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July 08, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-08

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Reuther Heard
Before NLRB
Eight, Most Of Them Ford
Employes, Are Arraigned
On Assault Charges
Union Men Testify
DETROIT, July 7. - (P) - Two
union officials who led handbill dis-
tributors to gates of the Ford Motor
Company's Dearborn plant May 26
told a N.ational Labor Relations
Board examiner today they were
slugged and kicked down a concrete
They name Ford employes as their
Richard Frankensteen, United Au-
tomobile workers organizational di-
rector, followed Walter Reuther,
UAW West Side local president, to
the witness stand at the NLRB hear-
ing on its complaint charging the
Ford Company with unfair labor
Declaring he was "kicked on the
head until the back of it was as raw
as beefsteak," the chunky Franken-
steen identified his assailant as Sam-
uel Taylor, Ford foundry foreman.
Reuther named Theodore Greis, also
a Ford employe as one of those en-
gaged in the fighting.
Arraign Employes
Taylor, Greis and six other per-
sons, most of them Ford employes,
were arraigned before common
pleas Judge Ralph W. Liddy today
on assault warrants issued in con-
nection with the riot. Their exam-
ination was set for next Wednesday.
Frankensteen and Reuther were
the first Union members to tell of the
fighting that attended the attempt to
disribute Union leaflets to Ford
workers leaving the huge River Rouge
plant. They occupied the stand most
of the second day of the NLRB hear-
ing, after plans for a second distri-
bution of literature this morning were
Frankensteen announced the at-
tempt was called off "because there
was inadequate police protection"
and said he had received an unsigned
telegram reporting that "Ford serv-
ice men plan a riot at Ford gates to
lay blame on United Automobile
workers." Harry R. Bennett, Ford
personnel director, said the report
was "ridiculous."<
Tells Of Beating
Frankensteen testified that at one
time during the fracas Taylor told
him to pick up his coat which was
torn from him. "As I bent to do so,"t
he said, "he kicked me and then
slugged me again."
Reuther said that after a group of
men ordered him from a highway
over-pass near gate 4 of the Ford
plant, "I was pounced on by 10 or
12 men." He said he was "thrown
down" one flight of steps and
"kicked down" two more.e
Louis J. Colombo, Sr., Ford at-
torney, was quickly interrupted byt
examiner John T. Lindsay when he1
asked Reuther on cross-examination:
"Have you any list of persons as-
saulted, beaten and bruised by thef
CIO and UAW because they refused
to join CIO or UAW unions?" F
Lindsay told Colombo, "That hasI
nothing to do with this hearing."t
Bridge Called Public
The over-pass, ownership and con-
trol of which was argued in the hear-
ing yesterday, entered the testimonyt
again today when Reuther said, "I
went over that bridge every day for
three years. I am positive that many
who used it were not Ford employes.I
Newsboys and all sorts of vendorsI
had free access to it."

Center Of Women's Atlletwic Activities

Education Soft 'Di Maggio And Gehrig Deliver Blows
SPedalled, Says,
That Killed Golden Goose, Moans Diz
Dennis Cooke

WASHINGTON, July 7.-(P--This
'Bed Of Roses' Philosophy' is news.
Fostered In High School, As the American Leaguers whooped
it up in their steamy clubhouse and
EIflmentary Students made merry with his name for the
first time, the "celebrated" Dizzy
The high school and elementary Dean squatted on a bench within ear-
school student today gets the idea shot of all the revelry today and fi-
that life is a "bed of roses" because nally confessed he had made two big
of the facility with which he climbs mistakes by not taking advice.
the ladder in the public schools, Prof. Twice in the three disastrous in-
Dennis H. Cooke, of the George Pea- nings he pitched against the murder-
body Teachers' College said yester- ous hitters of the American League,
day in a lecture in the auditorium Diz shook off Catcher Gabby Hart-
of the University high school. nett's signal. Gabby ordered curve
"The public school student gets the balls to Joe Di Maggia and Lou Geh-
idea that life is easy because he does rig, the Yankee fence busting twins,
not have to work to advance in but Diz knew better.

