PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1937 PAGE TWO SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session w-~{ r Editdd and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Boar in Control of Student Publications. Published every morn-ing except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All tights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier. $4.00; by Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YRK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR.........RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY BDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate' Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger." Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. < BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MGR......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER ...........ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER.........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER Thoughts On Racial Theories.. . ( WING to the present world-wide controversy over racial theories, which is characterized by a flippant bandying about of racial beliefs with little regard for scientific accuracy, we feel called upon to point out certain race fundamentals which in them- selves spite popular racial dogmas. In the first place, there is too much laxity in the use of the word "race." In naive racial theories man is classified non-biologically. The scape-goat persecution of the "Jewish race" recalls an immediate example. The concept "Jewish" does not refer to a race, but to a re- ligious sect or belief. So, too, those who speak of a "French race" confuse race with nationality. To the anthropologist a race is a great bio- logical variation of homo sapiens, the members of which vary individually, but which are char- acterized as a group by a combination of mor- phological and metrical features. Such variable features are of the so-called "non-adaptive" type of criteria or have certain structural features which may not be functionally modified by. en- vironment. The use of such criteria to measure racial differences, excludes the unscientific use of skin color, because there is no clear dis- tinction between the various degrees of color. These non-adaptive criteria include such fea- tures as the form, color, quantity, and distribu- tion of the hair; color of eyes; form of lips; form of ear; prominence of chin; length of head, and the cephalic index. A classification of races in terms of physi- ological and psychological, functions is not su- perficially obvious, and as yet scientists have not proved the existence of physiological differences between races, nor have they proved that such differences do not exist. The ethnocentric idea of one race being in- tellectually superior to another; seems invariably to be reiterated. Racial groups have always been holding themselves inherently superior in in- telligence to other groups. Measurements of the native intellectual differences of various races, 'usually implies some sort of an "intelligence" test. It is true that during the World War the Nordics registered a higher score than other ra- cial groups, but the distinction between the races tested was only at face value. Recent extensive tests between New York City negroes and whites, and Alabama negroes and whites, proved con- clusively that the various tests used did not measure inherent intelligence, but only the cul- tural advantages to which the individuals had been exposed. For all literate individuals, irre- spective of color, made better showings than the illiterate. The difficulties in measuring intellectual dif- ferences between races seems insurmountable. In the first place, the anthropologists have not been able to distinguish clearly between races. Secondly, we must define "intelligence," or what we are seeking to measure. Then the psycholo- gists will have to develop fairer gauges of mental capacity. Sooner or later we are confronted with the question of whether we can construct tests in our environment which are applicable to other peoples in entirely different cultures. In other words, would we be willing to abide by an I. Q. scored from the results of a test de- vised by an African aborigine? Is it possible for Americans to make up tests to measure the native intelligence of Eskimos? Although anthropologists are in general agree- ment that racial mental differences exist, they deny the right to say that any race is more in- telligent than another. The burden of proof rests on those who contend that there are inherent nsvchnlnoica1 racial differences. There is in The Level By WRAG EVER SINCE we read the lights on the marquee of a campus theatre advertising its stage and screen show in the following manner: AMATEUR SHOW TONIGHT "SHOW THEM NO MERCY" we have been on the lookout for humorous double-feature marquee signs. Yesterday we drove into Detroit and passed the following neighborhood theatre displays: "THEY WANTED TO MARRY" -"TOO MANY WIVES" "THE CRIME NOBODY SAW". "UNDER COVER OF NIGHT" "HER HUSBAND LIES" and "MAMA STEPS OUT" "HISTORY IS MADE AT NIGHT" "WHEN YOU'RE IN LOVE" "WOMAN IN DISTRESS" "OH DOCTOR!" But we still like best the one that came out about two years ago: "MY WIFE'S FAMILY" "THE ANIMAL KINGDOM" I ONE OF DEARBORN'S finer buildings, there are two stores that are-unfortunately next door to each other. One of them is a dog and cat vet- erinary hospital, and there is a furrier's shop ad- jacent to it. We can only say that it looks a bit odd to say the least. * * * * From the "Campus Scout" column in The Daily Illini, we take the privilege of borrowing this quip: We pause just long e'nough to point out to you the fact that during the summer a shoulder strap is a piece of ribbon placed so as to keep an attraction from becoming a sensation. RADIO ill By THOMAS McCANN IT'S INTERESTING to note that ever since Cab Calloway made the mistake of singing "Sylvia," his presence over the air waves has been rather infrequent. Recently