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August 18, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-08-18

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The Weather
Generally fair in north, part-
ly 'cloudy in south portion to-
day; tomorrow partly cloudy.
g ~Official Publication O f The Summer Session

Justice ...

Chinese Mobs Riot
As Hunger Seizes

Death Toll Reaches 1,400
As Struggle Of Artillery
And Planes Continues
Foreigners Leave
Under Heavy Fire
SHANGHAI, Aug. 17.-(Wednes-
day) -()--Undisciplined mobs stole
through the streets of Shanghai to-
day, searching, beating and killing
iatives they suspected of plotting to
poison the city's water supply, while
thousands of homeless refugees cla-
mored for food at the barricaded
gates of the international settlement.
The bitter battle between Chinese
and Japanese, with 'its toll of 1400
noncombatant Chinese and foreign
dead, burst again at dawn along the
slithering, murky Whangpoo River
that winds about Shanghai's famous
waterfront bund and hence to the
mighty Yangtze, exit to the sea.
Rumor Water Poisoned
Native newspapers had carried ru-
mors, unconfirmed, that Japanese
tried to influence natives to poison
the city's water supply.
Infuriated, menacing mobs acted
upon the rumors and many natives
were killedor beaten. Scores of Chi-
nese were stopped and searched by
he raiding gangs. If they possessed
powders or- medicines of any kind,
the victims were beaten. Fifteen in-
nocent Chinese, police said, were
killed and at least 40 injured from
this cause.
Ten thousand tons of rice are on
the way from Hong Kong, one item in
the food program. But hunger drove
some refugees today to attack two
Bruck loads of rice. Armored cars
drove them back.
Great fires which blistered the
heavens at nightfall Tuesday had
died to ashes this morning in Jap-
anese sections--smouldering ruins
could be seen in the once thriving,
vast industrial disrtict.
British Destroyers Arrive
Two British destroyers moved into
position on the Whangpoo around
midnight Tuesday, their white en-
signs fluttering under their own
searchlights that all might be in-
formed of their neutrality.
The Japanese Idzumo, which the
Chinese repeatedly have sought to de-
stroy, moved down river two miles
and was replaced by the newer cruiser
Atam as guard close by the Japaiese
The latest estimate of dead and
wounded, including Tuesday's toll
from anti-aircraft shell splinters, was
fied at 1,400 dead and 1,600 wounded
since Saturday. This includes the
two major Chinese bombings of for-
eign areas.
The Reuters (British) New Agency
reported in a Nanking dispatch today
that the legislative yuan of the Cen-
tral Chinese government had adopted
a law for national mobilization, and
that it had been submitted to the
government of Premier-General
Chiang Kai-Shek for promulgation.
This might indicate China is pre-
paring for increasingly wide-spread
conflict with Japanese.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 18.-(Wednes-
day)-4P)-Three hundred and thirty
seven American women and children
ran a ten-mile gauntlet of shell-fire
today to escape this city of terror
and hunger and death.
Their worried husbands and fathers
watched in tense silence along the
famous bund as they sailed down the
Whangpoo River past the smoking
guns of the Japanese fleet to the
safety of the Dollar liner, President
Tenders Under Fire
Jagged splinters of shrapnel from
Japanese anti-aircraft guns firing at
Chinese warplanes roaring overhead
fell in a steady shower on the tender
marrying the American refugees, but
no one was hurt.
As soon as the white-faced women,
with their frightened children, were

aboard, the President Jefferson
slipped out to the safety of the sea,
bound for Manila.
The Dollar line tender was closely
followed down the river by four Brit-
ish tenders carrying nearly 1,700 Brit-
ish women and children to the refu-
geeship Rajputana, which, her refu-
gee passengers safely aboard, put out
toward Hongkong.
The American tenders was unes-
corted, but the four British tenders
had a naval convoy.

