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July 11, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-11

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The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow, except scattered thun-
der showers; slightly warner.




Thoughts On
Racial Theories .. .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session




Murphy Gives
An Aceounting
Of His Office
To Democrats
Most Notable Contribution
Made To Social Justice,
He Asserts
'Labor Policy Gave
A Bloodless Peace'
-Governor Murphy submitted an ac-
counting of his administration to
leaders of his party at a Democratic
rally here tonight, with the declara-
tion "our pledges have been kept."
He dwelt at length upon his labor
policies, and asserted peace has been
achieved without bloodshed.
"The ice of a conservative past has
been broken," the Governor declared.
"Michigan stands today, in both leg-
islative and administrative achieve-
ments, in the front rank of progres-
sive states.
"This administration makes its ac-
counting to the public fearlessly, and
serene in the knowledge that under
its guidance there has been effected
the most notable contribution to the
cause of social justice ever accom-
)lished by a government of Michigan.
I make this statement fully cognizant
of its sweeping implications, and con-
fident that it is a statement of fact
and no mere political boast."
'Stands For Obedience'
He declared his administration
stands for protection of human rights,
protection of property and "intelli-
gent obedience to duly constituted
"Without these things democracy
cannot survive and personal liberty
will be of little value," he continued.
"Above all, we believe in the dignity
of the human personality and human
life. We will guarantee the protec-
tion of these rights and institutions
to our people, but in doing so we
do not intend to plunge them into
civil war and economic paralysis by
abuse of power and excesses on the
part of those in authority.
'Safe From Crisis'
"We have emerged safely from a
historical industrial crisis and are
today on the threshold of industrial
peace. While many sought by every
artifice and weapon to drive us into
doing the unnecessary violent thing,
we stood our ground-as we shall
continue to do-and we have done
our work in a way that inspired
helpfulness and kindness between the
employer and employe.
"There was, and still is, among us
a considerable number who demand
vengeance against labor at the hands
of a rigidly enforced law. At no time
did they appear to recognize that ma-
chine guns always are the last refuge
of the undisciplined, impotent official,
and that patient and tolerance in-
variably demand far more courage
and self control than the vain, bloody
exhibitions of weakness which go by
the name of 'action.'
Pioneer Labor Relatio'ns Act
The Governor said the enactment
of a labor relations act by the Leg-
islature provided Michigan with a
pioneering measure. The law was
described as "by no means perfect,
but as a progressive step, and on this
foundation we may expect to build
Other points in the "accounting"
The state '.as been rid of "private

influence and hidden powers." "Per-
sons of the highest calibre" have been
selected to fill state posts.
Liberalization of the old age pen-
sion law reducing the eligible age
limit from 70 to 65 years and in-
creasing appropriations.
The enactment of an occupational
disease law.
The creation of a corrections de-
partment, "which will give Michigan's
penal system the finest'administra-
tive set-up in any state."
Separation of the state hospital
commission from the state welfare
Increased state aid for schools.
The governor regretted that he
could not list civil service as an ac-
complished fact, adding "in my opin-
ion it is on the way in, because it is
good government."
LOS ANGELES,, July 10.-(P)
-George Gershwin, noted com-
poser, was reported near death of

