THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1937 _ r IHE MICHIGAN DAILY Offiial Publication of the Summer Session . ,. On The Level By WRAG JACK PORTER came back from Grand Rapids with this story yesterday. He went there for the week-end to attend an old chum's marriage. The marriage ceremony itself was very beautiful, Ti I tle ~'aRRp VIikY6 NS1U I~ P '&f r&N wrMNM~YC(1 ANNA0.Af hUmn.~am katinu Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. .Member of the Associated Press 'The'Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the uslbfo republication of all news dispatches credited to If ornotherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subseripton during sumer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.- Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - OSTON ASAN FRANCISCO La'e ANGELES - PORTLAND SEATLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD Q. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BS. MGR. ......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER ...........ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER................. RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers ..Alice Basett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE D. RUEGER Girdler And Irresponsibility.. THE "BACK-TO-WORK" move- ment reported taking place in the picketed plants of embattled "little steel" appears o be part of a carefully prepared offensive against the Steel Workers' Organizing Commit- tee, subsidiary of the CIO, on the part of Tom Girdler and his aides, an offensive, moreover, which may prove only the lead-off for a general assault by employers against the entire Lewis or- ganization. The technique of the movement includes an attack on pickets by company guards or muni- cipal police under the control of employers, fol- ;lowed by a re-opening of plants with some scab labor and an intensive propaganda campaign in which a simultaneous effort is made to discredit the union in the eyes of the public and break the morale of the strikers by extravagant claims " oncerning the number of men at work, rate of production, etc. The steel corporations under strike apparently have a reasonably good chance for success in their Attempt, chiefly by reason of their powerful allies. Venal politicians assist in the use of force against pickets, while the press, generally conservative and currently almost solid in its stand against labor organizations, has exercised its usual tre- mendous influence over public opinion, sometimes freely distorting facts and editorializing news. Steel has never been organized in America, in spite of numerous and often sanguinary attempts, and men of the calibre of Tom Girdler are pre- pared to fight any and all steel unions to the last barricade to prevent such an occurrence. Girdler asserts his reason for refusing to sign an agreement with the CIO is that he believes' it "irresponsible," but has declined to reply to Sen. Guffey's query as to whether he would sign an agreement if he believed the union "respon- sible." Girdler's long and unsavory record as a steel boss certainly does not indicate an affirm-. ative answer. The most effective and realistic refutation of the "irresponsible" charge lies in the fact that "big steel," consisting of the major steel corpora- tions, has signed contracts with the CIO. Cer- tainly such companies as Carnegie-Illinois or Jones & Laughlin would scarcely be likely to give collective bargaining rights to an organiz- ation whose leadership they did not trust. The answer to the "back-to-work" movements is a matter of arithmetic. If even a bare ma- jority of the employes of the companies under strike were "loyal," plant elections would quickly and economically end the conflict in favor of the employers. But on the contrary, company officials refused to permit an election to be held under the auspices of the non-partisan National Labor Relations Board. Girdler has defended his refusal to cooperate with the committee of the Board on the pretense that it is composed of "Administration men," supposedly friendly to the CIO. As a matter of fact, chairman of the board's committee was Charles P. Taft II, chief adviser to Gov. Landon in his campaign. President Roosevelt was right in saying "Shame on both your houses." But he might better have criticized "Little Steel" more sharply than the union, reminding Girdler and his ilk of their responsibility to the government and society. Not Complaining But Just The Same .. . W E THINK the Summer Session is wonderful. In fact, we have made our position fairly clear on this point in previous editorials. But there is one little thing. We don't mean gotten that the girl1 and went off in perfect fashion, but the embar- rassing happening took place in the reception line after the couple had been hitched. Everyone there began looking for the bride in the reception line because the bride of a few minutes was being intro- duced to the wedding guests as "Miss Anderson" and not by her newly-ac- quired title, "Mrs. Page." In the excitement of it all, the marriage cast had for- had given up her maiden name about 15 minutes before! * * * * A BUNCH OF THE BOYS were sitting around discussing sports stories yesterday, and some of the pant-cuff-lifting tales were pretty good. There was the one about a John Boggs, who hails from Circleville, O., and went to Kenyon College several years before the World War start- ed. Boggs once held the world's record for the discus throw. He was participating in a track meet back around 1908, that was being held in rather a small field. It was taken for granted that Boggs would win the discus throw, and on his first toss he heaved the plate clear across the regular field and into some tall grass beyond it. "Hell,"said the officials. "We won't measure that, unless someone else can throw the discus out of the field." No one else succeeded in flinging the platter across the field, so Boggs won the event with an unmeasured toss. THEN THERE WAS the one about a very tough Big Ten football referee, who nearly fainted at something that happened in a 1927 football game. This referee, whose name could not be remembered by the story teller, was "oumping an exceedingly furious battle. Penal- ties for roughing, brok- en legs, and blood flew ;thick and fast. Some- one was carried out of onearly every scrim- mage, and the train- ers were using more tape than the Wall Street tickers did on that October crash day. Then, toward the end of the second period, a mammoth lineman from one of the teams limped up to the ref, put his hand to his head, and calmly pulled out his right eye. "Here, hold this for me, will ya," puffed the giant. The referee grew white around the gills and nearly keeled over, until he found out that the optic in his hand was only an artificial one of glass. The hulky tackle was afraid he might lose it in one of the pile-ups. Ah! For Fall again! THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right