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July 04, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-04

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Of The DAY
(By The Associated Press)
Flying Boats Groomed
For Transatlantic Flight
BOTWOOD, Newfoundland, July 3
-(AP)-Two deep-hulled flying boats
of bungalow proportions were
groomed tonight to span the North
Atlantic and link the old world with
the new on Monday by commercial
air transport.
On a lake cupped by the flats of
Newfoundland an American airplane,
the Pan American Clipper II, rode
at anchor, ready for the 1,900 mile
flight to Foynes, Ireland.
At Southampton,rEngland, await-
ing more favorable weather condi-'
tionsmonrthe Irish coast, the British
Imperial Airways flying .boat Cale-
donia was manned for the initial leg
of her westward voyage, to Foynes,
probably tomorrow.
British Suspect Terms
Of Palestine Bill
LONDON, July 3.-(AP)-Informed
Jewish sources asserted tonight the
British Royal Commission's report on
Palestine, expected to be made public
next week, will recommend division of
the Holy Land into three parts -
a Jewish state, a permanent British
mandated area and an Arab state.
The report will go to the League of
Nations mandates commission for de-
cision on the future status of Pales-
tine, where Jews and Arabs have
battled periodically for years.
The commission investigated the
situation after last ,year's Arab gen-
ei'a strike, in opposition to contin-
uance of Jewish immigration to Pal-
estine and ownership of land by Jews
and the widespread disorders attend-
ing it. Britain, supervising Pales-
tine under a League mandate, prom-
ised in the Balfour Declaration of
1917 to make it "a national home for
the Jewish people."
Government Air Force
Bombs Rebel Staff
VALENCIA, Spain., July 3.-(A)-
The defense ministry announced to-
night a Government airfleet bombed
the Insurgent General Staff Head-
quarters in Salamanca, striking their
objective with several missiles.
Twenty Insurgent pursuit planes
took off to attack the raiders, it said,
but failed to shoot down any.
Febus, official news agency, earlier
reported seven Insurgent airplanes
bombed Santander, main objective
of the Northern Insurgent Army ad-
vancing west from Bilbao.
Davey Sends National
Guardsmen To Cleveland
COLUMBUS, 0., July 3.-(M)--Gov.
Martin L. Davey announced tonight
that National Guardsmen would be
sent to Cleveland to preserve order
during the scheduled reopening Tues-
day of four strike-closed plants of
the Republic Steel Corp. there.
German Helicopter Sets
World Altitude Record
BREMEN, Germany, July 3.-(P)-
Heinrich Focke, German aircraft de-
signer, announced tonight a new
helicopter built by him had attained
an altitude of 2,500 meters (about 8,-
123 feet), far exceeding the world

Regents Pass
Budget Almost Doubles
That Given Approval
By Governor Friday
(Continued from Page 1)

Window-Shopping Reveals Many
SBright ouches For Wardrobes

Head Kerchiefs And Scarfs
Give Necessary A ded
New Aids
Your investigating inquiring re-
porters window-shopped'for the
bright touches in any woman's ward-

Ehrmann, from assistant professor, to robe, and success was ours. As to
associate professor of history; Lewis scarfs and kerchiefs we found linen
Burnett Kellum, from assistant pro- dotted or striped scarfs in bright
fessor, to associate professor of ge- colors which can be made into tricky

Allan Douglas Maxwell, from as-I
sistant professor, to associate profes-
sor of astronomy; Norman Edward
Nelson, from assistant professor, to
associate professor of English; Law-
rence Preuss, from assistant profes-
sor, to associate professor of political
Lewis E. Wehmeyer, from assistant
professor, to associate professor of
botany; Newton Silas Bement, from
instructor, to assistant professor of
French; Joe Lee Davis, from instruc-
tor, to assistant professor of English;
Richard Corbin Fuller, from iristrud-
tcr, to assistant professor of sociol-
ogy; William Perdue Halstead, from
instructor, to assistant professor of
Kenneth Lester Jones, from in-
structor, to assistant professor of
botany; Karl Litzenberg, from ir-
structor, to assistant professor of
English; Dwight Clark Long, from
instructor, to assistant professor of
history; Henry Michael Moser, from
instructor, to assistant professor of
speech; Josselyn Van Tyne, from in-
structor, to assistant professor of
Engineering College
Charles Burton Gordy, from as-
sociate professor, to professor of me-
chanical engineering; Louis Arthur
Baier, from assistant professor of na-
val architecture, to associate profes-
sor of naval architecture and marinej
engineering; Robert D. Brackett,
from assistant professor, to associate
professor of English; Milton John
Thompson, from assistant professor,
to associate professor of aeronautical
Medical School
Henry Charles Eckstein, from as-
sistant professor, to associate profes-
sor of biological chemistry; Norman
Rudolph Kretschmar, from assistant
professor, to associate professor of
obstetrics and gynecology; Walter
Grierson Maddock, from assistant
professor, to associate professor of
Ralph Crafton Smith, from as-
sistant professor, to associate profes-
sor of pharmacology; Richard Harold
Freyberg, from instructor ,to assist-
ant professor of internal medicine;