'Ain't Got Rhythm'
Hamlin's Convinced
At Forestry Camp
BEECHWOOD, July 10.-(Special
to The Daily)-"He ain't got rhythm.'
That's the way foresters felt when
they administered the ceremony of
"the lake's the place for himboys" to
Blair Hamlin, '39F&C, at Camp Fili-
bert Roth when he refused to dance
to the strains of the St. Louis Blues.
It all started when Hamlin began
swaying to "Frivolous Sal" as played
by Sam Bickford, '39F&C, and re-
fused to keep it up to the St. Louis
Blues. In spite of a loud demand
for his services as a dancer Hamlin
retreated to the alleged security of his
textbooks and refused to perform.
When after further requests he
persisted in his defiance, Herman
Hermelink, '39F&C, suggested the
traditional forestry camp treatment
of offenders the trip to the lake.
Others took up the cry and it was
."dance or to the lake" for Hamlin.
He took the latter so the foresters
took him to the lake and doused
him. The only casualty was Free-
man Lathrop, '39F&C, who fell in
when Hamlin received his punish-
Falls Lecture
Leads Series
For Next Week
Three Lectures Sponsored
By Far Eastern Institute;
Luncheons Also Listed
An illustrated lecture on "The
Geology of Niagara Falls," by .,Prof.
Fred M. Bullard of the University of
Texas, at present teaching in the
geology department here, will be giv-
en at 5 p.m. Monday in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium.
The lecture, one of the regular
Summer Session series, will be in
connection with the excursion to Ni-
agara Falls to take place next week-
end, which Professor Bullar, an au-
thority on the geology of the Falls
region, will accompany as lecturer.
Institute Offers Lectures
"The Connection between Chinese
Calligraphy, Poetry and Painting,;"
will be the subject of an illustrated
lecture by Mrs. Florence Ayscough
McNair at 5 p.m. Tuesday, sponsored
by the Institute of Far Eastern
Studies. The Institute will also of-
fer illustrated lectures by the Rev.
J. M. Menzies of Trinity College, To-
ronto, on "The Oracle Bones of Hu-
man" at 3:15 p.m. Wednesday and
by Prof. Clark Hopkins of the Latin
and Greek departments on "Parth-
ian Influences in Far Eastern Art"
at 5 p.m. Thursday.
The Rev. Menzies has spent many
years in research work in China, and
has done more work with the Oracle
bones than any other worker, ac-
:ording to Prof. Robert B. Hall, di-
rector of the Far Eastern Institute.
Have Historical Value
The bones have great historical
value, Professor Hall said, because
of the custom of recording chronol-
ogy on them practiced by the early
kings and queens of the region in
connection with their augury super-
Professor Hopkins is well-known
for his studies in Parithan culture
and his many years of research at
Selucia, in Mesopotamia.
The Far Eastern Institute holds a
luncheon meeting every Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
noon at the Union, with a speaker
every Tuesday and Thursday, Profes-
(Continued on Page 3)

Corbett Will Give
Law Lecture Here
"The .'art of the Lawyer in the
Evolution of the International Com-
munity" will be the topic of the sec-'
and public lecture of the Summer
Session on International Law to be
given by Prof. Percy F. Corbett at 8
p.m. Monday in Room 1025 Angell
Professor Corbett is the former
dean of the McGill University Law
School, and professor of Roman Law.
A graduate of Oxford University, he
is famed for the active part he has
assumed in Canadian-American rela-
tions and for his work as a member
of the committee which drew up the
plans for the World Court.,
This is Professor Corbett's first
year on the Institute panel. He was
engaged in similar work as a round-
table leader at the Williamstown In-
stitute of Politics, however.

Fire Causes
$1,100 Loss
In Chern Lab
Second Time Within 3
Days That Flames Hit
A UniversityBuilding
Leaking Gas Tank
Is Believed Origin
Fire caused extensive damages in
a University building for the second
time in three days when flames swept
the quantitative analysis laboratory
in the chemistry building about 9:45
a.m. yesterday. Total damages were
estimated at between $1,050 and $1,-
W. A. Mosher, graduate student
from Salem, Ore., was lighting a
burner connected to a buntane gas
tank, preparatory to making a de-
termination of sulphur, when some of
the gas, evidently leaking from the
butane tank, was ignited.
A huge burst of flame enveloped
the laboratory, scorching the north-
east corner walls, when the intense
heat from the gas melted the safety
valve on the tank and allowed all the
gas to escape and burn. Mdsher was
not injured.
Climbing to the'second floor of the
building on a ladder, firemen found it
necessary to rip out the paneling be-
tween tw owindows and put out fire
that was burning slowly in the
woodwork. They were kept on the
scene for half an hour before it was
completely extinguished.
Repair costs for putting the labor-
atory back into its normal condition
were estimated at between $700 and'
$800 by Edward C. Pardon, superin-
tendent of the buildings and grounds
department. Prof. Robert J. Carney,
of the chemistry department, valued
equipment destroyed by the fire at be-
tween $350 and $400.
Fire, Wednesday night which had
its origin in a spark from a gasoline
motor, caused building and equip-
ment damages of between $30,000 and
$36,000 at the Automotive Labora-
tories, Mr. Pardon estimated. It has
not yet been decided whether or not
the destroyed section of that building
will be replaced.
Germans Earn
Right To Meet
U.S. Cup Team
.BERLIN, July 10.-(/P)-For the
second time in three years, Germany
earned the right to meet the United
States in the inter-zone final of the
Davis Cup competition today when
the combination of Baron Gottfried
Von Cramm and Heinrich Henkel
scored in the doubles for the third
straight victory over Czechoslovakia
in the final round of the European
Following up their singles triumphs
of yesterday, Von Cramm and Henkel
whipped Ladislaus Hecht and Josef1
Caska, 6-1, 6-2, 10-12, 6-0. Two
singles matches remained to be
played but have no effect on the out-'
come other than the final score.
The Americans, paced by red-head-
ed Don Budge, will clash with Ger-
many's two-man team at Wimbledon
July 17-19-20.

