The 'Weather
Local thundershowers, warm-
er in extreme East today; t v
morrow fair and cooler.
C, r
Bk Igau
Our Forefathers Started It .
Socialism And Communism...
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
League Group
To Meet Here
For 2 eeks
NEA Meetings At Detroit
Bring Summer Session
To University Town
Graduate Program
To Be On Course
The League College, a two-week
conference held each summer in a
university city near the convention of
the annual meeting of the National
Education Association which was held
at Detroit, will meet from tomorrow
until July 16 in Ann' Arbor.
The activities of the League Col-
lege this summer will include a grad-
uate course offered by the School of
Education, which will be supplement-
ed by informal discussion groups or-
ganized by the members of the col-
The course to be offered this sum-
mer will be entitled "Current Studies
of Selected Problems of Professional
Organization," and will contain four
major topics.
The topics included are: "Taxa-
tion and School Support," "NewDe-
mands on the Echool," "Teacher Wel-
fare," and "The Teaching Profes-
sion and Selected Economic Develop-
The course will be under the gen-
eral direction of Dean James B. Ed-
monson of the School of Education,
and he will be assisted by Dr. H. C.
Hutchins, of the staff of the Educa-
tional Policies Commission. Special
lectures from the faculty of the
University will contribute special
Anystudent interested in the prob-
lems of professioAal organizationtof
teachers will be admitted to the
course, but preference will be given
to the officials or representatives of
organizations of classroom teachers.
The course may be elected for two
hours graduate credit, undergraduate
credit or no credit at all.
A tuition fee of $15 will be charged
those taking the course.
14 Faculty Men
Named To Aid
Spanish Needy
Group Will Hold Meeting
on July 9; Albaladejo
To Talk OnStruggle
Several members of the faculty
have been appointed to the newly-
organized Committee for Medical Aid
to Spain, whose purpose is to raise
funds for meeical personnel and sup-
plies for that country, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
The Ann Arbor committee includes
Dr. John Sundwall of the hygiene de-
partment, Dr. Reuben Kahn of the
medical school, Dr. B. Jiminez of the
medical school, Dr. John Shepard of
the psychology department, Prof.
Clarence Meader of the Russian de-
partment, Dr. ErichrWalter of the
English department, Prof. G. B. Brig-
ham of the architecture school, Dr.
Norman Maier of the psychology de-
partment, Dr. Kenneth Jones of the
botany department, Prof. Shirley Al-
len of the forestry school, Dr. Rachel
Uhvits of the botany department, Dr.
Margaret Sumult of the pharmacol-
ogy department, Miss Geneva Smith,
secretary of the University Museum
and Miss Charlotte Palmer, a mem-
ber of the Citizen's Council.
A total of 85 American surgeons
and nurses and about 75 tons of med-
ical supplies have been sent to Spain
through the unified efforts of similar
medical relief organizations through-
out the country.
Authority Of NLRJB To Regulate
Ford-Employe Affairs Challenged'
Ford Denies All Charges
Answering Complaint Of
Unfair Labor Practices
DETROIT, July 3.-(AP)-The Ford
Motor Company challenged tonight
the National Labor Relations Board's
authority to regulate its relations
with employes it described as "en-
gaged in local production."
Answering an NLRB complaint of
unfair labor practices on which a
hearing is set for Tuesday, the Ford
Company deniedhall its allegations
and asserted it should be dismissed.
The formal answer signed by Harry
Bennet, Ford personnel director, said
Ford employes who beat and chased
union organizers from plant gates
"were at all times acting in self de-
Tense" after theunionists had "en-
tered into an unlawful conspiracy to
trespass and to cause a riot."
More than a dozen union members
were treated fortinjuries after the
fighting which attended distribution
of handbills in their campaign to or-
ganize the 89,300 employes of the
huge Ford plant in suburban Dear-
born. The NLRB complaint charged
the company with responsibility for
what it termed "malicious and brutal
Leaders of the United Automobile
workers of America, a CIO affiliate,
announced a second attempt to dis-
tribute literature at the Ford plant
will be made Wednesday morning.
Homer Martin, U.A.W. president, ar-
ranged tonight to confer with Gov-
Local Churches
Present Varied
jSermons Today
Religious Organizations]
Invite Participation Of
Summer Students
Beginning at 8:15 a.m. today and
continuing on through until 7:45 p.m.,
church-goers of Ann Arbor will be
kept busy attending the many ser-
mons, vesper services and picnics
which have been planned for the stu-
dents by the many churches and re-
ligious organizations of Ann Arbor.
