The Weather
Probable rain storms today
with little change in tempera-
ture. '
ic, 4r
Senator Robinson's
Is Disappointing ...
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Express Fear
Jap Pressure
MayBe Near
Increasing Exodus Noted
Of Nippon And Korean
Families From Peiping
Atmosphere Tense;
No Armed Clashes
PEIPING, July 14.--(P)-Grave
fears were expressed here tonight
that concentrations of Japanese
troops in North China indicated tre-
mendous pressure against the Chinese
was imminent.
A tense atmosphere prevailed de-
spite -the absence of armed clashes
during the day, except for a minor,I
tiwo-hour affray early this morning.
Chinese and foreign observers ex-
pressed belief the lull was only the
quiet before a greater storm than has
developed since the Sino-Japanese
conflict broke out a week ago tonight
in a clash west of here near the
Marco Polo Bridge.
An increasing exodus of Japanese
and Korean families was noted. It
was reported at least 1,000 persons
entrained for Tientsin.
Wealthy Chinese families also were
evacuating on a large scale.
Streets were crowded with cars and
rickshas loaded with people and bag-
gage and railway stations were jam-
med at every train time.r
Foreign tourists had departed, ex-
cept for five or six who said they
were staying to "see the fun" al-
though warned by travel agencies it
was advisable to leave.
The Japanese high command at
Tientsin rushed 2,000 reinforcements
to the Peiping area after the clashes
south of the city yesterday.
A high Japanese official said peace
negotiations were under way in Ti-
etsin to settle the crisis without con-
suiting the national government in
Nanking but conservative Chinese ob-
servers said they feared "Japanese
demands have only begun."
One highly placed Chinese official
charged that Japanese army authori-
ties were refusing all Chinese offers
to negotiate and that the Japanese
policy had chnnged, disregarding the
local situation and being more con-
cerned with watching developments
in Nanking.
(A Nanking dispatch said the na-
tional government hastened troops to
concentration points after it declared
its determination to recognize no
truce agreement by local officials in
the Hopeh-Chahar area).1
Martial law meanwhile converted
Peiping's colony of Americans and
other westerners into a group of stay-
at home persons.
Only inside the embassy quarter are
dinner parties common due to the
impossibility of moving through the
Chinese city after 8 p.m.
University High
Science Exhibit
Proves Popular
An exhibit of scientific apparatus;
sponsored by the Central Scientific
Company for the benefit of science
instructors, supervisors and adminis-
trators, in the biology laboratory of
the University High School this year
has proved the most popular display
since its inception, it was reported
yesterday by C. E. Wideck, director.
Purpose of the exhibit, which will
continue today and tomorrow, is to
show instructors in the schools and
colleges the new equipment perfected
for school laboratories. Supplies for
elementary science, general science,
biology, chemistry and physics are on'
display as well as the latest develop-
ments in apparatus.
The many who went through the
laboratory yesterday were also shown
literature and pamphlets showing the
latest designs and definite plans for
educational libraries. Visitors are in-
vited to register for further informa-
tion and view the display free of
Prof. Hopkins To Speak
On 'Eastern Art' Today
"Parthian Influences on Far East-
ern Art" will be the subject of a lec-
ture by Prof. Clark Hopkins of the
Latin and Greek departments at 5
p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Hopkins has spent several
China's Archeologists Aided By
Kitchen Stoves, Farmer's Fields
Lecturer Found Ancient
Capital Of China Rich
In Treasures
An archeologist in China looks for
evidence everywhere from a farmer's
plowed field to the props under a
villager's kitchen stove, the Rev. J.
M. Menzies of Trinity College, To-
ronto and Cheeloo University, China,
said yesterday in a lecture sponsored
by the Institute for Far Eastern
Speaking on the topic "Oracle
Bones from Honan"-the most an-
cient Chinese language-the Rev. Mr.
Menzies explained that China is a
country rich in archeological treas-
ures. Because the farmers of China
for many generations have plucked
the stones and pottery remnants
from the ground as they hoed, and
placed them in a pile along the edge
of the fields, he.said, and because the
Maize And Blue Is
Theme Song Of Five
Traveling Students
"Slap That Bass," as slapped in the
Michigan manner, will tickle the toes,
of dancers on the liner Columbus,
en routeto England, all this week.