Present Heat
Wave To Last
Little Relief Is Forecasts
As Mercury Reachesl
91.8 High For Day
More Deaths Seen
'By Weather Bureau

Guest Conductors
Feature Of School
Band Clinic Here
High School students, supervisors
and teachers from all over the state
are here until July 24 for the second
annual high school band clinic, con-
ducted by the School of Music under
the direction -of Prof. William D.
Supplementary to the regular
School of Music faculty, and as an
added feature for the high school
clinic, several guest conductors and
.nstructors have been secured.
They are Harold Bachmann, di-

Court Bill IsWedge
For A Dictatorship,


rector of the University of Chicago
Little relief in the weather was band, Ralph Rush, director of bands
seen for the weekend yesterday as I and orchestra at Cleveland Heights
the official University Observatory high school, Cleveland, O., Clifford
thermometer climbed to 91.8 during P. Lillya, director of the Marshall
the day. high school band of Chicago and Ar-
The peak which the mercury hit thur Schow of Louisville, Ky.
yesterday was just slightly less than,
the high for the year, 92 degrees, Su d ayVChurch
recorded Thursday.
The low in Ann Arbor yesterdayriO
was 74.8 recorded at 7 a.m. At 7 ervices er
p.m. the official thermometer readR

(By Associated Press)
A week-end opportunity to remain
luiet and rest or seek the cooler air
of lake resorts today was Michigan's
only escape from the heat wave.
Forecasts of the U. S. Weather
Bureau that the hot weather will
continue bolstered fears for a still
higher fatality list.
State Deaths 27
The numberof deaths in Michigan
during the past week attributable to
the heat stood at 27 Saturday night.
The latest fataliy was Mrs. Isabel
Mcintyre Wallace, 70, of Fort Aus-
tin, who died Saturday. The fatality
list showed an increase daily until
Saturday. Tuesday there were three
deaths,Wednesday four, Thursday
eight, and Friday 10. Majority of
the victims were elderly ,although two
fatalities were infants .
Heat deaths reported late Friday
were: Joyce Mugridge, 21 months old
daughter of Mrs. Catherine Mugridge,
Detroit; Orlo Burton Hart, 35, Kala-
mazoo; Sherman M Cutcher, 71,
farmer, Port Huron; Earl Taylor, 56,
Tekonsha; Charles A. Miller, 72,
Bay City Hits 99
Highest temperature in the state
Saturday was recorded at Bay City,
where the mercury stood at 99 de-
grees at 1 p.m. It was also the high-#
est temperature of the year for Bay
In Grand Rapids the day's peak of
94 was reached at 3:40 p.m. Earlier
in the afternoon two girls, Ruth Nel-
son, 17, Muskegon, and Grace Gear,
19, Grant, collapsed while watching
a Christian Endeavor parade. Police
picked up a 52-year-old man wan-
dering about the city in the nude. He
was taken to a hospital where at-
tendants said that he had been crazed
by the heat and that he was in serious
Swimming Meet Begins
Monday With Free Style
The first event in the All-Campus
swimming meet, the 25-yard free
style, will be held at 4 p.m. Monday
in the Intramural Sports building
pool, it was announced yesterday by
Randolph W. Webster.
Entries will be accepted until the
first event is run off, he said. The
second event, the 25-yard back-
stroke, will be held at the same time
Wednesday. The other eight events
will be run off Mondays and Wed-
riesdays of the succeeding weeks.

Slosson Will Be Speaker
For Wesleyan Guild;
Plan Swim Party
Guest speakers, church suppers,
and swimming parties dominate the
religious festivities planned for to-
day by the many churches and clubs
of Ann Arbor.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson will be the
guest speaker at the Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 6 p.m .at Stalker Hall. His
subject will be "Christianity Today."
This is the third in the series en-
titled "The World Today as Chris-
tians See It."
Following the meeting the group
will attend the Inter-Church Stu-
dent meeting at the Congregational
Church, at which time Rabbi Ber-
nard Heller, Ph.D., director of Hillel
Foundation here, will speak upon
"An Appreciation of Jesus."
The occasion is created by cooper-
ative efforts of the Protestant min-
isters in Ann Arbor as a means of
bringing before the students in the
Summer Session some of the funda-
mental issues of religion in modern
At 9:30 a.m. Prof. George Carroth-
ers will lead the Student Class and
will continue the discussion of Link's
book "The Return of Religion."
At the Methodist Church the
morning worship will begin at 10:30
a.m. with Dr. C. W. Brashares
preaching on "To The Tempted."
Harris Hall is holding a meeting
for the Episcopal Summer School
Students and their friends tonight at
the Mack cottage, Whitmore Lake.
Those wishing to attend must be at
the church not later than 5 p.m.
when cars will leave for the lake.
Supper will be served there, with
swimming and baseball as athletic
The Rev. Henry W. Lewis will lead
the services of worship at Saint An-
drew's Episcopal Church. Holy Com-
munion will be held at 8 a.m., with
the morning sermon by The Rev.
Lewis following at 11 a.m.
"Religion and Reward" will be the
subject of the Rev. T. R. Schmale's
sermon at 10:30 a.m. at the Bethle-
hem Church on 4th Ave.
Beginning at 10:45 a.m. with the
Summer Union Service of the Pres-
b y t e r i a n and Congregational
churches at the Congregational
church, the First Presbyterian
(Continued on Pave 3)

