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August 19, 1937 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-08-19

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Shanghai Raid
Is Countered
(Continued from Page l
west side at the time, observed the
half-hour raid from an apartment
house near the bombarded section.
When the swftly finished job was
done he saw a squadron of eight bom-
bers disappear eastward over the
French settlement.
They passed back over Pootung, ap-
parently toward bases aboard air-
craft carriers in Chinese waters or
ashore in Formosa or Japan.
The bombardment broke a brief re-
spite after day-long firing from Ja-
panese warships and Japanese aerial
bombings that, had caused terrific
damage, especially along the water-
front, and had rained explosives on
crowded Chinese native quarters in
Yangtzepoo, Chapei and Kiangwang.
Japanese land forces, largely ma-
rines and blue jackets, were reported
yielding ground steadily to a Chinese
army that outnumbered them about
four to one.
Main Line Pushed Up j
Chinese commanders asserted that
their main line had been pushed for-
ward to within a mile of the Whang-
poo river-front and that the Japanese
were losing ground in the Hongkew
and Yangtzepoo areas in northeastern
Shanghai as well as in Chapei to the
The Chinese lines stretched from
the northwestern edge of the Inter-
national Settlement along the rail-
road, through the north station and
then curved around the Japanese
Hongkew positions toward Whang-
The Japanese fought with their
backs to the river and the Interna-
tional areas.
Rumors that the Chinese intended
to push the Japanese back through
"French Town" in order to strike
with another force from the rear
were denied by Chinese officers.
Shanghai's Mayor O.K. Yui promised
that the Chinese would not pursue a
retreat through the settlement. He
said he had British assurance such a
retreat would not be permitted.
The Japanese headquarters, Yui
declared, are completely encircled.
He admitted that a small Japanese
force succeeded in landing on the
Pootung side of the Whangpoo but
declared it would be of little value.
Japanese Marines Land
An undetermined number of Ja-
panese marines landed at the Japan-
ese-owned wayside wharves about
two miles below the Japanese con-
sulate. Unconfirmed reports said the
reinforcements numbered s e v e r a 1
thousand men, brought from Japan
on commercial transports under naval
Casualties on both sides mounted
rapidly in the incessant fighting.
Chinese losses were believed far heav-
ier because China's forces have been
on the offensive.
Chinese troops ventured almost un-
der the muzzles of Japan's war fleet
to seize six abandoned Japanese
steamers off the French concession
and scuttle them above the elbow
of the Whangpoo River where it and
the Soochow Creek converge.
Vessels Under Fire
Picked companies rushed the ves-
sels and sailed them into position de-
spite broadside salvos protective
Chinese artillery shells screeched1
over their heads.
The barricade was submerged south
of where American refugees were
being evacuated northward to the
Dollar liner Persident McKinley by
tender down the Whangpoo.
Consular officials said 294 more

Danish Freighter Sunk In Collision

Sketch Of John
Marshall To Be
Pub lished Here

Atlantic City Will Be Fairyland
When 49 Vie As 'Miss America'


One-Week Cinderellas Are pageant jobs were going to political
Motl From Families Of favorites.
Book On One Time Chief Bostly But the parades were revived in
JeLimited Means 1935 by theatrical interests and local
Justice To Be Released newspaper men.
By University Press ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., Aug. 18.- Judges Always Challenged
(P-It'll be just another big beauty Every year the line-up of beauties
A autobiographical sketch of John contest for boardwalk crowds when is shown in drugstores, resturants and
Marshall, great Chief Justice of the 49 home town girls start preening and chile parlors all over the country.
Supreme Court's early days, to be 49hm!ongrssatpenn n King Neptune's Court of judges-ar-
published by the University of Mich- posing before the judges here Sept. 6. tists, novelists and beauty experts-
igan Press, will be on sale at $2 a Even the glamorous old title of always helps the publicity angle. For
copy in the middle of September, ac- "Miss America, 1937," can't lift it far never have their choices gone un-
cording to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, above the class of "bathing beauty challenged, and that makes for more
managing editor of the University show." discson.
Phnog aphs nf fnvrmer winners al-

