" TW THE MICHIGAN DAILY :S'CTh' DA'Y', Y 4, 1937 TWO SUNDAY, JUlY 4, 1937 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY Mieal Publication of the Summer Session Dr. Glenn Frank's Centennial On The Level S peech elivered Here June 18 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I r__ -1- x - I P.; (j . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All righs of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. -IEnteredsat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by' mail, 1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by mal, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO .OS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MGR. ......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER ...........ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER..........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH S. MATTES Our Forefathers Started It..** S IGNERS of the Declaration of In- dependence 161 years ago must have realized the slaughter its public announce- ment July 4 would precipitate in the ensuing pe- riod of the American Revolution, but it is doubt- ful that they could foresee the even greater slaughter indulged in annually, since that time in their name. Dr. C. C. Slemons, State Health Commissioner, points out in a recent bulletin that last year's toll from fireworks left 30 dead and 7,738 in- jured in spite of drastic restrictions against their use in most states. Carrying out this figure we have a total for 161 years of 4,830 dead, 232,140 injured during that period, even without taking into account the fact that the figure was larger in years be- fore states put limitations into effect. The legislatures which still permit the use of fireworks and the fathers who knowingly aid their children in the purchase and use of bootleg fireworks are morally guilty of negligent homi- cide. Socialism And Communism .. . A 'RATHER POPULAR parlor sport among half-sophisticated intellec- tuals and even among the naive masses is to argue the differences between socialism and communism. In the eyes of the public a social- ist has become someone who is more or less looked-up-to as an independent idealist. While the word "communist" is still more or less a popular cussword used in condemning anything that deviates slightly from the typical in society whether it be in the arts, religion, or political- economic fields. It is utter folly to argue the differences between a communist and a socialist. Most socialists are Marxists, as are most communists. However,. some communists and some socialists are not Marxists. Many socialists are evolutionary grad- ualists, many are not. The latter believe in a miore active fostering of a revolutionary change. It must be granted that most communists be- lieve in more active policies, but nevertheless are gradualists. Was it not the official com- munist party that urged the support of Roose- velt (a conservative) in the last election? Of course, this was done in fear of a fascistic reac- tion with the election of the Hearst-backed Lan- don, but this whole united front movement to save democracy from fascism is essentially noth- ing less than a recognition of the inevitability of gradualism. As regards violence, it is just as easy to find violent socialists as violent com- munists. The term violence 4s however gen- erally misunderstood by the public. When the concept is studied, it is found that the com- munists do not believe in violence as a policy of action, but rather accept the inevitability of it coming as a reaction to the gaining of political power by the masses from the entrenched "eco- nomic royalists" who now more or less pull the strings which run our system. The real difference between communism and socialism we believe is in the method of dis- tribution of income and goods in a collectivized state. The goal of both socialism and com- munism is the collective ownership and opera- tion of the means of production in varying de- grees according to the evolutionary stages it is possible to pass peacefully through. However, the method of distribution in socialism is based upon the productivity, the significance of the contribution, or the services rendered by the in- (The First Part of Dr. Glenn Frank's Centennial address was printed in these columns yesterday) ALL THIS IS CREDIBLE and convincing if the model university is to be an endowed Har- vard. But what if the model university is to be a tax-supported Minnesota or Michigan? In that case, the problem differs, but the principle re- mains. A state may, as it should, democratize educational opportunity for all its youth, regard- less of economic status, through adequate tax- support of its university. A state may, as it should, formulate out of the common counsel of its people the broad objectives of a university that will uniquely serve the particular folk- nature and regional problems of the state in question. A state may, as it should, thus evolve a university that will serve its interests more effectively than a reduplicated Harvard would serve them. But beyond these broad determina- tions, reflecting the considered will of the whole people rather than the special program of any single group transiently in control, the state university must be as free from external dicta- tion as the endowed university if it is to answer to the requirements of the model university. I have gone at length into the matter of freedom from external dictation and have em- phasized democracy of internal procedure be- cause all other essentials combined-superb