Planes To Continue
Search For Amelia
HONOLULU, July 10.-(P)-Naval
authorities directing the vast search
for Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan,
missing nine days in the South Pa-
cific, placed their last hope today on
the 68 planes of the aircraft carrier
Openly pessimistic, officials said
that the slim chance that the fliers
would be discovered depended upon
the success of the flights of the Lex-
ington's airmen, scheduled to start
early next week.
Pending arrival of the Lexington,
the battleship Colorado and its three
planes resumed the search in the
Phoenix Islands area, southeast of
Howland Island.
The Coast Guard cutter Itasca and
the minesweeper Swan also continued
the forlorn quest.
Iowa, Chicago,
Speakers Here
Are Scheduled To Appear
On This Week's Program
Of Linguistics Institute
Four public lectures and discus-
sions by local and visiting speakers
will be included in the coming week's
program of the 'Linguistic Institute,
according to Prof. Charles C. Fries,
the director.
At the Tuesday noon luncheon con-
ference Dr. Milton Cowan of the
University of Iowa, who has done
considerable work in the analysis of
the Germanic languages, will discuss
the subject, "Intonation in English,
French and German." The Thursday
luncheon conference will be devoted
to the topic, "The Origin of the Al-
phabet and Its Relation to Morpho-
logic Structure of Semitic," which
will be presented by Dr. Zellig Har-
ris of the University of Pennsylvania.
Persons wishing to hear these dis-
cussions need not attend the lun-
cheons, it was pointed out by Dr.
Fries, as the discussion is held after
the luncheon and in a different room.
All. noon meetings will be at the
Michigan Union.
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the
speech department will be the first of*
two night speakers during the week.
He will discuss the topic, "Speech
and Emergent Specificity," Wednes-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the lecture room
of the Institutefor Human Adjust-
ments, 1007 E. Huron St.
Invited to the University especially
for this lecture, Prof. Walter Peter-
son of the University of Chicago will
speak Friday night on "Hittite and
the Substratum Theory." Dr. Pet-
erson, who is an authority in the
field of early Indo-European linguis-
tics, is one of several speakers who
will be brought to campus this sum-
mer as special guests of the Linguis-
tic Institute. His address will be
given at 7:30 p.m. in Room 25, An-
gell Hall.
Civil Engineer
Dies of Police1
Bullet Wounds

Come To Us Now, He Said
Addressing Labor; 'May
Be Too Late Tomorrow'
Nevadan Democrat
Calls For Crusade
Senator McCarran (Dem., Nev.) told
the Senate today the administration's
court bill might prove "the enter-
ing wedge" for, a dictatorship like
those which he said had wiped out
the right of labor in Germany and
Speaking against the advice of his
physician, the liberal Nevadan ap-
pealed to organized labor to join
quickly in the "crusade" to prevent
enlargement of the Supreme Court
"because it might be too late tomor-
He carried on the assault against
the compromise judiciary bill before
galleries packed to the doors with
sweating, linen clad spectators.
Senate Well Filled
Although senators are reluctant to
attend Saturday sessions, the floor
was well filled.
The debate, called by many spec-
tators the greatest in two decades,
Was free from the parliamentary
wrangles of the previous three days.
McCarran, his stone-grey curls
damp with perspiration, talked for
three hours with few interruptions
save those from his fellow Democrats
who oppose the bill.
He told his associates that doctors
had warned him against strenuous
debate, but that he believed "the
cause in which I have enlisted is
worthy of any man's life."
Fight To Continue
As he left the chamber late in the
afternoon, he told friends that Sen-
ators Bailey (Dem., N.C.) and O'Ma-
honey (Dem., Wyo.) would "carry on
the fight," with prepared addresses
next week.
McCarran-long a pillar of the
New Deal-said President Roosevelt
"has no intention of becoming a dic-
He argued, however, that passage of
the court bill would set a precedent
which some later' President might use
to "destroy" both the judicial and
legislative arms of the government.
Pointing to the growth of dictator-
ships abroad, he declared that the
people of many nations "are pray-
ing, imploring that this republic will
hold itself steady."
"The hour is coming when you and
I will be called upon to say whether
the seeds of destruction being sowed
in this government today from afar
will take root and bloom to a fruition
that will poison the atmosphere of
the whole world."

