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July 13, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-13

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The Weather
Occasional rain storms today
with little change in tempera-

C, 4r

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Girdler And
Not Complanhing,
But Just The Same .. .



Corbett Says
Must Cease
National Sovereignty Not
In Harmony With World
Conditions,_He Claims
Blames Lawyers
For Conditions
The doctrine of absolute national
supremacy must be abandoned and
human authority outside of and
above the state must be recognized
if the world is ever to enjoy an in-
ternational peace, Dr. Perby E. Cor-
bett of McGill University told his
audience last night in delivering the
second public lecture sponsored by
the Summer Institute of Interna-
tional Law.
Speaking on the topic "The Part
of the Lawyer in the Evolution of the
International Community," Dr. Cor-
bett -pointed out that absolute na-
tional sovereignty is out of harmony
with the facts of contemporary life.
Nation-states are not and cannot be
the last centers of human authority,
he said, and because this simple fact
has not been sufficiently recognized
the world is suffering as it is trying
to live without a firm rule of law,
though it pays constant lip-service to
inter-dependene it constantly vio-
lates the essential principles of com-
Plan Of Reason Needed
There can be no possible peace
until it adopts a plan of conduct ef-
fectively regulatedbyreason, and
proof against the unpredictable dis-
tortions of national emotions."
Upon the shoulders of the lawyer
Corbett placed a large part of the
unsatisfactory state of affairs now
existent, because, he said, it is the
lawyer who advised the foreign of-
fices, who is a member of the legis-
lature, who is the cabinet ministerj
who sits in arbitrial tribunals and in-
ternational commissions; it is the
lawyer acting in all of' these capa-
cities who has encouraged the abso-
lute dominance of the national state
to the consequent destruction of in-
ternational ideals.
International Community Greatest'
Among the early jurists'of the 16th
and 17th century there was a definite
dominance of the idea of an inter-+
national community, Dr. Corbett said,
but gradually there was a swing away
from this teaching until by the 19th1
century international law was a
meagre, unstable collection of rules;
invoked by or respected by the na-
tions at their own pleasure.i
Against this 19th century national-
ism there has been "a great reaction
of the theorists of our day," led by+
Kelsen, Verdross and Kunz of the
Austrian school-a reaction which
bids well to establish the will of the
international community as the su-
preme law, he concluded.
League Plans
2nd Tea Dance
For Tomorrow
The second in a series of Summer
Session tea dances is to be held from
4 until 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Ball-
room of the Michigan League ac-
cording to Hope Hartwig, '38, presi-
dent of the Michigan League.
Presiding at the two tea tables
during the afternoon will be: Mrs.
Louis A. Hopkins, Mrs. Edward H.
Kraus, Mrs. Martha Ray, Mrs. Byrl
F. Bacher, Mrs. S. Beach Conger,
Mrs. Stanley Waltz, Miss Anne Var-

don and Miss Ruth Danielson.
Charlie Zwick and his band will
play for the dancing, Jean Bonisteel,
'39, in charge of arrangements, an-
nounced. These weekly teas are giv-
en as a part of the regular summer
social program. There is no charge.
Members of the Summer Session
League Council will assist at the af-
fair as well as 25 women of Miss
Bonisteel's committee.
Mrs. McNair Speaks
In Series Today
"The Connection Between Chinese
Calligraphy, Poetry and Painting"
will be the subject of Mrs. Florence
Ayscough McNair's lecture at 5 p.m.
today in Natural Scieice Auditorium.
The lecture is sponsored by the Insti-
tute of Far Eastern Studies.
"In China," according to Mrs. Mc-
Nair, "the sister arts of calligraphy,
painting and poetry are so closely
interwoven that they form, together,,