plant and equipment, faculty of superior caliber, wisely determined curricula, even lavish financial sup- port-cannot create the model university if these two imperatives be missing. For the moment the threat of detailed control from without or dic- tatorship from within invades a university, an unconfessed reign of terror grips the minds of its scholars. And, under that psychology, the scholarship of a university dies and its teaching stammers. Granted these two conditioning factors, free- dom from external dictation and democracy of internal procedure, we may probe more in- timately into the nature of the model university. The model university will not be a single type to which every American university could, prof- itably to the nation, be made to conform. We need a certain number of universities that express Abraham Flexner's austere ideal of a kind of walled city of refuge in which scholars and scientists, without resposibility for action, will concern themselves solely with four obliga- tions:, (1) to discover knowledge, (2) to inter- pret knowledge, (3) to conserve knowledge, and (4) to train future scientists and scholars who will carry on this triple business of discovery, interpretation, and conservation in still other universities and research centers or bring the fruits of its discipline to careers at the higher professional levels. A university that thus devoted itself exclu- sively to the promotion of scholarship and the production of scholars, in the professional sense, should not be asked to train practical men or to relate its research directly to considerations of use and practice. A university conceived after this Flexner formula will admirably further that intellectual enterprise from which, in part, the social enterprise of a people must stem. But it will, in general, leave ungiven that broader dis- cipline for responsible action which we should ex- pect the university enterprise to give to the po- tential leadership of community, state, and na- tion. And it is just here that one of the special obligations of the state university appears. It is currently held in some educational quarters that this broader discipline is not a direct function of the university. I think it is. This responsibility cannot, without grave loss, be shifted from the universities to inflated high schools or decentralized into a myriad of junior colleges. This broader discipline- of potential leadership calls for a high order of capacity in the directors of class room and laboratory. The blunt truth is that there are not enough good men to go around to man the number of universities we are trying to run; that is, not enough willing to enter university service. There is surely no call for an Academic Adjustment Ad- ministration to plow under surplus teaching gen- ius. If we spread the existing supply of teach- ing genius, at college and university level, over a mushroom array of newly created junior col- leges, we shall further impoverish the human caliber of the universities without securing al- ternative centers adequately equipped to do the job decentralized into their hands. The model university, which will undertake to give this broader social discipline Mr. Flex- ner's more austere university leaves ungiven, will be at once simpler and more varied than any existing American university. It will be simpler because it will divest itself of a mass of special things now encumbering many universities. It will not go in for miscel- laneous trainings of a technical and trivial na- ture. It will dispense ruthlessly with the crass, the shoddy, and the pointless in dropsical cur- ricula and babbitized services to which univer- sities may so easily commit themselves in the struggle for endowments or appropriations. It will be more varied because it will create a wider variety of basic disciplines. I do not mean it will expand the number of professional and vocational trainings now given. It may well reduce variety in these fields. I mean that it will recognize the fact that more than a ma- jority of students annually entering American colleges and universities are neither suited to nor best served by the traditional academic dis- ciplines. The model university, in consequence, will not be a Procrustean bed, saying to its stu- dents, "if you are too long for the pattern we have, we will cut you off; if too short, we will tically adapted to the nature and needs of the students taking them. In 1927, I retold to a large assembly of Wiscon- sin farmers the story of the Danish Kolk Schools which, born in the brain of Bishop Nicholai S. F. Grundtvig, with incredible swiftness as historic changes are measured, transformed Denmark from a nation of peasants, practicing agricul- tural methods little changed, since the dawn of history, into a nation of scienctific producers and economic cooperators, prosperous and free, masters of their own destiny. This amazing re- sult was, beyond doubt, directly traceable to the impact of these drastically unacademic schools upon the young adults of the Danish countryside. I seriously doubt that a traditional four-year college course for all these young Danes would so decisively have produced this sweeping social transformation of Danish life and enterprise. These Folk Schools were anything but voca- tional. In the deepest sense they were concerned with liberal education. They stimulated and dis- ciplined an alert and socially sensitive intelli- gence in the young Danes by saturating them with the traditions of Denmark's past and con- fronting them with the challenge of Denmark's