THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JtJ Y 7, 1937 TH-.._A A T ENSDY UY ,13 Crickets Denude Farms MEN~~~S.l~n e Charge Dance; L ouis To Fight British Champ In Title Bout NEW YORK, July 6.- U) - The New York State Athletic Commission today formally approved a heavy- weight title match between Joe Louis and Tommy Farr, British Empire title-holder, in a sudden move that apparently left Max Schmeling once more on the outside looking in. The fight, at 15 rounds, will be held in the Yankee Stadium, Promoter Mike Jacobs said, but the date is un- certain. After gaining the Commis- sion's consent to holding the match the week of Sept. 13, Mike indicated he may try to switch it to an August date. Louis, who won the title by knock- ing out Jimmy Braddock at Chicago last month, will defer his proposed trip to England until after the match with Farr, Jacobs said. Ted Broadribb, manager of Farr, has indicated that with the Louis match assured, the British champion will not go through with a scheduled tussel with Schmeling in London I IFOUNTAIN)I SPECIALS Heavy Malted Milks 12c L'I Millions of Mormon crickets swarmed in on Sundance, Wyo., leaving in their wake barren fields like those attacked by grasshoppers in neighboring Colorado. The giant insects are shown attacking the dead bark on a cedar fence post. MARRIOTT ON CARILLON Three selections written especially for the carillon will be given in the 14th carillon concert at 7:30 p.m. to- morrow. Frederick L. Marriott, of the University of Chicago, will be guest carillonneur. "Sonata," by Van, Hoof, "Preludium" by Denyn, and "Fantasia" by Nees are the three fea- ture numbers in the concert of seven selections. HOME-COOKED FOOD Delicious Sodas Sundaes . . . Orangeade. . . Limeade .... 12c 12C .1c 1oc MALTED MILK and TOASTED SANDWICH 22c I Try 30c 1 Our SPECIAL LUNCHEON 1 :30 to 1 :30 Dinner 5:15 to 8 Plenty of Parking Space THREE DELIGHTFULLY COOL DINING ROOMS SWIFT'S Drug Store 340 5. State St. Phone 3534 Delivery Service - - - _______________________ Bright Spot 802 Packard I i 1I11 A The COLLINS Shoppe JULY CLEARANCE Better Frocks Priced In Three Groups - - Summer Frocks Including the Famous ELLEN KAYES $7.95 $10 Formerly to $19.75 Formerly to $16.95 This group includes cottons, washable crepes and prints. White navy and pastel crepes, and black sheers, Prints Dinner SUMMER LINEN ONE LOT White and and Formal HATS BLOUSES HOSE Pastel DRESSES $1.95 GLOVES Formerly to $5.00 1.39 691f! Ft P rit$2 .9 5Fot $ 5 F r e Formerly to $7.50 Formerly $1.95 Formerly to $1.15 Formerly $1.00 IKJO At~Dr tr/AI C _Al I CAI r-r r1lkl kfI1I11 I