tocondense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or resect letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Our Swimming Facilities To the Editor: Ann Arbor is unfortunately situated in respect to swimming facilities. There is no large lake nearby, however there are scores of small ponds to which most of us are forced to swarm in order to satisfy our urge to cool off, our desire to ex- hibit our athletic prowess, our wish to show off our new bathing attire-whatever the cause we go. But I've been informed these small lakes are sometimes polluted and unsafe to swim in. How does one know which lakes are safe? How can one check up on them? Is there any place we can find out about the safety of the water we swim in and the drinking water in the wells that usually are found nearby? My roommate and I come from a town located on the Pacific Ocean and never before have such problems con- fronted us. -Terry Young. Two-Cents' Worth To the Editor: We were here last summer and took part on the sidelines of the North-South civil conflict over the manner of the weekly dances, and as- sumed some drastic change would await us upon our return this summer. But alack, the same stereotyped procedure ensues-hostesses parad- ing around; us guys standing around wanting to meet certain girls and yet not daring for fear we haven't been introduced by fair hostesses. Whyfore, is there not some variety in the man- ner of meeting fellow classmates, by having such common procedure followed as "Paul Jones" dances, numbers, a few games-why can't it be a big party, rather than a stiff, formal dance. I would judge more informality would make for a happier outlook and more success for all parties. Don't ride us-we always enjoy our- selves wherever we are, but after observing the many forlorn souls at the dances last week-end -we thought we'd thrown in our two-cents' As Others See It But Heat Created Chicago (From The Chicago Daily News HEAT in Chicago is a brief summer interlude in which our air-conditioning engineer, Lake Michigan, goes on vacation or puts on a sitdown strike. These occasional scorching days should remind us of our cosmic luck. The heat that bakes us is creating wealth for us in the corn belt east, west and south of us. Chicago is the end product of that creative sunshine. The bright days, the well-spaced showers and the hot growing nights condense into corn the en- ergy that comes 93,000,000 miles from sun to prairie soil. Corn is the supreme trap for solar energy, from which all weal and wealth must come. One glance at the mysterious giant of the grass fam- iliy is enough to proclaim its original tropical or subtropical origin, but all else is guess or fable. Great maize, civilizations had risen, flour- ished and decayed around the bases of the Andes and Sierras before any white man appears to have seen the plant. It still baffles botanists, and there is suspicion that somewhere in the dawning of human intelligence a clever medicine man- some unknown Amerindian Prometheus-pro- duced maize by hybridization of lesser grasses. But not until corn came to the prairies and met the pig-unbeatable machine for compress- ing the energy of corn into fuel for the human engine-did the plant realize its destiny and as- sure ours. When you mop your brow or seek refuge from the Chicago sun in some air-cooled retreat, do not forget that all this vista of boulevard, tower, mill and mart is just sunshine captured by corn and condensed by pig. A Grim Jest (From The Chicago Daily News) THE ATTEMPT of modern industry to recap- titre some of the romance and glamour in America's past is commendable, but it sometimes takes a bizarre turn. The North Western, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific have called a new train "The Forty-Niner." Its sleeping cars honor Capt. John Sutter, James Marshall and "Joa- quin" Miller. Another is "Gold Run" and, quite appropriately, the diner is "Angel's Camp." But it must have been someone with a grim sense of humor who dubbed the kitchen car "Donner Lake." The ghosts of the forty members of the Do - ner party who starved to death in the hi h Sierras during the winter of 1846-1847 probably will not mind. Perhaps it will seem to them only another of the visions that tortured their last living hours. But even the dreams of those unhappy starving folk could hardly have visual- ized so elaborate a kitchen on wheels as is pro- vided now in an effort to attract modern gold to California. How Gov. Horner Works (From The St. Louis Post-Dispatch) GOV. HORNER is following his usual custom with respect to the disposition of bills sent to him by the Legislature. Those which he approves he signs. Those which he thinks defi- nitely should not become laws he vetoes. A third category, those which he approves in the main but concerning which he entertains some doubts, he permits to become law without his signature. An instance in the third class is the bill fixing $150 as the minimum police and Fire Department salary in cities qf 10,000 to 25,000 population ahd $175 as the minimum in larger cities, with the exception of Chicago. The Governor said that the salaries fixed were fair and that the measure providing for them must not be vetoed.. At the same time, he said he questioned the wis- dom of the precedent and so used the device of withholding his signature to call attention to his doubts. Thus he sounded a warning for fu- ture legislatures to consider. This discrimination in the disposal of bills reflects the conception of stewardship which Gov. Horner has adhered to from the outset of his first administration more than four years ago. THE SCRENJ AT THE MICHIGAN "SLAVE SHIP" Here is a fairly good picture that might have been an outstanding one; an opportunity missed, .partly by hasty writing, partly by sloppy direct- ing. The things that Hollywood is expert at are done adeptly enough; the camera work is ex- cellent, especially the shots of the hold of the slaver, black bodies writhing in chains, perfect set-up for the motion pictures. Scenery is also well taken care of; interesting, and probably authentic. But the drama is awkward; it verges on the amateurish at times and seldom manages to become exciting in spite of mutiny, cruelty, blood, courage and the rest. Warner Baxter as the romantic blackbirder is rather too glamorous to be easily credible, while Wallace Beery's buf- foonery is sometimes a trifle out of place. Bax- ter, nonetheless, delivers at least as good a per- formance as could be expected, and Beery does his usual fine work when the writers do not try to make him too funny. Mickey Rooney adds considerably to his screen laurels with his por- trayal of the toughie cabin boy, while Elizabeth Allan looks beautiful enough in her Civil War clothes. Cri stian Science Organization to- p.m. Wednesday, for those students L + lnight at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel of who were unable to go on July 7. AF M.ichian LuueS. Students. al- Make reservation before 4:30 p.m. BULLETIN " u"ni