I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1937 r THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official-Publication of the Summer Session Dr, Glenn Frank's Centennial SnC ... I Helre zre JeioIS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A r+ii'U"1 n n Alrlx Golden Text: Jude 1:25. Responsive Reading: Psalms 89:1, 8, 9, 13-18. Sunday School at 11:45 after morning service. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republcation of all news dispatches creditedtto it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year, by carrier. $4.00; by mal, $450. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR.......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Ftzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER..................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MGR. ......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER ...........ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers . .Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: HORACE W. GILMORE Freedom, Three Kinds... HE USES to which the words "freedom" and "liberty" are put for the sake of argument today are mostly be- fuddling to the general public. Conservatives and even liberals are cuick to denounce the abridgement of freedom which they contend would inevitably accompany the advent of a collectivist society. The collectivists deny this and with as much avidity point out abridgements and lack of freedom in our present order. There are three main categories under which most of the kinds of freedom may be placed. These are'political freedom, civil freedom, and economic freedom. The essential feature of political freedom re- quires that all the members of a community par- ticipate in the process of government at least to the extent that all groups have a free voice in the elections. Political philosophers call this the "positive" phase of political freedom, and, al- though there might be some justification for doubt that all in our country have absolute freedom under this aspect, there is little question that, relatively speaking, the United States shares with France and Switzerlandthe honor of being the leading countries to foster this type of freedom. The negative aspect of political freedom implies the absence of domination by foreign interven- tion or a domestic dictator. . As regards the former, the Latin American countries, with for- eign political domination owing to their economic dependence upon foreign capital and enterprise, lack this type of freedom. The countries that are dominated by a purely personal resident dictator are Germany and Italy, wherein these theories are formally and definitely rejected with the preposterous declamations that they do not constitute genuine freedom. The second main category of freedom includes freedom of speech, press, creed, thought, and privileges-and are called the "civil liberties." It is probably here that the most obvious abridge- mients of individual liberty take place. For it is doubtful that any organized society could permit absolute freedom of speech, or unlimited freedom of the press. The laws of libel, indecent speech, and obscenity in publication attest to this fact. The famous Rev. Macintosh case sets at least a war-time limit to freedom of religious convic- tion. Civil freedom frequently is in conflict with eco- nomic and property rights, and few will dissent from the view that all too often the civil lib- erties of a large group of the public have been subjugated and made ancillary to property rights. This is the reason why many feel that they should organize into such groups as the American Civil Liberties Union, despite the fact that this particular organization has been falsely branded as "red" and "communist inspired." Probably the most illusory and most debated kind of freedom falls under the head of eco- nomic freedom. Here it is that the all-important constitutional questions of freedom of contract and property rights fall. In two important, com- paratively recent, cases a majority of the Su- preme Court has held that "freedom of contract is the general rule and that restraint" by the national government is the exception, which is "justified only by the existence of exceptional circumstances." That was the Adkins case in 1923. In a second case which tested the power of a state government to set minimum wages the maarityof +t he nnrt aninca tha ii-tifeation By GLENN FRANK LTHOUGH but a synthetic alumnus, I speak 1 with a profound affection for the University of Michigan, for I prize her honorary doctorate, which came to me in 1924, as among my happiest possessions. And, again today, I am deeply sen- sible to the honor Michigan does me in asking me to bring to focus and climax, if I can, the discussions of this centennial week in which one of the truly great universities of the United States and the world celebrates its hundredth year of maturity. On most counts the University of Michigan confronts and presents the same problems con- fronted and presented by the Oxfords and Har- vards of the world. But, after all, the University of Michigan is a state university and, by the margin of that fact, its problems and obligations vary, in important as well as incidental aspects, from the problems and obligations of the Oxfords and Harvards. The first obligation of every university, whe- ther publicly supported or privately endowed, is, of course, to be a great university, not a trade school for the poor, not a country club for the rich, not a propagandist machine for the politi- cians, but a great upiversity, if possible a model university. It seems to me, therefore, that the best contribution I can here make to the Univer- sity of Michigan is to sketch what seem to me the major specifications for the model university, calling attention as I go along to sme of the special problems and obligations of the state university. Down the generations since Abelard men have sought to define The University Idea and to re- late it to the life of the time. With due regard for limitations of time and capacity, that is what I want now to attempt. I cannot philosophize as extensively as a Cardinal Newman or muck- rake on as grand a scale as an Abraham Flexner. Manifestly, within the boundaries of a single ad- dress, I cannot cover every point in the university enterprise. And, anyway, much, if not most, that I omit from the picture has been dealt with by my distinguished predecessors in these cen- tennial discussions. Your patience would wear thin if I sought to be encyclopedic. I, there- fore, put but a few suggestive brush strokes on the canvas. I have no desire to blue-print an impossibly ideal university. I shall not hesitate to suggest forms and procedures that vary widely from existing practice, but I shall hold myself rigor- ously to the projection of a university American educators