PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Enteredsat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $100; by mail, $1.50.' During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - -BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more,, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MR.......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER........ ..ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women'sBusiness Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: HORACE W. GILMORE The Fight For Civil Liberties*. . THE CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION has reported a decrease in the repres- sion of civil liberties for the year 1936-'37. Such a report is not only encouraging, but also indi- cates -strongly that the growing liberal element in this country is using the right tactics to battle the reactionary element. This past year has seen the revelation of, among other things, a Nazi party In the United States, a Black Legion in Michigan and other Middle Western states, and extant Ku Klux Klan in Florida, and a Harlan County, Ky., espion- age and strong-arm system that is unequalled. The Chicago police have been exhibited as in- struments not for the people and their rights but for vested interests. Innumerable other flagrant violations of civil rights have been un- covered in this past year. And what are the tactics used by the liberal elements? They consist almost entirely of a con- tinuous and irresistible pressure. Organizations whose interests coincide with those of the Amer- ican peopile have worked tirelessly in gaining great numbers and consequently great power. This power has been turned on governmental bodies which have investigatory powers, on slug- gish guardians of the Republic, on muddle-mind- ed police who imagine themselves in the employ of business rather than the people. Out of this pressure in recent years came the Senate investigations of munitions, of Harlan County and of the Chicago police. Their find- ings were so newsworthy that every metropolitan newspaper with a shred of conscience had to give them wide publicity. Thus, through the press, America has been made aware of the dangers to her rights, and has become more sympathetic with what or- ganizations such as the Civil Liberties Union is attempting to do. This publicity has also given many new members to liberal organizations. We, as students and educators, should under- stand clearly why there has been a decrease in the repression of civil rights during the past year, for right here in Michigan (which is listed as one of the greatest danger spots in the re- port) there is much that we can do to help con- tinue the decrease. And we should understand that it is an un- ending fight, especially in this day when a ram- bunctious labor is trying American industrial magnates, many of whom will stop at no limit. We can well heed the Civil Liberties Union's warning: "Any such improved tendency must be regarded as only relative, for the forces of re- pression remain constant in a society marked by inherent conflict in politics, industry, race and religion." w THE FORUM Mr. Canter's Welcome To the Editor: May I have a small space in which to greet the Summer Session students? Students of the Summer Session, I greet you and bid you welcome to our fair city where we have more unnecessary weathertin a given period than any other place between the poles and the tropics. I want to warn you, however, against prejudice regarding this lovely seat of learning. If you should happen to notice that the cost of living is greater than anywhere. else, except in the national capital, just console yourself with the assurance that it is worth it. If you need more money with which to meet these increased costs, just tell a police officer and perhaps he can direct you to a preferred gambling place where you may try your luck at getting much for littel. But please don't make the mistake of asking him if he ever plays the games whilc on duty-we dislike having our guardians of the law embarrassed. I would warn you especially against believing startling tales which may be told to you. Take all of these rumors with 10 grains of asperin. For instance someone might tell you that a certain Police Commissioner is often incapaci- tated by intoxication. Now even if this were true we would never know it. In this city the presence and degree of intoxi- cation are determined solely by the police officers and justice court and we certainly have no re- port from them that the gentleman has been under the influence. Again, there is the ugly rumor that the two officers, suspended for using commendable force against a notorious local bad man, have never taken their time off. Why should we worry, pos- sibly those few days are being saved for sick leave. Please do not credit these stories but be- lieve that our law enforcement body is composd of fearless, self-sacrificing men, whose places would be hard to fill. If you doubt that last, just ask to see the names of applicants on the waiting list. Here