But the Columbus passengers aren't
the only ones who will enjoy the
music of five Michigan students, who
are planning a tour of seven Euro-
pean countries this summer. They're
doing a special one-night stand in
the world-famous Cafe Continental,'
in Gay Paree. And then on their trip'
home, passengers of the ultra-modern
Europa will hear the strains of The
Maize and Blue when this five-man
band plays its theme song.
Jimmy Fischer, '38, who really
makes his sax moan when leading his
aggregation for fraternity and soror-
ity parties throughout the winter, is
leading the outfit. Others making
the trip are Bill White, '39; Phil Gas-
ton, '37, Frank Mason, '38BAd. and
Frank Coolidge, '38.,
FThe boys left yeesterday on the
Columbus, and expect to return to
Ann Arbor September 5. They plan
to tour Switzerland, Austria, Ger-
many, France, England, Czechoslo-
vakia and Hungary.
Yank Victory Puts
Tigers In 4th Place
The Detroit Tigers were dropped
to fourth place in the American
League yesterday when old Red Ruf-
fing let the Bengals down with five
hits while the Yankee siege guns were
hammering out 12 for a 10-2 victory.
With seven games separating them
from the League leading New York-
ers, the Tigers are planning to send
Schoolboy Rowe out today for the
much-needed victory that would give
them an even break for the rubber
game tomorrow. Lefty Gomez, the
Goofy Senor who shellacked the Tig-
ers in their first clash this season,
is slated for hurling duties during
the Yankees turn in the outfield.
Whistlin' Jake Wade, who has prev-
iously set the New Yorkers down on
two occasions, found the Ruppert
Rifles just as accurate as the Na-
tional Leaguers did in the All-Star
game last week.
high dust deposits along the edge of
the roads offer excellent clues to
stratification, the lot of the archeol-
ogist is not a difficult or tedious one.
The oracle bones from Honan, ac-
cording to the speaker, were animal
bones used by an ancient Chinese
peoples as oracles for their everyday
actions. The Rev. Mr. Menzies drew
an analogy to the modernhcustom of
breaking the wishbone, the idea of
which, he said, is known and prac-
ticed by every race of the world and
intimately connected with the Chin-
ese oracle bones.
The user of the oracle bone first.
punched a hole part way through it
and then allowed a flame to pene-
trate. By interpreting the crack
which was made by the flame on the
side of the bone not punched the an-
cien Chinaman found the answer to
his question. The oracle was used to
decide major issues of state as well
as for commonplace purposes, and
it is on the king or emperor's oracle
bones which bear the inscription of
the question asked that the valuable
key to the ancient language is found.
It was The Rev. Mr. Menzies, who
in 1914 discovered the ancient royal
city-the capital of China in 1400
B.C.-which contains the only frag-
ments of the valuable bones. The
city, he said, was probably originally
about five miles in diameter and in
it are definite traces of a sophisticat-
ed culture. A dead ruler was im-
mortalized with a vast tomb 40 feet
deep and 60 feet wide in which have
been found advanced sacrificial and
ceremonial vessels and domestic
utensils such as wine casques, jewel
boxes and cooking jars all most elab-
orate in design and unmestakable in-
dications of a highly civilized people.
Greene Speaks
On Psychologry
And Education
Tests Can Predict Success
Or Failure Of Children
In Certain Skills
In modern testing technique re-
sults must be carefully evaluated with
respect to what each test measures,
Prof. Edward B. Greene of the psy-
chology department told the League
College yesterday.
"We can predict success or failure]
through tests, but we don't know how
to use the results of the tests on a
child," he stated.
Speaking on "New Demands on
Schools from the Viewpoint of a
Psychologist," Professor Greene said
that psychology finds the facts about
the skills of children, and education
uses them. .
In conclusion, he gave two sugges-
tions to teachers to aid them in in-
structing their classes. "Teachers
should specify to their pupils the
key facts that will be covered in the
course, and they should list skills for
each pupil to acquire," he said.
The League College ,a two weeks
conference held every year in a
university near the convention city of
the National Education Association.
It is sponsored by the National
League of Teachers Association.
Sees Palomar
Telescope As
World's Best
Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd
Describes Giant Glass
In Lecture
2004lnch Mirror Is
Cast In New York
The great 200-inch telescope in
process of mounting at Palomar Ob-
servatory, near Los Angeles, was de-
3cribed yesterday by Prof. Jesse Or-
mondroyd of the engineering college,
who supervised much of the work, as
;he largest astronomical telescope in
the world and the greatest increase
in mirror size in the history of tele-
scope construction.