Relief Brought
By Shower But
Heat Continues
Rain washed blistering city streets
and sun baked farmlands in scattered
areas yesterday (Monday) but left
the six-day heat wave generally un-
"Temperature changes will be of
slight importance," the Weather Bu-.
reau reported in its general Tuesday
forecast for the North Central Re-
Local thundershowers were sight-
ed for a dozen states in the northern
middle section of the country and
on the Great Lakes, but "continued
warm" was appended to most fore-
The death total from high tem-
peratures mounted to 344 in 25 states,
reaching from the Great Plains to
the Eastern seaboard. Deaths re-
ported fell sharply, however, with
only half a dozen added to the total
New York continued to lead, with
63 fatalities attributed to heat. New
Jersey was second with 44.
Easterly winds blew cooler air into
New England, dampened by show-
ers, and the hot spell. appeared end-
ed there.hWesteri New York state
also enjoyed lower temperatures.
Spanish Rebels
Suffer Defeat
After Air Raid
Heavy Casualties Listed
By Both Sides In Long
Battle Near Madrid
MADRID, July 12.-(P)-Spanish
Government forces, consolidating
their 100-square-mile bite into the
insurgent front west of Madrid,
fought today with their great fleet
of aerial bombers.
The planes droned over the battle-
fields to subject insurgents to the
heaviest air raid of the year-long
Insurgent air forces retaliated with
attacks upon the Brunete-Quijorna
sector-outposts of the government's
new drive intended to raise the siege
of Madrid. The offensive,.now in its
eleventh day, has pushed Generalissi
mo Francisco Franco's insurgent line
back northwest of Madrid but left
the besiegers still at the capital's
southern gates.
The insurgent forces, swinging re-
inforcements down from the north
where its attack had centered upon
Santander, fought the government
drive bitterly. Insurgent official
sources agreed, however, that battle
lines west of Madrid had been
First Round Matches
Postponed After Rain
Rain yesterday forced postpone-
ment of the first round matches in
the all-campus tennis tournament
until today, it was announced by
Randolph W. Webster. They are
scheduled at the same time and the
same courts as was announced Sat-
In case of wet courts or rain de-
laying the matches again today, they
will be scheduled for the same time
Wednesday. Any players paired may
play off their match at another time
if it is more convenient, Mr. Webster

Bullard Gives
Lecture About
Niagara Falls
American Falls Eventually
Will Be Extinct, Well
Known Geologist Says
Receding Of Waters
Will Cause Change
The constant recession of the
Horseshoe Falls will eventualy re-
sult in the monopolization of the
waters on the Canadian side to the
exclusion of the American Falls, Prof.
Fred M.' Bullard of the geology de-
partment said in his lecture on "The
Geology of Niagara Falls" yesterday
in Natural Science Auditorium.
The extinction of the American
Falls, separated from the Canadian,
or Horseshoe Falls, by Goat Island,
will not take place in less than a
thousand years, however, Professor
Bullard stated,. A striking analogy
to the present situation and one
which points out the future history
of the Falls lies in the story of the
Wintergreen Flats, some distance up-
stream, originally the scene of a falls
divided by an island similar to the
present Goat Island. One of the
segments gradually wore beck until
it reached the head of the former
island, whereupon the waters left
the other segment and the stream
was united in the deeper course.
Records Tell Of Falls
The first record of the Falls in ex-
istence, according to Professor Bul-
lard, is the account written by the
French explorer-priest, Father Hen-
nepin, in 1698. The name derives
from the Indian tribe, which was
conquered by the more powerful Iro-
quois, he said.
"The scientist sees the Falls as
one link in a great chain of events,"
Professor Bullard declared. "There
are several ways in which a falls
may originate. It may be the result
of a glacier deepening the valley of a
river, like the Yosemite Falls in Cal-
ifornia, or the action of volcanic lava,
as in the Victoria Falls in South Af-
rica. Most, however, including the
Niagara ,are due to the sedimentary
layers in the earth's crust." These
layers, he continued, are alternately
hard and soft, and the complete
wearing away of a soft layer by the
stream causes a falls.
Originally Five Separate Falls
In the beginning there were five
separate falls of the Niagara River,
the lecturer stated, but eventually
that at Lewiston gained control of
the waters and left the others dry.
The present escarpment has now re-
ceded seven miles over a period of
about 25,000 years; at first at a rate
of 3.7 feet per year, reduced since
1906 to 2.6 feet per year because of
the amount of water used by the pow-
er companies above the falls.
The final retreat of the glacier
which caused the Great Lakes left a
shallow lake about 50 miles long,
Lake Tonawanda, at the Falls site,
now merely a shelf devoid of water.
The Niagara stream itself is perfectly
clear, Professor Bullard said, the wa-
(Continued on Page 4)
LUDINGTON, Mich., July 12.-(P)
-Fire fighting, fire prevention and
first aid were subjects of study as
approximately 600 firemen from
throughout Michigan opened the 63rd
annual convention of their state as-