inning, I fanned him with a fast one, referring, of course, to Dean, and
but he pickled the fastest one I've Hubbell.
got in the third. We should have Gehrig, like the others, was con-
won with the three runs we got." gratulated by President Will Har-
The National Leaguers, including ridge of the American League, Man-
Carl Hubbell and Van Mungo, who ager McCarthy and the coaches. He
said they just didn't have their stuff beamed happily.
in the terrific heat, took the defeat "The Lord protects the dumb,"
in stride, however. They tried to fenced Lou as he wrung his hand
laugh off the setback. dry with handshakes.
"That Gehrig," shouted Hartnett, Di Maggio, last year's goat, also
"should have been a blacksmith. How grinned from ear to ear. Everyone
he murders that ball." congratulated him on his great throw
"I'd hate to see that Gehringer to the plate in the sixth to nail
every day," groaned Mungo. "He's Burgess Whitehead at the plate.
ooison." "I was afraid of my power," ex-
Lee Grissom, Cincinnati freshman, plained Der Mag. "So I just skipped
strangely enough was the only one in that ball in."

Palmer Field, situated on Forest Avenue at the east end of North
University, offers play and recreational opportunities in a large num-
ber of sports. The area of three hockey fields affords plenty of space
for golf driving practice. An outdoor archery range is situated at the
north end of the field.

Roosevelt Menw
Hurl Char oes
In Senate Row'
Claim Foes Of Revamping
Court Bill Are Trying
To Smash President
WASHINGTON, July 7.- (A) -"
Roosevelt men, continuing their fu-
rious drive to alter the Supreme
Court ,declared on the Senate floor
today that opponents of the revamp-
ing bill are trying to smash President
The assertion drew immediate de-
nials from the Demorcatic opposi-
tion, and the ensuing debate brought
into the open certain political charges
and counter-charges which usuaily
are only whsipered in the cloakrooms.
Senator Logan (Dem., Ky.) had de-
clared that some Democratic Senat-
ors who owe their election to Presi-
dent Roosevelt have "played the in-
grate" by opposing the bill.
Hardly had the ?ssertion been
made than Senator Wheeler (Dem.,
Mont.) replied with an accusation
that the administration had been
guilty of ingratitude in seeking to
"destroy" men who in 1932 aban-1
doned their long time political af-
filiations to back his candidacy.
Logan asserted that the Senate Ju-
diciary Committee's adverse .report
on the original court bill, signed by
eight Democrats, "could be construed
only as an effort to destroy the Pres-
ident." Some of its signers hastened
to assert their loyalty to the Chief
The Kentuckian declared, too, that
the report was being widely used by
"followers of the golden calf" who
are attempting to 'form a new po-
litical party which will "take over"
the Republican party and bring "dis-
aster to Franklin D. Roosevelt."
To this, Wheeler replied with a
repetition of a previous statement
that two close advisors of the Presi-
dent had suggested the court reor-
ganization to him more than a year
ago. Wheeler said it was kept out of
last autumn's campaign at his urgent
pleading that it would "wreck" the!
President. The Montanan added that

he did not wish to see the President
meet disaster then, and does not wish
it now.
For an hour and a half, leading'
opponents of the measure-Wheeler,
Burke of Nebraska, Connally of Tex-
as, all Democrats-beset Logan with
accusations, with ironic and some-
times angry questions. Then, the
Senate quit to go to the All-Star
baseball game.
Previously, Senator Guffey de-
livered a prepared address contend-
ing that throughout its history the
Supreme Court has been "a partisar
political body," that "the statesman-
ship of President Roosevelt" had re-
cently "forced the court to act on
behalf of the people."
Be s a reful
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you drink 0..
as you are of the milk
you drink. You wouldn't
take a chance on milk of
doubtful purity. . . so be
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Phone 8270 for Delivery
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school," he stated. "We are soft-
pedaling education too much."
Some Should Fail
Speaking on failures in school, Pro-
fessor Cooke went on to say that in
view of the fact that the public
school is trying to imitate life, a cer-I
tain percentage of pupils should be
failed if their work not acceptable.
"I am not advocating failure as anI
end point in education," he declared,J
"but those who don't succeed should-
not be allowed to advance."
Professor Cooke went on to point
out that there were four things re-
sponsible for failure in the public
schools. "Failure is due to the child I
himself, it is due to the teachers, itl
is due to the school and it is due to +
the out-of-school environment," he
Advises Buckingham Plan
He made three recommendations
for the reduction of failures.- They
are the use of the normal curve, the
project type of teaching and the em-
ployment of the Buckingham plan,I
which leaves the determination of
whether a pupil should fail or not to
th'e receiving teacher.1
Speaking yesterday morning before{
the second day's session of the League1

