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July 08, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-08

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The Weathier
Fair today and tomorrow;
somewhat cooler in north to-
day and warmer tomorrow.


mm-iusa itj


Electronics Institute .. .
Wasting Time ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Summer Session
Enrollment Hits
A Peak Of 5,026

Aimerk Hitting
Swamps Nat's
Pitchers, 8-3


Dean Is Charged
Loss As Hubbell

First Time In Its 44-Year
History That 5000 Mark
Is Passed
12 Per Cent Gain
Over A Year Ago

Education Short
Responsible For
Total Upward


Enrollment in the Summer Session
yesterday passed the 5,000 mark as
the total registration reached 5,026.
This is the first time in the 44-year
history of the session that more than
5,000 students have been enrolled.
Last year 4,528 were registered to
make a new record at the end of the
Session, and at this time last year 4,-
488 had enrolled. The gain amounts
to about 12 per cent according to
Miss Marian Williams, University
Education short courses, which be-
gan this week and attracted 224 per-
sons, were responsible for pushing the
total enrollment past the 5,000 mark.
Most of the gain for the Session
as a whole can be accredited to the
Graduate School in which 2,765 stu-
dents are enrolled, 425 more than a
year ago.
Enrollment in the education school
jumped from 325 to 466 or 43.4 per
cent because of the numerous short
courses. Engineering studentsin-
creased in number from 309 to 339,
and music students from 191 to 235.
Several schools in the University
reported decreased attendance. The
literary college dropped from 741 to
680, or 8.2 per cent, and medical
school enrollment fell from 271 to 217,
a loss of 19..9 per cent.
Attendance in other schools this
summer is: architecture, 45; law, 154;
pharmacy, 22; business administra-
tion, 37; and forestry and conserva-
sion, 76.
Modern China
Is Main Topic
Of SYmposium
Prof. Chang, 3 Chinese
Sudents, Present Talks
Civil service, used by English-
speaking nations starting with Bri-
tain's inauguratibn of the system in
1870, was given to the world by des-
potic, medieval China in the first
century B.C., Prof. Yuen Z. Chang,
of the English department told 125
occidentals and orientals gathered for
a symposium on modern China, last
night, preluding the reception for
foreign students in the League.
'Give And Take'
Professor Chang indicated civil
service as part of a "give and take"
'between Eastern and Western cul-
tures. The West has contributed its
conception of religion and democracy
to modern China, he said.
Tracing the emancipation of
women in modern China, Miss V. Y.
Ting, '39M, president of the Chinese
Students Club, said that Chinese.
women now possessed suffrage, and
were leading in many professions and
occupations. Medicine claims 500
women, she said.
China, stagnant for 20 centuries,
has been awakened by Western civili-
zation to new realization of import-
ance of commercial development,
Utah Tsao, Grad., said. Shanghai has
the world's largest radio station, 10,-
000 miles of railroads built with help
of the United States, and 14,000 miles
of highways.
Second Hand Nationalism
Far Eastern nationalism, a "second-
hand" nationalism borrowed from the
West, is assuming new and greater
proportions. That was the consensus
of authorities present at another
forum on "Nationalism in the Far
East," sponsored by the Institute of
'ar Eastern Studies yesterday after-
noon in the Union.
Dr. Y. Z. Chang of the Oriental
Languages department, visiting in-
structor from China, told the forum

Aldermen Rebuke
Mayor - Professor
In Water Dispute
The mayor of Ann Arbor, Prof.
Walter C. Sadler, of the engineering
college, today stood rebuked by the
Common Council, president of which
is Prof. Leigh J. Young, of the For-
estry School.
The rebuke came when the Coun-
cil authorized the city water depart-
ment to accept a check of $42,000.OQ
regardless of the mayor's stipula-
tion that it was payment in full of
the city's obligation to the water
unit. Alderman Max Krutch was
acting president in the absence of
The check was payment for the
annual service charge to the city.
The mayor's stipulation was accom-
panied by the reply "Who's writing
these checks, you or I?" when one
alderman questioned his right to
make the stipulation. "That is the
condition I write it under," he as-
"Paid in full" was written on the
check to clarify the fact that the 50
per cent increase in water rates, to
cover costs of constructing a new
water softener, applied only to water
works and not to the service charges.
Britain Carves
Palestine Area
In Three Parts
Swift Military Intervention
Will Follow Any Racial
Strife, She Warnsa
LONDON, July 7.-(P)-The Brit-
ish government announced its ap-
proval tonight of a royal commission
report carving ancient Palestine into
three new states and warned that
swift military intervention would
follow any renewal of racial strife in
the Holy Land.
The cabinet's adoption of the dras-
tic plan for splitting Palestine into'
separate sovereign, Jewish and Arab
states was disclosed in a white paper
which accompanied the 400-page re-
port of the commission.1
Governs Holy Cities
Under a new permanent mandate,
Britain would govern the Holy cities
of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Na-
zareth and a corridor to the sea.
Bitter objections to the plan were
expected in Palestine and as she re-
leased the long-awaited report of the
year-old commission Britain kept
troops and a warship in readiness
there to stamp out possible disorders.
The program for Palestine, which
the commission described as a "sur-
gical operation," will be submitted
shortly to the League of Nations
which has the final word as Britain
is the administrator of a league man-'
date over the country.
Special League Meeting
A special meeting of the League's
permanent mandates commission, to
be held July 30 in Geneva. will con-
sider the plan and report to the
League council for final action.
Britain has ruled over the strife-
torn Holy Land since 193 under
mandate following Turkey's loss of it
in the World War.
The government in the white pa-
per warned hostile elements that
"pending establishment of such a
scheme, his majesty's government
have no intention of surrendering
their responsibility for peace, order
and good government throughout
Palestine. They are in general agree-
ment with the commission's recom-
mendations in the matter of public
ft added that military intervention