on the campus, I would warn you against the sob stories of that ungrateful and dissatisfied group-the custodians. If one of them should tell you that he is receiving only 40 cents per hour for his work doubt that too. I, personally, know of several who are receiving 41 cents. In conclusion allow me to repeat the warning to doubt all of these stories until after you have made investigations, and before you make too many inquiries, I should advise that you take some more aspirin. -Will Canter. Mr. Average American's Ideas To the Editor: That was a big headline and much space you gave to the report that 135 out of a certain 150 persons thought Roosevelt and the CIO had gone "too far." I realize that this group of persons ex- tended over several states but I think that the statistics are nevertheless highly vulnerable. An answer depends largely on how the ques- tion is asked. If asked in reference to particular alleged facts, even I would say the CIO had gone "too far," though I am probably one of the best friends of the CIO in that hotbed of radicals in Mr. Frankfurter's backyard known as the Har- vard Law Review. But that would be different from my saying that on the whole, throughout the whole range of its activity, the CIO has gone "too far" in reference to the particular sit- uation raised by the Bonus Army. That the questions referred to in your article were "leading questions" is clearly indicated by the inclusion of questions on the "third term movement" with those about the Supreme Court. By and large, only people with a bias in favor of the view that Roosevelt is trying to be a dicta- tor believe there is a third term movement. The movement exists only in the columns of Re- publican papers anxious to use it as an indi- cation that Roosevelt's motive in the court re- form as well as other things is dominated by a personal lust for power. This "movement" is of the same stamp as the "Girdler for President" movement attributed to certain Republican fac- tions by certain radical papers (that haven't the circulation which the conservative press now en- joys). But even if the allegations of your feature story did represent what "Mr. Average American" would say in response to an impartial question- ing, I am surprised at the wonder on the part of said average American that it takes dues to run a union. That union executives have to be paid also seems to bother him. Doesn't the average American wonder where the tribute levied by industrial non-owner management and by "milking scheme" holding companies goes to, or didn't it occur to your reporter to ask the question? Mr. Girdler's salary levies 10 times the tribute on production that Mr. Lewis's does. Per- haps that is as it should be, but that doesn't prove Mr. Lewis shouldn't get his salary. It is idle to say the former is a producer and the latter is not, for both are salaried executives and repre- sentiinterests and eachhave a place in the pro- ductive process of today or they wouldn't get paid at all. I do not see either how the fear of a new de- pression is linked to the labor movement for I thought that depressions were largely caused by the failure to distribute purchasing power to the producing masses. At least the CIO has not made the situation worse in this respect, though I doubt whether they have improved it. As for upsetting "normalcy" by labor move- ments, strikes and government regulation: the cry of business was first "Recovery before Re- On The Level By WRAG NEW ENGLANDERS are always exceedingly precise. They pride themselves on their use of perfect English. We first noticed this fact while driving through Massachusetts and view- ing the road signs. Instead o the usual mid- Western "GO SLOW" warnings, the Massa- chusetts signals are grammatically correct, and say "GO SLOWLY." However, we felt that this use of Harvardian phraseology was carried just a bit top far, when we sat down to eat in a Cam- bridge, Mass., restaurant and gazed at the menu. The diner had his choise of three kinds of bread-white, rye,\ and "entire wheat." This latter type of staff of life was new to us, so we ordered it. But their "entire wheat bread" didn't fool us any. It turned out to be what we thought it would-the type of bread that is known as "whole wheat" in every city in the United States, with the possible exception of Cambridge, Mass. * * * * THIS TALE COMES to us from the none-too- recent Michigan Centennial Celebration, but we still get a laugh from it. An ancient grad was hailed at the doings by a fellow grad of the class of '03 or '04. Although his face was very fa- miliar, the first old grad couldn't recall the name of the classmate he was talking to. Ashamed to admit the fact that his buddy's name had slipped his mind, the fellow talked on for a while and then nonchalantly asked his friend whether he spelled his name with an "i" or an "e," hoping that the unknown would bite and spell his name out. But the first alum was soon sorry he didn't come right out and admit he didn't know the name, when his classmate replied, "Hmmrph! I spell my name with an 'i"-the name is Hill." * * * * THE OLD SWIMMIN' HOLE at Loch Alpine is becoming pathetically overcrowded nowa- days, and the old crowd who used to sneak out to the raft in the past, when everyone thought. it was a private club, is as disgusted as a vege- tarian in the Chicago stockyards. The club is still a private one, but since no one has ever done anything about visitors, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. 