future. They were not unduly bookish. They found many of the materials of education in the conditions, forces, and needs of the Danish community. And they did not kill the educa- tional process by over-organizing it. They got along without meticulous arrangements for standardization assignments, periodic examina- tions, and definitive graduations. They put their trust in a stimulating infol;mal meeting and cross-fertilization of the minds of teachers and students. I told this assembly of Wisconsin farmers that we might profitably harness this Danish ex- perience to the needs of rural Wisconsin. Later I found and placed at the head of the College of Agriculture a gifted young Danish-American, Chris L. Christensen, who early conceived the idea of transforming an existing Agricultural Short Course, then vocational in its emphasis and small in its attendance, into a Farm Folk School, fashioned in the Danish manner but adapted to therAmerican scene. Today this Folk School attracts between 300 and 400 young adults from rural Wisconsin. They live in improvised dormitories, dine at a common table, and work as a coherent community. Less than half their time is given to technical problems of agriculture, more than half to the social sciences, humanities, and arts. They come to- gether after the evening meal for song and ser- ious discussion in a large common room. A stream of provocative personalities, as leaders of discussion, is kept flowing through these eve- ning forums. An age of from 18 to 25, two years of farm apprenticeship, and a manifest interest to learn are the only entrance require- ments. Academic tradition is boldly violated by plunging these students directly into problems of economics, sociology, political science, and the like without their having taken the usual pre- requisite courses. There is no adding-machine accumulation of credits built on periodic exam- inations. The men who teach judge the stu- dents who study by how their minds ope'rate in the give-and-take of class room and forum and by how they function as members of the school community as they approach the end of their terms of residence in the School. Each year the respect of the academic com- munity for the solidity of educational results achieved by this Folk School grows. It is my considered judgment that this procedure is giv- ing annually to some 300 to 400 young adults, for the role they are to play, something they could not get elsewhere in the educational sys- tem. And it is planting throughout rural Wis- consin men who, although without a college degree, are nevertheless liberally educated men. Ten more years of its operation will produce, as a like procedure produced in Denmark, a farm leadership unmatched in cultural grounding, economic grasp, social sensitiveness and respon- sibility. This Farm Folk School is a laboratory demon- stration of a kind of discipline the model uni- versity will extend to other fields. In the model university, similar schools will stem from the College of Engineering for young adults from the labor ranks, from the School of Commerce for young adults from or destined for business, and so on. The social contribution of these schools to state and nation will be inestimable, as they build up. reservoirs of potential leadership, with understanding and a stabilizing culture, for such fields as labor and business. In time such schools would draw in large num- bers of students who otherwise would go into the college proper, despite the fact that the strictly academic college program is neither suited to their nature nor best serves their needs. The college proper will thereby be better able to do its more strictly academic job. Its students will be more nearly the students who should go to it. In the model university, the work of the col- lege of liberal arts will not, in any literal course- by-course sense, be regarded primarily as a prep- aration for entrance to graduate and professional schools. Just as, incidentally, the model univer- sity will release the high school from having to key its program as exclusively as now to de- tailed preparation for college entrance. Ca- pacity requirements will, in large measure, take the place of. credit requirements at the door of the liberal college. Without being unduly cre- dulous, we now know enough about measuring capacity to move far in this direction. The end result sought by liberal education will be simply a thinking man alert and adapted to his environment and age, not preparation for taking this or that further course in By WRRAG First lM THE QUESTION of what school worshipa teachers do in their spare time has Brashares finally been settled. If the galaxy of Patiotic." school marms who are sleeping and; ;upping at Mosher-Jordan dormitory' this summer are any indication of the Fourth A general run. it would seem that they em Evangelical, ve., 10:30 a.m. Church, So. Rev. T. R. play s k r n e Schmale will preach on the subjectt play such kindergarten games as "=The Spirit of Democracy."l -Simon Says Thumbs Up." After l md during meals at this popular dorm, these teachers, who have Mec- Saint.Andrew's Episcopal Church: caed from all over the country for Services of worship today are: 8 a.m. Hol Comunon,11a.m. Holy Com-' higher degrees in education, can be Ho Communion Thm HlC .n heard laughing and screaming very muion and sermon by The Rev. loudly whenever any of their group is caught thumbs down in their little- recreation. Religious Service: Summer Session 3 For those who don't remember the students are invited to their respec- rules