would follow any "serious disorders"
in the Holy Land.
Today Is Deadline
For Sports Entries
Today is the deadline for entries
in all intramural sports, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Randolph W.
Webster. An entry blank will be

Is Chased In Fourth
Lou Gehrig Leads
Mates To Victory
ton, July 7-()-The American
League's All-Stars, unloading a bar-
rage of basehits at the expense of
their foremost pitching foes, rode the
crest of a combined heat and hitting
wave to decisive triumph today' over
the National League in the fifth an-
nual charity "Dream Game."
Sweltering in 90-degree heat with
the rest of a capacity crowd, num-
bering 31,391 cash customers, Presi-
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt looked on
while the Americans shelled six rival
pitchers for an 8 to 3 victory, with an
attack featuring the long-range fir-
ing of Lou Gehrig and his mates of
the world champion Yankees.
Gehrig, the iron man of baseball,
touched off the fireworks with a third
inning homer off the Great Dean,
with Joe Di Maggio, the sensational
Yankee outfielder, on first ease.'
This blow gave the Americans a
lead they never relinquished, and, as
it turned out, caused Dizzy Dean to
be charged with his first all-star de-
feat as the climax of an. episode that
marked his belated, if not actually
reluctant appearance on the scene.
Three Run Blast
A three-run blast in the fourth
frame knocked none other than the
renowned Carl Hubbellfrom the box
and the Americans, aided by Yankee
Red Rolfe's two-run triple, gained
some measure of revenge for the
screwball master's domination of
junior league batsmen in the mem-i
orial 1934 All-Star game.
The climax of the cannonading,
came in the sixth at the expense of
the Brooklyn fireballer, Van Mungo,
as Gehrig drove in two more runs
wity- a' double agairist thefence in
Gehrig was tagged out, trying to
stretch this towering shot into a
three-bagger. It gave him the dis-
tinction of batting home exactly
half his side's runs. All-told Gehrig
and his Yankee mates pounded across
seven of the eight American League
runs and otherwise dominated the
game with the same pulverizing brand
of power that carried them to the
baseball heights against the Giants
last October.
One Hit, No Runs
To make it all the more evident
that New York is the class of the
junior circuit, Vernon (Lefty) Gomez
was credited with victory as a result
of holding the Nationals to a soli-
tary single and no runs in the first
three innings. It was Gomez's third
triumph in four All-Star appearances
and marked the fourth victory for1
the Americans in five mid-summer
The Nationals matched their rivals;
in total hit production, with 13 safe-
ties during the course of a free-
swinging affair that lasted two hours
and a half, but the outfit piloted by
Manager Bill Terry of the Giants
couldn't produce in the pinches.
Joe Medwick, Cardinal clouter and
only .400 hitter in either major
league, lived up to his reputation by
banging out four straight hits, but
the best the Nationals could do was
collect one run in each of the three
innings worked by Tommy Bridges,
slender right hander of the Detroit
Mel (Chief) Harder, Cleveland
right-hander and co-holder with
Gomez of the "Indian Sign" over
National League opposition, dupli-
cated the southpaw's fine work by
blanking Terry's men in the last
three frames, despite yielding five
(Continued from Page 3)
Big Ed Dudley
Leads Golfers

In Open Meet
CARNOUSTIE, Scotland, July 7.-
(A)-Ed Dudley, the big, placid Geor-
gian who splits his professional duties
between Augusta and Philadelphia,
hobbled over wind-swept Carnoustie's
"bonny braes" in 70 strokes today to
take a two-shot lead in the first
round of the British Open golf cham-