11 i At 4:05 this afternoon Dr. William j Don Kimmel. G. Carr, director of the Research Division of the National Education Luncheon, Association will speak in the Univer- will be a lun sity High School Auditorium on the enrolled in DE subject: "The Implications for Ed- the Michigan ucation of the 1937 Yearbook of the July 15 at 12 American Association of School Ad- son will speak ministrators. The lecture at 5 p.m. today, Wed- tic,keThurs nesday, will be given by Prof. Jesse Hallt Ormondroyd. This will be an illus- I tions before trated lecture on the subject: ing 6881. Sr "Mounting a Two-Hundred Inch In case of rai Telescope. Hall. Department F: There cheon for all students epartment F courses at i Union on Thursday, o'clock. Dean Edmon- to the group. l: Swimming Party and day. Meet at Stalker i.Please make reserva- Thursday noon by call- mall charge for supper. h we will stay at Stalker i Thursday, July 15, at 4 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Prof. 0. K. Rice of the University of North Caro- lina will be the speaker. Subject: "Remarks 'on the Liquid State and the Theory of Fusion." H.M.S. Pinafore: Final tryouts for all those interested in principal parts in this operetta will be held on Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. in the Mendelssohn Theatre. Chorus re- hearsals will continue as scheduled with the exception of Thursday. All parts, principal and chorus, will be cast by the end of the week. H.M.S. Pinafore: Final tryouts for all those interested in principal parts in this operetta will be held this af- ternoon in the Mendelssohn Theatre at 5 p.m. Chorus rehearsals will con- tinue as scheduled with the exception of this afternoon. All parts, Chorus and principal, will be cast by the end of the week. All wives of students and internes are cordially invited to a tea to be given by the Michigan Dames in the Garden Court of the Michigan League, Friday, July 16. 3:30 to 5 p.m. The activities of the Michigan Dames, an organization of wives of (Continued on Page 3) The initiation and formal banquet of Pi Lambda Theta will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 14. Make reservation for the banquet with Geil Diffendack, Telephone 7247, by Mon- day. Linguistic Institute Lecture: Dr. John H. Muskens, professor of speech, will speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on "Speech and Emergent Specificity," at the Institute of Human Adjust- ments, 1007 E. Huron St. The public is invited. Extension Course in Modern Danc- ing: A course in Modern Dancing is being offered through the Exten- sion Department for persons not en- tolled in Summer School by Miss Manning, a member of the Humph- rey-Wednesday group., Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. A fee of five dollars is charged for registration in this course. Persons interested are askedl to enroll in Room 107 Haven Hall. Michigan Repertory Players: The opening performance of "First Lady" will be presented tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:30 p.m. This comedy will continue through Saturday night. There are still a few good tickets available for all per- formances. The theatre box office is open daily from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. All summer students: The second in the series of tea dances held each Wednesday afternoon during the summer session will be held today in the League Ballroom from 4 until 6 p.m. All students enrolled in the summer session are urged to attend. Michigan Dames will have their second of a series of bridge parties, this afternoon, at 2 p.m. in the Grand Rapids Room, Michigan League. All wives Hof students and internes are cordially invited. Both contract and auction will be played. Mrs. Louis Kulcinski, chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Charles McCaffree and Mrs. Southern Club: Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick, Social Director for the Summer Session, will entertain the members of the Southern Club at a Watermelon Cutting in the garden of the Michigan League at 7 p.m. Thursday evening, July 15. All Southerners~ on the campus are cor- dially invited to be present. Chemistry Colloquium will meet Classified Dree Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance only Ile per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY WANTED Priced Reasonably All Work Guaranteed STUDENT LIST Shirts .........................12c 'Shorts'....................... 4c Tops .......................... 4c Handkerchiefs.................2c Socks .......................... 