GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1937 Shorten Terms Of 11 Convicted In Fraud Case Sentence Of O'Hara And Wilkowski Not Changed By Gov._Murphy LANSING, July 8.-(IP)--Governor Murphy commuted the sentences to- day of 11 of 19 persons convicted of fraud in connection with the elec- tion recount of 1935, and ordered them released from prison. State Senator A. J. Wilkowski, El- mer B. O'Hara, former Chairman of the Democratic State Central Com- mittee, and others who had been sen- tenced to serve more than 12 year minimum terms were not among those to whom the commutations and paroles were granted.1 Clemency Extended Those to whom clemency was ex- tended are Lester Currier, James Garrett, Joseph, Greishaber, Charles Lark, William J. Wilson, and An- thony J. Gallagher, serving terms of 1 to 5 years in the Detroit House of Correction, and Vincent Murphy, T. Emmett McKenzie, Joseph W. Neil, Chester Pons, and Alfred J. Skiffing- ton, serving 1%/2 to 5 years in the State Prison of Southern Michigan. Without gubernatorial interven- tion, which reduced their terms to eight months, those serving min- nimum one year-terms would not have been eligible for release before September. Still in prison are Wilkowski, O'Hara, Franklyn K. Morgan, Her- bert L. Sullivan, Bruno Nowicki, James Walker and John Degutis. All ave Degutis are serving 3 to 5 years in the Southern Michigan Prison. De- gutis, whose term is 1 to 5 years, was refused clemency because of a pre- ious criminal record, the Governor Said. Murphy indicated there was little >rospect of immediate clemency for Wilkowski and O'Hara. "Ie oubtit," hie said, when asked whether there vas prospect that they could receive their freedom soon. He declined to i elaborate for publication. Says Smal Fry Free "The men released were the small fly in the recount fraud case," the Governor asserted. "I believe the ends of justice have been met. After care- ful study I am satisfied their release, is in the public interests. All the pe- titions I have received have been in behalf of Wilkowskinand O'Hara." Twenty-one persons were indicted and convicted following an investiga- tion of the conduct of a recount of votes cast in the 1934 general elec- tion. Two were placed on proba- tion, and one was released earlier this year after having completed his sentence, shorter than the others. The famous Detroit recount brought about a legislative inquiry as well as one by a grand jury. An attempt was made by a minority of the Legislature in a joint session to declare Guy M. Wilson, of Flint, elect- ed as secretary of state as a result of Gires supplied by the recount. Later the court held that there was fraud in the recount and the indictments were returned on fixed counts in- cluding altering ballots, conspiracy to conduct a recount in an unlawful manner and conspiracy to permit re- count employes to mark ballots. In a report to the Governor Hil-1 mer Gellein, pardon and parole com-i missioner said: Does Not Condohe Acts "There is no doubt in my mind that the 11 'recounters' took part in the recount with the expectation of re- ceiving political appointments as a regard for their services, it was up- permost in their minds to place in office those whom their superiors de- sired to have elected and thus en- able their superiors to have a greater number of political jobs at their dis- posal. I do not condone their con- duct or acts nor can I take the view- point that they should not be pun- ished because others may have com- mitteed like offenses and were not apprehended. None of these men have previous records of conviction. All of them appear to be rather dif- ferent from the type ordinarily re- ceived in penal institutions. "Modern penologists agree that those who have been guilty of the less serious types of crimes and who, upon examination, do not reveal high- ly defective, abnormal or dangerous personalities should not be incar- cerated but should be released on probation." League College Hears Fraser Talk In Union (Continued from Page 1) matter much where there are teach- ers left whose personalities are not starved," he said. "Measurably, as there are competent, forceful, virile teachers, there is assertion of free- dom." "Authorities rarely grant freedom," Professor Maurer stated, "for free- dom, in a sense, is group conscious- nss awakened to effective demands." Italy And Germany Leave War Zone Blume Lands Denby's Work In China Court' Michigan Graduate Drew Plans For Establishing U.S. Judiciary In Orient l (Continued from Page 1) tion's case, with no interpretation allowed, ordered Terranova execut- ed by strangulation. Still the sailor was not surrendered' until the Chinese stopped