Jekyll Praised
As Women's
Best Garder
Prof. Whittemore Delivers
Lecture On Four English
Amateur Horticulturists
Devoted 90 Years
To Lifetime Study
The late Gertrude Jekyll, of Mun-
stead Wood, was the outstanding
woman gardener of all time, and per-
haps contributed more to the science
of gardening than any other person,
according to Prof. Harlow E. Whitte-
more of the landscape design depart-
ment in his Summer Session lecture
yesterday. The talk was illustrated
by colored slides.
Speaking on the subject, "Four
English Amateur Gardeners," Prof.
Whittemore discussed the work of
Miss Jekyll, John Morant, William
Robinson and Sir Frank Crisp, all of
whom have been instrumental in the
development of gardening in Eng-
land to the high point it has reached.
"Although none of the four ever
had any formal training," Professor
Whittemore said, "their work shows
us the wonderful possibilities incip-
ient in the field of gardening."
In Unstable Location
Gertrude Jekyll, who occupied a
lifetime of over 90 years almost sole-
ly in gardening study, worked in a
singularly unsuitable location, ac-
cording to Professor Whittemore, the
chalk downs south of London. In
spite of this handicap, she spent dec-
ades in useful experimentation in her
garden at. Munstead Wood. One of
the most interesting of her innova-
tions, he said, was the color progres-
sion scheme, by which flower beds
are arranged in a manner similar
to notes in P musical scale or melody,
for example, in colors ranging from
dark blue through pale yellow, white,
pink, crimson, scarlet and on to a
soft purple. "It might be thought
that the crimson and scarlet next to
each other would clash," Professor
Whittemore noted, "but as a matter
of fact the eflect i similar to that
achieved in a musical composition,
and very striking."
Introduced Seasonal Flower
Another of Miss Jekyll's introduc-
tions to gardening was the seasonal
garden, each flower plot being suc-
ceeded by a fresh one for each change
of season. Miss Jekyll was a pro-
lific writer, and also exercised her
influence on gardening style through
her friends, whom she frequently as-
>isted. To illustrate the depth of her
study, and her attitude towards her
work, Professor Whittemore quoted a
remark she once made, "I have been
gardening for 50 years and am only
just now learning how to do it."
The bird and animal statuary with
which so many modern gardens are
decorated were conceived by Sir Frank
Crisp of Frier Park, Professor Whit-
temore said, and are only one mani-
festation of the remarkable genius of
this man who still maintains his gar-
den at Frier Park. "The rich par-
terre of Frier Park contains many ex-
amples of rich and piquant statuary,"
he said, "as well as miniature moun-
tain lakes," while the rock garden,-
which he called the finest in the
world, is adorned with a model of
the Matterhorn with imitation ice
and snow and miniature chamois. It
is built of great granite boulders from
Plant Trial Ground
William Robinson, every corner of
whose beautiful garden at Gravetye
Manor is a trial ground for plants,
according to Professor Whittemore,
made himself an authority on every
kind of plant grown in the English
climate, and is one of the foremost

writersonkthe subject of gardens.
The best known of his books went
'through more than 25seditions, the
proceeds of which he devoted chiefly.
to further experimentation. "There
are even plants growing on the roof
of the garden house, in the cracks
between the roofing tiles," Professor
Whittemore said.
John Morant of Brockhurst Park
in New Forest, although not a writer,
nonetheless was one of the leading
gardening authorities of his day, and
contributed greatly to the advance-
ment of the art of landscape gar-
dening, according to Professor Whit-
China's U. S. Court
Is Blume's Topic
"The American Court in China"
will be the subject of tomorrow's lec-
ture in the Summer Session series,
to be given by Prof. William W.


Costly Blaze Hits Automotive Shop

The photographs above show the smoke as it poured through the
roof of the, Automotive Engineering Laboratories adjoining the West
Engineering Annex last night and firemen fighting to control the blaze
during the most costly fire on campus since the University steam tun-
nels caught fire more than a year ago. Firemen extinguished the
blaze shortly after their arrival on the scene, but not until heat, smoke,
and water had damaged not only the building but costly instruments
and machines used in the experiments being carried on inside the
"Look Out For The Bicycle!"
Those Are Orders To Police