Wins Promotion


Far Eastern Crisis Presents Test
Of Neutrality Act, Allinson Says
Neutrality No Longer Moot implements of war, upon all loans or
Question But Definitely credits for war-purposes, upon the
sale of the securities of the belliger-
ents in the United States; for the
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Allinson, edi- prohibition of travel by Americans
toral writer for the Washington Post upon belligerent (in this case Japan-
who has been here this summer attend-
ing the International Law Institute, ese) merchant-ships; and for a cofi-
has written the following analysis of siderable number of other economic
the Neutrality Act's bearing on the
present Orientalcrisisfornhis paper, penalties and disabilities against both,
and has consented to allow The Daily or all, belligerents, on thepassump-
to publish it in full.) tion that it requires two parties at
By BRENT DOW ALLINSON least to make a war, and that both
The present tragic and alarming may be at fault in breaking the peace.
crisis in China presents an acid test Both the international treaties con-
not merely of that "solemn respect cerning China and insular posses-
for the sanctity of international en- sions in the Pacific, which were con-
gagements," to which Secretary of cluded at Washington under Ameri-
State Hull so recently directed the can auspices, 15 years ago, and the
attention of the civilized world, but new Neutrality Act call for construc-
also, and in particular, of the new tive action-both joint and separate
American Neutrality policy and law. -against the menace and the actual
The Neutrality Act, given the ex- perpetration of war, whether declared
istence of a state of war and its recog- and admitted to be such, or not. If
nition, calls in a mandatory sense for the principal war-maker will not
such interruption. In particular it honorably declare his reasoned in-
requires the placing of an effective tentions, as required by the Hague
embargo upon the exportation of a Convention to do, the President of
long list of arms, ammunition and the United States is now under the
legal obligation to recognize and pro-
claim the fact of violation of the
Capacity Crowd Kellogg-Briand Pact; and to impose
a series of penalties which Congress
has expressly provided and which are
clearly intended to be, not merely
e e measures to safeguard the peace and
GroupD etivitY security of the American people, but
also measures giving force and "im-
plementation" to the terms and
Presentation Of 2 Act Play pledges of that Pact.
Neutrality, therefore, no longer is
Entitled 'Goethe' Marks merely a matter of a legal quibble,
Highlight Of Evening or of moral indifference and inertia,
________on the part of the United States; it
A capacity crowd jammed the has become a positive and realistic
sanction of peace-as the immediate
Grand Rapids Room of the League future may very interestingly demon-
Monday night at the Deutscher Ver- strate. It requires that commercial
ein banquet which brought to close and economic conduct on the part of
an extensive program of summer en- individual American citizens and ex-
tertainment. porters shall tally or "square" with
the political attitude and behavior of
The banquet, under the direction the Government.
of Arthur H. Grossman, Grad., pre- This was not the case in the hypo-
sentedsa varietyof entertainment critical and stressful period preced-
features which were introduced by ing American participation in the
World War. Thereby hangs the
Vernon Kellet, Grad., who acted as measure of our progress as a people
master of ceremonies. toward self-discipline and economic
The program included a flute solo understanding and control, which are
by Paul Bez accompanied by Philip (Continued on Page 3)
Diamond and singing by a quartet as
well as an original version of the Owners Of Slot

