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July 14, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-14

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The Weather
Local thundershowers today;
and tomorrow; little change in

L , r




The Fight
For Civil Liberties .. .


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Sumners Raps
Court Change;
Makes Threat
Of 'Sit-Down'
House Judiciary Chairman
May Attempt To Prevent
Vote On Issue
Opponents Of Plan
See Its Death Blow
WASHINGTON, July 13.-(,P)-The
chairman of the powerful House Ju-
diciary Committee came out so
strongly against the Roosevelt Court
Reorganization Bill late today that'
opponents of the measure exclaimed
Joyfully that it was dead.
Advocating a "sit-down" on the is-
fue, Chairman Sumners (Dem., Tex),
made a speech interpreted on all sides
s meaning that his committee will
pever let the bill out on the House
loor for a vote unless the House it-
jelf takes it away from the group by
drastic action.
Petition Is Necessary
To get a bill out of an unwilling
committee a petition bearing the
names of 2.18 of the 435 House mem-
bers is necessary. Friends of the
court bill began talking of such a pe-
tition. Opponents predicted it never
would be filled.
Senator Wheeler (Dem., Mont.), a
leader of the opposition to the bill,
which is now being debated in the
Senate, declared the Sumners speech
marked "the collapse of the fight to
save the bill."
Sumners had never before com-
mented publicly on the present Court
Bill, which calls for the appointment
of one additional Supreme Court Jus-
time a year if incumbents past 75 do
not retire.
But today, while Senator Copeland
(Dem., N.Y.) was appealing to Pres-
ident Roosevelt from the Senate floor
to withdraw the measure- lest it split
the Democratic party permanently,
Sumners arose in the House to de-
clare that the nation is at a cross-
roads and that one of the paths leads
to dictatorship.
House Applauds
"Is it good sense," he demanded, "to
split us from top to bottom when we
need a united government and united
people to save this nation?"
Many House members arose and
applauded when Sumners appealed
to the Senate to abandon "an un-
necessary piece of legislation."
Rep. Keller (Dem., Ill.) asked the
Texan if he was taking the position
that his committee "has a right to
deny the House the opportunity to
vote on this subject."
"No, I do not think that," Sum-
ners answered, "but I take the posi-
tion that the Judiciary committee of
the House is an agent of the House
and trusted with certain responsibil-
ities, and at any time this House
wants to assume the responsibility of
taking the bill away from the com-
mittee, it has the privilege of doing
Second Summer
Tea Dance Given
At League Today
Charlie Zwick To Furnish

Music From 4 To 6 P.M.
Today For Dancers
The second tea dance in the Sum-
mer Session series of tea social events)
will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. today
in the ballroom of the League, ac-
cording to Jean Bonisteel, '39, in
charge of arrangements.
Several members of Charlie Zwick's
band will furnish the music. In ad-
dition to the members of the Summer
Session League Council, there will be
25 women of Miss Bonisteel's com-
mittee to assist in the dancing. There
is no charge for this affair.
The list of those presiding at the
two tea tables includes: Mrs. Louis A.
Hopkins, Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Mrs.
Martha Ray, Dean Byrl F. Bacher,
Mrs. S. Beach Conger, Mrs. Stanley
Waltz, Miss Anne Vardon, Miss Ruth
Danielson. Ginger ale and cake will
be served.

Sally Pierce Remembers Roles,
Many Amusing Stage Incidents
Recalls When Drunk Stage The stage manager was drunk and
Manager Let Weight Fall let a counterweight fall on my head.
Luckily I played my part from down
On Her Head on the floor, so it didn't matter much.
"Then there was the time in a
By JOSEPH GIES Comedy Club play, 'Meet the Prince,'
when I almost went on without any
Sally Pierce, star of tonight's pro- clothes. I had to make a change up
duction of "First Lady," has taken on a staircase that led off the stage
part in more Michigan Repertory but had no other exit. I took off the
plays than any other member of the negligee I was wearing and threw it
company, but still thinks it's a lot of down and found I'd forgotten to put
fun. the formal, into which I changed, on
Sally has played more than 40 roles the stair. It was a 10 second curtain.
in five seasons with the Players. She but fortunately I was' able to attract
got her first leading part in Somer- somebody's attention before the cur-
set Maugham's "Circle," and has tam d went up."
since assisted in productions of Eliza- "As a matter of fact I didn't have
beth Bronte's "Moorborn," Ibsen's time to fasten my dress properly and
"John Gabriel Borkman," Shake- had to keep my arms close to my sides
speare's "Henry VIII" and Maxwell all through the scene, so that when
Anderson's "Elizabeth the Queen" Alan Handley (now a professional
and "Mary of Scotland" among oth- star) handed me a wine glass I
ers. I couldn't reach it and it fell on the
Having played so many roles, which " h .. r a