The Rev. C. A. Brauer, minister
of the St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
will deliver a sermon on "The Chris-
tian and His Country" at 8:15 a.m.
This church, as usual during the
months of July and August, will be
affiliated with the Missouri Synod,
and the sermons given by the Rev.
Mr. Brauer will be heard by both
groups. At 9:30 a.m. the Church
School and the service in the German
language will begin. There will not
be a regular service at 10:15 a.m.
At the Saint Andrew's Episcopal
Church, the services of worship are
at 8 a.m. and a Holy Communion at
11 a.m. The Rev. Henry Lewis will
conduct both services.
The morning service at the First
Church of Christ Scientist will begin
at 10:30 a.m. with "God" as the title
of the sermon. The Golden Text will
be Jude 1:25, and responsive read-
ing will be Psalms 89:1, 8, 9, 13-18.
Following the morning service, Sun-
day school will start at 11:45 a.m.
Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister of the
Presbyterian Church, will pre ch on
the subject "The Liberty of a Chris-
tian" at 8:15 a.m. in the Congrega-
tional Church, the corner of State
and William streets. There will be a
Round Table Conference for students
and others interested under the di-
rection of Dr. Lemon at 5:45 p.m.
ernor Frank Murphy on the union's
request for state police protection.
The seven-page document filed
with the NLRB today by Louis J.
Colombo, Ford Company attorney, de-
clared there were "lawful reasons"
for discharge of numerous employes
the board had charged were dis-
missed because of union activity.
Sources close to the Ford Company
have indicated it was prepared to
carry to the United States Supreme
Court its opposition to regulation by
the NLRB. .Today's challenge to the
board's authority asserted that the
lischarged employes "labored only in
the manufacturing department of re-
spondent; that they took no part in
the transportation to and away from
respondent's plant; nor did they par-
ticipate in any activity which pre-
ceded or followed manufacturing;
that none of said employes was en-
gaged in interstate or foreign com-
merce within the true meaning of the
National Labor Relations Act."
Sakanishi Is
First Speaker
In 2nd Week
Hayden And Blume Also
Are Listed In Regular
Session Series
The special series of Summer Ses-
sion lectures moves into its second
week at 5 p.m. Tuesday, with Dr.
Shio Sakanishi, director of Japanese
collection in the division of Oriental-
ism of the Library of Congress, lead-
ing off in A program which includes
three speeches.
With a holiday scheduled for Mon-
day, there will be no speech presented
Monday afternoon in the series in-
troduced by Prof. Louis M. Eich, sec-
retary of the Summer Session. Prof.
J. Ralston Hayden, chairman of the
political science department, and
Prof. William W. Blunie of the Law
School, are listed to fill out the week's
Tuesday's lecture will be delivered
by Dr. Sakanishi on the subject of
Japanese poetry. She holds a degree
in philosophy from the University,
and is the translator of several vol-
umes of Japanese poetry, including
"Songs of a Cowherd," and "A Hand-
ful of Sand."
"From English Amateur Gardens"
will be the subject of the lecture on
Wednesday in Natural Science Au-
ditorium by Prof. Harlow E. Whitte-
more of the landscape design de-
partment. Professor Whittemore is
recognized as one of the most popular
instructors on the University campus.
Prof. William W. Blume, one of the
newer members of Michigan's Law
School, will give the concluding lec-
ture on the second week's program
when he speaks Thursday on the sub-
ject "The American Court in China."
A forum on "Nationalism in the
Far East" will be presented Wednes-
day afternoon at the Michigan Union
by Professor Hayden who is particu-
larly well qualified by virtue of his
experience in the Philippine Islands
as vice-governor.
The winners of the Bridge Prizes
at the Summer Reception Friday
night are Mrs. William Halstead and
Dr. W. P. Halstead for Contract
bridge and Mrs. J. Q. Kimmel and
Mr. T. Owen for Auction bridge. The
prizes may be called for at the main
desk in the League. The prizes are
official Michigan Playing Cards. I
Britain Takes
Stand Against
Italyin Spain
Chamberlain Sees Empire
Strong Enough To Halt
Disrespect By Others
Eden Gives Promise
Of Spain'sIntegrity
LONDON, July 3.-GP)--British
leaders reminded a tense Europe to-
day that Britain is rearming to com-
pel respect for her rights and inter -
ests and that violation of the terri-
torial integrity of Spain or free ac-
cess to the Mediterranean, included
in those interests, would not be tol-
Prime Minister Neville Chamber-
lain and Foreign Secretary Anthony
Eden spoke to garden party audiences
of their constituents, but their hear-
ers believed they were addressing also
the leaders of Italy and Germany.