of this childhood pastime, the tive places of worship in Ann Arbor game goes something like this: a lead- Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening er addresses the group with "Simon services will be conducted during the says thumbs up" and the whole group session as follows: On the campus, puts its thumbs into the air. The Vespers at 7:30 p.m. July 4, 25 and leader continues saying, "Simon says Aug. 15. At the First Congregational thumbs down" and they all follow her Church certain cooperating churches command. This goes on until the announce a program upon vital re- leader gives the command "Thumbs ligious issues at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, -- TLLLy 11, 0 I R U A Anf 0 methodist Church: Morning on the Library steps at 7:15 o'clock, at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. W. Sunday, July 4. will preach on "To The up" or "Thumbs down" without put-z ting on the prefix, "Simon says." Those who respond to this unprefixed command, and put their thumbs up or down without "Simon" telling them to, are caught and the laughs and sci eams follow. It is all a lot of good clean fun, but we would like to count the blushes that would appear if az gang of 10-year olds were to walk into the room while the game is in pro- gress. WE WERE SITTING on the side-j lines after being "cut" at the< Lcague's free taxi-dance, Friday night, when one of the many host- esses asked us to join the thousands already on the dance floor. We want- ed to see what this hostess business was like, so we accepted and dartedl into the stream of slightly swaying; humanity. The young lady started. right off with the conversation by telling us of her experience in the l faculty reception line. It seems that. the girls last name was as long as Johnny Gee, and quite difficult to remember. The girl was quite frank about the fact that her name had changed three times as she was be- ing introduced down the long line of faculty. At the end of the line, she was a "Miss Blinsky" or something, while her real name at the beginning of the reception was something like "Miss Koplarblinsky." This experience in the reception line reminded us of a little incident that occurred at one' of President Ruth- ven's well attended pulchritude-teas last year. A freshman was being in- troduced to Dr. Ruthven, and three women fainted as the freshie said, "Pardon me, I didnt get the name," as he grasped the good President's hand. MEANDERINGS . . . If youj want to get ... a larger steak than you would ordinarily . . . order a rare one . . . when din- ing out. It seems that most of the taverns ... in town ... cook all their steaks . . . about the same length of time ... and the chefs hand you the thickest steaks ... when you ask for rare done ones . . . simply because they will be rarer . . . than the thinner steaks. -0- YESTERDAY we came across a headline in an out-of-town paper that read: FURTHER DECLINE IN PRICE OF SWINE This rhyming head made us wonder if newspapers wou dn't be much more interesting if all the headlines hada little rhythm. A swell oppoi- tunity for such a headline turned up yesterday. The story could have been told like this: Amelia Is Down In Pacific Ocean. Where? No One Has Slightest Notion Or the famous Hauptmann electro-1 cution might have been bannered like this, by a poetic newspaperman: Hauptmann Gets Hot Squat For Taking Lindbergh Tot Oh well, it's only an idea. Juiy 11, 18f and Aug. t3 First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m., Summer Union Service of the Presbyterian and Congregational Churches to be held at the Congre- gational Church, corner of State and William Streets. Dr. W. P. Lemon,, minister of the Presbyterian Church will preach on the subject "The Lib- erty of a Christian." 10:45 a.m., Nursery and Church School in the Church basement. 5:45 p.m., Round Table Conference for students dealing with a discus- sion of "Nationalism-Man's Other Religion." Dr. Lemon will preside. The price of the supper is 15c. Harris Hall: The second meeting of the Student Fellowship will be held, tomorrow, evening. Arrangements have been made to visit the .Saline Valley Farms which is a co- operative experiment between indus- try and agriculture, and is one of the most interesting places in Michigan. A picnic' supper will be held at the Farm and cars will leave St. An- drew's Church at 5 p.m. The meet- ing will be of an informal nature and those coming are urged to wear old clothes and bring their swimming suits. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 409 South Division St. Morning service at 10:30 a.m. Subject, "God." Golden Text: Jude 1:25. Responsive Reading: Psalms 89:1, 8, 9, 13-18. Sunday School at 11:45 after morning service. League College Tea: The members of the Ann Arbor Teachers Club who are in the city will be at home to the members of the League College for tea from 3 to 5 p.m. in the West parlor of Mosher Hall, Sunday, July 4. Automobiles will be provided to show the visitors around the boule- vards. Stalker Hall: 9:30 a.m. Class for students under the leadership of Pro- fessor Carrothers. The . discussion will be based on the recent book "The Return to Religion" by Link. 5-6 p.m. Social Hour and Tea. 6-7 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting, Prof. John L. Brumm will speak on "What Do You Read?" Becaure of the legal holiday the Intramural Sports Building will not be open on Monday, July 5. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, July 4 at 2 p.m. sharp where cars will meet them to carry them to Silver Lake for swimming, games, picnic supper and boating. Those planning to go who have cars are urged to bring them. All graduate students are cordially in- vited to attend all meetings of the club during the summer. School of Education, Changes of Elections: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, July 10; no course may be dropped without pen- alty after Saturday, July 24. Any change of elections of students en- rolled in this school must be reported at the Regsitrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. Membership in class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Arrange- ments made with instructors are not official changes. Summer Session Chorus: Next re- hearsal will be Tuesday evening, 7 to 8 o'clock, in Morris Hall. Anyone interested in singing is welcome. Prof. David Mattern. Political Science 151 will meet in 2014 A.H. the remainder of the Sum- mer Session. Political Science 185 will meet in 2014 A.H. the remainder of the Sum- mer Session. H. J. Heneman. Russian: The class in advanced Russian will meet at 5 o'clock Tues- day, July 6, in Room 2019 Angell Hall, to arrange the hours of recita- tion. Faculty Concert: Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will play an in- teresting program in the first con- cert of the summer Faculty Series, Tuesday evening, July 6, at 830 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The gen- eral public is cordially invited to at- tend without admission charge. Phi Delta Kappa professional edu- cation fraternity will hold its first luncheon meeting of the current sum- mer session on Tuesday, July 6 at 12:15 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Members and their guests are invited and urged to attend. Teacher's Certificate Candiates who expect to be recommended by the Faculty of the School of Education at the end of the Summer Session are requested to call immediately at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to fill out application blanks for the Certificate. (This notice does not include School of Music students.) The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examina- tions: Junior Agricultural Engineer, $2,000 (Continued on Page 4) Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday, are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Holy Communion and sermon by The Rev. Henry Lewis. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Lib- erty at Third, C. A. Brauer, minister. During July and August this church, affiliated with the Missouri Synod, will have an early morning service, beg-inning at 8:15. There will be no service at 10:45. Church school and the service in the German language begin at the usual time 9:30 a.m. The sermon in both services will be de- livered by the pastor on the topic:. "The Christian and His Country." Lutheran students are cordially in- vited to attend the services. Campus Vesper: The initial Vesper service of the Summer Session will take place at the Library Terrace, Sunday at 7:30 p.m., July 4. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of the Summer Session, will address the summer students. Music will be un- der the directorhip of Prof. David A. Mattern supported by., the summer chorus. E. W. Blakeman. Summer Session Chorus will sing I 4 Classified Directory j system breeds anarchy and super- Place advertisements with Classified ficiality. Its teachers will give educa- Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five tional leadership to students in what. o'clock previous to day of insertion. to study, but it will not make the Box numbers may be secured at no etra charge. mistake of forgetting that a too tight- Cash in advance only 11e per reading ly dictated curriculum produces a line for one or two insertions.stOc per sterility quite as bad as the anarchy reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). of a too freelyelective system. Its Minimum three lines per insertion. leadership in what to study will con- sist in defining with great clarity the LAUNDRY broad objective of the college years, LAUNDRY WANTED but it will leave the detailed content' Priced Reasonably of the curriculum extraordinarily All Work Guaranteed flexible so that growing insight may STUDENT LIST be easily reflected in it. Shirts.......................12c The objective of the model univer- Shorts......................4c sity, in its college of liberal arts,4c will be to give students a running s.........................c start at functioning intelligently in Handkerchiefs .................2c stat t fncionngintllgenlyinSocks ......................... 3c the creation, comprehension, and con- trol of a satisfying social order. It Pajamas ...................... .1c will not expect each professor to tell CO-ED LIST his students how to create, coMpre- Dresses........................25c hend, and control the social order.s........................2c Nobody knows enough for that. But' Pantiers... ............. ... .7c by hr t~ritnr i ri3 pCtat~ Handkerchiefs.........2c FOR RENT COMPLETELY furnished apartment with private bath and shower. Con- tinious hot water. Garage or park- ing space. 422 E. Washington. Phone 8544. 622 FOR RENT: Unusually nice, clean single room for man studetit. 723 Haven. Phone 5003. 620 HOUSEKEEPING SUITE for three girls or young couple. Also nicely furnished room for one or two. 426 E. Washington. Phone 8544. 621 NEAR CAMPUS: Rooms single or double. Clean and reasonable. 432 S. Division. 618 NOTICE IF YOU HAVE A PATENT to sell, develop, or promote, write 955 Cherry 'St., S. E. Grand Rapids Michigan. 619