could create in this generation if all concerned but left them free to follow policies they know to be right instead of policies they are forced to consider expedient. And to say "if all concerned but left them free" leads abruptly to the first essential in the creation and maintenance of a vital university. It must be free. Its administrators must be free. Its teachers must be free. Its research scholars must be free. Its students must be free. I do not mean a mad anarchic. freedom. I do not mean exemption from the give-and- take inseparable from life and work in an or- ganized society. I do not mean freedom to bankrupt the institution or make of it a thing utterly alien to the folk-nature and broad pur- pose of the particular society it serves. I do not mean that universities should be shielded from any impact of the critical process the public rightly brings to bear on all its agencies. I mean a very special kind of freedom which the nature of the university enterprise makes imper- ative to its integrity and highest usefulness. With all their inadequacies, by modern stand- ards of research and teaching techniques, the Medieval Universities had this special kind of freedom. Their freedom was both external and internal, as the freedom of the model university must now be. The freedom of the Medieval Universities from external dictation lay in the fact that they were virtually independent republics with but slight subordination to State and Church. In the heyday of their virility and influence, with but few exceptions, neither priest nor poli- tician dictated their personnel or determined their policy. When we remember how completely the social order of the Middle Ages was ruled by regimes of more or less absolute monarchy, the freedom of these universities would be in- credible but for the record. Not only were the Medieval Universities free from external dictation, but internally they were conducted as self-governing democracies. Educational dictators could not thrive in the atmosphere of these universities, as some power- grabbing Chancellors discovered. Their policies and their procedures flowered from the soil of common counsel of masters and students. The modern university involves a magnitude of investment and complexity of arrangement that make necessary a more rigorous administrative control than these democratized communities of scholars employed. But this rigorous adminis- trative control from the center, essential as it is in the management of the material resources and physical arrangements of a modern univer- sity, spells death to the inner greatness of the university when it seeks to direct its educa- tional enterprise with Il Duce or Der Fuehrer techniques. The model university may properly copy the worker's necessity for a job, by contracting said worker at starvation wages? Economic freedom implies the concept of equality of economic opportunity. This is many times overlooked by our Rotarian "bigger and better" philosophies. Many radio commentators and crackr-haelp nhilosonhers who exhort a A. H~I. ~ ..L' L\' I ~L~ ~ '/ j . ti Il 3:30; U ii :o.mU~.U1onUU ,turlaUy. _______Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: administrative procedures of the modern cor- Teacher's Certificate Candiates who tive places of worship in Ann Arbor Services of worship Sunday, are: I # 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m., poration in the management of its financial and expect to be recommended by the Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening Holy Communi on by The physical problems, but, in determining its edu- Faculty of the School of Education services will be conducted during the Holy Communion and sermon by The cational policy and directing its educational at the end of the Summer Session are session as follows: On the campus, Re.HnyLw _ effort, it must recapture the freedom from ex- requested to call immediately at the Vespers at 7:30 p.m. July 4, 25 and ternal dictation and the democracy of internal office of the Recorder of the School Aug. 15. At the First Congregational St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Lib- procedure which marked the Medieval Univer-- of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to fill out Church certain cooperating churches erty at Third, C. A. Brauer, minister. sities. application blanks for the Certificate. announce a program upon vital re- uring July and August this church, It is not essential to the freedom of the Amer- (This notice does not include School ligious issues at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, affiliated with the Missouri Synod, of Music students.) . July 11, 18 and Aug. 8. will have an early morning service, ican university that it be as nearly a state within oybeginning at 8:15. There will be no the state as the medieval university was. It is TF service at 10:45. Church school and the essence of this medieval freedom, not itsI The Graduate Outing Club will First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 the service in the German language I meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, July 4 a.m., Summer Union Service of the bei the Ger9a3 ang.age form, that is important. at 2 p.m. sharp where cars will meet Presbyterian and Congregational begin at the usual time 9:30 a.m. The Just now, in the United States as in. Europe, them to carry them to Silver Lake for Churches to be held at the Congre- sermon in both services will be de- the gravest threat to the integrity of universities swimming, games, picnic supper and gational Church, corner of State and hvered by the pastor on the topic: is the threat of dictation from the ouside. In the boating. Those planning to go who William Streets. Dr. W. P. Lemon,"The Christian and His Country." disheveled years of the last decade, a disturbing have cars are urged to bring them. minister of the Presbyterian Church Lutheranastudents are cordially in- sense of restriction has invaded universities. The All graduate students are cordially in- will preach on the subject "The Lib- vited to attend the services. stress of the time and the hysterias whipped up vited to attend all meetings of the erty of a Christian." haves podutedtim and motional citeri i a to club during the summer. 10:45 a.m., Nursery and Church Russian: The class in advanced have produced an emotional climate inimical to School in the Church basement Russian will meet at 5 o'clock Tues- the university enterprise. All sorts of forces have Harris Hall: The second meeting of 5:45 p.m., Round Table Conference day, July 6, in Room 2019 Angell been closing in on the free scholar. Administra-~ the Student Felowship will be held for students dealing with a discus- Hall, to arrange the hours of recita- tors have tightened the rein. Trustees have, here tomorrow evening.. Arrangements sion of "Nationalism-Man's Other tion. and there, widened their detailed authority, have been made to visit the Saline Religion." Dr. Lemon will preside. 