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July 02, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-02

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FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1937

Official Publication of the Summer Session

Edited and mnaged by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
CITY EDITOR.....................JOSEPH S. MATTES
Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
Women's Business Managers .Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
The Publishers
And Unbiased News . .
F'FIVE newspaper publishers and
executives representing 11 large newspaper asso-
ciations went on record this week as unalterably
opposed to the American Newspaper Guild's re-
cent decision to seek a closed shop for editors,
reporters and photographers.
The underlying monetary reasons for the op-
position of the publishers and executives to the
Guild's proposal are, we think, ill concealed by
the rosy herring which they attempt to exhibit
for public attention. One herring, however, is
deemed entirely insufficient by the moguls of the
press so they have recourse to a host of old
stand-bys. The Guild, they boom shrewdly, now
finds itself "embroiled in a bitter labor con-
troversy, pawn of a leadership which is up to its
ears in the labor movement, caring nothing and
doing nothing to promote the professional stand-
ards of journalists, leveling men of fine talents,
education and ambition down with the least
equipped and least-responsiblenpersonnel." The
latter argument-standardization of brains-is
a favorite one of the publishers. Just how a
simple collective bargaining agreement has such
gruesome potentialities is unknown to us at
They hark back to constitutional guarantees
and freedom of the press and allege that a closed
shop will inevitably destroy every vestige of un-
biased, factual reporting. "A closed editorial
shop," cries James C. Stahlman, president of
the American Newspaper Publishers Association,
in the keynote address before representatives of
10 newspaper associations in Chicago, "A closed
editorial shop means a closed editorial mind.
A closed editorial mind means the death of that
newspaper which possesses that closed editorial
Does Mr. Stahlman think that the modern
American press, the press so adroitly fashioned
on a "big business" design, is capable of com-
pletely unbiased news coverage? Does Mr. Stahl-
man think that the support Governor Landon,
Wall Street and the Liberty League received from
the majority of newspapers throughout the coun-
try (in their news columns!) in the last election
was a matter of chance or coincidence? Do Mr.
Stahlman and the newspaper executives think
that freedom of the press, uncolored news and
such grand old principles, are really the issue
at stake? No, we think these gentlemen of the
press are fully aware of the danger impending
to "big business" journalism and have simply
taken advantage of a splendid opportunity to
confuse in the public's mind, the Guild's closed
shop demands with pseudo-constitutional issues
and the present country-wide labor strife.
It is also charged that a closed shop would re-

duce the profession of journalism to a trade, and
this brings us to the crux of the discussion.
Is journalism at present a profession? We think
it can scarcely be thus dignified when it im-
poses no standards of education, intelligence
or achievement to applicants seeking member-
We sympathize with the Guild's closed shop
demand not only because it will end the ex-
ploitation of a group of workers vilnerable be-
cause of a certain romance or attachment felt
for their work, but also because it will lead to
the introduction of work standards for the first
time in the field of journalism.
The days of high-school-trained men, sensa-
tional scoops and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer jour-
nalism are fast succumbing to a saner, more in-
telligent version with an infinitely greater public
It is high time that journalism assumed its
place beside law and medicine as an established

