THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1937 U Max Eastman Fights- Black Sees Constitution Flexible Enough To Fit Twentieth Century WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 15.-(/P) ate for five years. -Like a lot of other folks, Hugo Likewise he thinks the wage and, Black has a pet idea. hour law he 'succeeded in getting He thinks old Dame Democracy can through the senate this year, will not go modern without losing her place abruptly alter the lives and business, in the hearts of the American people. of millions of Americans who love But unlike most of us, Hugo Black their small town homes. doesn't stop with the idea. He has All of this philosophy has not been tried to prove he's right. easy to explain to the voters who Whether he has succeeded is a mat- sents Black to the senate. ter of opinion. But at least he has In Alabama it is easier to talk about fought to keep old Lady Democracy the Civil War and local issues than "in style," and consequently he has it is to demand the 30-hour week for won a nomination to the United the men who make steel in the fur- States Supreme Court. naes of Birmingham. About that idea: But this fellow Black has a way Interstate Commerce about him. Senator Black believes the lan-1 You can't pyramid $1.20 to a seat guage of the constitution is sound in the United States senate without enough and broad enough to fit mod- having something on the ball, and ern economic conditions, without tam- $1.20 is all young Black had when he pering. In his opinion, the whole migrated from Clay county to Birm- thing is a matter of interpretation by ingham just after the turn of the the Supreme Court. century. His favorite example is interstate But he loves the law and people. commerce, that undefined something That spelled success for the dark- which the constitution says the con- eyed lawyer, now 51, who knows when gress shall regulate. to wear a twinkle in his eye and when "When our country was young there to lash out like a vicious prosecutor. was very little commerce among the His Personality states," explains the champion of ad- His personality was never more ef- -'He Man' Hemingway Curriculum Change Is Termed Radical Too many extreme curriculum changes are being advocated today, which for practical reasons cannot be carried out, Dr. Harlan C. Koch, as- sistant director of the Bureau of Co- operation with Educational Institu- tions, told a group of educators yes- terday in the auditorium of the' University high school. Speaking on "Proposals for a Pro- gram of Instructional Improvement," he said that there should be an in- termediate step in the curriculum change. "We must do what we can in the present framework of the school," Dr. Koch stated. He went on to point out the im- portance of vitilizing the school cur- riculum through actuality. "It is necessary for the secondary school student to be able to tie up academic work with everyday life," he declared. 620 a year; bureau of mines, depart- ment of the Interior. Instructor of weaving, $2,000 a year; Indian field service (including Alaska), Department of the Interior. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Drama Of Sex Changes Seen At U._Hospital (Continued from Page 11 sex was confusing. Dr. Bradbury was unable to account positively for the masculine features but asserted that medical literature records cases of adrenal tumors which produce pre- cocious development in boys and mas- culine tendencies in girls. Cases in which the tumor can be removed always revert back to nor- mal, he said, while there are also rare instances in which tumors of certain glands produce feminization of the male. Extreme cases of this nature re- quire meticulous handling to keep the morbid disillusionment of the patient from causing suicide; however, such exaggerations are practically neglig- ible in number, Dr. Bradbury ex- plained. The usual case, the cause of wor- ried hundreds who come to the hos-c pital is latent development. These Dr. Bradbury consoles with a reas- curing pep talk, or sometimes he ad- vises the injection of sex hormones to hasten or increase the processes. Max Eastman (above), left-wing essaylist, 54-years-old, six feet 31/ inches tall and weighing 180 pounds, was one of the principals in the "Literary battle" in a New York publisher's office. Ernest Hemingway was his adversary. Ed- itor Maxwell Perkins, who wit- nessed the affray, would not con- firm the statements claiming vic- tory issued by each of the battling authors. Marjorie Mackintosh was there with her date Harold Klute . .. and right behind them were Carlisle Knott and Jack Boren. Looking around we found Baron Helen Connie Bothman and we caught a Henderson with and Jerry glimpse of Hank Van nceI Veen, Eugene Holt with Neva Waltz. and Dancing toward the orchestra we sing found Evelyn Gilbert and Robert and Curran watching Zwick and his band Don perform. Along with them were Es- ing ther Dean and John Edmonds. Look- ing over the forthcoming music were Kathryrne Mason and Charles Lyle, too and requesting their favorite pieces nto were Mary Elliott with Leland Pence. ded Garden Popular, ling On the stag line we noticed Fred nne Colombo, football manager, Ted win Grace; Tom McCann, and Bill Da- hiad vidson, prepared to manipulate a cut. 'sa- Intermission, bringing an opportunity to for the pause that refreshes-foun- ris- tain service or the summer night of Neil the garden-found Eleanor Reed with ppy Ned Arbury, Steve Filipiack with Mary Lon Patrick in the grill. In the nto garden cooling off and enjoying cig- ere, arettes were Kate Justin and Jim ted Boozer, as were. Wes Gustafson and bby Betty Shigley. Dashing somewhere ier, or other were Arthur Boettjer and em Barbara Nelson, along with Jeanne net Judson and Ronald Hinteman. me Then everyone scurried back to om dance and we encountered the same- hty people all over again . . . Soon . . all too soon, curfew rang or rather we 12 o'clock struck and the dance was . ended ... but in a smooth way ... vance tlabor legislation. "In fact, the roads were so bad interstate commerce on a large scale was impossible, but now some sta- tisticians contend 90 per cent of our commerce is interstate. "Anybody can see that much of our trade is carried on nationally without regard for state lines; so why should we not state the thing in