Chamberlain, at Birmingham, de-
clared one of his chief aims is to make
Britain so strong "that nobody dare
treat her with anything but respect."
For that reason he would "complete
as rapidly as possible" Britain's $7,-
500,000,000 rearmament program. He
s'd he faced his responsibilitied
"without fear or hesitation."
Eden, at Coughton, in Warwick-
shire, gave warning that Britain is
determined "to maintain the terri-
torial integrity of Spain and keep the
Mediterranean open as a "main ar-
terial road."
He uttered an emphatic reminder
that the British government cannot
remain indifferent "where British in-
terests are concerned on the land or
sea frontiers of Spain or the trade
routes that pass by her."
That was interpreted as a refer-
ence to the danger of any power,
especially Italy, attempting to cut
the Mediterranean highway to India
and the East.
The. foreigin secretary declared that
Britain had not and would not mod-
ify her time-honored principle that
the Mediterranean is a "main arterial
road," ifot merely a British shortcut
to the Orient.
Eden declared Britain has the sup-
port of both parties in Spain in her
efforts to maintain the integrity of
that country.
DeanR equests
Students To Get
Auto Permits
Issued Only For Athletic,
Recreational Purposes;
Ban Effective Over 4th
Students of the Summer Session
who were enrolled here or at other
institutions during the academic year
1936-37 and who wish permits to
drive automobiles during the Session
were urged to make application im-
mediately for permits at the office of
the Dean of Students, Room 2,
University Hall, if they have not al-
ready done so.
Summer students who were en-
gaged during the preceding school
year in teaching or other professional
occupations, or who are 26 years old
or over, , are automatically exempt
from this ruling and need make no
application for a driving permit if
they registered their cars in the sec-
tion of the registration blank pro-
vided for that purpose.
Special emphasis upon the fact
that permits will be issued for athletic
recreational purposes only was made
by the office. They may not be used
for social and personal purposes and
any mixed company in a car after 9
p.m. will be considered a violation of
the auto ban.
Attention was also called to the fact
that the auto ban will not be lifted
over July 4.
Tea Dance Planned
Brinkman To Open
Concerts Tuesday
Prof. Joseph Brinkman of the
School of Music will open the sum-
mer faculty concert series with a
piano recital at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Auditorium.
Professor Brinkman has appeared
as soloist with leading symphony or-
chestras, including the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra and the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra. He has ap-
peared in recitals in New York, Chi-
cago, and in Ann Arbor with the
Choral Union Series last season.
His program for Tuesday evening
follows: "Prelude and"Fugue, D ma-
jor," and "Italian Concerto, allegro,
andante, presto," by Bach; "Prelude
Chorale and Fugue" by Franck; "In-
termezzo, Op. 119 No. 3," and "Rhap-
sody, Op. 119 No. 4" by Brahms;
"Nocturne. C sharp minor" and "Bal-
lade, G minor" by Chopin.
Initial Vesper
Will Celebrate
Fourth Of July
Carillon Concert To Follow
Service; Baritone Solor
Will Be Featured
The first Vesper of the Summer
Session will open at 7:30 p.m. today
when students will gather on the
steps of the General Library to sing t
patriotic hymns in observance of the
Fourth of July.1
Call to worship will be played on
the Baird carillon at 7:20 p.m. by
Prof. Wilmot Pratt of the music
school, University carillonneur. t
A baritone sol by Hardin Van
Deusen, guest professor here this
summer, and head of the music de-
partment of Albion College, will be a
special feature of the one hour serv-
ice. He will sing "The Home Road,"
by Carpenter.
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, will give a short
address at the service, and Dr. E. W.
Blakeman, counselor in religious ed-
ucation, will deliver the invocation.
Prof. David Mattern of the music
school will lead in community sing-
ing. Among the songs included on
the program are "The Star Spangled
Banner" and "America, The Beau-
The Vespers will be closed before
8:30 p.m. when Professor Pratt will
play the second concert for the Sum-
mer Session. The recital will include
hymns and English airs.
Other vesper services during the
Session will be held on July 25 and
Aug. 15.
Boy Killed, Three
Hurt In Auto Crash
A thirteen-months-old boy, Arthur
Geske, Jr., of Detroit, died in the am-
bulance on his way to St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital Saturday afternoon
as the result of a three-car crash
on US-12, six miles west of Ann Ar-
bor, in which three others were crit-
ically injured.
The accident occurred when George
C. Wheeler, 69 years old, of Kalama-
zoo, passing an eastbound car driven
by Harry A. McKnight, 62 years old,
of Wyandotte, and Frank Dzigawig of
Jackson, passing an unidentified
westbound automobile, met in a head-
on collision in the center of the three-
lane pavement.
Dzi-gawig, Mrs. Arthur Geske, 25
years old, of Detroit, who was riding
with him, and Mrs. Mary Wheeler,
70 years old, of Kalamazoo, were re-
ported to be in critical condition by
hospital authorities last night.
Faculty Promotions
PassedBy Regents
State Troopers
Dissolve Chick
Thieving Firm
The firm of Smith, Willman &
Whitfield, Inc., doing b u s i n e s s
through Hue Smith's chicken store in
Detroit, was dissolved early yester-
day morning by an injunction in the
form of two state troopers and a
Wayne County constable, who alleged
the business pursuits of Messrs.
Smith, Whitfield, and Willman, all
Negroes, were confined to high-volt-
age chicken stealing.
Smith, 31 years old, and Ed Will-
man, 25 years old, of Detroit, and
William Whitfield, 18 years old of
Inkster were followed as they left
Whitfield's home Friday night by
Constable Lewis Dickerson of Inkster,
another 'Negro, who had been at-
tempting to follow them for the past
two weeks. This time he succeeded,
and when they paused to rest along-
side a prolific hen hatch near Ypsi-
lanti, Constable Dickerson sped on
into town.
Returning with Troopers Allen and
Skellinger from the State Police Post
in Ypsilanti, Dickerson arrested the
three men, who were caught, as yet
without chickens, but with chicken
feathers from prev.ious engagements
(Continued on Page 4)
S.O.S. Report
From Amelia
Two Amateur Operators
Pick Up Pilot's Calls
In Los Angeles
HONOLULU, July 3.--UP)-Reports
that the voice of tousle-haired Amelia
Earhart had been picked up, calling'
SOS from the mystery spot where she
is lost in mid-Pacific, buoyed hopes
for her ultimate rescue today as the
United States,.Navy ordered a battle-
ship into the search.
Two Los Angeles amateur radio op-
erators as late as 10 a.m. said they
distinctly heard her sound her call
letters, KHAQQ, after thrice saying
SOS some 20 minutes earlier.
Earlier the Los Angeles operators,
Walter McMenamy and Carl Pierson,
interpreted radio signals as placing
the plane adrift near the Equator
between Gilbert Island and Howland
HONOLULU, July 3.-(P)-The
Navy tonight ordered the powerful
aircraft carrier Lexington and 54
fighting planes to "stand by" for
orders to reinforce the faltering hunt
for Amelia Earhart, lost nearly 36
hours in the shark-infested mid-Pa-
Sific with her navigator, Fred J. Noo-
nan, in her $80,000 plane.
FLINT, July 3. --W) --Striking
workers voted today to return to a
construction job at the Fisher Body
plant No. 1 Tuesday, accepting terms
of a settlement.
New Budget Is Twice That
Approved By Governor
Murphy Friday
Board Announces 45
Staff Advancements
A total budget of more than eight
million dollars, twice the appropria-
tion granted to the University, and 45
faculty promotions were approved by
the Board of Regents at a special
meeting yesterday.
The appropriation bill, signed Fri-
day by Gov. Frank Murphy,. grants
the University $4,673,235.58, while the
budget as announced 'yesterday totals
Of the total, $2,423,199 represents
the budget of the University Hospital,
which is a self-supporting institu-
tion under the direction of the Board.
The remainder, $6,478,492.41, is the
budget of the University itself for
the school year 1937-1938.
The totals show an increase of
about $490,000 in the University bud-
get over last year's figure, and $119,-
000 for the Hospital. According to
Herbert L. Watkins, assistant secre-
tary to the University, "while there
was flat percentage increase in'sal-
aries, in a number of cases handled
individually the increases which were
made were to recompense for, insofar
as it is humanly possible, and to
b'ing back in some measure atleast,
the percentage cuts instituted during
the depression."
Both Watkins and Shirley W.
Smith, vice-president and secretary
of the University said, however, that
the budget allowed for no appreciable
increase in the numerical size of the
faculty, which President Ruthven
had earlier asked in his report to ac-
company the steadily increasing stu-
dent enrollment.
The Regents also approved 45 fac-
ulty promotions, which follow:
Literary College
James Murle Cork, from associate
professor, to professor of physics;
Ora Stanley Duffendack, from asso-
ciate professor, to professor of
physics; Howard Sylvester Ellis, from
associate professor to professor of
French; Thomas Seward Lovering,
from associate professor, to profes-
sor of economic geology; Charles An-
thony Knudson, from assistant pro-
fessor, to professor of French; Pres-
ton Williani Slosson, from associate
professor, to professor of history.
