TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY NEWS Of The DAY (By The Associated Press) Abandon Naval Search Tor Earhart, Navigator HONOLULU, July 19.-(P)-Dis- appearance of Amelia Earhart and her navigator in the equatorial Pacific 17 days ago was written off as one of aviation's mysteries tonight. A theory that the 39-year-old av- iatrix and Frederick J. Noonan per- ished on their 2,570 mile flight from New Guinea to tiny Howland Island July 2 was advanced by navy officers. U. S. Navy ships, some of which had joined the search a few hours after Miss Earhart radioed a last, confusing message at 3:14 p.m. (EST) July 2, abandoned their hunt at sun- 3et yesterday and headed homeward. George Palmer Putnam, husband of the 39-year-old woman flier, was h seclusion at his Los Angeles home but his close friend, Paul Mantz, said he was satisfied the Navy had done everything possible. Mantz denied reports that Putnam planned to charter a yacht and search the Howland area of the Pa- cific, in which the Earhart plane was believed to have come down. Eden Outlines Crisis Before Commons LONDON, July 19.--/')-Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden pleaded prayerfully for peace today as he re- viewed the world's conflicts, especial- ly those in Spain and the Far East, for the House of Commons. Warning that the Spanish civil war carried the seeds of still greater disaster, Eden said in reference to the meeting tomorrow of the sub- committee of the 27-nations non- intervention committee seeking to isolate that war: "Whatever their difficulties, what- ever their preoccupations, whatever their provocations, I pray that na- tions who begin their work tomorrow will never forget the alternative. It should be their signpost to success." British rearmament, the foreign secretary stressed, was only for de- fense and "while we are determined to defend our own rights we have no intention of challenging those of others." Seismogrgph Indicates South American 'Quake NEW YORK, July 19.-(P)-A "very *evere" earthquake, beginning at 2:43 p.m., (EST) was registered to- day on the Fordham University seis- mograph. Rev. Joseph Lynch, seismologist at the. University, estimated the shock was about 2,700 miles in a general southwesterly direction from New York, probably off the coast of South America. He said there was "considerable doubt" about the exact place of the 'quake. jWhere T® e Theatre: Michigan: 4"A Day at the Races," with the Marx Brothers and Allan Jones; Majestic: "Woman Chases Man," with Miriam Hopkins and Joel McCrea; Wuerth: "Waikiki Wedding," with Bing Crosby and Bob Burns; Orpheum: "Personal Prop- erty," with Robert Taylor and Jean Harlow and "General Spanky," with "Spank" McFarland. Lecture: "Far Eastern Studies in America" by Mortimer Graves of Harvard University at 5 p.m. in Na- tural Science Auditorium. Concert: Summer Session Faculty Concert with Joseph Brinkman, pi- anist, and E. William Doty, organist, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Dancing: The Blue Lantern at Island Lake and Bartlett's at Pleas- ant Lake. A.S.C.E. TO CONVENE DETROIT, July 19. - (7P) - The American Society of Civil Engineers will open its sixty-seventh annual xonvention here Wednesday with ap- proximately 1,000 delegates from 15 states in attendance. SOCIAL DANCING I Toe, tap, acrobatics. Taught daily. Terrace Garden Studio. Wuerth Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 2nd Floor. Open eves. American Quarter Guarded By Marines Alert In Sino-Japanese Crisis DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tw Wiversity. Copy received at the ofne d tbo Ahsistant to the PrSUI10" w&W "3 30:"11:00 4433. as aturd The wireless masts of the U.S. Marine radio station dominate the scene in the foreign legation quarter of Peiping, ancient Chinese city that now is the focal point of bitter clashes between Japanese and Chinese forces. At the right is the chief Peiping railroad terminal. Streams of troops from both Tokyo and Nanking were pouring into this trouble zone. (Continued from Page 2) ing who is also a practical engineer, can supervise groups of boys in re- pair work on the campus, the simple' heating plant, and in any building projects which may be developing in connection with the school program1 Dwight Indian Training School, Marble City, Oklahoma: Boys' di- rector to take charge of athletics and teach some upper grade subjects. This man must be single. Allison James School, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Young man capable of teaching mathematics, junior high school grade. Coeducational school. Wasatch-Logan Academy, M t. Pleasant, Utah: Young man capable of teaching history, commercial sub- jects; substitute position for one year. Candidates interested please in- quire at the Bureau for further in- formation. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence and Arts: Students whose rec- ords carry reports of I or X either from last semester or (if they have not been in residence since) from any former session, will seceive grade of E unless the work is completed by July 28. Petitions for extensions of time, if approved by the instructors concerned, should be addressed to the Administrative Board of the College, and presented in Room 4, University Hall, before July 28. Committee for Medical Aid to Spain: The public is invited to a meeting in the First Methodist }Church, Thursday, July 22, at 8 p.m.I Lini Fuhr, returned war nurse, will describe her experiences behind the lines in Spain, and Prof. Brent D. Allinson, teacher of Internatioal Law, American University, Washing- ton, D.C., will discuss "America's Pol- icy Toward Spain." College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry and Music: Each student who has changed his address since the June registration should file a change of adress in Room 4, U.H. so that the report of his summer work will not be mis- directed. Colleges of Literature, Science and the Arts; and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry and Music: Summer Session students wishing a transcript of this summer's work only shoud file a request in Room 4, U. Hall several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this re- quest will resut in a needless delay of several days. Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Except under extraordinary cir- cumstances, courses dropped after Saturday, July 24, will be recorded with the grade of E. Unidentified mail is being held in being held in Room 1, University Hall for the following: Murlln Bell Prof. Hugo Bocker Elizabeth Copeland L. S. Ehlers Harvey Hessler Evelyn Kilpatrick Care of G. Hobart. Campbell Hornell (Dr.) Mrs. Edna Keyes Eileen Lautzenhiser Mr. McGill Dan Nastaff Mary Ruth Palmer Dr. Alfred Schultz Elizabeth Stewart Clarence M. Tarzwell H. Wendall Taylor Dr. S. Helen Taylor Thomas Thompson Two Michigan Students Tell Nuptial News Madeline Joyce Will Wed Aug. 28; Marion Look's Engagement Announced The engagement of one former Michigan student was announced during the past week and the mar-I riage of another took place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Look of' Detroit have announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Marion, to Gordon L. Drummond of Washing- ton. Miss Look graduated from the University of Detroit and Mr. Drum- mond is a graduate of the Univer- sity. The wedding will take place July 21. Anne Carol MacArthur, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Nelson J. MacAr- thur, of Detroit, was married July 9 to Walter J. Masterson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Masterson, of Norton, Conn., it was revealed yes- terday. The Rev. Fr. Francis P. Cal- lan, S.J., performed the ceremony. Margaret Carlson attended Miss MacArthur as maid of honor and John L. Masterson, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride attended the University and Mr. Masterson attended Stevens Institute of Technology. Miss Madeline Joyce, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Joyce of Comstock Park, has an- nounced the date of her wedding to Sidney F. Straight. Mr. Straight is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Straight of Grand Rapids. The wed- ding will take place Aug. 28 in Grand Rapids. Miss Joyce graduated from the Da- venport-McLachlan Institute and at- tended the University of Wisconsin and the University of . Chicago. Mr. Straight is a graduate of the Univer- sity 20th Century Attempts To Classify Disputes Are Retrogressive, Finch Says (Continued from Page 1) Alabama controversy which brought the United States and Great Britain to the verge of hostilities* following 'he American Civil War. Great Bri- tain at first refused to arbitrate, he ;aid, because she claimed that the questions concerned involved her honor and were not covered by the principles of international law; but upon the insistence of the United States a method of overcoming these scruples was found and the dispute was settled by arbitration instead of