City Of
Big Shoulders . .
yet uncovered against the activ-
ities of "little steel" in its fight against organized
labor appears to be the motion pictures taken by
a news cameraman of the Memorial Day mas-
sacre in South Chicago at present in the posses-
sion of the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee.
The Committee obtained the film after the Par-
amount Co., its producer, had made the aston-
ishing announcement that it would not be re-
leased for public consumption for fear of incit-
ing riots throughout the country.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch in an article pub-
lished recently presented a description of the
film by one of the few persons present at the
secret showing before the Committee in Wash-
ington. The graphic horror of the account makes
all too clear the reason for the motion picture
company's singular action. The story told by
the camera presents so shocking and brutal a
picture of the events of that sanguinary Sunday
afternoon that one may well believe an aroused
public opinion would manifest itself in violent
protest were the great mass of the people to
see for themselves the methods employed by
Tom Girdler, trigger man of the companies which
have refused to sign contracts with the Steel
Workers' Organizing Committee. One or two
sample quotations should give an idea of these
methods as recorded by the impartial news cam-
era. The Post-Dispatch vouches for the integrity
of the witness.
The opening scenes show the marchers, about
equal in number to the police, halted by the
latter's line 200 yards from the Republic plant.
The leader of the strikers is seen talking earnest-
ly to the commanding officer of the police:
"Then suddenly, without apparent warning,
there is a terrific roar of pistol shots, and men
in the front rank of the marchers go down like
grass before a scythe.
"Instantly the police charge on the marchers
with riot sticks flailing. At the same time tear-
gas grenades are seen sailing into the mass of
demonstrators, and clouds of gas rise over
"In several instances, from two to four police-
men are seen beating one man. One strikes him
horizontally across the face, using his club as,
he would wield a baseball bat. Another crashes
it down on top of his head, and still another
is whipping him across the back.
"These men try to protect their heads with
their arms, but it is only a matter of a second
or two until they go down. In one such scene,
directly in the foreground, a policeman gives
the fallen man a final smash on the head be-
fore moving on to the next job."
On The Level
JOHNNY SPEICHER, famed logician and co-
captain of Michigan's wrestling team, led a
certain lawyer from Colgate and Columbia, on
a merry chase Wednesday night. Well known for
his continual practical joking, wee Johnny had
two girl friends assisting him in the perpetration
of his latest, and the lawyer bit for the gag
as hard as any ordinary human could. It all
started, when "Jawn," tired out from buying a
text book, went over to the girls' place to relax.
Having nothing to do, the three conceived a brain
child and delivered it in the form of a phone
call to the unlucky law-stooge. One of the girls
told the law that her name was "Margerite
Churchill' (if the butt had known his movie ac-
tresses, he would have sensed a phoney), and
that she was all alone at an address on South
University and wanted him to come over.
After hesitating for about two seconds, the
lawyer jumped into his clothes and rushed to the
address. Meantime, our tricky three hid in a ga-
rage across from the given address, and watched
their sucker walk into the house. Inside, a hus-
band informed the lawyer that his wife was by
no means "Miss Churchill," so Johnny's dupe
left after a futile search for the non-existent
woman. Coming out of the house, the lawyer

was approached by the two female jokesters
who asked if a "Miss Churchill" lived there.
Again the bar boy bit and told them she didn't,
so the two girls talked him into walking them
On their way home, the lawyer and the two
girls "accidentally" bumped into Speicher. He
joined them, and led the chase personally from
then on. The poor lawyer, knowing nothing of
the layout of Ann Arbor, followed them on a
very circuitous route to a fictitious house where
the girls were supposed to live "out near the
Arboretum." At the Arboretum, the fun really
began, because there was no moon in the sky',
and the original three easily separated them-
selves from the lawyer. Alas! The lawyer was
lost in the middle of the Arboretum! A voice
called to him. He rushed madly to the spot
and no one would be there. Then another voice
would call, but no one would be at the approxi-
mate spot.
Finally, "Spike" and the girls tired of the
sport, and left the unfortunate fellow stumbling
through streams and thorn bushes ii the lonely
Arboretum. About two o'clock, the lawyer stum-
bled into his house, tired, damp, dirty, and very
very angry. He vows he will get his full revenge,
but because Speicher is about a head shorter than
him, he insists on being a gentleman and re-
taliating by brain and not brute force. After
being such an unmitigated sucker-we wonder.
BUT all the tough breaks haven't fallen
onto the shoulders of the pathetic lawyer
above. We are speaking of the star-crossed

