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July 18, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-18

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The Weather
Continued cool. Probably
rain in North and East.


Sit igtan


Senator Wheeler's
Court Stnd...
In The Unio ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Harvard Men
To Give Talks
During Week,
Smillie And Graves Are
Scheduled To Discuss
Brazil, Eastern Study
Sanders And Guthe
Also Will Lecture

Institute Of Far Eastern Studies
Only One Of It's Kind In Country

Builds On Strong Ties Of
Courtesy, Understanding
Between Here And East
This year there appears on the
summer school curriculum for the
first time the Institute of Far Eastern
Studies-virtually the only one of its
kind in the country-in "response to,
the rapidly growing scholarly and
public interest in the Far East," as
especially evidenced at Michigan.
Building on the strong ties of ccur-

."Field Research in the Interior tesy and understanding which have
of Brazil" will be the subject of Dr. existed between the University and
Wilson G. Smillie, until recently a the peoples and governments of the
member of the faculty of Harvard Far East from the appointment of
University and now on the teaching President Angell as Envoy Extraor-
staff of Cornell University's medical dinary to the Chinese Empire up
school, in .the first lecture of this through the years to the recent re-
week's Summer Session series at 5 turn to campus of Prof. Joseph R.
p.m. tomorrow in Natural Science Au- Hayden, vice governor of the Philip-
ditorium. pines, a committee of sponsors head-
ed by Prof. Robert B. Hall of the
Dr. Smillie was formerly connected eogrhy RdertmentHalofinll
with the International Health Board geography department has finally
of the Rockefeller Foundation, after succeed in executing a long cher-
having taken his medical degree at Institute For Americans
Harvard. Later he returned as pro- Contrary to the popular belief, the
fessor of public health administra- Institute is not for natives of the
tion, from which position he has just Far East, but was designed specifi-
resigned to become professor of pre- cally for the American student of
ventive medicine at Cornell. He is Far Eastern affairs.
also director of one of the district#. There is at present gathered at the
health units of New York City, and University a wealth of Far Eastern
has made a number of original stud- resource, talent and scholarship sec-
ies and contributions to the science ond to none, in the opinion of Pro-
of public health, especially in the fessor Hall.
field of respiratory infections. With a wide variety of courses
Another Harvard man, Mortimer available there are included in the
rAvoteswllgverdthensecolerecurriculum such topics as "Popula-
Graves, will give the second lecture tion and Social Trends of Far East,"
of the week at 5 p.m. Tuesday when "Lands and People of the Japanese
he will discuss "Far Eastern Studies Empire," "The Peoples and Culture
in America" under the auspices of theofEsenAi"adFrEstn
Far ten tei te a ia os f Easter Asand "Far Eastern
Far Eastern Institute. Mr. Graves s Economic Problems."
a pioneer in the field of Far Eastern Ls
studies, according to Prof. Robert B. Language Schools Important
Hall, director of the Institute. He An integral part of the Institute's
hashada vrie cree whch ncld-program are its language schools-
has had a varied career which includ- Chinese, Japanese and Russian. The
ed such activities as combat flying selected group of students learning
during the World War, professional Chinese and Japanese are participat-
baseball playing and other occupa ing in an intensive experimental
tions. He has been associated with course which permits no otheraca-
the American Council of Learned So- demic activities. Classes in these two
cieties ,and foresaw the progress the languages are held every morning
field of far eastern studies would from Monday through Saturday from
make long before most observers. He 3 to 12 and the students are expected,
has been instrumental in giving many3
students the opportunity of studying