Carr Scores
Short Vision
Schools Committed To Job
Of Teaching Only Part
Of Child,_HeSays
Says Fail To Teach
Social Knowledge
The schools are committed to the
,ask of making intelligence effective
in life, yet to date they have en-
risioned that task mainly as a prob-
lem of manipulating the individual
child, or rather a part of the in-
dividual child, Prof. Lowell J. Carrof
the sociology department told the
League College yesterday.

one did she like the most?
"Sister Gracia in 'The Kingdom of
God' was probably my best part, al-
though I enjoyed Victoria Van Breet
in 'Double Door.'" She said. "The
last performance of 'The Kingdom of
God' had the whole cast in tears,"
she recalled. "We were all graduat-
ing aid we thought it would be our
last play for the Repertory,and we
felt so badly about it we cried all
through the show. The funny part
is, that was two years ago and we're
all still here."
What other amusing incidents
could she remember, if any?
"Well,there was the time in Uncle
Tom's Cabin when I was knocked
That sounded fairly amusing. How
did it happen?
"I was playing the part of Emiline,
just a bit, with a line or so to say.
Comedy Satire
On Washington
3rd Repertory Offering Is
'First Lady' By Kaufman
And Dayton
"First Lady," a comedy-satire on
behind-the-scenes Washington po-
litical life by George S. Kaufman and
Katherine Dayton, will be the third
offering of the Repertory Players'
Summer Season, opening at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The play, which was a recent suc-
cess on Broadway, is generally con-
sidered to be based on the Capitol
feud of Dolly Gann and Alice Long-
worth of a few years ago. The hero-
ine, Lucy ,Chase Wayne, wife of the
Secretary of State and granddaugh-
ter of a past president, is played by
Sarah Pierce. Her social and political
enemy, Irene Hibbard, wife of a Su-
preme Court Justice, is played by
Virginia Frink Harrell. The plot cen-


z between us and broke. Ti smc o arwacn
ny other funny stories? ssmuhtonrwacn-
es, there were. There was the eption of the task," Professor Carr
'eng shere we"D.ubherDowr" then said. "It is too narrow in three ways:
ing scene of " Double Door" when in its cultural perspectives, in its psy-
Pierce, alone on the stage, was chological realism and in its expres-
(Continued on Page 4) o in space."
Speaking on the cultural perspec-
u nnions For tives, Professor Carr stated that we
face the scandal of a generation of
Photos ssued dults who are still thinking about
Photos Issued ocial problems on a cause and effect
level mid way between superstition
By 'Panoram a' and scientific certainty. "The schools
have failed to make people as cause
and effect curious about social situa-
tions as they are cause and effect
etures Wanted For New curious about physical situations.
Publication's Opening That is a fundamental task today,"
e Next Fall he declared.
Issue ext FHe went on to say that psycholog-
ically we have a long tradition of
call for pictures suitable for use! how to think straight, but no tradi-


in the first number of. "Panorama,"
newly formed campus publication,
was issued yesterday by Joan V. Han-
son, '40, editor.
"Panorama," which was organized
by Miss Hanson and Robert Lodge,!
'39, business manager of the publica-
tion. will be modelled after the na-
tional magazine "Life" and will con-
tain 40 pages of pictures of life on
campus. The first issue will be pub-
ished during Orientation week, after'
which the magazine will appear every
;wo weeks.
Miss Hanson urged that all stu-
dents having pictures which might be
ised in the first issue immediately
bring or mail them to the Publica-
ions Building on Maynard Street.
Recognition will be given for all pic-
tures used, she said.
Early next year a Camera Club
will be formed, according to plans
made by Lodge, which will help sup-
ply the magazine with photographs.
Departments in each issue will be
given over to sports, meetings, activi-
ties, concerts and dances. Attempts
will be made .to get unusual camera
shots of features and events of the
The purpose of "Panorama," ac-
cording to Miss Hanson, are to make
a last record in pictures of campus
activities, to aid in better understand-
ing of student life and to promote
good photography.

ters around their duel for the honor Ru sa
of becoming first lady of the nation. 3 Russian Aviators

Kaufman is one of the best known
and most successful contemporary
writers of light comedy, and was re-
cently awarded the Pulitzer Prize for
drama for his play, "You Can't Take
It With You." Miss Dayton is a
Washington correspondent and au-
thor of a number of magazine ar-
ticles satirizing the Capitol scene.
Other principle parts are taken by
Frederic Shaffmaster, Edward Jurist,
Charles Harrell and Nancy Bowman.
"First Lady" will play through Sat-
arday. Tickets are available at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office.