the Cab has taken a change of heart, and has decided to act a little more conservative. In his own words, he explains his past misbehavior by saying that "I was just a bad boy kickin' my shoes around." This week Cab and his orchestra are appearing at Detroit's Eastwood Gardens, and will probably have a wire over one of the local stations. One of the best summer programs is that of the Chase and Sanborn Company. With the bleatings of Eddie Cantor almost forgotten by this time, W. C. Fields, Edgar Bergen, Werner Janssen's music and Dorothy Lamour are lead- ing this program to certain, successful resurrec- tion. You'll find this on the air over NBC's red network, Sundays at 9 p.m. * * * * Some of the better dance orchestras to be found on late programs are those of Count Basie from Harlem's Savoy Ballroom, Frank Dailey from the Meadowbrook, Bunny Berigan from the Glen Island Casino in New Rochelle, Guy Lombardo from the Starlight Roof of the Astor, Louis Armstrong from Asbury Park, Tommy Dor- sey from the roof of the Pennsylvania, Fletcher Henderson from the Grand Terrace in Chi- cago and Johnny Hamp from the Million Dollar Pier in Atlantic City. All of these programs are on the major networks, but their time of broad- cast changes so frequently that the best thing to do is t search around the dial until you h- one or the other. * * * * What with Boake Carter giving his daily for- bodings of the world's follies, it's a small wonder we aren't all crazy mad with extreme fear.,We expect he'll predict the date for the end of the world any day now. ...,. ... . ...v.. Bethlehem Church, 423 South 4th Avenue. The Reverend T. R. Schmale will preach on the subject "Religion and Reward," at 10:30 a.m. _ , . Hai s Hall: There will be a meet- c ing for the Episcopal Summer School1 Students and their friends tonight+ at the Mack cottage, Whitmore Lake. Cars will leave the church at 5 o'clock. Supper will be served. Swim- ming and baseball. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by The+ Reverend Henry Lewis. Stalker Hall: 9:30 a.m. Student Class under the leadership of Prof. George Carrothers. We shall con- tinue the discussion of Link's book "The Return of Religion." 5-6 p.m., Social hour and tea. 6-7 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meet- ing. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on the subject: "Christianity To- day." First Methodist Church: Morning worship at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. W.. Brashares will preach on "To the Tempted." First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m., Summer Union Service of the Presbyterian a n d Congregational Churches to be held at the Congre- gational Church, corner of State and William Streets. The Rev. Ray A. Eusden, pastor of the Eliot Congre- gational Church of Newton, Mass., will preach. His subject will be DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. "Peace in the Midst of Turmoil." 10:45 a.m., Nursery and Church School in the Church basement. 5:45 p.m., Round Table Confer-, ence for students dealing with a discussion of "Church Versus State." Dr. Lemon will preside. The price1 of the supper is 15 cents.- 7:30 p.m., Interdenominational Service for students at the Congre- gational Church. Rabbi Bernard Heller will speak on "An Apprecia- tion of Jesus." Vnitarian Church, Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. H. B. Marley will speak on "Man Must Live." (Religious approach to economic questions). 7:30 p.m., Prof. W. H. Maurer, de- partment of journalism, will lead a discussion on "Social Problems." First Congregational- Church: Sun- day evening, July 11 at the First Congregational Church The Rev. Bernard Heller, Ph.D., Director of Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan will speak upon "An Appreciation of Jesus." The oc- casion is created by cooperative ef- fort of Protestant ministers in Ann Arbor as a means of bringing before the students in summer school some of the fundamental issues of religion in our time, Deutscher Verein: A social gather- ing will be held at the League in the Grand Rapids Room on Monday, July 12, at 8:15 p.m. A briefs ad- dress of welcome will be followed by a musical program offered by our Glee Club and solos by Mr. Ver- C non B. Kellett. Refreshments will be served. Everybody interested irr Ger- man song is cordially invited. Education B156: Students in this course who are especially interested in corrective work in reading and mathematics are. invited to attend the staff meeting of the Secondary School Clinic, Monday, July 12, at 4:00 p.m., room 1022 U.H.S. Raleigh Schorling On Monday, July 12, at 8 p.m Prof. Percy E. Corbett, professor of Ro- man Law at McGill University will lecture on "The Part of the Lawyer in the Evolution of the International (Continued on Page 3) ea ts,.: .; .: - . Classified Direetory * m * * * * * We noticed a picture of James J. Braddock, the ex-Heavyweight champ, in a paper the other day. He was hokling a pair of skis and talking to one of the champs of the last winter Olympics. The caption beneath the picture said, " . . .per- haps he will devote his declining years-he's 31 -to snow sports." We can only add that Joe Louis certainly knocked him cold enough. * * * * IT WAS WITH TEARS in our eyes that we read in The Ann Arbor News yesterday, of the engagements of Miss Elsie Pierce to Ed- ward Begle and Margaret Phelan to Stod- dard White. The tears came not because we thihnk that the two pairs will be so unhappy in the future, but because The Daily was ironically "scooped" in announcing the be- trothals of three of its former wage slaves. Miss Pierce was the managing editor of The Daily only last year, and Miss Phelan and Mr. White spent some six years labor on The Daily between them. It hurts to think that these Daily-bred pairs would hand the joyful tidings to another newspaper first. * * * * What may turn out to be the latest campus fad, is a little trick we saw tried out the other day. The ultra new thing to wear on these hot