Hugo Black Appointment
Is Confirmed By Senators
After Stormy Controversy

Two Fighting Poses By Justice Black


Klan Support Stressed By
Opponents; Committee
Nominee Approved
By 66 To 15 Vote

, , * *
Brandt Named
English Head
For Engineers
To Succeed Prof. Nelson;
Dorothy Beise Granted
Leave Of Absence
Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the speech
department yesterday was named
chairman of the department of en-
gineering English, and promoted to
associate professor of English and
associate professor of speech upon ac-
tion of the executive committee of the
Board of Regents.
Professor Brandt, who directed the
Centennial celebration last June, has
been a member of the faculty since
1921, except for a period of one year,
which he spent in law practice in
He received a degree of bachelor
of laws from the University in 1921,
and a degree of master of laws in
1922. From 1921 until 1930 he served
as instructor in speech, from 1930 un-
til 1931 he practiced law, and in 1931
he returned to the University again
as an instructor in speech. In 1936,
he was made assistant professor of
Professor Brandt succeeds Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson, who resigned to de-
vote more time to his position as
Counsellor to Foreign Students.
Professor Brandt is business man-
ager of the Oratorical Lecture Asso-
ciation and of the Michigan Reper-
tory Players.
His advancement is effective at the
start of the fall semester.
Miss Dorothy Beise, instructor in
physical education for women, has
been granted a leave of absence for
next year by the Regent's executive
committee to pursue work for her doc-
torate, it was announced yesterday.
Replacing her next year will be Miss
Ruth Helsel, present director of
health and physical education at Wit-
tenberg College, Springfield, O.
Miss Beise has been awarded a fel-
lowship by the Alumni Council,
Canadian Pilot
Continues Hunt
For Lost Fliers
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Aug. 17.--(P)
-A lone Canadian pilot, Bob Ran-
dall, dared frowning northern skies
today to search the Arctic ocean rim
for the lost Soviet transpolar plane
of Sigismund Levaneffsky and five
While low-hanging clouds, fog and
rain below the Arctic Circle stymied
impatient rescue fliers here, Ran-
dall was reported to have left Aklavik,
Northwest Territory, and landed at
Demarcation Point, on the Alaska-
Canada border, to inaugurate his
phase of the hunt.
Wireless advices said he would

Lynchers Defy 2,800 Miles


"Schnitzelbank" by Kurt Zander and
various feats of legerdeman.
Highlight of the evening was the.
presentation of a two act Fcomedy en-
titled "Goethe." The play was de-
scribed by Otto Graf of the German
department as a "travesty of a
Goethe examination." A young stu-
dent, Zuest, played by Philip Dia-
mond of the German department,
feeling himself incapable of learn-
ing the facts of Goethe's life and
work exercises the presence of the,
poet himself, played by Dr. Broeker,
who consents to take the examina-
tion but fails to answer the questions
on his own life put to him by Profes-
sor Hinterhuber, played by Prof.
Henry W. Nordmeyer of the German
department. Additional members of
the cast were Mrs. Bachman and
Otto Graf of the German department.
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Aug. 17.-
(P--Gov. Frank Murphy of Michigan
will address the California Federation
of Democratic Women's Study Clubs
in Long Beach tomorrow on "Indus-
trial Peace." The Governor, accom-
panied by his brother, Recorder's
Judge George Murphy, and Harry
Mead, Detroit attorney, is in Cali-
Ifornia for a brief vacation.

Machines Flayed
For Intimidation'
LANSING, Aug. 17.-(W)-A legis-
lative committee investigating the
gambling racket in Michigan heard
charges today that slot machine op-
erators, sometimes posing as police,
had threatened liquor licensees with
reprisals if they refused to install
gambling devices.
Edward W. McFarland, chairman
of the State Liquor Control Com-
mission, announced he had laid be-
fore the committee a picture of at-
tempts to intimidate Grand Rapids
liquor licensees.
McFarland said the charges in the
Grand Rapids case, already under
investigation by the state police and
attorney general, involved an em-
ploye of the commission, a former
employe and a third man who was
described as agent for a slot machine
In each instance, McFarland said,

Law And Hang
Negro Prisoner
COVINGTON, Tenn., Aug. 17.-(J)
-Six masked men, shouting "to helll
with the law," seized a terror-strickenI
Nlegro accused of slaying a white of-a
ficer from Sheriff W. J. Vaughan to-0
day and left his body dangling atJ
the end of a frayed rope after rid-c
dling it with bullets.F
It was the first lynching in Tipton
county since the war between thes
states and the seventh in the Southd
this year. Circuit Judge R. B. Bap-d
tist, ordering the, county grand juryn
to make a "real investigation" of theV
"disgraceful, horrible crime," de-t
manded first degree murder indict-
ments against the "night riders". iff
their identities can be established.
.The body of the negro, Albert
Gooden, 35, was found partly sub-
merged in a creek 12 miles south ofv
The rope had given way under theg
weight of his swaying form. One end
of it remained twisted around the
outer beam of a steel bridge. Thec
legs were bound at the ankles. The
hands were still in the handcuffs1
placed by officers. More than 30f
bullets had pierced the body.
The mobsmen, Sheriff Vaughan
said, crowded his car off the highway