Borah In New
Fight Against
Trusts' Power
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.-4A3)--
Senator Borah (Rep., Idaho) chal-
lenged President Roosevelt today to
organize a campaign against monop-
The President, Borah said, could
use his "tremendous power" to start
"the greatest crusade since the Amer-
ican Revolution."
Borah told the Senate that social
legislation such as housing reform
and wage and hour revision would be
"largely fruitless" in alleviating eco-
riomic ills unless monopolies are de-
Monopoly, Borah contended, is "an
evil which cannot be controlled; it
can only be destroyed."
Private interests, Borah charged,
have power to fix prices on "every-
thing that goes into the stomach or
on the backs of the people of the
United States."
The trusts, he said, contribute to
the support of both major political
ing company bill, the securities bill
and the court bill have ballooned
their reputations until they probably
people the nightmares of all anti-


This closeup shows the damage done to the Danish freighter Maine,
shortly before she went to the bottom of the ocean 180 miles east of
Boston following a collision with the S.S. Duchess of Atholl. The crew of
the Maine was rescued by the other vessel.
American refugees, mostly women and Graduates Will Marry
children, were transported safely to
the liner which left for Manila. This In N.Y. In September,

The book will be printed by the
Lakeside Press in Chicago.
Including an introduction of John1
Stokes Adams, Philadelphia lawyer;t
a rough draft of a letter from Mar-
shall to Associate Justice Joseph,
Story referring to the sketch andI
commenting on Washington sociall
life of the early 19th century; and
the finished copy of the same letter,t
the book will contain about 90 pages3
in all.
The sketch itself, covering 16 large,
foolscap pages, was sent to Story by
Marshall when the former was pre-
paring a review article in 1829 on.
Marshall and wanted authentic in-t
formation. The contents were used,
by Story, but the original sketch has1
never before been published.
After Story's death the manuscript
has handed down to his grandson,
Waldo, and upon Mrs. Waldo Story's
death in Italy it was acquired by Prof.
Marco Liberma, collector dealer, for
the William Clements Library: Liber-
ma once taught Italian here.
The finished copy of the letter be-
ing published is also in the Clements
Library, and the rough draft is the
property of William and Mary College.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.-(/P)-The
Treasury rounded out the first month
and a half of this fiscal year with ai
$292,558,037 deficit. A treasury re-i
port today showed this compared'
with a $220,975,273 excess of expen-1
ditures in the corresponding period aI
year ago.

But for the girls themselves, most
of them under 20, it means a week of
high adventure-to be capped maybe
by the title and even by a movie con-
Just Sign The Check
Most of the entrants come from
poor families. In their home towns,
they were picked in district contests1
arranged by theatrical men. This
trip is the high spot, often, in their
young lives.
Department stores at home dress
them up like Easter bunnies. They
are provided with round-trip tickets.
In Atlantic City they merely have to
sign the check. For one week, the
Cinderella girls live at swanky hotels,
eat multi-course dinners, and ignore
the ticket takers.
But the dream doesn't last, even in
Atlantic City.
For six days and nights, elimina-
tion contests continue, with a rigid
routine of pageant events. When
it's all over, the girls who board trains
once more for the hinterland, are
really tired.
Business Propositiony
The pageants began in 1921 when
a merchant decided it would be good
fun, and good business, to have At-
Inatic City pick the country's pre-
mier bathing beauty.
It was a publicity bonanza for At-
lantic City-so good that it was im-
itated. Officials here are forever say-
ing that all other national beauty
contests merely imitate the pageant
that started here. Six years after
they started, the contests were dis-
continued because of charges that


ways are good for a laugh. In 1921
Margaret Gorman wore a bathing suit
longer and bulkier than dresses girls
wore on the street five years later.
The first bobbed-haired winner did
not appear until 1925-she was Fay
Lamphier of Los Angeles. The shirt-
and-shorts bathing suit made its de-
but on Lois Delander of Joliet, Ill.,
in 1927.
After the intermission, Henrietta
Leaver, of Pittsburgh was crowned
in 1935-in a suit so brief Miss De-
lander would have been shocked.
White House Advisers