Senate Drones
On In Debate
Over Tribunal
Bailey Climaxes Turbulent
Day With Assertion That
Bill Is Unconstitutional
Court Compromise
WASHINGTON, July 12.-()-
Senator Bailey, (Dem., N.C.) cli-
naxed a turbulent day of Senate de-
)ate on the court reorganization bill
;oday with an assertion that the
measure is clearly unconstitutional.
Before a crowded Senate, taut with
the strife the measure has provoked,
he shouted that the purpose of the
bill is "to control the decisions of
the Supreme Court," an objective
'for which there is no sanction in
the Constitution.
Charges Ignorance Of Bill
The North Carolinian spoke after
Senator O'Mahoney, (Dem., Wyo.),
former Democratic National Com-
mitteeman, charged administration
leaders with ignorance of the bill
they are espousing. He also accused
them of imposing "gag rule" on the
Senate and denounced the measure
as centralizing control over the ad-
ministration of justice.
Both speakers delivered their ad-
dresses between intermittent out-
breaks of the parliamentary sharp-
shooting that has dominated the dis-
cussion ever since Senator Robin-
son (Dem., Ark.), the majority lead-
er, invoked rules used only to com-
bat actual or threatened filibusters.
Both speakers delivered their ad-
the opposition denied responsibility
for the fact that since these rules
were applied, other business, notably
a war department appropriation bill
and the administration farm bill,
has piled up awaiting settlement of
the court squabble.
Farm Bill Awaits
Proponents pointed to the fact
that opposition senators blocked the
introduction of the farm bill today.
The opposition replied the bill can
be introduced any time the Admin-'
istration forces choose to relax their
drastic rules.
Senator Wheeler (Dem., Mont.)
charged the farm bill was brought
in to put the foes of the court bill on
"the spot" by making it appear they
are blocking farm legislation.
Soon afterward, President Roose-
velt sent a message to Capitol Hill
saying it is vitally important to the
nation that the farm legislation be
passed at this session.
German Group-
Hears Speech
By Nordmeyer
Summer Session Activities
Of Duetscher Verein Are
The summer activities of Deutscher
Verein, student organ of the German
department, were opened last night
at the League by Prof. Henry W.
Nordmeyer, head of the German de-
partment, in an address of welcome to
the club.
Following Professor Nordmeyer's
speech the German Glee Club, under
the direction of Prof. Philip Dia-
mond, rendered three selections:
"Der Lindenbaum," 'Freuet euch des
Labens," and "Ach Wie ists Moglish

Vernon B. Kellet then sang two
vocal solos: "Vorborgenheit," by
Wolf, and "Auf Geheimen Waldesp-
fade" by Griffes.
Dr. Hugo Broecker of the Univer-
sity of Berlin led the group singing,j
accompanied by Otto Graf of the
German department.
At a recent meeting of the enter-
tainment committee of Deutscher
Verein, Arthur H. Grossman, '28, of
the University of Tennessee, was
chosen to direct the entertainment
activities for the summer and Paul
Betts of Capitol University, Colum-
bus, O., was requested to lead the glee
The club's entertainment program
for the remainder of the summer, as
released yesterday by Mr. Grossman,
is as follows: July 19, "Evening of
Magic"; July 26, picnic at Portage
Lake; Aug. 3, series of short dramatic
skits; Aug. 10, excursion to Cran-
brook; and Aug. 17, the departmental
banquet which will conclude the
cimmP.q rt,i vitisa-

Hopes Fading

Navy officials directing the
search in the Southern Pacific off
Howland Island for the lost Amelia
Earhart and her navigator, Fred
Noonan, yesterday expressed little
hope the pair would be found.
Eight days have elapsed since
their disappearance July 2. The
picture above is the last picture of
the flier and her navigator re-
ceived by George Palmer Putnam,
her husband, and was taken during
the stop at Caripito, Venezuela.
* * *
Hopes Dim For
Amelia Earhartj
As Hunt Closes
Lexington Is Approaching
Howland Island Ready
For Last Search
HONOLULU, July 12.-(P)-TheI
aircraft carrier Lexington lined its
flying deck with fighting planes and
posted special lookouts today, ready
to start a final hunt for Amelia Ear-
Approaching the northwestern bor-
der of the 265,000-mile search area
which centers about Howland Island,
the crew of the big ship prepared for
the greatest areial search in history.
The lookouts scanned the sea on all
sides, hoping for some trace of the
aviatrix 'and her navigator, Fred
Noonan, who vanished 10 days ago
in a vain attempt to reach Howland
The 63 planes and 126 fliers were
ready for take-offs, tentatively
scheduled to start at dawn tomorrow.
Hope was at its lowest ebb, but the
Lexington's crew intended to do
everything possible to find Miss Ear-
hart and Noonan.
The battleship Colorado which
catapulted planes over the Phoenix
Islands for four days, headed back
to Honolulu today.
The Lexington did not overlook
the possibility that the world-circ-
ling Earhart plane still might be
afloat, although technicians and
friends of the missing fliers days
ago concluded the main prospect of
rescue lay in the chance that the
fliers landed on an island or a coral
reef. No plane ever has been known
to float more than nine and a half
The 63 planes were deemed cap-
able of covering 60,000 square miles
Sixth Excursion
Will Be Led l
The sixth of the Summer Session
excursions will take place Friday
Saturday and Sunday of this week
when Prof. Fred M. Bullard, visiting
professor in the geology departmen
here this summer from the Univer-
sity of Texas will lead a party of
students and townspeople to Niagar
Falls and adjoining points of interest
The excursionists will leave Fri
day at 3:30 p.m., making the trip b3
bus and lake steamer. They wil
spend Saturday and Sunday at th(
Falls, returning to Ann Arbor at 1(
a.m. Monday.
The main features of the excursior
will be a view of the illumination o:
the Falls, a trip by bus and trolley or
both sides of the Gorge for 14 miles
a visit to the Schoellkopf Powe
Plant, a tour of Goat Island, betweer
the Amercan and Cannaian Falls.