Previous to the casting of the mir-
ror, or objective, for the Palomar tele-
scope, the largest in existence was
that at Mount Wilson Observatory
in California, which measures 100
inches. The new 200-inch glass
which weighs 35,000 pounds, was cast
at the famous glass works at Corning,
N.Y. and was delivered at Palomar in
May, 1936. The difficulty of avoid-
ing striations, imperfections under
the surface of the glass, had long
prevented the construction of mir-
rors of excessive size, Professor Or-
mondroyd said.
Directed Construction
The steel which forms the mount-I
ing of the telescope weighs more
than 1,000,000 pounds,- according to.
Professor Ormondroyd who directed
the construction in his capacity as
head of the department of new de-
velopment of Westinghouse Electric
Corp., where the work was carried on.
A small scale model of the mechan-
ism was built, he explained, before
the work on the actual construction
was begun.
"One of the most interesting fea-
tures of the telescope is the bear-
ings," Professor Ormondroyd said.
After some experimenting it was de-
cided to use couch bearings floated
on oil pumped up under pressure.
This aspect of the work, coupled with
the fact that the money for the ob-
servatory was given by the late John
D. Rockefeller, Sr., gave rise to news-
paper paragraphers commenting that
"the same oil that is building the
telescope will continue to sipport it."
Perfectly Balanced
The Palomar instrument, which re-
volves constantly on a fixed axis as do
most modern telescopes, accomplish-
ing one full revolution per day, is so
perfectly balanced that in spite of
its immense weight a motor of only
one one hundred and sixty-five
thousandth of a horsepower is re-
quired to keep it in motion, accord-
ing to Professor Ormondroyd.
The lecture was illustrated with a
number of diagrams and pictures of
various features of the telescope, in-
cluding several showing its enormous
size. The declination axis, Professor
Ormondroyd pointed out, is large
enough to permit a man to stand up-
right within one of the rings which
will hold it in place.
6 0 Campers
C7omin~g Here
To Sell Tags
Whether all of the 160 boys hoping
to go to the Fresh Air Camp next
month will get there, depends on
whether $2,500 is collected tomorrow
and Saturday on the campus and
downtown Ann Arbor.
Sixty sun-tanned boys will reach
Ann Arbor early tomorrow morning
after having breakfast at Patterson
Lake, 25 miles from here, and will
spend all day soliciting contributions
in an annual summer Tag Day.
Two amplifying systems will be
used in the campaign, and camper;
with buckets and tags will try to sell
a tag to every Summer Session stu-
George G. Alder, director of the
camp, made a plea yesterday for eacl^
student to buy a tag, so that boy,
from nine to 15 years of age,awaiting
in Detroit, Wyandotte and Ham-
tramck, will not be disappointed.
Associated with Mr. Alder at the
Fresh Air Camp are 20 University
students and graduates as counselors
About 160 fellows, who are financiall3
unable to enjoy a month in the open
Roosevelt's Court Plans
Suffer A Disastrous Blow
With Death OfRobinson
!I f
Adjournment Possibility
Seen With Abandonment
Of Judicial Bill
Congress May Endj
Legislative Session
WASHINGTON, July 14.-'(AP) -
Senate leaders expressed agreement
today that the death of Administra-
tion Leader Joseph T. Robinson was
a serious blow to the Roosevelt court
bill and some forecast that it would
be abandoned.
While most discussion of the
court bill's prospects was off the rec-
ord, pending word from President
Roosevelt and the burial of Senator
Robinson, there was widespread talk
among senators of dropping the
measure, cleaning up the legislative
program as quickly as possible and
Fight Will Resume
At the White House, however, Sen.
Key Pittman, Nevada Democrat and
chairman of the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee, expressed the be-
lief that the fight over the bill would
be resumed in four or five days. He
was at the executive mansion for a
luncheon with the President.
Sen. George L. Berry, Tennessee
Democrat, first senator to see Presi-
dent Roosevelt after Robinson's
death, told reporters that he believed
that the loss of the leader would ef-
fect no change in the vote on the bill.
In adjourning today out of respect
for Robinson, the Senate broke up
the parliamentary strategy he had
devised to overcome what he consid-
ered a filibuster agairst the bill.