3c Pajamas ........................loc CO-ED LIST Slips ..........................loc Dresses ........................25c Panties .................... e... 7c Handkerchiefs .................2c Pajamas ................10c to 15c Hose (pr.) ..................... 3c Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles done separately-no markings. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- dent laundry. Call for and deliver. Phone 4863. 2x LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low price. 1x NOTICE BOARD JOB: Good, experienced waiter. Phone Miss Smith. U. Em- ployment Office. 630 TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. FOR RENT DESIRABLE single room for Univer- sity girl or business woman. 220 S. Thayer, Apt. 3. Ph. 2-1225. 632 FOR RENT: Cool first floor adjoin- ing rooms for two or three girls or young couple. Also single room and garage. Cooking and laundry priv- ileges is desired. Continuous hot water. 426 East Washington. Phone 8544. LOST AND FOUND LOST : Kappa Delta sorority pin. In- itials M.S.A. Reward. Call Betsy Barbour House, 2-2591. . 626 SOROSIS PIN: Please call room 309 at Betsy Barbour or Extension 5 at Michigan Daily. Reward. 627 LOST: Brief case containing impor- tant papers and lecture notes. Left beside a bench on campus, back of Angell Hall. Finder please return to office of the Summer Session, 1213 Angell Hall. 631 If the entire campus has taken over the pond in a body. - - -Proof of this over-pop- ulation of swimmers came Sunday when the raft capsized under the com- bined weight of some twenty students and about thirty Ann Arbor restaurant owners. The raft had to be hauled into shore and' put together again. This considerably griped the campus swimmers, who feel that they really discovered the spot and shouldn't be crowded out by divers divers of the greasyspoon type. In view of this fact, the ever-up-on-their-toes students are considering circulating a rumor about town to the effect that there are typhoid germs in the water. Some have even started the rumor (and it is a rumor that there is ath- lete's foot fungae on the raft itself. These ru- mors, they hope, will keep most of the crowd away and allow them to swim in solitary state. TI RADIO Does a Summer Session student on the :Campus become a Michigan By TOM McCANN Not yet, but quite probably a future radio headliner is our own Charley Zwick who directs the music for you Summer Session dancers each week-end in the League and Union ballrooms. Charley began-building his band one year ago this summer, and last fall he presented Mich- igan with its number one dance orchestra. A good rhythm section sprinkled with some of that Zwickian (sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad) piano work, a fairly proficient brass section and a very excellent reed section are the outstanding features of the organization. You're missing a good thing if you don't go up and listen to these boys one of these nights. Some of the better programs on the air bring about the most unusual comments from their admirers. For instance, the other day we were 'alking to a Summer Session student who said "I just don't know, but every time I hear Benny Goodman on the Camel Summer Swing School program, I just can't help it, my legs start truckin,' and I can't stop. Sometimes in classes I just think about the Camel program, and there I am-truckin' in my seat." Wednesday night at 8 p.m. you'll hear Frank Parker making his bow on the Chesterfield pro- gram. His debut on this show will be marked by an offering of Irving Berlin's "A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody." The interesting orchestra- tions of the music of Andre Kostelanetz will fea- ture a version of "Powerhouse." You can find this program over WJR and other stations of the Columbia chain. Since Bing Crosby is away on a vacation, Bob Burns is leading the Kraft Music Hall. This Thursday night you will find the Kraft Show over WWJ and other stations of the NBC at 9 p.m. The first citizen of Van Beuren, Arkansas will present as his guests the Misses Olivia de Havilland and Dorothy McNulty, 'Jose Iturbi, Fortunio Bonanova, and while Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra are absent, the music will be that of Johnny Trotter. Alumnuse . ®a Yes' THE ANSWER IS MUSIC ** He is entitled to avail himself of the privileges of membershi p in The Alumni Association f he so desire. The initiative should come from An interested Alumnus reads THE MICHIGAN ALUMMUS $4.40per year By ELIZABETH BRINKMAN A large and appreciative audience greeted the second of this summer's series of faculty concerts at Hill Auditorium last night. Hanns Pick, cellist, opened the program with a group of modern French composers-Debussy, Ravel and Saint- Saens. The Debussy sonata-in two movements -for cello and piano-was of outstanding inter- est in this group, both in musical content and performance. The Piece en forme de Habanera by Ravel, was an interesting bit in the Spanish mood. Mr. Pick had the able cooperation of Mr. Brinkman at the piano. Following the Allegro Appassionato by Saint-Saens, in response to en-