to spend an equal number of hours
of extra-class preparation.
In addition to the purely academic
curriculum there is an extensive ex-
tra-curricular program offered. Public
lectures are held every Tuesday and
Thursday at 5 p.m., a forum or dem-
onstration is given every Wednesday
at 3:15 p.m. and lunches on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are
held at noon for the participation of
the entire Institute.
Classical oriental culture is given
scant attention by the Institute whose
chief interest is in the contemporary
Far East.
Bible Address
Will Be Given
By Humplhreys
He Approaches The Bible
As Layman And Teacher,
Not As Theologian
Dean Wilber R. Humphreys of the
English department will speak on "A
Professor Looks at the Bible," at 7:30
p.m. today at the First Congregation-
al Church.
"The content and structure of the
English Bible has an important place
in the cultural curriculum of every
university in the country," said Dr.
Edward Blakeman, counselor of re-
ligious education. Since 1908 Dean
Humphreys has been giving such a
course to University students. More
than seven thousand have been in
this course. It runs for two semes-
ters each year and covers in survey
fashion the entire 66 books which
make up the Bible.
Dean Humphreys, because of his
own study in this subject and his
long and varied contact with stu-
dents at the University, is considered
by Dr. Blakeman to be the outstand-
ing person able to speak on the appre-
ciation side of Bible literature.
He approaches the Bible as a lay-
man and not as a clergyman, as a
teacher of English and not a theolo-
gian. In many particulars this ap-
proach is the best means of popular-
izing these ancient documents.
This series at the First Congrega-
tional Church was opened last week
by .a powerful address delivered by
Rabbi Bernard Heller upon the Jew-
ish appreciation of Jesus. The series
is interspersed by a campus vesper
at the Library Terrace on Sunday,
July 25, at which time music will be
under the direction of Prof. David
E. Mattern and the vesper address
will be delivered by the Rev. R. Ed-
ward Sayles.
Search For Amelia
Will End Tomorrow
HONOLULU, July 17.--(P)-The
far-flung search for Amelia Earhart,
world famous aviatrix who disap-
peared in the South Pacific 15 daysc
ago, probably will end tomorrowt
night, the Navy announced tonight.
Officers in charge said a dwindlingt
fuel supply would force the aircraft
carrier Lexington to head direct for
San Diego after two more days of
searching, including today. ys
PORT HURON, July 17.--()-z
Twenty-five sailing boats started thei
annual Port Huron to Mackinac1
Island yacht race at 2:30 D.m. today.1

Toward State
Truck Peace
Governor's Plan Includes
5-Man Board To Study
Wages, Rates, Legalities
Operators, Union,
E Accept Proposal
MUSKEGON, Mich., July 17.-(/')
-Gov. Frank Murphy said at the
conclusion of a joint conference with
representatives of Michigan intra-
state truck operators and their strik-
ing employes that they had agreed
upon a plan which he believed would
lead to "permanent settlement" of
their difficulties.
The Governor's proposal called for
a five-man commission to make a
30-day study of the legal phases,
rates and wages in the trucking in-
dustry of the state and then submit
its report to Murphy as a basis for
adjustments to prevent further labor
3r other troubles.
Gov. Murphy said he would an-
nounce the commission's personnel
VIonday. On it will be two represen-
tatives of the operators, two for the
union and a third person acceptable
to both sides and to him. The neu-
tral member, the Governor said,
probably will be one of the Michigan
public utility commissioners.
The plan was accepted without
qualification by all of the operators
present and all but two of the union
leaders, Murphy said. These two said
they would have to refer it to their
drivers, but assured the Governor, he
said, it would be accepted. They are
to report to Murphy before he desig-
nates the commission's membership.
The commission is to hold its first
meeting in Lansing, the state capital,
"There will be more than a truce
during the 30-day study period," the
Governor said, adding that he ex-
pected normal shipping to be restored
The number of drivers affected by
the strike ranged from the operators'
estimate of 3,000 to the union's figure
of 8,000. The strike began Wednes-
day midnight to enforce the union's
demands for wage increases, which
operators' spokesmen said they could
not grant unless rates were increased.
7th Excursion
Plans Visit To
State Prison
Michigan State Prison, at Jackson,
built at a cost of $8,000,000, will be
visited by the seventh Session excur-
sion Wednesday. Reservations should
be made before 5 p.m. Tuesday.
The state penitentiary, representa-
tive of modern penal institutions,
covers an area of 57 acres within
the walls, and has 15 cell blocks with
a housing capaicty of 5,500 men.
Students taking the trip will be
taken through the iron-barred triple
gate entrance, and around a 5-deck
cell block The second building to
be visited, the textile plant, lies
across the prison yard, beyond the
athletic field. About 500 inmates are
employed in this industry. Here the
raw cotton is variously processed to
make thread for fabrics also manu-
factured in this building-overall ma-
terial, sheeting, blankets, and shirt-