As Others See It
He Wuld N o GoAonar


Circulation Notice: Due to the fact
(From The Chicago Daily News) that several students made out their
WILLIAM McANDREW, who died last Mon- registration cards improperly, sev-
day evening at the age of 73, lives in the eral subscriptions cannot be de-
memory of the friends of education in Chicago livered until those entitled to them
as a brilliant superintendent of schools who was call at The Daily offices. If you are not
dismissed for insubordination by a board of poli- receiving your Michigan Daily, please
ticians unfit to give orders to anything more
intelligent than a trained seal. present your University 'reasurer's
McAndrew was too hardy a Scot, too gifted receipt for the Summer Session at;
with a sense of humor, and justly too conscious Daily offices on Maynard St., to-
of his own ability and integrity to be crushed by gether with your full name and ad-
the authoritative imbecilities of his obtuse em- dress.
-1- - -%, +i1 ,.,, - 1:,.a~,,,- II- - -i h a e in whirh Tho Miehioran

be by bus. Reservations must be made-
in the office of the Summer Session,
Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 5 p.m..'
Friday aft ernoon, July 2. The trip'
ends at about 5:30 p.m. at Ann Arbor.
There will be a meeting of the
Christian Science Organization on
Tuesday evening, July 6. at 7:30 p.m.
in the Chapel of the Michigan League.
Students. alumnm, and faculty mewcm-
hers of the University are cordially
invited to attend.

Publication in the Bulletin is cn truetive notice o all memnbers of the
University. Copy received at the ottice of the Summer Ses-ion, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Prof. Morley Scott
re Married Soon
Of wide interest is the announce-
ment made'this week-end by Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Buckerfield of the be-
to al of their sister. Elizabeth,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Buckerfield of Harcourt, N.B.
and Vancouver, to Mr. Seaman Mor-
lec Scott. of Ann Arbor, youngest son
of Mrs. Scott and the late Dr. S. D.
Scott of Vancouver.
Mr. Scott is professor of history at
the University of Michigan. The
wedding will take place at St. George's
Angelian Church early inz July.
ie(.ks IFor'Plays

ployers. On the eve of his dismissal he read a
delightfully witty paper to the Chicago Literary!
Club entitled "Life Among the Low Brows." It
made no reference to the school board or to
immediate events, but none of his listeners missed
its implications.
For ten years, since he was awarded the
distinction of discharge by the political ignor-
amuses of the board of education, Dr. McAndrew
had enjoyed the leisure of retirement in travel
and writing. Many of his friends cherish hisI
whimsical and sparkling letters characteristically
illustrated in colored crayon. McAndrew be-
longed to an apostolic succession of educators
who suffered martyrdom at the hands of polit-
ically dominated school boards. But McAndrew,
the irrepressible, declined to be a martyr.

T ne area in wile -m imucigu
Daily is delivered by carrier service Season tickets to the summer dra-
comnprises all streets between Main Phi Delta Kappa professional edu- ma e season of the Rcpertolry Play-
. . cation fraternitxy will hold its first eV's ill be on sale at reduced prices
youarelivinghoutsideiofthisnzone llicheen mleeting of the current sum... su ring Tuesday, according to the
you are living outside of this zont, . .het mnge t.
either west of Main St., or outside mier session on Tuesday, July 6 at e managent.
12;15r pest in tne..ichigan12nion,: Prices for tickets to the remaininig
of Ann Arbor, please call at the Daily 5 p.m. in te M igan nion.
offices and give an address within the Members and their guests are invited seven plays will be reduced as fol-
aboe zneat hih yur op ca ad urged to attend. lows: orchestra, from $3.50 to $3.25;
above zone at which your copy can last nine rows, $3.00 to $2.75, and bal-
be delivered. In case this absolutely cony, $2.75 to $2.50.
cannot be arranged, a mailing charge Mathematics Tca for graduate stu- The final performance of "The
must be paid at the Daily offices be- dents in Mathematics in the garden Path Of Flowers," opening attraction
fore your Daily will be delivered. 6, 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. of the season, will be given at 8:30
The Michigan Daily, Circula- of the Michigan League Tuesday, July p.m. tomorrow.
tion Dept., J. C. Hall.
Orientation Seminar in Mathe- l1%!
matics for students who re beginning, xu_/ m