war. Among questions submitted for ar- . itration and successfully settled, Mr. Finch cited instances of dynastic suc- cession, sovereignty over islands and colonial possessions, disputed land and water boundaries, fisheries and riparian rights, frontier questions, problems of state succession and pub- lic debts, interpretation and breach of treaties, and violations of interna- tional law. An examination of the cases ac- tually decided by arbitration and in- ternational courts, he said, shows' Texans', Cavalcade Due Here Thursday The education cavalcade of the West Texas State Teachers' College, Canyon, Tex., will arrive Thursday in Ann Arbor and camp in front.of the south department of the University Hospital overnight. The cavalcade, which is making a tour of the country, includes stu- dents of the West Texas State Teach- ers' College. They are taking the tour for college credit. The group will arrive here from Gary, Ind. and Friday will go on to Detroit. that there is no real distinction be- they may contend. None can be tween "justiciable" and"non-justici- settled without war or treaty, which is able." The alleged difference lies in by political power; but under the old ;he willingness or unwillingness of nations to submit certain kinds of and new confederacy, they could and questions to outside adjudication. The can be settled by a court constituted speaker warned that the attempt to by themselves, as their own substi- divide international disputes into tutes, authorized to do that for states, those which are susceptible to arbi- which states alone could do before. tration and those which are not, is an We are thus pointed to the true boun- artificial subterfuge resorted to in dary between political and judicial order to cover up the national atti- power, and questions. A sovereign ;ude toward certain international decides by his own will, which is the problems. 4upreme law within his own boun- "That there is no difference be- dary; . . . a court, or judge, decides tween legal and political questions so thecorignoerandpthatrlawdis far as their judicial settlement is con- the soere n pow , and that la is cerned was made clear by the Su- sionbyue overensorTaesbtosa preme Court of the United States al- sion by the sovereigns, or states, to a most a century ago," Mr. Finch point- court of law or equity, of a contro- ed ot, in he aseof hod Isandversy between them, without prescrib- is. Massachusetts, involving the ing any rule of decision, gives power boundary between the two states. :o decide according to the appropriate bMudaryh etwoeetorth juris- law of the case, which depends upon Massachusetts objected to the -he subject matter, the source and the dicton f th SuremeCout onthenature of the claims of the parties, ;round that boundary questions werenand the clwims oerties. political and therefore not susceptible and the law which governs them. to decision by the court. Mr. Justice From the time of such submission, Baldwin, speaking for the court, in the question ceases to be a political 1838, held: one to be decided by political power; it comes to the court to be decided "The founders of our government by the judgment, legal discretion and could but know, what has ever been solemn consideration of the rules of and is familiar to every statesman law appropriate to its nature as a ju- and jurist, that all controversies be- dicial question." tween nations, are, in this sense, po- litical, and not judicial, as none but the sovereign can settle them. - There is neither the authority of law or reason for the position that boun- dary between nations or states, is, in its nature, any more a political ques- THE BARRIER'S UP! C tion than any other subject on which AND THEY'RE OFF! 1 .1_ In the whopper of IIL Fi SWIM PICNIC NEWPORT BATHING BEACH PORTAGE LAKE SAMUEL GOLDWYN Musical Fun Shows! (a 2s ' . I' I I Pens - Typewriters - Supplies '"Writers Trade With Rider's" RIDER'S 302 S. State St. I viom/ I. _ ..._ .. _ 1 1 i Something Different! A NEW GAME CALLED CHEMISTRY Can be played by anyone with even a beginner's knowledge of chemistry. Fascinating and Instructive Approved by the Chemistry Department On Sale at IWAIR'S BOOKSTORE I MIR/AM HOPKI/Ss 4/OEL M' CREA C//ARL ES W1/,vA/6/E ER/K RlODES s A --Extra- ALLAN Walt JONES MAUREEN "Little O'SULLIVAN 3 Hiawatha' A SAM WOOD SONG Color PRODUCTION "ITS! Cartoon Matinee Nights Creation 25c 35c Goodyear's COLLEGE SHOPS and DOWNTOWN STORE 713 No. University. Tel. 4171 -1 hi !' M' i __. _ ___ a 1 II I