Near United States
SAN FRANCISCO, July 13.-(P)--
Three Russian fliers neared the nor-
thern United States border tonight on
a non-stop flight from Moscow over
the North Pole, with the announced
intention of landing tomorrow morn-
ing at Oakland airport, just across
San Francisco Bay from here.
Previously arrangements had been
made for possible extension of the
flight south of here, perhaps into

tions at all of how to feel straight and
no education of the emotions. "The
schools must set themselves to meet'
that need. We can't go on educating
only part of the child, Professor Carr
Speaking at the same meeting, Prof.
Raleigh Schorling of the education,
school showed results of tests prov-
ing that the amount' of intelligence
does not necessarily tell how a stu-
dent will proceec in school work.
"The relationship between the in-
telligence quotient and the school'
(Continued on Page 4)
Loyalists Push
Drive In West
Against Rebels
Airplane Equality Bolsters
( Government's Offensive
In Salients
MADRID, July 13.-(OP)-Spanish
government forces drove powerfully
tonight against bitter Insurgent op-
position to push 'out their salients
west of Madrid.
Observers returning from the bat-
tlefront reported artillery, thunder-
ing night and day, was pounding
villages to pieces while the govern-
ment, matching t h e insurgent
strength in the air, raided enemy
camps and concentrations.
Government pilots virtually cut off
insurgent defenders from reinforce-
ments near Villanueva Del Pardillo,
15 miles west and slightly north of
Madrid, with protracted bombing and
machine-gunning expeditions.
On the Basque front in northern
Spain, the fliers attacked their foe's
line from Somorrostro west of Bil-
bao to the Valmaseda sector.
In the East, General Sebastian Po-
zas, commander of the government
forces in the Zaragoza-Teruel sector,
reported Albarracin "Not only has
been completely surrounded but also
government troops now are fighting
in the streets of the town."
He said insurgents still held some
well-fortified houses in the town
which is nearly 120 miles east of Ma-
The government offensive west of
the capital, designed to break the in-
surgent siege, was stated by one eye-
witness of the fighting to have opened
up a new phase of the war in size and
"The government has been able to
put into the field mechanized power
to match, and perhaps more than
match, the rebel (insurgent) air
"Day and night there is a steady,
bombing by both sides with govern-
ment planes roaring over rebel posi-'
tions time after time, machinegun-

Say Roosevelt Won't
Ask Economic Meet!
WASHINGTON, July 13.--()-
President Roosevelt has decided that
he has no hat-and-rabbit trick that
would solve Europe's pressing prob-
lems, informed officials declared to-
This appeared to be the answer to
recurring reports that the United
States might call a world economic
conference-and even that Mr.
Roosevelt himself might preside as
The President declined any public
comment today on the economic con-
ference question. Persons close to
him, however, represented him as
feeling that Europe is not yet ready
for an international attempt to cure
world ills.
Human Speech
Pitch StudiedI
Cowan Uses Phonograph
Records And Pictures
In Illustrations
Possible linguistic significance of
recent laboratory analysis of the pitch
of human speech formed the basis of
yesterday's luncheon conference of
the Linguistic Institute, following the
discussion presented by Dr. Milton
Cowan of the University of Iowa on
the subject, "Intonation in English,
French and German."
Until very recently, Dr. Cowan
said, the inherent difficulty of an-
alyzing speech pitch has prevented
any thorough investigation. Among
those who first made studies there
exist two schools of thought. The
first is composed of Prof. Daniel
Jones of the University of London,1
with his followers, whose work was
based upon a purely auditory analy-
sis of recorded speech. This work was
initiated in 1909.
The second group, composed of Dr.
E. W. Scripture and his followers, at-
tended chiefly to the mechanical de-
termination of fundamental tone fre-
quencies. Neither of these methods is
scientifically adequate, said Dr. Cow-
an, to provide an analysis which
might function for linguistic inter-I
pretation, for each presents an over-
simplification of the actual speech-
At the University of Iowa, explained
the speaker, the study of intonation
has been designed to determine the
relation of the human ear to the
sound impinged upon it. To this end:
all of the laboratory techniques of
psychophysics have been employed, so
that a scientifically precise series of
results is always obtainable.
To illustrate the process of analys-
(Continued on Page 4)
Couzens Intervenes
In Creamery Strike
DETROIT, July 13.-(P)-Mayor
Frank Couzens, using the police
power, intervened today in the strike
which has closed four large Detroit
He summoned representatives of
the city's leading dairy firms and the
United Dairy Workers of America,
which called the strike Saturday, to a
conference to be held at 11 a.m. to-
"Under the broad police powers
given the mayor to protect the public
peace, health and safety," Couzens
said, "there is ample ground for dras-
tic action to prevent a widespread