Instead of adjourning, Robinson
has recessed the Senate daily since
the court fight started so as to run
the entire debate into a single day
and limit he number of speeches that
could be made upon it.
The adjournment meant that the
Legislative log jam back of the court
bill could be broken. When the Sen-
ate resumes work it will begin a new
legislative day.
Lost Leader
Party Break Is Foreseen
In Struggle For Position
- As Leader's Successor
Question Renewed
On Court Vacancy
Arkansan Is Found Dead
In Home Near Capitol
After Heart Attack
Expresses Regret
Sen. Burton K. Wheeler,
Democrat, after expressing
the "untimely passing" of
cal and personal friend,"
that the court controversy
terminated speedily as a
the leader's death.
regret at
"a politi-
might be
result of
Excursionists To View American
Side Of Niagara Falls Saturday
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
of a series of four articles on the Nia-
gara Fals excursion, to be made this
week-end under the direction of Prof.
Fred M. Bullard, visiting professor
from the University ofrTexas. The
fourth and last will be run tomorrow.
It is suggested that those making the
trip clip these articles to use as a guide
during the trip).
Returning to the American shore of
the Niagara River by the Lewiston-
Queenston bridge, the excursionists
will transfer from the Canadian bus-
line to other buses which will carry
them back up the American shore
above the Gorge to the Temperance
Excursionists will eat lunch
Saturday not at Niagara Glen, asj
announced yesterday, but at
Brock's Monument near Queens-
ton, according to Professor Bul-
House, where the party will stay while
and as a result no pathway remains
along the water's adge.
Instead the bus line will be used
by the party, probably following a
road close to the upper rim of the
Gorge, with a stop-over to be made
at the Whirlpool, across from the
cable cars on the Canadian side.
From this point the tourists may see
at close view below them the layers
of the sedimentary rock strata, clear-
ly defined, in the order, from the top,
of Lockport dolomite or magnesian
limestone, Rochester shale, Clinton
limestone, Thorold limestone, Red
Medina shale, Whirlpool sandstone,
and Red Queenstone shale.
Below the Whirlpool lie the Whirl-
pool Rapids, where the 1,500,000 gal-
lons of water forced through the
stream each second are forced
through a channel about 400 feet
wide and only 35 feet deep. As a re-
sult the stream speeds up to about
25 miles an hour, and rushing over
the rocks in the rapids, leaps as high
"I beseech the President to drop
this court fight lest he appear to fight
against God," Wheeler said.
"If it had not been for this court
fight," Wheeler continued, "Joe Rob-
inson would be alive today."
All three of the Democrats most
prominently mentioned to succeed
Robinson as Senate leader-Pat Har-
rison, of Mississippi; James F.
Byrnes, of South Carolina, and Al-
ben W. Barkley, of Kentucky-ha, e
come out for the court measure, bkt.
none of them participated in its
drafting or has been in very close
contact with the negotiations to rally
support for it.
Cool Breezes In
Try Engrineer
While the majority of mankind in
the northern hemisphere spends the
hot months of June, July and August
hopefully seeking and praying for cool
breezes, the aeronautical engineering
department in the College of Engi-
neering has devices by which these
same zephyrs can be turned off and
on at will, and regulated at any speed
desired between the range of 15 and
120 miles per hour.
These devices are the 50-foot-long,
eight-foot high wind tunnel and a
smaller student wind tunnel located
in the basement of the East Engineer-
ing Building. Open to visitors, ex-
cept during tests, they prove one of
the more popular attractions in the
The two tunnels, are used to test
aeroplanes, automobiles, streamlined
trains and even windmills, according
to Prof. Milton J. Thompson, acting
head of the aeronautical engineering
department. Breezes of all kinds blow
WASHINGTON, July 14.-(P)-Jo-
seph T. Robinson, indomitable leader
of the Senate's Democrats, died on
;n ~the fighting line today and left to
his colleagues a political situation
M1 k troubled and portentous.
Stunned with the grief of a per-
', sonal loss, his associates could give
little thought to the future, but they
foresaw difficulties piled upon diffi-
culties through the loss of his ener-
getic, driving leadership.
The battle over the Roosevelt court
reorganization bill and the already
arising struggle over the reorganiza-
tion of the executive branches of
the government were vitally affected.