U.S.Uses Influence
To Maintain Peace
In Sino-Jap Conict
Entries In Tennis Warfare Is Resumed West
Meet Due At Noon Of Peiping; Origins Are
Obscured By Denials
Deadline for entries in the All-City Eae S' Cl
Tennis tournament, for which Sum- Eac (ieCs
mer Session students are eligible, has Oth BrokeTe
been extended until noon today, it er Truce
was announced yesterday by George
Moe, director of the tournament. WASHINGTON, July 12.-(P)-The
The extension was made for those United States brought its influence
who were out of town for the week- to bear tonight in an effort to main-
end. Drawings will be made at noon,
and the pairings will be announced at tain peace in the Far East.
2 p.m. today. Secretary Hull informed Hirosi
"Hap" Sorenson, former Western Saito, the Japanese Ambassador, and
State Teachers' star, is the defending Zaung Teh Ing, Counselor of the Chi-
champion in the singles division. His nese Embassy, that an armed conflict
chief competition is expected from
another Summer Session student, Le- between Japan and China "would be
roy Wier, Ohio and Great Lakes a great blow to the cause of peace
champion and co-holder of the na- and world progress."
tion doubles title in squash. Both envoys called at the state de-
partment this morning before press
Guest Conductors dispatches from London brought word
Feature Of School that Anthony Eden, British Foreign
Minister, had hinted Great Britain
B and Clinic Here might seek consultation with the
United States concerning the Far-
Eastern war threat.
More than 100 high school stu- Secretary Hull said at his noon
dents, teachers and supervisors are in press conference he had received no
Ann Arbor until July 24 for the sec- overtures from the British govern-
AnnArbr uti Juy 2 fr te sc-ment and knew of no plan of inter-
ond annual high school clinic for national consultations designed to re-
band, orchestra and chorus being move causes of friction.
conducted by the School of Music Resume Warfare
'under the direction of Prof. William PEIPING, July 12.-(P)-Japanese
D. Revelli. and Chinese troops resumed their
Guest conductor for concerts given warfare west of Peiping tonight as
by the group this week is Ralph strong reinforcements were harried
Rush, director of bands and orches- by both sides toward the North China
tras at the Cleveland Heights high zone of conflict.
school, Cleveland Heights, O. Among The chatter of machine guns, punc-
other guest conductors that will ap- tuated by the roar of artillery, was
pear during the clinic are Harold clearly audible in Peiping from about
p a , d di the cif the University 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. (9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Bacman, direcr of te Uivrsy PE.S.T.). Chinese and Japanese alike
Li Chicago Band and Clifford P expressed deep anxiety over the re-
illya, director of the Marshall High newal of hostilities, wlich came after
School band, Chicago. a day of truce
All students attending the clinic The fighting was nearer Peiping
are housed by the University, the than previous clashes, which began
boys going to the Union, and the Wednesday night along the Yangtze.
girls to Mosher-Jordan halls. River, 10 miles west of the city, when
Japanese infantrymen on night ma-
W arnin Given neuvers collided with troops of the
Chinese 29th army.
Chinese reports said tonight's fight-
To Irish Free ing started when Japanese infantry-
men stationed at Tachingtsun, a vil-
S a Btlage on the Peiping-Wanpinghsien
S tate By N~O I highway four miles east of the River,
advanced to within firing range of
Chinese troops holding Tsaishenmiao
BELFAST, Northern Ireland, July (Temple of the God of Wealth), only
12.-(AP)-Viscount Craigavon, Prime two miles from Peiping's walls.
Minister of Northern Ireland, seized Say Japanese Retire
the occasion of the 247th anniversary Chinese said the Japanese retired
of the Babble of the Boyne today to after an hour's fighting.
of te Bbbleof he Bynetoda to Chinese declared the Japanese had
warn the Irish Free State to "cease broken the truce which had been in
interfering" with the Protestant six effect since Sunday night although
counties of the north. both sides were vague as to its terms.
His remarks were considered to re- They asserted that an official at-
fer to the constitution, framed by tached to Mayor Chin Teh-Chun of
President Eamon De Valera, recently Peiping, sent to the Yungting area
adopted by the Irish Free State. That to see that the Japanese had carried
charter, providing for complete sep- out an agreement to withdraw their
aration from Great Britain, envisages forces, returned to report that Jap-
ultimate reunion of the Free Stae anese commanders near Wanpingh-
with Ulster. sien told him they had no intention
Celebration of the Boyne Anniver- of withdrawing.
sary throughout Northern Ireland Origins of the conflict remained
was unusually orderly. Police had obscure. Each side declared the other
taken thorough precautions to pre- fired first in the opening battle Wed-
vent the outbreaks which have nesday night and each blamed the
marked the date in the past. other for the collapse of subsequent