Among his notable predecessors were Albert work for their doctor's degree. There
G. Lane, after whom Chicago has named one will be a brief preliminary meeting to
of its greatest high schools, but who was con- arrange hours in Room 3001 Angeil 'Pc t'eI i.< ts with Classtfied
m oHall at 12 noon Friday, July 2.a1"
temptuously demoted by the board of his day; Avrt D r en on
I 'l 'he classified ct)umn' close at five
E. Benjamin Andrews, former president of Brown 'o'l(ck previcu:s 10 d6ay of insertiol.
university, who was fired at the end of twvo German Table: Students of Ger- Box numbers may le secured a no
years; Ella Flagg Young, spirited and capable man and others interested in prac- (c:'1 in ' only1 r er eaiiPgr
woman, who was brutally driven from office tice of oral German are invited to e r oe or vi i u . srrmon.
because she refused to surrender to the it take part in a German table organ- (on basis of five average words to line).
politi-ized by the Department of German, Minimum three lines per insertion.
cians; Charles E. Chadsey, who was euchred out meeting in the Lantern Shop, 703 E.1
of his job at the end of two months. University Ave. (opposite University LAUNDRY
After McAndrew shook the dust of Chicago's High School). Meals at various price
school system from his feet and went doughtily; levels are served between 12 and 2 LAUNDRY WANTED
on his way, thumbing his nose at the two-bit p.m., and 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Further Priced Reasonably
trustees who had ousted him, another board of information may be obtained at the All Work Guaranteed
similar sort broke the spirit of William J. Bogan, office of the German Department, STUDENT LIST
because he would not "go along." Death alone 204 U.H. Shirts.....................412c
save hi frm dimisal.Shorts....................... 4c
saved him from dismissal.AdaedRsi:AlSmmrTD -----.- ---- -.-----......4c
As boards of education usually have been Advanced Russian: All SummerTops.. ..................4c
As b Session students who wish to pursue Handke'chiefs.2c
constituted in Chicago, and as the present board a course in advanced Russian should Socks........................3c
is constituted, any superintendent of schools who consult immediately with Professor Pajamas......................c
will not go along with the politicians is doomed. Meader or leave word at his office, CO-ED LIST
Surrender is the price of survival. And education 2022 Angell Hall. Slips'........................c
is the last thing the politicians care about. C. L. Meader. Dresses ........................25c
Panties .........................7c
Summer Session Orchestra: Open cinfIr


'FOR RENT: Single room and half
of suite. Furnished. Above average.
Reasonably priced, 720 Catherine.
Phone 2-3509. 611
FOR RENT: Cool large rooms. Down
stairs. Reasonable. 2-2159. 314 E.
Liberty. 608
GIRLS' ROOM with house privileges
and garage. Reasonable price.
Phone 3481. 613
ROOM for man. Preferably graduate
student. 1110 Olivia. Phone 6152.
NEAR CAMPUS: Rooms single or
double. Clean and reasonable. 432
S. Division. 618
FOR RENT: A double room for either
men or women. Also one-half
double room for a woman. Reason-
'v09 auoud 'Uos.larjjf' ag sggv