Leigh Charles Anderson, from as-
sistant professor, to associate profes-
sor of organic chemistry; Arthur Her-
bert Copeland, from assistant profes-
sor, to associate professor of mathe-
matics; Frank Egbert Eggleton, from
assistant professor, to associate pro-
fessor of zoology; Howard Meredith
(Continued on Page 3)
Six Graduates
HiredAs Detroit
Police Women.
Six University graduates have been
given posts in the women's division
of the Detroit police department, and
will work under Deputy Commission-
er Eleanore L. Hutzel, it was an-
nounced recently .All appointees were
sworn in their new positions Thurs-
Heading the list is Maryanna
Chockley, '37, who was chairman of
the Judiciary Council this last year,
president of Delta Gamma sorority,
general chairman of the Sophomore
Cabaret, a member of Mortarboard,
senior honor society, and Wylvern,
junior honor society. Miss Chockley
led the Lantern Night procession as
the outstanding woman of the
University.. Miss Chockley is the
youngest woman ever to be awarded
a position on the Detroit Police De-
partment, according to Deputy Com-
missioner Hutzel.
Others who took their posts as
policewomen Thursday are Ruth E.
Dnf ,to I.2" 'Pnranp remp-+
Commissioner Turns Historian,
Relates Origin Of Ann's Arbor,
Repertory Play, 'Ethan Frome,'
Opens With Elaborate Settings
When the Repertory Players open says, the effect of this spectacular
C. M. Porter, 76-year-old United
States commissioner at Malta Mont..
who described the Saturday nights
'eJJl c turned into Hallowe'en back in 1866
. e-' a s when "University students were a
lively bunch," was also a keen ob-
Ralles To To server of the history that was being
made and had been made at the time
he was a 12-year-old.
ollege 3 olers He writes Sheriff Jacob B. Andres,
IT remember well that word came
85 years of age. Uncle Pruden, as we
called him, was confined to his chair
with dropsy--was a former resident of
Ann Arbor, and almost every time we
visited him he would tell how the
town was named, forgetting that he
had told the story before.
Mr. Parson's own story, as recalled
by Mr. Porter, is as follows:
"I settled in Southern Michigan
when ite n ni on ma n Th rn ,
OAKMONT, Ja., July 3.-(P)--Tall
nuu,,E1t're7o T.--aa,_rfLou
andi handsome Freddie Haas, of Lou-
siana State, wound up three spectac-
ular years of university competition
today by whipping his teammate, Paul
Leslie, for the National Intercolle-
giate golf championship. The score
was 5 and 3.
.I J. .,A*&ufli L VAJ.UL& U V'S a. t 11CJAAA1.. TV f l±tj a yJ , Cg '1'all. eI lle oUU1-
that a special train would go through try was all a forest consisting of pine, By Leagie Council
on the Michigan Central travelling at tamarack and hardwood. Settlers
60 miles an hour, a speed unheard of. were coming in fast. On a Fourth of
The whole town turned out to see it go July we determined to celebrate with The first of the series of tea dances
through, little believing that their a community dinner and picnic. A nesday afternoon in the League ball-
grandchildren would drive their own young woman named Ann marshalled nesm, ftrnmon andtwemeauentsl
cars at a greater speed." the help of a number of young men IlofgnWdndayoJen7stud'
To those interested in the history to build an arbor for dancing. 4 will begin Wednesday, July 7, accord-
of Ann Arbor and how it was named. "After their fill at non h of to Jean Bonisteel. '38, chairman
their second run of the Summer Ses-
sion next Wednesday, the bleak and'
dreary "Ethan Frome," they're not1
going to be short of atmosphere.
For Alexander Wyckoff, art direc-1
tor for the Players, and all his staff1
have been at work since last Tuesday
on an elaborate group of six big stage
settings designed to make the au-1
dience feel the foreboding and op-;
pressive New England air of the town
of Stockfield, scene of the tragedy.
The exterior of the little house where
live the three people whose unhappy;
lives make up the story of "Ethan
TF nme_" the interior of the house. the
device was largely lost because of the
small scale on which the somewhat
unimaginative designer built his hill-
side. Mr. Wyckoff, on the contrary,
has planned a really tremendous set-
ting for the bobsled: the hill will oc-
cupy practically the whole stage,
sweeping in a magnificent curve from
the rear center down almost to the
audience and then swerving off into
the wings. There are no tracks or
tricks to it; the sled, bearing Ralph
Bell as Ethan and Mary Pray as the
girl Mattie will slide down past the
startled front row orchestra purely
on its own momentum. or so Mr.