17th Concert On
Carillon Is Today
Seventeenth in the series of sum-
ner carillon concerts will be given at
8:30 p.m. today by Prof. Wilmot F.
Pratt, carillonneur.
Beginning the program with "Pre-
ludium" by Van Hoof, Professor Pratt
will play nine numbers which in-
clude "Ave Maria," by Schubert;
"Farewell" by Lee; and "Carillon of
Cythere," by Couperin.
Three hymns will conclude the con-
,ert: "The Day Thou Gavest," "Lord,
Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing," and
"Sleepers Awake."
Frederick L. Marriott, carillonneur
for the University of Chicago, will
present the 18th recital in the sum-
mer series at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. He
served as guest carillonneur July 8.t
Varied Sermons
Featured Today
In Pulpits Here
Rev. Ray A. Eusden From
Newton, Mass., Preaches
At Union Service
The Rev. Ray A. Eusden, pastor of
the Eliot Congregational Church, of
Newton; Mass., will preach at the
Summer Union Service of the Pres-
byterian and Congregational
Churches, which will be held at 10:45
a.m. today in the Congregational
Church. His topic will be "The Set
of the Mind."
The 10:30 a.m. worship service at
the Methodist Episcopal Church will
be featured by Dr. C. W. Brashares,
who will speak on the subject "To
The Lost." The Rev. Frederick W.,
Leech will deliver the sermon at the l
regular 11 a.m. services at St. An-
drews Episcopal Church.
Stellhorn At Zion
The Zion Lutheran services, sched-
uled for 10:30 a.m., will be addressed
by The Rev. Ernest Stellhorn, while
Rev. Henry Yoder will speak on the'
"Marks of a Christian Home" at 9:15
a.m. in the Trinity Lutheran Church.
Subject of the morning service of
he First Church of Christ, Scientist,
will be "Life."
Special programs for Summer Ses-
sion students include a picnic sup-
per for Episcopal Summer School
students tonight at Loch Alpine. Cars
will leave St. Andrews Church at 5
p.m., it was announced, and swim-

Japan Warns China
To Yield; Threatens
She Will Use Power

News Gets Through
From Niagara Falls
As Night Desk Waits
Boredom of the night desk was
broken for editors and headline writ-
ers last night, as a night press letter
,ame through from Niagara Falls,
whither 65 students and two faculty
members, and a Daily reporter, have
gone on the sixth Session excursion:
Waiting men, their nerves taut, re-
laxed as the teletype clattered on
throughthe dark of Maynard Street.
The word had come through from
the Niagara Falls excursion. It cost
The Daily only 57 cents.
Yale Faculty
Men To Speak
SDuring Weeks
Pronunciation., Etymology
And Linguistic Studies
Subjects At Institute
Next week is Yale week for the
Linguistic Institute. By unplanned co-
incidence each of the three speakers

in this field, Professor Hall said. Mr.
Graves has just returned from a
seven months' sojourn in Russia.
Sanders Next Week -
The other two lectures scheduled
for next week include that of Prof.
Henry A. Sanders of the Latin de-
partment on "Recent Biblical Studies
and Discoveries" and one by Dr. Carl
E. Guthe, director of University Mu-
seums and of the Museum of Anthro-
;>ology on "Philippine Caves and Cel-
adon Pottery." Professor Sanders, who
will speak at 5 p.m. Wednesday, is
one of the foremost authorities on the
Bible, while Dr. Guthe, whose talk
will be given at 5 p.m. Thursday, has
made extensive studies in the field on
which he will speak.
Tomorrow Is
First Day Of
Education Meet
Conference On The Work
Of Policies Commission
To Be In Union
Many faculty members and educa-
tors from outside the University will

'Yellow Jack'
Is Next Play
At Mendelssohn.
Repertory Players To Give
Drama Based On Book
Of Paul de Kruif
"Yellow Jack," a play by Sidney
Howard based on a chapter of Paul
de Kruif's "Microbe Hunters" and
dramatizing the fight against yellow
fever, will be presented by the Rep-
ertory Players for four days begin-
ning Wednesday in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
The drama is divided into short
"blackouts" rather than orthodox
scenes and acts, and runs chronolog-
ically in reverse, opening in England
in the 1920's, then shifting to pre-
war Africa and finally to Cuba in
1900, where the yellow fever epi-
demic was successfully combatted by
a group of American doctors.
There are no actual "leading roles"
in the play according to Frederic
Crandall, director, but a large num-
ber of almost equally important parts.
The cast includes William P. Hal-
stead as Dr. Walter Reed; Charles