Now Enter Front Door New Dealers.
Undoubtedly they have contributed
(Continued irom Page 3) beams to the New Deal structure, but
the President has a way of farming
chilling question, "Will it pass the out his building to many designers: a
Supreme Court?" way that negates the rumor that Cor-
LaFollette A Mystery Man coran, Cohen, Inc., wrote any bill4
Just where Sen. Bob LaFollette of single-handed.
Wisconsin fits in, plenty of Democrats For months before a bill takes
would like to know. He's fought for shape the President gathers opinions.
higher income taxes and wider public He confers directly with experts on

brought the total of Americans evac-
uated to 831.
(State Department reports to
Washington said about 1,600 or 1,700
American citizens will be evacuated
in all, leaving approximately 2,000
in Shanghai.)
Refugees Lives Imperilled
The refugees' lives were imperilled
several times by the deliberate fire
of Chinese shore snipers. Panic-strick-
en, the Americans flopped to the deck
while bullets whistled in the rigging
above them, despite assurances of a
United States Marine guard that
made the round trip.
An Associated Press correspondent,
arriving aboard the President Mc-
Kinley, counted more than 50 Japan-
ese warships in the 50 miles from
the China sea to Shanghai up the
Yangtze and Whangpoo rivers.
They included an airplane carrier
and four battleships, besides cruisers,
destroyers and innumerable gun-
boats. Most of the ships kept mov-
ing and all the gunboats were -cleared
for action.
Hunger and fear among homeless
natives created an increasing menace
apart from the danger of shells and
American Refugees
Aided By Red Cross
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.-(IP)-The
American Red Cross allotted an ad-
ditional $20,000 tonight for use among
American refugees from war-torn
The funds went to the Philippines
Red Cross for relief of penniless
Americans. Paul McNutt, governor-
general of the Philippines, had de-
clared that local funds would be in-
adequate to care for thousands ar-
riving in Manila from Shanghai.
Two weeks ago, the Red Cross sent
$10,000 to the American ambassador
in China for expenditure among refu-
gees at his discretion.

" ___ _ ___. _. .j _ _._


The marriage of Delta Helen Glass I
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. I
Glass, to James Sims Wilson, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilson will
take place at 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 1
11 in the Christ Episcopal Church in
Lynbrook, N.Y.
Miss Glass is a graduate of theE
University and a member of Alpha
Omicron Pi and Mr. Wilson graduat-
ed from the University law school+
and was president of the Law Club.

works, and he recently received an in-
vitation to go fishing with the Presi-
dent. He's supposed to answer the
question, "How far will the public go
along on progressive legislation?"
Now, as to the two exceptions: the
famous Frankfurter Boys, Thomas G.
Corcoran and Benjamin V. Cohen.
They both hold quiet jobs that should
satisfy their passion for anonymity.
Corcoran's a counsel for RFC and
Cohen's a council for public works.
Work Farmed Out
But their reputed work on the hold-

the subject, and then he samples
opinion from everyone who visits him
no matter on what subject.
SHALLMAR, Md., Aug. 18.-(I)-
Two veteran miners were caught be-
neath a fall of rock in the Wolfe Head
Mine of the Shallmar Hining Corp.
here today, and instantly killed. The
men killed were Joe Dennis, Sr., 56,
married and the father of five chil-
dren, and Mike Chippomas, 40, dingle,
both of Kitzmiller.

"Report Me. and My Cause4

1, I

. . . so spoke the dying Hamlet

These words sum up the ardent desire of every man to be fully and

accurately represented before his fellow men.
To report every cause aright is the task of The Associated




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You've "just gotta" have these! /
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