trade, atl which his surrender and execution followed swiftly along with the re- sumption of trade, according to Pro- fessor Blume. Thereafter, he continued, Ameri- cans agreed to abide by Chinese law and justice until 1843, when Con- gress, under pressure from traders, appropriated $40,000 for the Presi- dent "to enable him to establish the future commercial relations between the United States and the Chinese empire on terms of national equal reciprocity." Daniel Webster, at that time Secre- tary of State, sent Caleb Cushing to China as minister plenipotentiary to negotiate a treaty, which was suc- cessfully concluded in 1844 with the provisions giving the consul "or oth- er public functionary of the United States" jurisdiction over United States citizens in China. The difficulty, Blume pointed out, lay in the fact that "the American consuls in China were not trained lawyers." Not until 1906 was this remedied, when Denby's bill, setting up the new court, providing that "the judge of the United States Court for China and the district attorney shall be lawyers of good standing and experience," and taking all but minor jurisdiction from the consuls. Professor Blume commented fa- vorably on the omission of a guaran- tee of jury trial in the establishment of the United States Court for China, pointing out a case where a British jury acquitted British officers of what, to Professor Blume, appeared to be a clear case of torturing a na- tive to secure a confession. HIIitler, I Duce Await Franco Victory Biology Station H a s Facilities For Scientists (Contnued from Paa. 1) tee provides for lunches to be taken by any going on the trip. Launches and trucks are available for the class trips. Climatic conditions and the out- door life are highly invigorating and conducive to good health. However, a physician is in charge of the Health Service to take care of any sickness should it arise. The fee for students is $50. This provides for tuition, living quarters, Health Service and The Summer Michigan Daily. Thus the total cost for the session, exclusive of traveling expenses and clothing need not ex- ceed $150. A limited number of stu- dents may earn a portion of their ex- penses by performing certain duties for the station or commissary. In short the Biological Station is an ideal place to spend a Summer Session. It is not only possible to get credit for courses and get some real, practical knowledge, but also to be in the cool, pleasant climate around Cheboygan. Classes Are Still Open In Intermediate Dancing Registration for the intermediate dancing class which is held at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday evening in the Ballroom of the Michigan League, may still be made according to Miss I Ethel A. McCormick, director. The beginners' classes, given at 7:30 p.m. each Monday and Wednes- day evening have already been filled. Registration for the intermediate class may be made at the Michigan .League. -- Associated Press Photo A closer understanding between Insurgent General Franco and Ger- many and Italy was shown by the withdrawal of Italian and German battleships from the neutral patrol of Spanish waters. An Italian gun crew is pictured practicing in the Mediterranean. Three-Fourths Of Blood Donors On Hospital List Are Students Hitler's and I1 Duce's support of General Franco was indicated by Hitler's announcement that he would welcome Franco's victory and by the Italian press report that Franco must win. Hitler and Il Duce are shown looking over Italy's naval strength. [se About 35 Transfusions Each Week; Individuals Classed In 4_Types By BILL DAVIDSON Perhaps it is not generaly known that there are hundreds of profes- sional blood donors on the University campus. When one thinks of a pro- fessional blood donor, he visions a 250-pound individual of bone and muscle who practically lives in a hos- pital, giving his blood right and left. However, this is not the case.' Of the thousand or so listed by the Uni- versity of Michigan Hospital, over three-fourths are students. Of these, there are, of course, only a. relatively small number who are subject to im- mediate call, but as the Hospital needs upwards of 35 or 40 transfusions a week for its patients, the list of active donors changes quite rapidly. Donors Carefully Examined Great precaution is taken for the safety and good treatment of the; donors. They must first be exam.' ined by the Health Service, and t i "typed" at the Hospital. There are Modern Dance Class Offered During Session The Modern Dance Class organized by the department of Physical Educa- tion for women and offered by the Extension Division will meet for the second time at 7:30 p.m. July 12 