so many words, and proceed to have congress regulate it? "All we have to do is face the fact. And, mind you, the Supreme Courtl will face that fact!" Those words were spoken quietly in the senator's office a few months be- fore the Supreme Court did just the thing he said it was going to do. It upheld the Wagner labor law, and broadened its view of interstate com- merce to do so. For Small Towns But don't get the idea that Hugo Black is going to the Supreme Court and trample down the rights of the states and try to create an ogre of a central government: No such thing, if he carries out that pet idea. He believes rural and small town America should have the right to determine how and when it shall keep up with the commercial parade along the national arteries. The corner grocery and the barber shop in Dothan, Ala., for instance, should yield only to local public opin- ion when it comesto wages and hours. Consequently, all the liberal labor legislation sponsored by the Alabama leader has avoided laying a heavy hand on small town America. He says that's true of the 30-hour week bill he failed to get through the sen- fervescent and his tenacity never' more apparent than when he rode the wage and hour bill through the senate hearings this summer. The Alabama senator was com- pletely lost in his task. He seldom stopped to eat at meal time, but con- stantly whipped away at the well- nigh impossible task. One day a photographer asked him to pose and Black consented, but went on working. "Your hair-" began the photo- grapher, proffering a comb. "Oh, yes" rejoined the nearly bald Black. 'My wife's been telling me to get a hair-cut for a week." And then with that twinkling eye, and puckering dimple that disting- uishes the Alabaman in the senate: "Just goes to show a man ought to do what his wife tells him to." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) of Education, Forestry and Music: Summer Session students wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a request in Room 4, U. Hall several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this re- quest will result in a needless delay of several days. Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Loan Committee in Room 2, University Hall on Aug. 18 to consider loans for the coming, 1 Ernest Hemingway (above), 197- pound "He man" writer, offered to fight a return bout with Max East- man after a "no decision" scuffle in a New York publisher's office. Hemingway said he 'Began to get sore" after seeing a book of East- man'spoetry entitled "Bull In The Afternoon." He thought it might have been an uncomplimentary takeoff on his bull fighting novel "Death In The Afternoon." And, he didn't like some of the text. school year. Any one, in Ann Arbor who has recently filed an application for a loan should make an appoint- ment to meet the Committee at this meeting. Senior Engineering Students: All students who expect to complete the requirements for the B.S.E. degree at the end of the Summer Session should fill out the diploma application blank in the Secretary's Office, Room 263 West Engineering Building, before Aug. 31. C. B. Green, Assistant Secretary. - ....... I First Mortgage L o a n s: The University has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Of- fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer- sity Hall. The Bureau has received notice of the following civil service examina- tions: Safety instructor, $1,800 a year, and assistant safety instructor, $1,- Clearance of SUMMER MERCHANDISE PALM BEACH SUITS 10.98 TAKE ADVANTAGE of these excellent values. You'll find most of the merchandise wearable for several weeks ahead. Everything has been drastically reduced for quick disposal. MANY of these suits are in brown, black, and navy Palm Beach, making them wearable for early fall . . . also natural and white. Also in the group are tailored suits of black grosgrain, Suma-Cool, and Silk Alpaca.' Formerly priced from $16.75 to $29.50. SIZES 12 to 20 - Women's Sizes WHITE and PASTEL COATS 1/3 Less FLEECES, summer tweeds, and thin novelty woolens ... most of them lined.. . jigger and regular swagger lengths. Formerly priced from $10.95 to $25.00. SIZES 12 to 20 - Women's Sizes TYPEWRITERS FOUNTAIN PENS Student Supplies 0. D. Morrill 314 SOUTH STATE STREET I SUMMER SUITS 6.98 " i PASTEL FLANNELS . . . spun mohair . . . and white Poncho suiting, in tailored styles with long and short sleeves. Formerly $10.95 to $16.95. SIZES 12 to 20 SUMMER HATS Does a Summer Session student on the Campus become a Michigan 98c 1.49 1.98 Alumnus. " s All you clever "Bargain Hunters" don't miss this CLEARANCE! Regardless of former prices we're closing all Spring and Summer Clothes. Values are remarkable. Y es' BRETONS, brims, and off-face styles in linen and crepe- lastex . . . white, high shades, brown, navy, black. Also crownless turbans of pastel and white silk jersey, and black felt cigarette berets. Values to $2.95. CULOTTES 1.98 and 2.98 POLKA DOT acetates . . . printed crash . . . two-tone shantung ... silk linen ... pique . . . silk linen. Two-piece styles, a few with sunback tops. Values to 7.95. SIZES 12 to 20. SHORTS and HALTER THE ANSWER IS Cottons, Tub Silks, Chiffons, Nets, Laces, Prints and Knits. Also Summer Formals. Values to $25.00. Sizes 12 to 46. I I He is entitled to avail himself of the privileges of membership in The Alumni Association if he so desires. The initiative should come from him. An interested Alumnus reads THE MICHIGAN ALUMNUS $4.00 per year TAILRED. o pain iand pin dotted cotton santung. Pastels . . . broken sizes . . . formerly $2.95 set. BATHING SUITS 1/4 Less SATIN LASTEX, printed and piqu6 and broadcloth dress- maker suits . . one-piece wool suits. Broken sizes. Formerly $3.95 to $7.95. WHITE SHOES SETS 1.49 2.98 3.98 4.98 Many dark crepes and satins in these groups. Sizes 32 to 40. i 85c Values at 75c $1.00 Values at 85c $1.35 Values at $1.10 THE ENTIRE STOCK white footwear is now in these sale price groups. Styles for sports, street and dress, with all heel heights. Formerly priced to $10.00. DRESS FABRICS 9 8c yd PURE DYE pure silk crepe prints and plain colors . striped and printed marquisettes. Formerly priced to $2.00 yard. WASHABLE PRINTS 39cyd. WASHABLE RAYON prints in light and dark color com- binations. Formerly 79c yard. III III I i 11 1 A