1 1 Political forces have stepped more actively into the picture as the distemper of totalitarianism has spread to the democracies and erstwhilet liberals have embraced the ancient delusion oft the all-dominant state as guardian of the human spirit. A patrioteering journalism has concerned1 itself more and more with what the professor' should say and leave unsaid. And propagandistt groups without number have sought to mold thec universities to their single-track desires. All these forces combine to constitute a threat un- precedented of external dictation to American universities.t The model university, in some instances, willt be privately endowed and, in other instances, publicly supported. Both the endowed univer- sities and the state universities are sounder in- struments of national service because both exist in friendly competition. The endowed univer- sities are more democratic in their administra- tion of educational opportunity because the state universities exist. The state universities resist the inroads of crowd demands upon their standards with stouter heart because the en-' dowed universities exist. The model university must, therefore, achieve its freedom from exter- nal dictation both under private endowment and under public support. The maintenance of an endowed university's freedom depends almost wholly upon the char-; acter of its trustees and administrators-their insight, judgment, and courage. If they are strong, the university is safe alike from dicta- tion by donors or control by shifting popular pressures. If they are weak, the university sur, renders. The maintenance of a state university's free- dom is less simple. There are two reasons for this, growing out of the special nature of the state university: In the first place, the organized forces of bus- iness, industry, labor, agriculture, religion, pol- itics and the professions in a state have a lively sense of proprietorship in the state university whose bills their taxes pay. They bring to its activities an intensity of scrutiny and demand they never bring to the activities of a privately endowed university in the state. The state university thus has an extraordinarily direct and problem-raising relation to the organized forces of the state's life and to the shifting currents of its public opinion. If, on occasion, the directing forces of a state university must, in all honesty, refuse the demands of some of these pressure groups or stand rock-like against some transient hysteria sweeping the state's life, they run the risk of a penalizing slash in the university's ap- propriations. The problem here is not different from the problem in the endowed university save in its intensity and the promptness with which the state university may be penalized. It re- quires unusual clarity of long-range judgment, not to say heroic qualities, in the trustees and administrators of a state university to suffer the rigors of a lean budget, if necessary, rather than betray the integrity of The University Idea by truckling to transient hysterias and carrying on a behind-the-scenes bargaining with pressure groups. In the second place, in most states, the state university bears an intimate and direct relation to the state government. Unless great wisdom and statesmanship are employed in determining the nature of this relation, the freedom of the state university may be tentativerandinsecure. Concretely, if, as in some states, the Governor I enjoys plenary and unreviewed authority to ap- point members of the governing board of the state university, he may, if that is the measure of his statesmanship, pack the board with appoin- tees who have but one conceivable qualification, and that a disqualification, namely, their will- ingness to carry out in detail the Governor's will, if not his whim, respecting both the personnel and the policy of the university. A state univer- sity may thus be governed by a kind of political ventriloquism. The lips of the dummy trustees move, but it is the voice of their political chief that barks the commands. This form of appoin- tive power, which happily does not exist in Mich- igan, should not exist in any state, for its abuse can effectively prevent the state university from functioning other than as the scared and sub- servient agent of partisan purpose. We have achieved separation of church and state and emancipated the press from an official political control. None, save the deluded apostles of the totalitarian state, would wipe out that separateness. As we have watched one crisis- driven nation after another mold its universities to a pattern, soft-pedal their researches into liv- Valley Farms which is a co- operative experiment between indus- try and agriculture, and is one of the most interesting places in Michigan. A picnic supper will be held at the Farm and cars will leave St. An- drew's Church at 5 p.m. The meet- ing will be of an informal nature and those coming are urged to wear old clothes and bring their swimming suits. The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examina- tions: Junior Agricultural Engineer, $2,000 a year: Soil Conservation Service, and Bureau of Agricultural Engineering. Chief of Library Service Division, $5,000 a year. Specialists in Public and School Libraries, $3,800 a year; Office of Education. For further information, please call at the Office 201, Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- mentsiand Occupational In- f ormation. Campus Vesper: The initial Vesper service of the Summer Session will take place at the Library Terrace,' Sunday at 7:30 p.m., July 4. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of ' the Summer Session, will address the summer students. Music will be un- der the directorhip of Prof. David A. Mattern supported by the summer chorus. E. W. Blakeman. Summer Session Chorus will sing on the Library steps at 7:15 o'clock, Sunday, July 4. Religious Service: Summer Session students are invited to their respec- The price of the supper is 15c. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 409 South Division St. Morning service at 10:30 a.m. Subject, "God." Faculty Concert: Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will play an in- teresting program in the first con- I cert of the summer Faculty Series, Tuesday evening, July 6, at 8:30 (Continued on Page 3) Cassified Directory Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance only lic per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low price. 1x FOR RENT GIRLS' ROOM with house privileges and garage. Reasonable price. Phone 3481. 613 NEAR CAMPUS: Rooms single or double. Clean and reasonable. 432 S. Division, 618 FOR RENT: A double room for either men or women. 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