A GoodTrekIft
He Can .Do It;
With the good wishes of 150 young-
sters behind him,. $20 in his pocket
and a 2,800-mile trek ahead, 18-year-
old Willard Robinson, U. of M. Fresh
Air Camp counsellor, will start bi-
cycling from Ann Arbor to Long
Beach, California, next Monday.
Eighteen days is the time Robin-
son allows for the journey-"I could
do it in 15, but I'm allowing three
days for accidents," he says. 200:
miles a day as far as the Mississippi
will keep him on schedule, but after
that 4ie isn't quite sure because he'll
be climbing the Continental Divide.
Once on the other side, the youth'
feels, it won't be so tough.
A prospective freshman at South-
ern California this fall, Robinson
worked all summer to earn enough
money to buy his geared bicycle, then
gave a blood transfusion at the Uni-
versity hospital so he could buy food.
Where to stay isn't a problem, be-
cause he's going to sleep out.
At the age of 12, Robinson started
his cycling with several 110-mile
jaunts between Long Beach and the
family ranch 4,000 feet up in the
Sierra Nevadas. He thinks he is in
good enough physical trim for the
long trip after his second summer
at the Fresh Air Camp, but he wants
to be even healthier. "I hope to get
in condition for cross country and
track at Southern California and this
trip will help," he says. -
What will be the tough spots of the
2,800 mile jaunt? "Wyoming will be a
long, hard pull and from Salt Lake
City through Southern Utah, North-
ern Arizona and Southern Nevada it
will be a little difficult." The Rockies?
"I don't expect much trouble there."
But most interesting is the reason
for the arduous journey. "I've crossed
the country by car, train and hitch-
hiked it," Robinson says. "I wanted
to do something different. I guess
it's just a desire for adventure."
Heavy Windstorm
Damages Airport
FLINT, Aug. 17.--()-A windstorm
caused approximately $15,000 dam-
age to hangars and planes at the
Whigville Airport, four miles south
of Flint, late today.
Robert Teuber, 24, said he clung
to a gasoline pump while the wind
blew a large hangar 200 feet across

WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-(P)--
Ihe United States Senate late today
y a vote of 66 to 15 confirmed the
appointment of one of its members;
Sen. Hugo La Fayette Black, Ala-
ama Democrat, to the vacancy in
she Supreme Court.
Although opponents had early con-
eded they could not muster suffi-
ient strength to defeat confirmation
f the President's choice, a violent
attack on the Senator was launched
from the floor by opposition leaders
vho stressed the alleged support giv-
m Black by the Ku Klux Klan when
he first entered politics. After a pre-
liminary movement to force a vote
refusing acceptance of the judiciary
ommittee's favorable report, the op-
position rallied for a last stand in
n effort to round up enough votes
o beat confirmation.
Urge Recommittl
Recommittal was urged as well, by
Senators Bridges (R., N.H.), Austin
(R., Vt.) and- others on the ground
that the committee should make a
thorough study of the fitness of the
nominee. Borah (R., Ida.) and Glass
(D., Va.) opposed it on the ground
that all necessary information was
at hand, though they voted "no" on
he question of confirmation.
With such defections as these, the
opponents of confirmation who had
counted on making a strong show-
ng upon the motion to recommit
were quickly doomed to disappoint-
ment. An almost unbroken series of
'noes" quickly showed the trend. The
vote was 66 to 15.
A roll call on confirmation followed
immediately. The sixteen who voted
against were: Austin, Borah, Bridges,
Davis, Hale, Johnson of'California,
Lodge, Steiwer, Townsend and White
(Republicans) and Burke, Byrd,
Copeland, Gerry, Glass and King
Black Waits Nearby
Senator Black quietly awaited the
outcome, in the nearby office of Ed-
win Halsey, Secretary of the Senate.
Reporters found him there, smiling
his pleasure when the vote had been
"I am very much gratified at the
confidence shown in ne by my col-
leagues," he said.
Excitement, mounting swiftly as
the day of debate advanced, reached
a high point in the half hour before
the voting began.
"A member of this body may be
an able Senator and a poor judge,"
Bridges shouted, from his desk at the
extreme left of the chamber. "No
man should become a member of the
bench under a cloud-and charges
have been made."
Tydings Supports Move
Then, Bridges submitted the mo-
tion for recommittal.
Senator Tydings was up at once
in support of it.
"I look on the Supreme Court as
the last court between here and the
hereafter where every citizen may
have to go on trial for his property or
his life."
Copeland for the second time
brought up the Klan issue.
"Some may feel that it makes no
difference," he said, "but to me it
makes a vast difference. It would
be a very simple thing for the com-
mittee to ask Mr. Black himself."
Glass, saturnine and unsmiling,
announced simply that:
"It is my irrevocable intention to
vote against this nomination, and
I'm going to vote against recommit-
tal, because I am opposed to wasting
time on this matter."

the agent displayed a state police last night, disarmed him and seized
badge although he was not an officer, the prisoner. The sheriff was bring-
and warned that he had "influence" ing him to Covington to face a charge
he could swing in reprisal unless his of slaying City Marshal Chester Doyle
friend's slot machines were installed. of Mason, Tenn., a month ago.

Paralysis Spray Dr. Peet Developed
IsReady For Use In Next Epidemic

As late summer and early fall once
more bring to American cities the
season which threatens them inter-
mittently with the dread epidemic
of poliomynelitis, or infantile paral-
ysis, medical authorities this year are
looking forward hopefully to the de-
fense afforded them by a new preven-
tative nasal spray which has been
developed by Dr. Max M. Peet, noted
University Hospital brain surgeon
The first steps in the development
were made early in 1937 when, after
testing an array of other substances,
Dr. Edwin William Schultz, professor
of bacteriology and pathilogy at Le-
land Stanford University, announced
to the American Medical Association

in epidemic-ridden areas of the fu-
The spray, to be effective, must be
applied to the exposed roots of the
olfactory nerves, far up in the roof of
the nasal cavity, and therefore should
be administered, according to Dr.
Peet, by a competent nose and throat
specialist using a suitable atomizer,
rather than the general practitioner.
The spray is administered daily for'
three days, and once every two weeks
thereafter for effective protection.
One cubic centimeter is required in
each nostril.
The formula, which can be pre-
pared by any qualified druggist or
pharmaceutical laboratory, requires
a solution of one per cent zinc sul-
fate, one per cent pontocaine hydro-

out that the popular title of the
disease was a misnomer since adults
were also susceptible, added that,
since it was prevalent in epidemic
form in the Scandinavian countries,
medical authorities believed the dis-
ease to be "infectious in nature."
The Encyclopedia went on to re-
late the symptoms, mention "the
spinal cord" as the focal point of po-
liomyelitis' attack, outline the treat-
ment for possible restoration of mus-
cular power after the attack had run
its course, and discuss .its usual con-
'sequences. No word of cause, cure,
or prevention was to be found.
Only recently, with the use of in-
finitesimal filters, was the ultrami-
croscopic virus of the disease dis-
covered. The development of chem-

Veteran Weather
Service Man Dead
DETROIT, Aug. 17.--(P)-Norman
B. Conger, 77, associated for more
than 50 years with the United States
weather bureau here, died today.
A native of Richland County, 0.,




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