SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREI NEWS Of The DAY. (By Tire Associated Press)* House Criticizes Navy's Hunt For Miss Earhart WASHINGTON, July 9.-(1)-The House rang today with criticism of the Navy's search for Amelia Ear- hart. Representative Scott (Dem., Cal.) expressed belief it is about time some- one in authority announced the Navy will not be used to search for "pub- licity stunt" fliers in the future. "Do you think if some poor fish- erman, the father of a family, got himself lost out on the Pacific, the Navy would be spending $250,000 a day to look for him?" interposed Rep- resentative Faddis, (Dem., Pa.). Representative Collins, (Dem., Miss.) declared this country would have slight chance of winning a war if its air forces performed no bet- ter than the navy has done in hunt- ing the aviatrix. "Miss Earhart was forced down in easy flying distance of Honolulu more than a week ago," he said, "and if news accounts can be believed only three planes have reached the spot." Although the Navy claims it has planes with a cruising radius of 3,000 to 4,000 miles, Collins added, "we are told that airplane carriers must go to the area." 12,000 Scouts Leave Washington Jamboree WASHINGTON, July 9.- (R) -- More than 12,000 of the 26,000 Boy Scouts who came here 10 days ago for mass demonstrations of their handicraft started home today. Honor Scouts lowered the colors1 of 52 nations, 24 of which were rep- resented by at least one Scout, to end the jamboree. Dr. James E. West, Chief Scout Executive ,said the as- embly had been "highly successful from every standpoint." 60-Day Sentence To Morphine Thief Directs Earhart Search New Graduate School Nears Its Completion Gift Of Horace And Mary Rackham To University Will Be Finished Soon (Continued from Page 1) and it is only one flight up to the auditorium after stepping from a conveyance. Dean Yoakum will have his office to the right of a central lobby. Other administrative offices will be located here, as well as a board room and offices of the Rackham Foundation. A large study hall on the second floor is the second largest room in the structure. On this floor also will be found a men's reading room in the right wing, and a women's in the left. The mezzanine floor will con- tain exhibition rooms, while the third floor, besides having an assembly room and two rooms for informal meetings, will have a second and smaller auditorium for lectures. It will seat approximately 300 people. The future has been provided for in thegconstruction, Mr. Martin said. Wiring, piping, and conduit work for radio and phonograph facilities have been planned, as well as arrange- ments for a projection room for slides and movies. With the aid of re- search and the advice of the best authorities in the field, provisions have been made for television, in anticipation of the coming develop- ment. Rear Admiral Orin G. Murfin1 (above) took over full command of American vessels searching for Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, American fliers missing in the southern Pacific on a, flight from New Guinea to Hlowland Island. Ad- miral Murfin, commandant of the 14th district at Honolulu, was se- lected by both Navy and Coast Guard authorities to coordinate the search. Fishing Rodeo Set For Aug. 4 In Texas cit PORT, ISABEL. Texas - (i) - "Ride 'im, Fisherman!" That's the rallying call for the fourth annual Rio Grande Valley Fishing Rodeo, Aug. 4 till 8, in the Gulf of Mexico off this little fishing village and seaport at the tip of Texas. Vernal Walston (left) and Gy Black, farmers living near Hugo, Colo., used a flame thrower to halt the army of grasshoppers moving toward their farms five miles from the highway. A helpful road grader scraped the advancing hoppers to the roadside, and the farmers cre- mated the insects. Science Tames Blueberry And So Brings $250000 Industry i i Anglers from several states will James Murphy, 32-year-old De- come to try their luck with the leap- troit dope addict, who stole a quarter ing tarpon and sailfish that abound of a grain of morphine from the car in the gulf waters hereabouts. of Dr. A. C. Furstenberg, dean of the The first champion was Dr. I. Medical School, June 19, was given Henry Smith, Shreveport, La., sports- a 60-day sentence in the county jail man, in 1934, when 70 contestants recently by Justice Jay H. Payne. caught 63 officially registered tarpon. The sentence followed his release The next two years the champion from St. Joseph's Mercy hospital was R. J. Montgomery of Rio Hondo, where he was treated for a shot Texas, who will not only defend his through the pelvic bone received title but will try to gain permanent when he tried to escape. He was possession of the trophy that goes to discovered by Dr. Furstenberg, who the first three-time winner. was returning to his car parked be- The prize list has leaped from $1,- hind. the University hospital. 500 in the first to $4,000 this year, Dr. Furstenberg gave chase, and with a deluxe motorboat, an auto- then called police when the fugitive I mobile and cash among the induce-, disappeared near the river. Murphy ments to catch bigger fish. Expert was shot by Patrolman James Ogilvy liars also are rewarded for the best when he refused to stop after being fish yarns. ordered to do so and after warning This year's queen, Miss Jane John- shots had been fired. son of Rio Hondo, wore an evening gown made entirely of tarpon scales The construction work is being PEMBERTON, N. J.