cigarette hats. Also linen scarfs in
almost any color with a cadet, sol-E
dier, drum major, or a figure typify-
ing a sport, appliqued in one corner.-
Bemberg silk scarfs in bright flor-
al colors had matching pocket hand-
kerchiefs. Figured challis scarfs,C
however, are still popular. These or)
some in printed white pique make
the latest things in belts when twist-
ed and tied around the waist. Match-
ing head kerchiefs are also in vogue.
Wear two contrasting silk chiffon1
scarfs at once, tying one through the,
knot of the other.j
In other accessories we found1
infectious diseases; Jacob Sacks, from
instructor, to assistant professor of
pharmacology; John McFarland
Sheldon, from instructor, to assistant
professor of internal medicine.
School Of Dentistry
i Richard Henry Kingery, from As-'
sociate professor of denture prosthes-
is, to professor of complete denture
prosthesis; George Raymond Moore,
from associate professor, to professorG
of orthodontics; Oliver Clark Apple-I
gate, from instructor, to assistant
professor of partial denture frosthe-
sis; Kenneth Alexander Easlick, from
instructor, to assistant professor of
operative dentistry.
Forestry School
Earl Cleveland' O'Roke, from as-
sistant professor, to associate profes-1
sor of forest zoology.
Music School
Glenn Douglas McGeoch, from in-
structor, to assistant professor of the
history of music.
Architeecture College
Walter Winthrop J. Gores, from1
assistant professor of architecture,
to associate professor of decorative
Hygiene And Public Health
Marguerite Frances Hall, from in-
structor, to assistant professor of
hygiene and public health.
Institute of Public And Social
Mildred Aileen Valentine, from
supervisor of field work in the de-
partment of sociology, college of lit-
erature, science, and the arts, to as-
sistant professor of social work, in the

leather thong bracelets with woodenI
bead dolls or animals in bright col-
ors. Charm bracelets with bicycles,
kiddie cars, telephones, spinning
wheels, bicycle pumps, whistles, etc.,
sold separately. Silver and gold rings
looped together, or link bracelets with
huge simulated rubies or emeralds
dangling from them offer originality.
An old standby is Indian jewelry of
silver with turquoise stones and
carved signs on them-bracelets and
rings. One of the nicest was a charm
bracelet of Navajo Indian charms in
coin silver with a turquoise set in
each one.
You might try wearing those Mex-
ican huarchos to classes. They are
said to be very comfortable and are
popular on Southern campuses. They
are rapidly coming North. These
huarchos come in all white or tan
rawhide, and multi-colored prepared
And as for all knitters, the crewel
embroidered knitting bags are just
the thing. They are from India and
are in dark practical colors-gray,
blue and brown with bright flowers
to liven them up. They are large
enough to hold the sweater you're
knitting and your purse as well.
Rotarian Clubs
Will Be Guests
In Ann Arbor
On Wednesday and Thursday of
next week the International Service
Committee of Ann Arbor, will be the
host to Rotarians from 100 clubs in
Michigan and western Ontario.
Lectures given by members of the
University faculty will constitute a
major portion of the program planned
for the two days. Dr. Y. Z. Chang of
the English department, will speak on
"Whither China?" at a luncheon on
Wednesday for the delegates. Prof.
Joseph R. Hayden former vice-gov-
ernor of the Philippines, will lead a
forum on "Nationalism in the Far
East." Other lectures to be attended
by the delegates, will be given by Prof.
William Ws. Blume of the Law school,
Prof. Charles F. Remer, acting chair-
man of the economics department,
and Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geog-
raphy department.
Chinese students in the University
will hold a seminar on "Some As-
pects of Modern China" Wednesday
night. Following this there will be
a reception for the delegates, foreign,
students, and faculty and students
of the Far Eastern Institute.
The chairman of the local Interna-
tional Service Committee is Emory J.
Hyde, with Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counselor to foreign students.