dairy strike."

'To Show Scientific
Apparatus At School
An exhibit of scientific apparatus
sponsored by the Central Scientific
Company for the benefit of science
instructors, supervisors and adminis-
trators will open today to run to-
morrow and Friday in the biology lab-
oratory of University High School.
Latest developments in apparatusE
will be on display as well as suppliesr
for elementary science, general sci-
ence, biology, chemistry and physics.t
The purpose of the exhibit is to show
instructors in the schools and college/
the new equipment perfected forr
school laboratories.
Besides the display, there will bej
iterature and pamphlets showing lat-
:st designs and definite plans for edu-E
cational laboratories. Visitors are in-I
vited to register and view the displayc
free of charge.t
Origins Of Art,
Poetry, Writing,
Of China Told3
Mrs. McNair Tells Instituter
Of Far Eastern Studiesr
Of Art Combinations Y
Six different manners in which cal-
ligraphy, poetry and painting are
connected in Chinese art were de-I
scribed by Mrs. Florence Ayscought
McNair an authority on China, ine
her lecture yesterday, sponsored by
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies,t
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
A discussion of the origins of these
arts, the legends, and first evidence
of writing and painting preceded her
list of the six methods of combining
the arts. Poems were read in botht
English and Chinese. Colored slides9
illustrated the talk.
Pictures of 10,000 creatures-men
animals, insects and plants-were the '
first means of portraying to Chinese
their experiences. The Chinese, whom
Mrs. McNair described as essentially
logical people, have as proof, in-
scribed bronze vessels, very old, valued
not only as works of art but also as
historical records.
The first great invention was
.named by Mrs. McNair as the recog-
nition and application. The second
great invention was the art of writ-
ing made by Ts'ang Chich, minister of
the Yellow Emperor. History states
that 540 primitive characters were
formed. The third great invention
mentioned was the development of
"Writing brushes and lamp black
ink, helped further the development
of the combinations of pictures and
poems," she stated, "and firmness,
lissomness, and decision of mind she
listed as the necessary qualities for
a Chinese artist, painter and poet.
Mrs. McNair pointed out that the
union of calligraphy, poetry and
painting came when they were used
as essential and closely allied ele-
ments of the same design; writing
and calligraphic designs which are
in precisely the same brush stroke;
pictures and writing expressing the
same ideas, or each expressing part;
writing used entirely and painting
used instead of writing.

Gates Of China's Capital
Are Scene Of Renewal
Of Fierce Conflict
Mull Warns Chinese