By Fire From Gas Pump

Is Damaged

Automotive Engineering

Building And Equipment
Are Fully Covered By
Sirens And Whistle
Bring Large Crowd
Amount Of Loss By Blaze,
Water Undetermined By
Prof. W. E._Lay
Fire apparently started by a spark
at a gasoline pump caused damages
as yet unestimated in the University's
Automotive Engineering Laboratories
in the West Engineering Annex last
According to John Stevens of Ann
Arbor, a former student now em-
ployed in the laboratories to make
commercial tests, he had just started
the pump shortly after 8 p.m. when a
blaze shot up to the roof at the south
end of the building. In a few min-
utes almost the entire roof was in
Considerable Repairs Needed
Neither Prof. Walter E. Lay, direc-
tor of the Laboratories, nor Herman
Grave, University inventory clerk,
was able to give either the value of
the building and its contents or an
estimate of the damage caused by
the blaze and the streams of water
which followed it, but it was appar-
ent that considerable repairs would
be needed for the building, and work-
men examining the machinery after
the fire had been extinguished found
that a number of guages and instru-
ments had been severely damaged by
the heat. Wiring was burnt out on
a number of the tests, and engines
being used in the work were similarly
The fire department's sirens and
the University power plant's steam
whistle brought a large number of
spectators to the scene, an examina-
tion of the contents was impeded by
crowds of small boys darting about in
the interior of the building.
Annex Had Former Fire
The West Engineering Annex was
the scene during spring vacation this
year of a fire started by painters'
equipment left in the faculty offices
on the second floor which were being
redecorated, but the damage was
In last night's fire the flames did
not spread beyond the south end of
the Laboratories themselves, but
smoke and water filled the adjoining
rooms where a number of trucks and
automobiles and a large quantity of
gasoline were stored.
According to Mr. Greve, the build-
ing and the equipment in it belonging
to the University are fully covered
by insurance, but Professor Lay said
some time would be needed to deter-
mine the expense of reconditioning
motors and guages and remaking
tests being carried on under contract
for outside concerns in the Labora-
tories. Another item of cost will be
the time needed to set up experiments
being carried on by the University
Sino - apanese
troops Clash
In Bitter Fray
SHANGHAI, July 8.--(Thurs-
day)--(!P)-The Domel (Japan-
ese) News Agency reported from
Peiping today that a spokesman
for Japanese military headquar-
ters there declared the Chinese
forces battling maneuvering Jap-
anese troops would be "wiped
out" unless they threw down their
arms immediately.
TOKYO, July 8.-(Thursday)-(P)
--The oriental war scene shifted
swiftly today from the Soviet Man-

choukuo frontier to Fengtai, near
Peiping where Chinese and Japanese
troops were said to have clashed
while the latter carried out secret
midnight maneuvers.
Numerous casualties on both sides
were recounted in Japanese dis-
patches, reaching here, and it was,
said that artillery, trench mortars
and machine guns were used in the

City Council Enacts A New
Ordinance To Regulate
Two-Wheeling Addicts
"Look out for the bicycle" is a cry
often heard when the life of the party
is at his peak, but sometime within
the next two weeks those will be
orders for the 32 members of the
Ann Arbor police department.
That's the decision of the common
council which passed an ordinance
Monday, by a vote of 9 to 1, requiring
the registration of every bike in town
and codifies a set of rules regulating
this mode of traffic. The only objec-
tor was Ald. Wirt Masten, who be-
lieved that a rule should be inserted
requiring all cyclists passing pedes-
trians to dismount and walk past.
Penalties for violations of the new
ordinance provide for a fine of not
Mead To Head
Education Club
FOr Men Here
Steve Mead, principal of Central
School of Grand Haven, was elected
president of the Men's Education
Club at an organization meeting held
last night in the Union.
Bryon G. Smith, head of the de-
partment of health and physical ed-
ucation of the State Teachers' Col-
lege, Statesboro, Ga., was chosen
vice-president; Louis Kulcinski,
former state superintendent of phys-
ical education in Illinois was named

more than $50, or imprisonment of
not more than 30 days. Just what
will be done in the case of minors,
who are in the majority among bi-
cycle owners, who disregard the law,
was not stated.
A metal tag, comparable to the
automobile license but looking much
more like a dog license, will be fur-
nished to all those paying the annual
fee of 25 cents. The ordinance will
become effective 10 days after legal
law publication, which will probably
be made sometime this week.
I: ighlights of the new law which
also demands that the two-wheelers
abide by the regular city traffic regu-
lations, make illegal carrying of more
than one person. Tandems, of course,
are excepted from this ruling, but
it is still debatable whether or not
such vehicles will have to pay an
added fee.
The pedestrian gets the break, the
new ruling holds, and bicycles must
proceed in single file when passing
vehicles or when ridden on the side-
walk. He of the hoof has the right
of way, while he of the wheels must
either get off the sidewalk or take up
only one side when the two meet.
Lights at night are a new requisite
for bikes, thus removing a favorite
sport amongst drivers who have here-
tofore considered unlighted cycles
fair game.
To Know Monday
If Amelia Is Dead
HONOLULU, July 7.-(P)-Admiral
O. G. Murfin, directing the search
for Amelia Earhart, said today it
should be known by mid-afternoon
Monday whether the round-the-world

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