courses dropped after Saturday, July tiated before requested changes in the
School will be by Prof. Edgar C. 24, will be recorded with the grade present agreement can be consid-
Tn - n niiCP1 a L i _ of "E" except under extraordinary eI'd.

On The Level


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Knudsen Says
UAW Groups
Snub Arbiters

Jo nso dU11 a na is enU J l l""" '. l -' Mel- 4- - -- rV T v v wv

tion of Extracurricular Activities to
Curricular Activities."
The 5 o'clock lecture Wednesday,
July 21 in Natural Science Audi-j
torium will be an illustrated lecture'
on "Recent Biblical Studies and Dis-
coveries" given by Dr. Henry A. San-
Pi Lambda Theta Notice. The joint
meeting with the Women's Educa-
tional Club previously announced for
this evening has been postponed un-1
til Monday evening, July 26, at 7:15
p.m. in the University Elementary
School Library.I
Linguitic Institute Lecture: Prof.I
E. H. Sturtevant of Yale University
will speak on "The Greek 'Rough
Mutes'," at 7:30 p.m. today in Room
25, Aigell Hall. This will be the first
of two lectures on this general sub-
the second being planned for Friday
Public Health Nurses; The picnic
will be held tonight at Dexter-Huron
Park. Tables have been reserved
near the west entrance of the park.
Cars will leave the north entrance
of the League at 5 p.m. All those who
intend to go in swimming are expect-
ed to leave at 4:30 p.m. Supper will
be served promptly at 6:30 p.m.
First Mortgage L o a n s: The
University hash a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-located
Ann Arbor property. Interest at cur-
rent rates. Apply Investment Office,
Room 100, South Wing, University
Badminton and Squash: The
Physical Education Faculty is spon-
soring an open night in badminton
and squash on Friday, July 23 from 8
to 9 p.m. at the Intramural Sports
Buildig for men and women students
in the Summer Session. Equipment
will be furnished and instruction will
be given if desired.
Committee for Medical Aid to

circumstances. No course is con-
sidered officially dropped unless it
has been reported in the office of the
Registrar, Room 4, University Hall.
School of Education: Students who
received marks of incomplete or X
at the close of their last term of at-
tendance, must complete work in such
courses by July 28. Petitions for ex-
tension of time, with the approval of
the instructor concerned, should be
directed to the Administrative Com-
mittee of the School of Education
and presented at 1437 U.E.S. before
July 28. In cases where no supple-
mentary grade or petition for exten-
sion of time has been filed, these
marks shall be considered as having
lapsed into E grades.


Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance only 11c per reading
line for one or two insertions. 10c per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Call for and deliver.
Phone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. Ix
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
FOR RENT: Completely furnished
apartment with private bath and
shower. Continuous hot water. Also
garage. 422 E. Washington. Phone
8544. 637

Agrecmcnt Unsatisfactory
"It is felt very strongly that with-
out definite guarantees against un-
varranted interruptions to produc-
tion the agreement will continue to
be unsatisfactory to both the men
ind the management," he said.
The corporation head made public
a letter he sent Homer Martin, U.A.-
W.A. prez'ent, in which he said "in
none of the ever two hundred cases
in which a strike has occurred did
your organization fellow the grievance
procedure to a conclusion. In many
cases the strikes were called before
the management was aware of any
claim that a grievance had risen."
The union has sought to negotiate a
revision of the agreement with G : -
eral Motors. Knudsen referred to a
previous letter stating that the cor-
poration would consider no proposed
changes until a "clarifying clause"
has been inserted.
No Stoppage Of Work
This clause would provide that
there would be no stoppages of work
without compliance with the griev-
ance procedure and that if this were
violated the corporation would dis-
miss "the employe or employes guilty
thereof and the union shall take
suitable disciplinary action against
the parties responsible."
"For failure on the nart of the
union to take such action, or to pre-
vent strikes and stoppages to pro-
duction, as herein provided for," it
would state, "the company shall have
the right to terminate this agree-
m ent."
Concert Will Be Given
By Guest Carillonneur
Kreisler's "Old Refrain," and the
folk song, "Believe Me, If All Those
Endearing Young Charms," will be
two selections of seven played on the
carillon at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow by
Frederick L. Marriott, University of
Chicago carillonneur.
"Preludium," by Massen, written
especially for the carillon, will be the
first number presented. Other selec-
tions are: "Marche des Carabiniers,"
by Boely; "Wiegenlied," by Brahms;
"Little Log Cabin"-Irish folk song;
and "Lux Benigna"-hymn ^tune.

I'.. I

They're Easy To Get
When You Buy Them



A PROGRAM of high musical caliber was pre-
sented last night at Hill Auditorium as the
third of the faculty concert series. Opening the
concert, Joseph Brinkman, pianist, played the
Beethoven's "Pathetique," Opus 13. This heroic
sonata, too often banal in its frequent presenta-
tions by lesser artists was raised- to a level of
impressive beauty by Mr. Brinkman's under-
standing musical interpretation. Particularly
impressive was the lovely slow movement in its
poetic and tragic beauty. Mr. Brinkman brought
to the performance keen appreciation of its in-
tellectual content, without losing the musical
qualities. The technical difficulties of this son-
ata never resulted in pedanticism and the out-
lines of the musical pattern were clearly drawn
and finely shaded.
E. William Doty, organist, presented a varied
and interesting program as the second group.
Opening with the impressive and polyphonic
Toccata and Fugue in D minor by Bach, Mr. Doty
played meticulously, as Bach must be played,
and musically, as Bach's intricacy makes so diffi-
cult. Mr. Doty's Brahm's "O Sacred Head" was
softly melodic and lovely. The "Minuetto antico
e musetta" by Yon, was refreshingly simple in
the field of organ music. The "Sonata in G," by
Bennett, a modern medley of all that is caco-
phonous in different types of music, was hardly
reminiscent of jazz, although it was irregularly


There's always something new coming
out that strikes your f ancy . . . some-

thing to wear, something

for your

home, any one of hundreds of different
things! Wise women aren't deprived
of the things they want . . . they shop
The Daily ads, where they know it's a
simple matter to make their budgets
meet their demands.

I f

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