Warlike Preparations Are
Rushed As Tientsin Is
Made Military Base
Officers Incensed
With Chen-Yuan
TOKYO, July 18.-(Sunday)
--'P)-Japanese newspapers to-
day demanded "Immediate de-
cisive action" by peace or war in
the north China crisis.
The newspaper Nichi Nichi,
and other Japanese newspapers
which had maintained a re-
strained, moderate attitude to-
ward the trouble in China, sud-
denly changed their tone and
asked expulsion of the Chinese
29th route army and the inaug-
uration in north China of a re-
gime "willing and capable of
bringing peace."
The newspaper also demanded
the overthrow of the Hopeh-
Chahar governing council in the
trouble zone.
The newspaper Kdkumi de-
clared Japan had exhausted au
diplomatic dealings with the cen-
tral Chinese government at Nan-
king and recommended the Jap-
anese government take "Swift
and determined action" against
the "Frankenstein monster of
anti-Japanese agitation which is
now going to swallow its creator,
the Nanking government"
The Yomiuri newspaper said:
"Japan has decided its final at-
titude. It is now up to China
to choose settlement by gun-fire
or by peace."
TIENTSIN, July 17.--(P)-The
Japanese army tonight threatened
drastic use of its rapidly increasing
power in North China unless the
Chinese yielded soon to its demands.
Grimly the Japanese rushed war-
like preparations which were turning
Tientsin into an important military
base from which large scale opera-
tions could be launched at any time
if the 10-day-old north China crisis
does not develop to their liking.
16,000 Arrive
They had an estimated 16,000 meri
in the Peiping-Tientsin trouble zone
and other thousands were arriving
or on the way from Manchuria, Korea
and Jaipan.
Japanese officers, although denying
mn ultimatum had been presented,
expressed growing irritation at the
Chinese tactics of delay.
They were especially incensed with
General Sung Cheh-Yuan, chairman
of the Hopeh-Chahar council and
commander of the 29th army, who
has remained outside week-long peace
negotiations of subordinates at Tient-
"The sooner Sung decides (to ac-
cept Japan's demands) the better it
will be for him," said a Japanese
army spokesman.
(In Tokyo the government an-
nounced Japan had decided "to ac-
celerate negotiations" in the north
China crisis. Japan's demands hav
not been announced. Japanese say
they provide for a local settlement of
the conflict which began July 7 with
a clash of Chinese and Japanese
troops west of Peiping. Chinese say
they are tantamount to severance of
the north from the rest of China).
Two Airports Staked Out
Japan's north China army, with
headquarters here, staked out two
airports, increased the Japanese
army communication system and took
over the last of Tientsin's three rail-
way stations.
One airport was located three miles
east and north of here and the other
inear Fengtai, five miles from Peiping.

ming and baseball are a scheduled'
margan t ergam areawho will appear on the Institute's'
Carrothers At Stalker Hall regular program is a member of thel
The students class will meet at 9:30 Yale University faculty.
a.m. today in Stalker Hall to hear l Guest speaker for the week will
Prof. George Carrothers lead a dis- be Prof. E. H. Sturtevant of Yale,
cussion of the Book, "Church and So- who will come to Ann Arbor expressly
ciety," written by F. Ernest Johnson. to deliver two lectures, Wednesday
It will be concluded in time for the and Friday evenings, upon the Greek
morning services in the Methodist "Rough Mutes." Wednesday he will
church. liscuss the internal evidence for as-
"The Place of the Lutheran Col- pirate pronunciation of the rough
lege in Modern Education," will be mutes, and Friday he will consider
the topic for discussion at the 6 p.m. the external evidence and also the
meeting of students in the Zion Lu- change to the modern spirant pro-
theran Parish Hall. Several faculty nunciation. Dr. Sturtevant last sum-
members of Lutheran colleges will be mer was a faculty member of the
present to aid in the debate. Linguistic Institute and served as as-
The regular round table conference sistant director.
for students at 5:45 p.m. in the base- Two additional talks are sched-
ment of the Congregational Church uled for the regular luncheon con-
will be devoted to a discussion of "Our ferences Tuesday and Thursday
Economic Muddle." This is the noons. "Are Linguistics Studying
fourth of a series on "Vital Reli- Speech?" is the query which Prof.
gious Issues." Dr. W. P. Lemon will Edward Sapir of Yale University will
preside. attempt to answer Tuesday. On


take part in the eighth annual sum- Harrell as Dr. Lazear; Robert Cun-'
mer .education conference to be held ningham as Dr. Carroll; Truman
Smith as Dr. Finley; Saunders Wal-
from tomorrow through Wednesday I ker as Dr. Agramonte; Charles Mc-
in the Union.-j Caffrey, Edward Jurist, Charles Max-
The three day meeting will discuss xell and Morlye Baer as four soldiers

MUSKEGON, July 17.-(IP)-Mus-
kegon opened a 15-day observance of
its centennial anniversary today with
a parade and the coronation of a
Belle of the Timberland and a King
of the Lumberjacks.