Fed 'Em Fast Ones
He fed them fast ones, they fed
him with a single and a home run.
The blows sent Joe McCarthy's men
on their way, and they never stopped
until they had whipped the National
Leaguers, 8 to 3, for their fourth tri-
umph in five all-star baseball spec-
"They were the blows that killed
the golden goose," moaned Diz, "but
those guys were lucky stiffs. They
got all the breaks; we got nothing.
But Gabby was right. When he asked
for a curve against Di Maggio, I shook
him off and Joe singled. I was sure
I was right on Gehrig. In the first

the National League clubhouse who
was really sad.
"Can you imagine that Cronin and
Dickey getting doubles off'n me?"
cried the big, gangling Red. "I should
hiave struck them both out."
A reporter came up, congratulated
Grissom, who all but broke the writ-
er's hand with his now notorious
strong man handshake.
Fletcher The Big Noise
Coach Art Fletcher was the big
noiseamaker in the AmericanLeague
dressing room with Lefty Gomez a
close second.
"The great Dean. the almighty
Dean," roared Fletcher, a world's
champ when it comes to tossing the
raspberry. "He knew how to pitch

Trouble On Amur
Held Unimportant
Recent trouble along the Amur has
been characterized as being nothing
more or less than the latest in a
long series of border engagements by
John W. Stanton of the history de-
partment during an informal talk be-
fore the Institute of Far Eastern
In tracing the history of the recent
quarrel Stanton emphasized that war
between the countries at this time
was very unlikely since neither coun-
try was prepared to fight.
Both countries look forward to a
struggle in the future however, and
both are arming behind the Man-
choukuo border. Thus while each
crisis is not dangerous in itself, this
being the 187th, all are indicative of
strained relations between the two
DETROIT, July 7.-(IP)-Cletus
,Plwood "Baron" Poffenberger, Tigers
rookie pitcher, Wednesday took out
a marriage license to wed Miss Jose-
phine Brown of Charleston, W. Va.

College, Professor Cooke pointed out to those American Leaguers! He'd
certain principles of a state system stop "em!' 'Why with me pitching,
of taxation for the support of schools. the National League oughter be a 1
He made four recommendations to 10 favorite.'"
for the improvement of the taxing Gomez, who now has been the win-
system in states. "We should con- ning pitcher in three out of four
solidate our taxing units, profession- American League victories, was
alize our tax officials, create a state bathed and dressed when his mates
tax commission and co-ordinate tax came in. Lefty met them coming up
jurisdictions," he said. the steps with a movie camera, click-
He also stated that there should be ing off candid shots of the grimy,
a greater equalization of educationalIsweaty ball players.
opportunities and a preservation of "We finally .convinced the invinc-
local initiative. ibles, didn't we?" demanded El Goofy,i



Your Money O n





A THOROUGHBRED will carry more weight fur-
ther and faster than an ordinary horse. All
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Special Selling of
Fine Worsted Gabardine
An Ideal Suit For Summer Wear

Godolphin Barb.

Crossed with English mares

these stallions produced horses vastly superior to

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The strain proved so fine

that it was kept carefully intact and resulted
in the fleet Thoroughbred.
OF THESE THREE HORSES, perhaps, the history
of Godolphin Barb is the most romantic. Dis-
covered in 1728 hitched to a hackney cab on the
streets of Paris, he was purchased by an English-
man, Mr. Coke, and given by him as a present
to a friend, Mr. Williams, who in turn presented

superb racing strains of Eclipse, Herod and
Matchem, known wherever men discuss fine
horses. Strange to say, the Thoroughbreds thus
developed proved far fleeter than the horses by
whom they were sired, and today it is common
knowledge that a medium Thoroughbred will
outrun the best of the Arabians. But from the
three noble stallions they received an unmatched
heritage for courage, endurance, intelligence,
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OVER A PERIOD OF YEARS The Michigan Daily has
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$27 50




the stallion to the Earl of Godolphin.

In the


These Suits Represent Values Up to $55.00
Small Charge for Alterations

Earl's stables the horse was to make famous the
name of Godolphin.


U I.

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