summer days consists of donning pajama tops in place of a shirt. The sleeves can be rolled up so that the affair resembles an extremely loud shirt. The fellow who innovated - this style claims that his silk pajama top is the coolest shirt he has worn yet. If he succeeds in getting any followers, we can see great possibilities for an avalanche of striped and polka-dotted shirts. That is, if the men on campus have pajamas that are as noisy as ours are. * * * * A sign that puzzled us a great deal is posted at the starting tee of the University Golf Course. It says, "DOGS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THIS GOLF COURSE." Just how Roj is going to keep dogs from paying greens fees, or why any smart canine would want to play around the golf course in such broiling weather, makes the placard rather useless as far as we can see. As Others See It_ By JOHN HENRY HEDLEY ATTENTION, school teachers: "How to Lose Your Job"-in ten easy lessons. In this period of prolific professional unem- ployment a course such as the aforementioned probably would be met with scant demand. Yet, this writer, after a perusal of the daily press, believes there is altogether too little tech- nical standardization in the interesting practice of dismissing pedagogues. In brief, the current need seems to be for a set of more or less definite principles or rules for the game of "getting fired gracefully"-and with appropriate publicity. Consider the pending case of the pretty Sau- gis, Massachusetts blond, Isabelle Hallin, charged by her school board with serving cocktails to members of a high school play cast. Cocktails, it has been said, are fattening-and therein lies a danger for teachers also, for the reader no doubt will recall that last year the courts of New York upheld a school board's right to consider weight in denying a too plump Man- hattan girl her teaching license. Then .aain while hing ton ohnmmv with Sunday offers another remarkably fine sum- mer program in that of the Universal Rhythm show. This program lasts a full hour, and it is our suggestion that you remain dialed through- out its entirety. Alec Templeton, the remarkable blind pianist, Richard Bonelli, Carolyn Urbaneck, a chorus and Rex Chandler's orchestra cope to- gether to produce one of the finest shows on the air. Monday's highlights will include the superb music of Horace Heidt on the Alemite program over CBS at 8 p.m., Burns and Allen at the same time over NBC and the new comedy of Fibber McGee and Molly at 9 p.m. over NBC from Holly- wood. We recommend for dancing this evening the vastly improved music of Gus Arnheim from the Terrace Room of the Hotel New Yorker. This will come over CBS at 11. THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Importance and interest to tile campus. A Slight 'Omission' To the Editor: By a quaint type of error called "omission" by Thomas McCann in the Friday issue of the Michigan Daily one is led to believe that nothing but popular trash has been recorded in the past month. It is not only a reflection on his tastes and culture but, since The Daily has more than a local circulation, the state of musical culture of the University is called into question. Mr. McCann need not give free advertising to the shoddy output of firms quite capable of paying for it, particularily to the extent of eigh- teen inches of double column in an otherwise ad- mirable publication. For the information of those who have real tastes and culture may I suggest that last month was not a new low in the recording of music; that Columbia recorded: Mozart, Concerto in E flat, played by Gieseking and the Berlin State Opera Orchestra; Beethoven, Quintet in C major played by Primrose (viola) and the Lener Quar-. tet; that Victor recorded: Beethoven, Grieg, etc., songs, sung by Flagstad; Brahms, Symphony No. 3 played by Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Bruno Walter and a score of other great com- positions, to say nothing of Decca or other firms. Why make so much noise about swing and sweet and other classifications of claptrap when the radio and phonograph speak for themselves and much too loudly what with all the windows open. -E. T. Erickson. in teacher tenure in some parts of the nation. C. M. Foster of Massachusetts lost his job for failing to salute the flag, while others in the same state were dismissed for non-compliance with the teachers' oath law. In Montgomery county, Alabama, a teacher must vote in all the elections to hold his job, we are told. From more or less reliable sources we learn also that it is important HOW he votes. To contrast with these rigid curtailments of what is sometimes called academic freedom, we welcome the refreshing tale which comes to us from Minnesota of a school superintendent who lost his position because he wasn't liberal enough. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY WANTEDI Priced ReasonablyI All Work Guaranteed STUDENT LIST Shirts .........................12c Shorts ........................ 46 Tops.........................4c Handkerchiefs ................. 2c Socks ......................... 3c Pajamas .......................10c CO-ED LIST Slips ........................ l. . c Dresses ........................25c Panties ........................ 7c Handkerchiefs .................2c Pajamas ................10c to 15c Hose (pr.) ..................... 3c Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles done separately-no markings. Call, for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- dent laundry. Call for and deliver. Phone 4863. 2x LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low price. 1x NOTICE TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Cool first floor adjoin- ing rooms for two or three girls or young couple. Also single room and garage. Cooking and laundry priv- ileges is desired. Continuous hot water. 426 East Washington. Phone 8544. Crepe de Chine or Sa tin. La*e_ trimmed and tcil ord White and. Tea Rose Price $1.95 and $2.95 8 Nickels Arcade i_. l:' i I I I