Robbers Take
4 More Radios
In Crime Wave
Thieves Who Stole 5 Sets
Move Themselves West
Four Blocks Thursday
A gang of car radio thieves who
early Wednesday morning stole fivel
radios in the vicinity of Baldwin and
Brooklyn avenues moved west four
blocks early Thursday and removed
four more radios from cars parked in
garages as their owners slept nearby.
The losers were Mrs. Claude Wilks,
1120 Granger Ave.; C. T. Neal, 1428
Henry St.; Dr. L. C. Schultz, 1702
Packard St.; and G. H. Reynolds,
1606 Ferndale St. Mr. Reynolds re-
ported the loss of a 6-tube Philco car

Education Students INTRAMURAL GAMES
Randolph W. Webster, director of
Invited To Assembly Intramural Sports, announced yes-
terday that play in the men's sum-
All students interested in educa- mer softball league would begin
tion are invited to attend an assembly Tuesday, July 6, at 4 p.m. with three
at 4:10 p.m. Tuesday in the auditor-
ium of the University high school, at games on South Ferry Field. At that
which time Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, time the CIO will play the Chemists,
director of the Summer Session, will the Bearcats will play the Giants,
talk. and the Reds will play the Stalwarts.
The program for meeting, in charge Complete schedules will be announced
of Dean James B. Edmonson of the early next week.
School of Education, will consist of ----
music, announcements and Professor
Hopkins' talk.
The organization meeting of the
Education Club will be held at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Union. Field-
ing H. Yost, director of athletics,
will talk, and officers will be elected.

Dr. Haynes

Of Dr. Lyons

Dr. Harley A. Haynes, director of

radio valued at more than $50. the University Hospital, was married
Police officers advised owners that to Mrs. Grace Lyons, widow of the
the best remedy against similar losses late Dr. Chalmes J. Lyons, a mem-
on their part is to lock the car doors ber of the dentist school's faculty
securely upon leaving it at night, and ; and one of the most outstanding oral
addition, to lock the garage doors if surgeons in the United States, yes-
possible. terday at Ionia."1
betective Eugene Gehringer also The wedding took place at the home
offered a remedy against the rash of of Mrs. C. E. Hathaway, a sister of
fraternity burglaries which breaks the late Mrs. Haynes. The former
out each year, and which a week ago Mrs. Lyons is a resident of Ann Ar-
cost five fraternities more than $150 bor at 1004 Oakland Ave.
in cash in one night alone. "The po-
lice can do nothing to prevent these
robberies without proper cooperation " 11moon
since the houses are always open and
persons living in them are going inMartha
and out all night," he pointed out.
"If those living in fraternity houses p
will take their money and valuables to
bed with them when they go to a
third floor dormitory, instead of
leaving them on desks or in their
clothes on the second floor, this sort
of thing will stop." .

No Casualties; But
Wallet Hit In Wreck
The only casualty as the result of
an accident early Saturday morning
on Washtenaw Avenue south of Ann
Arbor was a $25 injury to the pocket-
book of Joe Kosicski, 18 years old, of
Detroit, who recently completed his
freshman year here.
Kosiczki was fined for reckless driv-
ing before Judge Harry A. Reading
yesterday after speeding past warn-
ing signals of two deputies at the
scene of a crash at about 75 miles
an hour before the third finally halt-
ed him.
Drivers of two cars which had
crashed trying to avoid a number of
bicyclists suffered minor injuries.
and two other cars were severely
damaged but no personal injury re-
sulted as two passing motorists col-
lided when one failed to heed dep-
uties' warning signals after the first

John Howard - Terry Walker
Directed by Robert Fotrey
.A Paramount Picture

John Lealis Law, from instructor, to Institute of Public and Social Ad-
assistant' professor of pediatrics and ministration. z



25c TO 2 P. M. TODAY









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