For every administrative proposal,
Robinson was a tower of strength.
Some senators quickly predicted
SEN. JOSEPH T. ROBINSON that the court bill would be aban-
doned but Senator Pittman (Dem.,
Nev.) declared after a visit to the
White House:
"I can see no change in the court
j situation except' that we have an
School Heads' armistice, which will last probably
until next week."
*) I 1 1Battle For Suocessor
'37 Yearbook Btl o in
There were indications that the
deep and ugly breach in the Demo-
cratic party, caused by the court
Outlining the 1937 Yearbook of measure, might find expression in a
the National Department of School bitter battle over Robinson's succes-
Superintendents, Dr. William G. sor, with conservative and liberal ele-
Carr, director of the rsearch division ments fighting for the prize.
Nevertheless, the most mentioned
o fthe National Educajion Associa- possibilities for the post he left vacant
tion, said yesterday in the University were Senators Barkley of Kentucky,
high school auditorium that Ameri- Byrnes of South Carolina and Har-
can people seek to get from where rison of Mississippi, all adherents of
they are to where they might be by Robinson and of the President.
peaceful means, and that the best Inasmuch as Barkley was Robin-
means is education. son's assistant leader, Senator Pitt-
Speaking from the yearbook, Dr. man predicted the Kentucky man
Carr declared that education and the probably would carry on the dead
school must bridge the gap between chieftain's duties until next session of
where we are and where we might be. Congress, when the formal selection
"But this can not be any kind of edu- of a new leader would be made.
cation," he said, "There must be em- Robinson's death left the field clear
phasis on the social and economic for aspirants for appointment to the
problems facing us today." Supreme Court vacancy occasioned by
Speaking on the relation of the the resignation of Justice Van De-
teacher to the public, Dr. Carr point- vanter. It was common talk in Wash-
ed out that the important public re- ington that President Roosevelt had
lations people in the school should be intended to give the post to Robinson.
the teachers. "They have left public Died Unexpectedly
relations too much to the administra- Senator Robinson died unexpected-
tors, when the administrators and the ly of a heart attack sometime last
teachers should work hand in hand," night at the age of 64. A horrified
he stated. maid found his body sprawled on the
"Students, are not told enough bathroom floor in the Robinson
about the schools, the tax systems apartment near the Capitol early this
that support them, the curriculum morning. Mrs. Robinson was at their
and eminent educators like Horace home in Little Rock, Ark.
Mann," Dr. Carr said. "They should Senator Robinson died as he had
be taught the important role the lived-in the thick of the battle. He
school plays inlife."was engaged at the time of his death
in one of the most intense and far-
reaching conflicts of his long careers
The Sum m er? that over the court bill. g
The um me ? t"A pllarofcstrength is gone," said
~~TT@1President Roosevelt, "A soldier has
s' indT uels fallen with face to the battle. I per
sonally mourn the passing of a great-
ly beloved friend whose fidelity
through the long years never way-
Professor Thompson pointed out. ered."
In testing a plane, for example, The Senate met at noon. The out-
the student works out all the neces- cries over the court bill were hushed.
sary computations and plans on Grave and silent the senators took
paper, Professor Thompson said, and their places. Senator Copeland (Dem.,
then builds a miniature model to scale N.Y.) expressed his "sadness at the
and places it on the three vertical sight of that vacant chair," and,
wires that hold it up in the tunnel himself a physician, warned his col-
and tests its lifting power and resist- leagues there were others who showed
ance. "the physical effects of what is being
The long rectangular tunnel con- endured here."
sists of three tubular chambers Senator Hattie Caraway, dressed in
through which the wind is blown. The the black she has worn since the
model is placed in the middle section, death of her husband and predeces-
hung from the seiling by three ver- sor, Senator Thaddeus Caraway of
tical wires, two of them placed at Arkansas, formally announced the
the wings of the plane and one at the death of her colleague to the Senate.
tail, Professor Thompson explained. In the quiet, motionless chamber,
Then the test is started and the fan (continued on Page 4)
starts to suck in the wind, causing
air currents to blow out in back of
it in somewhat the same manner as if Tryouts For 'Pinafore'
a household fan had been turned Set For 5 P.M. Today
backward, he continued.
Thus, by holding the model station- Tryouts for principal parts in
ary and blowing air past it, the same "H.M.S. Pinafore,' 'to be presented