Mr. Average American Thinks CIO
And President Have 'Gone Too Far'

Tigers, Indians
Divide Twin Bill
With 8 Homers
DETROIT, July 10.-{P)-The De-
troit Tigers and the Cleveland In-
dians divided their twin bill today,
the Bengals winning the first, 12
to 11, and losing the second, 8 to 7.
Eightahome runs were scored in the
two games.
Hal Trosky, Cleveland first sacker,
hit for one four-bagger in the opener
and two more in the second game.
Chet Laabs, Detroit left fielder play-
ing the first and coming up as a
pinch hitter late in the second, got
one in each.
Hank Greenberg, the Tiger first
baseman, whacked out his 19th homer
of the season in the first, in which
Julius Solters and Roy Weatherly also
got round trips for the Indians.
A Cleveland four-run rally threat-
ened to tie up the first game in the
ninth, but Jack Russell, who pitched
to the last two Indians, saved the
game for Lynwood Rowe. The School-
boy relieved Jake Wade in the fourth-
inning and was credited with the vic-
The Tigers made an attempt to
come back in the nightcap when
Laabs scored Rudy York ahead of

e: ---

Mr. Average American is opposed to
the CIO and the Administration's
stand on labor; feels that the Pres-
ident has gone too far with his plan
for revamping the Supreme Court,
and has an all-consuming fear that
another depression may wipe out the
semi-prosperity of 1937.
Such were the opinions expressed to
a Daily reporter in over 901( of 150
interviews he made during a 2,500
mile hitch-hiking tour that carried
him into Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee,
Alabama, Mississippi, Illinois, Wis-
consin and both peninsulas of Mich-
However Mr. America, as one moun-
taineer farmer in Tennessee expressedI
it, is also beginning to wonder if
"there isn't something to this union
thing even if that Lewis man is a
bad one." It is Lewis' personal un-
nCnil rf n rrkiin 0 t1'XTT u ? ?ffln P" uri. n

factor in the Committee for Indus-
trial Organization's unpopularity.
Even a Flint automobile worker, a
CIO member, asked the ever-present
question, "Where are our dues go-
ing? There are 60,000 men in one
Flint factory paying dues and we're
beginning to wonder where the money
goes. And I saw a picture of Lewis
in the Communist what-do-you-call-
it? Yeh, embassy."
The fear that the strikes are the
result of communistic propaganda,
the survey showed, was widespread
although none of the persons inter-
viewed had any evidence to substan-
tiate their fears. Yet more wide-
spread was the opinion that "the big-
shots are cleaning up. We walk out
or sit down, pay dues and lose our
jobs while they make money."
Even in the solid south, if Mr.
Average American is to be believed,

him if he tries to run again. Bank-
head (Senator Bankhead, Dem., Ala.)
is the man for us down here."
In the North, the survey showed,
the Supreme Court measure is more
popular than in the south, but both
sections of the country are almost
unanimously against it and the third
term proposal as well as the Admin-
istration's stand on labor. In the
South Senator Bankhead is the most
popular candidate for 1940; the north
seemed to support no one in par-
Universal is the fear that the strikes
will cripple business, which is almost
always termed "best since ,the de-
pression." A Marquette doctor said:
"It would have been the best sum-
mer in 20 years if the lumbermen
hadn't struck." Another doctor, in
Birmingham, Ala., said: "We haven't
had many strikes here but the unrest
they're causing has everyone jittery,,

two women-his wife
heart-kept a vigil in

and his sweet-,
a nearby room,

Merrill Alexander, 27-year-old Ames,
Ia., civil engineer, died in receiving
hospital today of police-inflicted bul-
let wounds.l
His death ended a brief career of
crime to which Alexander had turned
in an effort to obtain funds to en-
tertain pretty Mary Hannah, 23, a
nurse who Friday gave him her blood
in a transfusion.I

Three patrolmen shot the youth him with his home run in the ninth
early Friday when he failed to obey but the rally ended with Detroit one
a command to halt as he abandoned run behind.
a taxicab which Detective Sergeant Rogell and Greenberg opened the
Michael McGowan said was stolen in scoring for the Tigers in the first
ahl-up sdgame. Both of them walked and
aa hold-up. - -l _ _ _ nwere scored when W alker pounded a


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