Envoy Against War
PEIPING, July 13.-(P)-Grave
ighting between Chinese and Japan-
ese troops appeared underway to-
aight as the thunder of heavy can-
onading carried into Peiping from
the southwest where lie the Nanyuan
airdrome and Chinese barracks.
The conflict followed an engage-
ment in which Gen. Sung Cheh.
Yuan's 29th Chinese route army,
Chinese reports said, forced a heav-
ly supported detachment of Japan-
ese troops to retreat toward their
Pengtai base after being driven back
n Peiping's southern wall in hand-
to-hand fighting.
Attack Chinese Defenders
Tientsin reports said the Japanese
attacked Chinese defenders of the
four eastern and southern gates of
this ancient capital and, though the
lefenders held firm, were able to cut
)ff two Chinese brigades at the Nan-
uan barracks from other units of
the 29th route army.
The Japanese north China com-
nand issued a communique in Tient-
in explaining that today's clashes
near Peipingoccurred after Chinese
machinegunned Japanese troops who
were passing a village south of here.
Reports from usually reliable Chin-
ese sources said 1,600 Japanese troops
rumbled to the Japanese base at
Pengtai, southwest' of here, today by
truck from Kupeikou, 62 miles north-
east of Peiping.
Peiping Well Surrounded
With the super-strategic rail junc-
ion of Fengtai now the Japanese
army's main base in the Peiping area
and with 10,000 Japanese troops be-
lieved to be in Tientsin with more en
route, Chinese observers said they
felt Peiping was so well surrounded
that "the ancient Chinese capital is
in Tokyo's pocket."
A statement issued late tonight by
i high spokesman for the Hopei-
Charhar council said there still were
hopes for peace with honor and that
China must not make war's supreme
sacrifice without exploring the pos-
sibilities of peace thoroughly.
WASHINGTON, July 13.-(P)-
Secretary Hull reiterated today to Dr.
;. T. Wang, the Chinese ambassador,
he same friendly warning against
war in the Far East that he gave yes-
terday to Hirosi Saito, the Japanese
Conferring yesterday with Saito
and Zaung Teh Ing, counselor of the
Chinese embassy, the -secretary of
Mtate told them that "an armed con-
flict between Japan and China would
be a great blow to the cause of world
peace and world progress."
Work Is Begun
On Addition To
Health Service
With the concrete foundation al-
ready poured, work on the addition
to the Health Service is rapidly in-
creasing, and should be completed by
the first semester next year. Work
is being done by the buildings and
grounds department.
The building of the $2,500 addi-
tion will relieve overcrowding bf
present facilities, it is hoped. Being
constructed on the east side of the
present building, it will be three
stories high and provide approxi-
mately 1,300 square feet of floor
Two three-bed wards will be pro-
vided on the third floor, while six
doctor's offices will be housed on the
lower two floors. Construction will
be of frame, giving the effect on an
enclosed porch added to the present
stone and brick building.
Oracle Bones Are

Subject Of Lecture
"The Oracle Bones of Human" will
be the subject of the Rev. J. M.
Menzies of Trinity College, Toronto,

New Heavy Battle
Begun A sJapanese
SSurround Peiping

Second Of Series, On Falls Tells
Of Niagara Gorge Excursion!
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second be visualized the great cutting power
of a series of four articles on the Nia- of the 1,400,000 gallons that go over
gara Falls excursion, to be made this
week-end under the direction of Prof. the 3,010-foot span of the Horseshoe
Fred M. Bulard, visiting professor from -ach minute.
the University of Texas. The fourth
an dlast will be printed Friday morn- Most of the volume passes over the
ing before the excursion leaves. It is center, where it is almost 10 feet
suggested that those making the trip depaitfmsorthcet.I
clip these articles to use as a guide dur- deep as it foams over the crest. It
ing the trip). falls 150 feet to the surface of the
By CLINTON B. CONGER pool, and its impetus carries the fall-
ing column of water 150 feet more to
After a tour of Goat Island, the the bottom of the pool, where it is
party will return by bus to the Amer- washed back against the face of the
ican mainland, and cross by the Peace cliff, far below the surface, washing
Bridge, otherwise known as the Falls i away the soft red Queenston shale
View Bridge, to the Canadian Side. which lies at this point.
This bridge, a steel arch erected in Thus the harder upper layers are
1889 to replace a 30-year-old suspen- undermined, and collapse, cutting the
sion which was blown down by a Falls back three feet a year (formerly
al~e. is 1 .40lfeet long, and 192 feet. 4 fp-') Ac the "atr,"f te ncp

Looking For Amusement? Here
Are A Few Handy Suggestions

If after two weeks there are still
some of you who are uninformed
as to the various places one can go
for recreation, we offer a few sugges-
For the golfers, the University
course is always available to both
men and women. To get there fol-
low State St. on down past the In-
tramural Building until you come to
the bridge. Turn to the left, drive
over the bridge and there you are.
To play this 18-hole course there is
a charge of 50 cents for students,
and one dollar for others.
The municipal course situated near

use the Intramural courts at any time
upon request with no charge.
For outdoor swimming, one must
either take to the river, which isn't
the cleanest water in the world, or
drive out to one of the several lakes
situated around Ann Arbor. Portage
Lake offers plenty of beach and bath-
ing quarters. To get there take US-
23, and follow the road until you see
signs indicating where to turn into
the site.
Whitmore Lake, a 15 minute drive
north on Main St., offers Groome's
bathing beach with adequate hous-
ing facilities. At the foot of Main St.
there is the municipal bathing beach
for those who find transportation a


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