"The Implications for Michigan Edu-
cation of the Work of the Education-
al Policies Commission."
There are seven sessions of the
conference that 'starts at 2:15 p.m.
Monday. The last one will be held3
at 2:15 p.m. Wednesday.1
The first session will have as its
chairman Dea James 13. Edmonson
of the School of Education. At this
meeting Dr. William G. Carr, execu-
tive secretary of the EducationalWPol-
icies Commission will speak on "What
National Problems in Education
Should Be Attacked Now?" and Dr.
Eugene B. Elliott, state superinten-
dent of public instruction, will talk
on "What Are Some of the Major
State Educational Institution That,
Should Receive Immediate Atten-
At 7:15 p.m. tomorrow the second
session of the conference will be held.I
Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal-!
ism department will sneak then on'

1 who volunteered themselves as "hu-
man guinea pigs" to aid in the doc-
tors' efforts: Thelma Slack as Miss
Blake, the only woman character, and
Dick Morley as Dr. Gorgas.
'Dairy Workers
T o Reinforce
Picket Li n e s
DETROIT, July 17.-(,)-United
Dairy Workers officials said today
that their picket lines in the week-
old creamery strike would be rein-
forced with volunteers from United
Automobile Workers locals Sunday.
The announcement followed the
assurances given the creameries by
the city police department that 2,500
policemen were being held ready to
)rotect milk drivers making their
* Smundv deliveripe

Activities This Week Offer Great
Variety Of Inyteresting Programs
The fourth week of the 44th Sum- Brahms plus a group of original in the League from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30
mer Session has arrived! As usual numbers. p.m. Wednesday.
the program which has been arranged The lecture Tuesday at 5 p.m. will Prof. Henry A. Sanders will give an
for students is packed full of activi- be given by Dr. Mortimer Graves on illustrated lecture at 5 p.m. on "Re-
ties, cultural, intellectual and social. the subject of "Far Eastern Studies cent Biblical Stidies and Discoveries,"
One of the most interesting weeks in America." The evening program while at 8:30 p.m. the Michigan Rep-
of the session, it will mark the half- is headed by a faculty concert in Hill ertory players will% present the pre-
way point of the 44th Session of the Auditorium given by Dr. Joseph miere of "Yellow Jack."
University, and the fourth under the Brinkman and Dr. E. William Doty. Dr. Carl E. Guthe will lecture on
direction of Dr. Louis A. Hopkins. This will be the third of the Summer the "Philippine Caves and Celadonl
Today at 8:30 p.m. there will be Faculty Concert Series. Pottery" at 5 p.m. Thursday in the
another concert on the Charles Baird On Wednesday, July 21, at 1 p.m. Natural Science Auditorium. His lec-
Carillon played by Prof. Wilmot the seventh excursion to Michigan ture will be illustrated.
Pratt. The program includes "Ave State Prison at Jackson will leave and The program for Friday is headed
Maria," by Shubert, "Preludium," return by 5 p.m. This visit to a large by "Visitor's Night" at the Student's,
composed especially for the carillon, modern penal institution should Observatory in Angell Hall. This will
and three special hymns. prove both interesting and instruc- last from 8 to 10 p.m. At the League,
SOn rMnav the Summer Snocfiin tiv nni hp nnA of thA mncf rft+ohs inin o, at 4 --n m f h1 t--A2.1.. A--

Thursday Prof. Franklin Edgerton of
Yale will discuss "Etymology and In-
terpretation." Each is a member of
the summer faculty of the Linguistic
$901 Collected
In Fresh Ai r
Camp Tag Days
As two days of Tag Day came to
a close yesterday afternoon, Fresh
Air Campers had collected $901 to-
ward sending a second contingent of
160 boys to Lake Patterson next
month away from hot city streets.
The total soared above the $630
ratind in ip th armiicnlc

reep i nt $3e same campaign las
year., The campus contributed $563u
Friday to the drive, and $365 was U.S., Germany, Split
added yesterday as the drive for funds . .
moved to the downtown business dis- In Tenn s Finals
trict. This summer's campaign was
called the most successful in the 17 WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 17.-(P)
years history of the camp, by George -The United States and Germany,
G. Alder, director. playing their strength against each
The director said that 750 letters other's weakness, split even in the
had been sent to townspeople and first two singles matches of the Davis
friends of the camp asking for addi- Cup interzone tennis finals on Wim-
tional donations so that the total bledon's famed center court today.
n- mhnr of hnv in T-n ra 4 -n i, e _ ._. M:,, 4- . ,

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