o agaraOsgood Places
By Prof. Bullard dl A
InHurdles A
by the Peace Bridge to the American Race Carnival
Saturday morning and the greater
part of the afternoon will be con- Bob Osgood, captain of the varsity
, sumed in making the scenic trip track team for the 1936-37 school
around the Falls and down the Gorge year won two fourth places in the
to Lewiston. The trip is made partly hurdle races at the second annual
by bus and partly by special trolleyd Carnival held
cars, and covers both sides of the W'rd A bor Athle-c

Heller Presents FirstdBLecture
Sponsored By Local Ministers

Rabbi Bernard Heller, director of
Hillel Foundation, presented the first
of a series of lectures Sunday spon-
sored by the Protestant ministers of
Ann Arbor and designed to bring be-
fore the summer school students
some of the fundamental contem-
porary religious issues. Rabbi Hel-
per's topic was "An Appreciation of
Dean Walter R. Humphrey of the
literary college will talk July 18 on
"A Professor Looks at the Bible," on
July 25 a campus vesper will be held,
Aug. 1, Rev. C. W. Brashares, pastor
of the First Methodist church will
lecture on "My Idea of God"; Aug.
8, Dr. Edward Blakeman, counselor
of religious education of the Univer-
sity, is to lead a symposium on "Ed-
ucation, a Race with Catastrophe";
and on Aug. 15 the summer series

Palestine, the Soviet Russians and
the Shinto Japanese disturbing Nqr-
thern China, the Catholics and So-
cialists, in continuous misunderstand-
ing in Mexico, and the Protestant
ministers of Germany leading the re-
volt against the Nazi regime, it is easy
to see that these traditional groups
with religion as their base halt the
march of civilization and not only
threaten the peace between peoples
but cause one to doubt the very goals
we have deliberately suggested as an
adequate future for mankind.
"The customary silence between
friends, families and groups, Dr.
Blakeman continued upon the sub-
ject of religion, while typical of
America, has landed us in religious
illiteracy. Protestants and Catholics
are poorly instructed relating to the
attitudes of each other. Christians
misunderstand Jews, and Jews be-
inri h ni t aw h n iff n-



Gorge. The ticket for the entire trip
is $1.50.
The party will start by bus from
their hotel, and go up the shore by
the rapids just above the Falls to the
I bridge crossing over to Goat Island,
1 which is entirely American. The
island, which stands between the two
great cataracts, is a New York State
Reservation, and affords some excel-
lent views of the Falls. The bus will
drive around the shore bf the island,
passing by the Three Sister Islands,
a chain of three tiny islets extending
fr ni inn te vnids nn the Cana-

Sunday at Randall's Island Stadlum,
few York City.
Captain Osgood, unofficial holder
of the world's record for the 120-
yard hurdles of 14 seconds flat, won
at the Big Ten Track Meet held here
this spring, placed fourth in this
event, which was won by Forest
Towns of Georgia in 0:14.6.
Following the Big Ten meet, Os-
good sprained his running ankle at
a Michigamua picnic and has not
come anywhere near his winning time
since, even failing to qualify at the

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