in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall in Bar- bour Gymnasium. The class was organized for per- sons who are not enrolled in summer school but who wish to take work in modern dance. Miss Katherine Man- ning will direct the class. Miss Man- ning is an assistant to Doris Humph- rey, and is a .member of the Hum- phrey-Weidman Concert Group. Enrollment in the class may be made at the Extension Office in Room 107 Haven Hall. The registration fee is five dollars. Persons interested in taking this work are asked to reg- ister before the meeting of the class next Monday. The class will meet on Monday and Wednesday for six weeks. Faculty Is Honored By Betsy Barbour Students of the Summer Session living at Betsy Barbour Dormitory gave a dinner last night honoring members of the University faculty. As the guests arrived, they were re- ceived in the living-room by Miss Ann Varden, social director, Miss Mabel Howard, and Miss Irene Free- man, president. The tables in the dining-room were attractively dec- orated with vases of pink and white rambler roses and blue larkspur. four general "types" of blood, depend- ing upon its cell arrangement and composition. The donor and patient must usually be of the same type, but one kind, "No. 4," is "universal"- that is, it successfully mixes with any type. This kind is, of course, much more in demand, especially for emer- gencies. Concerning the actual transfusion of the blood, the University Hospital no longer employs the old method of direct transfer, with the donor and recipient lying side by side. Now, the blood is taken from the fore-arm of the donor in an operating room, with two internes and a nurse in charge who take all possible sanitarynpre- cautions. The blood, already having been carefully tested for satisfactory mixing qualities for the particular in- dividuals concerned, is then imme- diately administered to the patient in another operating room. Blood Is Tested The actual amount used, of course, varies a great deal, being sometimes as much as 800 c.c.'s; but the aver- age is about 500 or 550 c.c.'s, which is about one-fourth of all the blood in the body. (There are 473 c.c. 's in one pint.) Thiseis a safe amount for the donor to lose, and it is soon replaced by the blood-making mechanisms of the body. However, a donor is not used more than once a month, and rarely that often. Oh, yes! A donor receives an aver- age of between $20 and $25 for each transfusion. Education Club Holds Session To Elect Heads The Women's Education Club held its first meeting Wednesday night in the Garden of the League. More than 100 people attended the meeting which was sponsored by Miss Ger- trude Muxen and Dr. Mabel E. Rugen. The officers elected for the Summer Session are as follows: Nina A. Weeks of Grand Rapids, chairman; Mary Miller of Buffalo, vice-chairman; Mary Elizabeth Shannon of Emetwin, W. Va., program chairman; Karin Ostman of Madison, publicity chair- man; and Helen Taylor from the Uni- versity of Illinois, treasurer. The next meeting of the club will be held at 7:30 p.m., July 12 at the League. All members of the Edu- cation School are invited to be pres- ent. CORRECTION In the story printed in yesterday's Daily on the speech delivered by Utah Tsao in a symposium under the aus- pices of the Institute for Eastern Studies on the topic, "The Recent In- dustrial Developments in China," the statement that Shanghai had the largest radio station in the world should have been that Shanghai has the largest number of radio stations. Mlso it is the air service and radio service developments which have been greatly helped by the tJnited States rather than the radio. Cochrane Is Homne; Recovering Rapidly DETROIT, July 8.--(P)-Mickey Cochrane, in hospitals for six weeks because a pitched ball struck his head, is home again and recovering rapidly. The Detroit Tigers' manager, who no longer sufferswfromedizzy spells, took his meals with members of his family today. He left the Henry Ford Hospital here Tuesdayto continue his conval- escence at home, it was learned. Cochrane, who was placed on the voluntary retired list two weeks ago, has made no plans to rejoin the Tig- ers this season. BICYCLE MISSING A new English Raleigh bicycle was stolen Wednesday from Esther Sweedler Dean, she reported to po- lice yesterday. It was taken from Barton's Pond about 3 p.m., she said. Black, with two hand brakes and gear shift, was her description of the missing vehicle. '1 $1 White Hat Special $1 Friday and Saturday FABRICS and FELTS JACOBSON'S 4 n, l Have You LOST~ Something? Find it through A Cool Dining Room Best Quality of Food Excellent Cooking DAI LY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING