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June 28, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-06-28

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The 'Weather
Partly cloudy to cloudy, pors-
sible showers today; tomorrow
local showers, slightly warmer.

p P-P,

f AIfri4ga


A Word Of Welcome«..
Our Forumn Column .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session
RecordEnrollment Seen As Session


Nine Of Faculty W illParticipateInNEA Convention

Will Be Policy
Group Leader
Morgan, Wallace And Day
Will Address Meetings
Of SessionToday
University Center
Will Be In Statler
Nine members of the faculty of the
School of Education will take part in
the program of the 75th annual con-
vention of the National Education
Association which started yesterday
and will last through Thursday in
Dean James B. Exmoson wili have
charge of the meeting of the edu-
cational policies commission of the
Association, and he will speak at the
luncheon meeting of the League Col-
lege of the NEA tomorrow in the
Statler hotel.
Other faculty members who will
ippear on the program are Prof.
Mowatt Fraser, Prof. Raleigh Schor-
lin~g, Prof. S. A. Courtis, Prof. Clif-
ford Woody, Prof. W. C. Olson, Prof.
Edgar Johnston, Prof. L. W. Keeler
and Prof. F. D. Curtis.
Headquarters Is Maintained
The University will maintain head-
luarters in charge of Prof. George E.
Carrothers in Statler Hotel during
the convention, and Dr. Luther Pur-
dom of the Extension Division will
be there to advise those having teach-
Ing positions to offer.
Prof. Lyman Bryson of Columbia
University will be the principal
speaker at a meeting open to all
Summer Session students to be held
at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Union.
Twenty-five prominent speakers
from the NEA Convention will be in-
troduced at the meeting, which is
being held to give students in the
Summer Session an opportunity to
meet some of the distinguished edu-
cators at the convention in Detroit.
Prominent Mehi To Speak
Arthur E. Morgan, chairman ofr
the Tennessee Valley Authority,
Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agri-
culture, and Dr. Edmund Day, presi-1
dent of Cornell University are in-
cluded on the program of the conven-
tion today.
Mr. Morgan will speak at the ninth
annual life membership dinner to be
held at 5:30 p.m. in the ballroom of
the Statler hotel. His subject will
be "Horace Mann and the American
Ideal of Education."
Dr. Day will address the second
general session to be held at 8 p.m.
at the Masonic Temple auditorium in
Detroit. His topic will be "The Role
of Schools in Social Reform," and
Mr. Wallace will speak at the same
meeting on the subject of "Education
and the General Welfare."
Other speakers at the general ses-
(Continued on Page 2)
Law Institute
Session Opens
Approximately 50 professors of in-
ternational law from all sections of
the United States, gathered here for
the Institute of International Law,
will hold their first session tonight
when James B. Scott, secretary of the
Carnegie Endowment for Interna-
tional Paace, will make the opening
Members of the Institute are mak-
ing their headquarters at the Alpha

Delta Phi fraternity house.
The Institute, not an official part
of the Summer Session, is being of-
fered the facilities of the University,
and several members of the faculty
are leading the work. Seminars and
lectures comprise the schedule of or-
ganized work intended mainly for
those interested in International
Law. Group discussions are an im-
portant feature of the program.
A lecture open to the public wil
be held each Monday at 5 p.m. in
room 1025 Angell Hall. Several out-

Russian Comedy First Offering
In Repertory Players' Season
'Path Of Flowers' To Open dramatization of the battle of sci-
Here; 'H.M.S. Pinafore' ence against the scourge of yellow
fever, will be presented from July 21
Scheduled For August to 24. It is based on a chapter of
, Paul de Kruif's "Microbe Hunters,"
"The Path of Flowers," a new play and tells the story of the heroic

Prof. Hobbs
Will Present
First Lecture
Famed Geologist Will Talk
On Life, Experiences Of
Peary At 5 P.M.
26 Lectures Planned

by the brilliant young Russian dra-
matist, Valentine Katayev, will fur-
nish the script for the opening per-
formance of the Michigan Repertory
Players' season tomorrow at 8:30 p.m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
It will be repeated at the same time
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Katayev is remembered by Ann Ar-
bor audiences forhis comedy,
"Squaring the Circle," one of the
most popular plays of last season.
Tomorrow's play is a humorous satire
on the marriage code in force in
Soviet Russia, and features the same
hilarious type of situations con-
tained in last year's success.
"Ethan Frome," adapted for the
stage from Edith Wharton's novel by
Owen and Donald Davis, will be' the
second offering of the Players. One
of the chief hits of the New York
season last year, it has been regarded
by critics as one of the most skillful
adaptations of the American theatre.
Six separate sets have been con-
structed for the Ann Arbor produc-
tion, which will run for four evenings
from July 7 to 10.
The third play of the season, "First
Lady," by Katherine Dayton and
George S. Kaufman, a satire on
Washingtorw political-social life, will
open July 14 and run through July
17. The original* show starring JaneI
Cowl played for two years in New
York and on the road. The Ann
Arbor production will be the first
non-professional release of the witty
and sarcastic comedy.
Sidney Howard's "Yellow Jack," a;
Irwin Is Captured;
CHICAGO, June 27.-U(P)--Robert
Irwin, 29-year-old sculptor, was ar-
rested here today by New York police
officers who said he admitted the
triple "Gedeon slayings' 'in New York,
last Easter Sunday.
He had been the object of a na-
tion-wide search since the bodies of
pretty Veronica (Ronnie) Gedeon,
20; her mother and Frank Byrnes,
a roomer, were found in the Gedeon's
New York apartment Easter morn-
Shortly after Irwin was placed in,
custody Lieut. Martin S. Owens of
the New York police homicide squad
telephoned to his headquarters, say-
"I have Robert Irwin. He has ad-
mitted the three murders. He said*
he killed the mother first, then the
girl and then the roomer."
Summer Session students wish-
ing journalistic experience may
apply for work on The Michigan
Daily editorial: staff at 5 p.m. any
day this week at the Publications
Building on Maynard Street. '

istruggie of VwaLter Reed andu isas-
sociates against the disease.
The fifth play of the season will be
another adaptation of a celebrated
novel, Jane Austen's "Pride and Pre-
judice," written for the stage by
Helen Jerome. A smashing success
in both New York and London, it
(Continued on Page 4,
Regents Given
Of $90,000
Research Endowments Are
Among Gifts; Tokyo
Alumnus Gives $2,800
The Board of Regents at their last
meeting, held the morning of June
18, reported gifts to the University
totaling $9,659.50, and pledges of
nearly $80,000.
Largest of the gifts was one from
Hanji Soma, Japanese industrialist
from Tokyo, who took a master of
science degree here in 1903. Soma,
during a presentation speech June 15
in which he gave the University 250
flowering Japanese cherry trees, gift
of the Japanese alumni, announced
that he himself was giving the chem-
ical engineering department 10,000
yen ($2,800) to be used under the
direction of Prof. A. E. White.
A gift of $2,073.50 was made by the
Board of Governors of Martha Cook
residence, to be used as the nucleus
of a scholarship fund named for Mrs.
Anne E. Shipman Stevens of De-
troit, long a member of the Board
of Governors.
The Regents also accepted $1800
from the American Librarian's Asso-
ciation to be used as a scholarship
covering the summer sessions of 1937
and 1938 and the next school year for
Miss Sadie Organ, of Memorial Uni-
versity College in St. John's, New-
foundland, in the department of li-
brary science.
From the University of Michiganj
Club of Gary, Ind., the Regents re-
ceived $1037 and pledges of $855 more
as a ten-year project,'toward a scho-
larship fund in memory of the late
Judge Johannes Koepelcke of Crown
Point, Ind., $792 of which was a be-
quest from Koepelcke.
The Monsanto Chemical Company
of St. Louis, Mo., gave $750 to con-
tinue their research fellowship for
another year, and Parke-Davis, Inc.,
of Detroit $720 to continue research
in anti-anemic substances under Dr.
Cyrus C. Sturgis of Simpson Memor-
ial Institute.
Other gifts were $170 from the
American Linguistic Society for ex-
penses of bringing a public lecturer
here for the Linguistic Institute to be
held this summer; $118 from the Uni-
(Continup('7 on Paffp 41

For Session


Professor - Emeritus William H.
Hobbs of the geology department will
deliver the first of 26 Summer Session
lectures at 5 p.m. today in Natural
Science Auditorium. His subject will
be "Peary, the Explorer."
Professor Hobbs, one of most dis-
tinguished geologists in the United
States, went to Greenland twice on
University-sponsored expeditions, and
once spent a year in world travel
studying the origin and growth of
mountain ranges.
Had Long Career
He began his career with the Unit-
ed States Geological Survey, later
becoming a professor at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin. He then came here
as head of the geology department.
Dr. Herman H. Riecker of the in-
ternal medicine department will give
the second lecture, entitled "The
Meaning of Indigestion," at 5 p.m. to-
morrow. Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of
the history department will give the
third at 5 p.m. Wednesday. His sub,
ject will be "The Present Situation in
The final lecture of this week will
be given by Robert R. McMath, di-
rector of the University-owned Mc-
Math-Hulbert Observatory, on an
astronomical subject which has, not
yet been announced.
Dr. Shio Sakanishi, who is in
charge of the Japanese collection of
the Library of Congress, will open
the second week's lecture series with
a discussion of Japanese poetry at 5
p.m. Tuesday, July 6.
Program Of Week
Dr. Sakanishi is the author of
"Songs of a Cowherd," "A Handfull
of Sand," and "Tangled Hair," all
poetry. Several other books by her
will be published soon. She re-
ceived her doctor's degree here.
Following her at 5 p.m. Wednesday
will be Prof. Harlow E. Whittemore
of the landscape design department,
who will speak on "Four English
Amateur Gardens."
The final lecture of next week will
be delivered by Prof. William W.
Blume of the Law School on "The
American Court in China."
Dean's Off ice
Presents Rules
For Auto Use
Car Ban Starts At 8 A.M.
Today; Certain Classes
Of Students Excluded
The auto ban for students enrolled
in the Summer Session will go into
effect at 8 a.m. today it was an-
nounced yesterday by the office of
the Dean of Students.
The following three classes of stu-
dents are exempt from the auto ban:
teachers, lawyers, physicians and
nurses; those 26 years of age or older;
and those who have faculty positions
of teaching assistant or its equivalent.
Those exempt under the preceding
classification are requested to fill out
a registration card dealing with the
use of the cars during the summer,
with special attention to the occupa-
tion during the preceding year and to
the license number of the car that
will be driven.
All other students desiring driving
permits must obtain them at the of-;