k-aa a c i w a ai v u a a a . v '- ti j ai m a .. .. ................. . iu c t o 1' U .* - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Metaphysics Of Murder to all students who play. Perry School, Hose (pr.)........... ... . 3c ANNOUNCING outdoor art classes in
(From The Chicago Daily News) Division and Packard Streets Friday, Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles sculpture, pottery and crafts. Tues-
1 to 2:30 p.m. done separately--no markings. Call days and Thursdays. Helen W.
ONCE MORE a murderer seeks to exculpate for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver Bailey, instructor. Phone 6577.
his crime by blaming a philosopher. Thir- Excursion No. 2, Saturday, July 3: Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x 615
teen years ago Leopold fancied himself a "super- A day in Detroit. The group will EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- BpARD
man" and law unto himself from reading-or visit the Detroit Institute of Arts, dent laundry. Call for and deliver. - ---
misreading-Nietzsche, and to prove it in action Detroit Public Library, Belle Isle' Phone 4863. 2x BOARD for women during Summer
he killed Bobby Franks. Today the equally un- Fisher Building and Radio Broad-- School in League House. Excellent
balanced Robert Irwin arraigns another meta- casting Station WJR, and Detroit LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, food. $4.50 for 14 meals. 1223 Hill
physician. Did not Schopenhauer analyze the Zoological Garden. Round trip will Careful work at low price. Ix St. Phone 2-2276. 617
welfare of society as no more than an illusory
aim thwarting personal competion? Whereupon
Irwin confesses "there was only one way out of
it-by murdering somebody."
No sane student can find in "The World as Will
and Idea"-written in 1818-any encouragement Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Ann Arbor's Busiest Little Drug Store
to blood lust. What is Schopenhauer defines the 218 SOUTH STATE (Next to Goldman's Cleaners) PHONE 9392
will as ultimately irrational and affording in-
sight only into despair? With equal force he dis-
art and music and final redemption in the work-
ing of ethics. Here is no parallel between the ! d(--- ---
contemplative soul and the dreadful perform-si 4tX o t Ju ypIi STATIONERY
ance. Both Schopenhauer and Nietsche were Genuine J lSpecial
sick men enamored of abstract ideas. Nietzsche's TAKAMINE 100 Sheets
immense effect operated rather in politics andG Toothbrushes CIGARETTES $2 Value for $1.00 50 Envelopes
literature. Men turned from Schopenhauer to $1.15 carton *'~All~for"-
draw heart from Hegel's reasoned optimism. In 54c plus ta Poder 9e h
_ _ _tx odrRg $.049C
any event, no metaphysical system ever sup- 2 packages - 25c Chiffon Cleansing Cream,
plied through the ages the motive force to mur- Luckys - Camels - Chesters Reg. $1.001
der. Raleighs - O.G.'s
Modern criminology has fairly proved that $2.50 50 PADS MATCHES 9c COi or 100 25c
clime is not the stepchild of literature. Ever POLAR CUB Energine
since Cain the will to kill precedes the making ELECTRIC "-Aoe-White

of books. Its source ramifies into a myriad vari-
ations all actuated by nonintellectual motives
and conditioned by the heredity and environment,
of the perpetrator. Leopold and Irwin are bi-
ological sports. For one who indulges in "mur-
der as a fine art" there are legions who slay
in the purlieus ignorant of schoolmen. Indeed,
the common or garden murderer no more acts
from books than the average soldier shoots from
his reading of poets, or the average parolee holds
up a shop because he.has just seen a gangster
Attested criminal records will never contain
these personal confessions: "Sure, I reads dat
nut Kant and den I bumps off 'a guy, see?" "When
youse unnastans Plato youse has just gotta bopp
a mug." "'Course I konked dat big dick! I got
de big idea outa William James." No, the cause 1
and cure of murder must come from the pro-
found and unwearied study of men rather than
of philosophers withdrawn like disembodied
minds from the harsh scene of positive degen-
Humanity will continue to derive from meta-j
physics its age-old conclusion: "I think: there-
fore I am" and not "I think: therefore I kill."
first place, it wasn't a very good gag, and in thej
second place, we find out that it really happened
in Prof. Verner M. Sims' psych class.
* * * *
mention his name, but a very colorful
Wmctmnxxrfaernty an nc n -z.1.nt f


; :;
t. f



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