-(I')-Science blueberry field with pupae, and erect- done by William Wood Co. of De- tamed the wild blueberry and so ed over that section an emergence troit, althoughlthe Universtndse- plucked from the wilderness an in- house-a cloth covered affair with a partment, fbidnsadgonsi dustry that brings Newv Jersey $250,- doing the plumbing and other me- 000 a year. glass dome at the top. Then, come chanic 1 work of like nature. The But therwild blueberry had a little June of 1936, Beckwith hovered daily architects are Smith, Hinchman and enemy, a fly that followed along. over the emergence house, counting Grylls of Detroit. Since a tame blueberry is bigger flies. The first appeared on June 15. Disbursement of income from the and better than a wild one, the de- Five Rackham trust fund is vested in a structive fly fared better than ever in days later flies were popping out board of governors, according to civilization._atagreatrate. Dean Yoakum, with final approval This time it was no job of tam- resting in the University administra- ing. Science had to eradicate the tive body. fly or good-by, $250,000 a year. The Battle Royalofte Ae Charles A. Beckwith, blueberry Roa tledmi specialist at the New Jersey Agri- You havent lived et V s cultural Experiment station at Rut- Coopers in their tgers University, aided by Charles A. heartaches and joy tBe1 Doehlert, did some fast thinking and Sa t a lot of experimenting. They re-' '' moved the threat of the blueberry fly. A ToCombat HeatFirst they bamboozled a thousand of the fly's pupae-put them in an incubator in the dead of winter and A few simple precautions to help made them think it was spring. When a one combat the current heat were the gullible flies hatched out theyodarer ist outlined today by Dr. Warren E. were ushered into glass cages with- Forsythe, Director of the University out even an introduction. Health Service. Beckwith and Doehlert pumped one;MAES ealh insecticide into one cage, another in- "Drink all the water you want to," to another cage. Pyrethrum knocked__ _- _ _ __ he said. He advised a teaspoonful of a fly out-but he wouldn't stay down. salt in a glass of water twice a day' Other powders reacted unfavorably. to replace that lost in perspiration. Then derris, which is non-poisonous to humans was tried. When the blue- "Fruit juices are very beneficial; berry fly got a whiff of derris it was and buttermilk is better than sweet curtains. milk because of the presence of the But when to feed derris to millions lactic acid," Dr. Forsythe explained. -of flies on thousands of acres of He stressed the importance of cut- bursting berry bushes? Beckwith ting down on all foods, especially and Doehlert had learned the flies meats and fats. "Eat plenty of fresh emerged in spring over a period of leafy vegetables and fruits of all weeks, started~ to lay eggs 10 or 12 kinds," he said. "Potatoes and bread days later. are all right in normal ;quantities." So they infested a section of aI Dr. Forsythe expressed a great con- cern for drowning accidents, as so many students are swimming in near- Queen And roodi i i by lakes and rivers. He urged the Pu B OnTr o r o yo use of the "buddy system" for swim- ming where tiere are a lot of people, in which case there is danger of a (continued from Pale 1) member of the party going under water without being noticed. ' Traffic, which had been detouring "Although heat exhaustion is not sine 9 a.m., finally got back to its very common among young people," normal lanes by 11:15 a.m. Dr. Forsythe stated, "everyone should The normality was not resumed know the symptoms and treatment." without danger, however, as scores of He said the symptoms were pallid the bees, who had been reconnoiter- complexion, cool, clammy skin, and ing while the capturing was in pro- fainting. The victim should be cess, remained at the top of the street kept warm and dry with the head light. lowered to restore the blood eircula- The jilted suitors were still there late last night, and they'll probably tion. Q ,r - l +bct hp ciRl airl 'f _- -0A DALY OFFICIAL SBULLEN (Continued from Page 2) Arbor as a means of bringing before the students in summer school some of the fundamental issues of religion in our time. There will be a supper in the gar- den of the Michigan League Sunday,1 July 11, at 6 p.m. for students and faculty of the Department of Li- brary of Science. Husbands and wives are invited. Deutscher Verein: A social gather- ing will be held at the League in the Grand Rapids Room on Monday,j July 12, at 8:15 p.m. A brief ad- dress of welcome will be followed by a musical program offered by our Glee Club and solos by Mr. Ver-! non B. Kellett. Refreshments will be served. Everybody interested in Ger- man song is cordially invited. On Monday, July 12, at 8 p.m Prof. Percy E. Corbett, professor of Ro- man Law at McGill University will lecture on "The Part of the Lawyer in the Evolution of the International' Community," in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Faculty Concert: Prof. Hanns Pick, violoncellist; Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist; and Hardin A. Van Deursen, baritone; will participate in the sec- ond faculty concert in the Summer Session series, Tuesday evening, July 13, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. First Mortgage L o a n s: The University has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Of-; fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer- sity Hall. Tea for Wives of Faculty Members when she appeared with her mermaid retinue. Contestants will be divided into two classes for this year's rodeo-one! for persons fishing from powered motor boats, the other for those who fish from docks, beaches, petties, skiffs, etc. Scoring methods have' been changed, all points being scored, according to size of line in relation to fish caught regardless of the weight of the rod. Henry Cotton Wins British OpenGolf Title CARNOUSTIE, Scotland, July 9.- PW)-Tall Henry Cotton, sloughing his! way through as wild a storm as ever blew in off the Irish coast, came from behind today to win the British Open golf championship with a 72-hole score of 290. Favored to win over one of the greatest fields ever assembled, the solemn Briton toured Carnoustie's rain-sodden distances in 73-71, 144, only three over par, on his last two rounds to overtake his countryman, Reginald Whitcombe, and leave most of the Americans well to the rear. POLICE ARREST FORGER LANSING, July 9.-(AP)-Police of Lansing and Grand Rapids arrested Lloyd Wolford, 36, here today, on charges of forgery. He was the last of three persons accused of having forged checks of the Dutch Cookie Machine Company, of Grand Rapids. Edward Orr, 38, and Claude Pelle- tier, 30, were arrested previously. I'~ __ 1 - BARGAIN TABLE of REFERENCE BOOKS r ____ AMM6s a A AoskL AN .AA