Large Visiting
Staff To Come
For Summer
Authorities In Respective
Fields Form Important
Part In Program
Many To Take Part
In Institutes Here
Visiting professors, many of whom
are leaders in their fields of research,
will form an important part of the
faculty of the University during this
year's Summer Session.
The visiting faculty has been drawn
from universities and schools all
over the country. Some will come for
the first time, others have taught here
before, and some will continue work
they have been doing here during
.the regular part of the year. Several
are being sent through the cooper-
ation of foundations and other agen-
cies interested in work being done
Dr. Edward Sapir
Dr. Edward Sapir, Sterling Pro-
fessor of Anthropology and Linguis-
tics at Yale University, who will con-
duct courses in comparative linguis-
tics at the Summer Session, is a
leader in the field of American In-
dian languages. He is best known
for his interests in American Indian
linguistics and ethnology but has had;
wide experience in many branches of
the social sciences. He has done his
most outstanding field work among
the Hupa, Navaho, Southern Piute
Indians, and the Indians of the
Northwest Pacific Coast. Dr. Sapir
received his training at Columbia
University and was a member of the
Ottawa Museum staff for several
years. He also served in the faculty
of the University of Chicago before
going to Yale. He has been in Ann
Arbor several times and in 1935 was
lecturer at the General Assembly of
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Literature.
Dr. George Kennedy
Dr. George Kennedy, lecturer in the
Chinese Language and Literature at
Yale, will be a member of the Lin-
guistics Institute of the Summer Ses-
sion. Born and raised in China, he
has had long experience in speaking
and reading Chinese and knows sev-
eral dialects. After studying here
and in Germany, he was appointed
Sinologist in the Yale Graduate
School. The American Council of
the Institute of Pacific Relations is
joining with the Linguistics Institute
in bringing him to Michgan. Through
his research in the Chinese lan-
guage he has become the founder of1
a new method of teaching Chinese inc
which students are given a grounding
(Continued on Page 4)
NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 27.-(UP)
-Dr. James Rowland Angell, retir-
ing president of Yale University, an-
nounced today that he had accepted
an appointment with thesNational
Broadcasting Company as educa-
tional counselor.

Early Registration
Of 3,211 Surpasses
High Made In 1936

Heads Summer Session

* * *
May I express a sincere welcome.
You have come from all the states
and many provinces. Some have.
traveled from countries beyond the
seas. I hope you may receive in-
spiration and profit during your so-
journ in Ann Arbor. It is your Uni-
versity now and you share its glorious
traditions. I trust that each of you
will contribute a generous share to
make this forty-fourth Summer Ses-
sion most successful and happy. The
program arranged possesses wide in-
terests. I commend its many features
to you.
Germany Prefers
Independent Action
WURZBURG, Germany, June 27.-
(/P)-Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler pro-
claimed today that Germany hence-
forth prefers independent action to
protect herself from incidents off the
Spanish coast.
T h e European nonintervention
committee, he told a party rally of
200,000 Nazis, demonstrated its in-
effectiveness by failing to act after
the cruiser Leipzig allegedly was at-
tacked by a Spanisn government sub-
Germany last week withdrew her
warships from the nonintervention
patrol after the Leipzig incident, be--
cause Britain and France declined to
support a naval demonstration off
the Spanish coast as a warning to the'
Valencia government.
Hitler criticized both the commit-
tee andthe foreign press. He said
that after the pocket battleship
Deutschland was attacked by two
Spanish government planes in May,
with loss of 31 lives, and Germany
replied with bombardment of Almeria
there was condemnation for Germany.

Session Termed The 'Most
Colorful' Ever Offered
By University
Total Enrollment
Should Near 4,600
Three Types Of Courses
Given; All Colleges And
Schools Now Open
The early enrollment in the 44th
Summer Session of the University
held promise of a new record when
figures released by Miss Marian Wil-
liams, University statistician, showed
that 3,211 had registered. Very prob-
ably the total enrollment, after all
late comers have registered, will ex-
ceed 4,600, officials predicted.
Although the increase in enroll-
ment in the 1937 Session over that
of 1936 is considerably less than the
increase of the 1936 Session over
that of 1935, the statistics reveal that
114 more students are registered now
that have ever been enrolled at the
close of early registration in any pre-
vious Summer Session. Enrollment
last year at this time was 3,097.
Many Special Features
The total enrollment Iast year was
4,528, the greatest ever recorded for
any Summer Session. However in
view of the increase at the present
time the total enrollment for the 1937
Session will top the record set last
Unlike last year, the increase in
the number of men and women was
approximately equal, there being an
increase of 59 men and 55 women to
make the total 114.
Termed by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins,
director, as the "most colorful" ses-
sion ever to be presented by the
University, a wider curricula and
more special features, including the
Electronics Institute, Institute of Far
Eastern Studies, and many others,
will be offered than ever before.
Three principal types of courses
will begin today. There are those for
undergraduate students regularly
enrolled in the University to supple-
ment regular work and to fulfill re-
quirements for special curricula, cer-
tain techz;cal courses for teachers,
librarians, engineers, and profession-
al men in active practice, and courses
leading to higher degrees.
Session Now In Full Swing
The Session opens today in all
schools and colleges in the University
with the exception of the Law School
and will close on Aug. 20. The Law
School began June 21 for a five week
term lasting until July 26, when a
second term of the same duration will
Six week courses in the Medical
School, the School of Education, and
the Division of Hygiene and Public
Health will close Aug. 6. The work
at the forestry camp will last the
longest, ending on Sept. 3.
England And France
Anxious Over Patrol
LONDON, June 27.-(YP)-British
and French diplomats tonight faced
with indisguised anxiety the task of
restoring the international patrolof
Spanish waters and preventing the
manifold frictions involved from ex-
ploding in Europe's face.
They agreed that how far this can
be accomplished depends largely on
the replies of Berlin and Rome to the
Anglo-French proposal that Britain
and France use their own naval ves-
sels to close the gap in the patrol left
by the with withdrawals of Italy and
This reply is expected Tuesday at
a meeting of the subcommittee of the
27-nation "Hands Off Spain" com-

Anxiety was intensified by the
Spanish government's charge that a
submarine yesterday sank the Cabo
lOn nc tn n V 4of . ..r ar-.nfn vpa'nn..lr

University's Second Century
Starts As Centennial Closes

Many Projects To Keep School
Of Education Busy In Summer

The University today will start on
its second century of achievement
and progress in Ann Arbor, fortified
by the counsel of such friends and
graduates as Glenn Frank, ousted
president of the University of Wis-
consin; Christian Gauss, Dean of
the College of Princeton University;
Charles R. Morey, professor of art
and archaeology at Princeton; Gov.
Frank Murphy; Prof. Joseph R. Hay-
den of the political science depart-
ment; Cornelius B. Kelley, president
>f the Anaconda Copper Company;
Clifford Cook Furnas, professor of
chemical engineering at Yale; Ray-
mond Pearl, director of the Insti-
tute for Biological Research at Johns
Iopkins; Chester Rowell, editor of
the San Francisco Chronicle; Lyman

branches of learning to avoid na-
tionalistic principles and teachings in
favor of a policy which would show
students their responsibilities as in-
ternational citizens of the world.
The University needs a return to
emphasis on pure culture andI
thought, from the technical learning
and mechanical science which has
come to the front in recent decades.
The University's scientists must
centralize their'efforts on vital prob-
lems confronting the world of today,

A special graduate course, the 12th
annual meeting of the League College
of the National League of Teachers'
Associations and a summer education
conference will be featured on the
summer program of the School of
The League College, a two-week
conference held each summer in a
Snveityna the onetio ity f

who is now employed on the staff
tem will be in charge of this course.
of the Educational Policies Com-
mission. Special lecturers from the
staff of the University will also aid
in the presenting of the course.
The eighth annual summer educa-
tion conference on "The Implica-
tions for Michigan Education of the
Work of the Educational Policies
Commission" will be held July 19, 20
and 21 in Ann Arbor under the spon-
sorship of the education school.
Among those taking part in the
meeting are Dean Edmonson, Prof.
John Brumm of the journalism de-
partment, Eugene B. Elliott, statel
superintendent of public instruction,


and tomorrow, aiming at results fice of the Dean of Students, Room|
which will make a better world to live 2, University Hall, and it was especial- the annual meeting of the National
in, instead of the current research ly emphasized that the filling out of Education Association, will be held
characterized by two of the speakers the registration card in the section from July 5 to July 16 here. It offers a
as "boondoggling" and "piddling." devoted to automobile operation does course entitled "Current Studies of
Working with Professor Brandt on not constitute a permit to drive. Selected Problems of Professional Or-
the central committee which made Passengers may be carried in con- ganizations."


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