0 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 1937 - PAGE TWO StNDAY, AUGUST 15, 1937) THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session ./ tf' IllI I{ t -_ .. . - '% __ . _____ _m Q. ,a..w,. ,.~, ,,., ., . M&Vtee~T¢ KsiVKN R<4Cm i ^ :"::, " ^" a :q ..u a Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use f or republication of all news dispatches credited to itsor not otherwise credited in this newspaper.All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During rguar school year, by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. 's College Publishers Represetatiet 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - QOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER ........NORMAN B. STEINBERG ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER ...ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: HORACE W. GILMORE A Third Term For Roosevelt?. . FOR SOME MONTHS rumors con- cerning the possibility of a third term for President Roosevelt have grown more frequent. During the campaign last fall many. opposition orators hinted at the third term threat, but no serious consideration was given to the matter until after the inauguration, when mention of another administration for the Pres- ident began to be passed around in the circles of his supporters. Recently Gov. Earle of Penn- sylvania, a good liberal and a staunch Democrat, who might easily be considered for the party nomination himself in 1940, came out openly for another administration for Roosevelt. Since that time a number of comments, nearly all ad- verse, have been heard on the subject. Most criticism centers around the danger to democracy inherent in twelve years of leadership by the same individual, and of the possibility of ,the precedent established being turned to use by some future leader less attached to democratic principles than Roosevelt is believed to be. It might be pointed out that our government is one of laws rather than of men, and there is no provision in the Constitution against more than two administrations by any one President It might further be pointed out that under the American system the people are given an oppor- tunity to register their approval or disapproval of a candidate in an orderly and legal manner, first in the primaries, and second in the general election. The weakness of these arguments, however, is quite apparent; neither the one assertion nor the other is strictly true. America is a republic of laws only in theory; in reality it is very largely one of men. The primaries are likewise only a theory; actually the people are only given an op- portunity to endorse the candidate already se- lected by the party machine, and afterward only the choice of two names, usually with little re- liable information on which to base their judg- ment. In 1940 it is perfectly possible that the people will be forced to reelect Roosevelt even if they do not desire him to have a third term simply because the Republican nominee is a man of the Alf M. Landon type. Or another situation might prevail: the country might be faced with a de- cisive split on the labor issue, with perhaps a labor party placing a candidate in the field, in which case the Democrats could sweep back into office with a "hold onto Roosevelt" slogan to catch the ear of the middle-aisle majority. The question of the ethics of a third presi- dential term is rather a metaphysical one. What must be decided is whether the country will require the services of President Roosevelt for an additional four years after 1940. It is doubt- ful that the next president, whoever he may be, will possess qualifications for the office in so abundant a quantity as the present incumbent, but whether this fact is sufficient to outweigh the arguments against another Roosevelt man- date or not is indeed a delicate question. If, in place of Roosevelt, the country could be given a progressive liberal of the Barkley or Wagner type, even though he might lack the Roosevelt finesse he would probably be a wise choice. If, however, the elements of reaction are sufficiently strong in 1940 to menace the Roosevelt system, to which a majority of voters is strongly at- tached the President might reasonably be drafted for the protection of democracy. At present such a contingency appears unlikely. A most important consideration from the Pres- ident's own point of view must be the terrific strain of the greatest public office in the world. Twelve years it could easily prove fatal even to a man of the robust health enjoyed by the now considered the first place to begin a cam- paign to eradicate crime and criminal tendencies, according to Margaret E. Fries, New York City mental hygienist in speaking to the American Psychiatric association recently. For a long time the sentimentality of Mothers' Day and other more superficial connotations for the role of the Mother overshadowed her so- ciological importance in modern society. She is now considered as a scientific arbiter of future destinies. It is up to the mothers to safeguard future now unborn children from criminal ten- dencies. For, according to the above authority, personality begins before birth and events really responsible for children becoming wayward, often occur before birth. Recently it was pointed out 34.4 per cent of 401,489 arrests in 1936 were concerned with youths under 25 years of age, the mother's re- sponsibility is even greater in this connection. It is up to her to safeguard the child by preventing any criminal tendencies. Since more than one- third of crime in America in 1936 was committed by youth, the Mother apparently has had great obstacles in fulfilling her role in modern society satisfactorily. It can not necessarily be said that she has failed, for ignorance of her soci- ological importance has made it difficult for her role' as a mother to exert its greatest influence on youth. An example of personality stunting occurred in the case of a mother who wanted a girl. The baby was a boy. A slight accident of birth turned the mother against it without her realization. The child as it grew became hostile to its parents without their understanding that the cause of his attitude toward them was their own conduct. Physicians cured the case by explainihg the sit- uation to the mother. But, said Dr. Fries, the ex- planation is usually delayed until the child is arrested for delinquence and then it is too late. All babies, she said, by the time they are ten days old, exhibit one of three major behavior patterns. They are either over-active, moder- ately active or underactive. In some families, she held, it is important to recognize this 10- day old classification and to advise the mothers how to treat their babies. "These patterns of the first 10 days," she added, "we found to be still present by the end of the first year.- Even at one year, she asserted, it is some- times difficult and expensive to adjust the fam- ily to these "patterns" in bringing up the baby. Thus expense as well as ignorance on the part of the mother might be another deterrent in the satisfactory fulfillment of the sociological role of the mother in preventing crime. However, it is safe to conclude that with more study of this relation between the mother role and crime pre- vention, some adequate solution of America's youthful crime problem may be reached. At least there has been found a new field of endeavor in which to approach the problem of criminal ten- dencies. W _I On The Level By WRAG W ITH SUMMER SESSION, like the wrestler bent double, rapidly approaching its end, and the football season in the offing, it is with excusable qualms that we look forward to Mich- igan's pigskin performances. Will "Hunk" An- i.. derson's new tactics in the line offset the havoc that ineligibil- ity has played? Will the sacri- ficing of more seasoned players last year that younger players might gain experience, help Kipke bring up a winning team? Will Freddie Trosko or sonr other unknown stand out in Big Ten play, and give Mich- igan at least a "one-man Hour of Recitation Time of Examination Hour of Recitation Time of Examination 8 9 10 11 Thursday Friday Thursday Friday 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memnbers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.. Examination for University Credit: a.m. under the leadership of Prof. All students who desire credit for George E. Carrothers. J. A. Had- work done in the Summer Session field's book "Psychology of Power," will be required to take examinations will be the subject for discussion. at the close of the Session. The ex- amination schedule for Schools and, First Methodist Church: Morning Colleges on the eight-week basis is as worship service at 10:30 a.m. Prof. follows: l John L. Brumm of the Journalism 1 2 All other 3 hours y Friday Friday 10-12 4-6 on "Present Day Religion in Ger- many, Korea, the Near East, and Mexico" by students who have lived in those countries. The followin~g students will take part: Bertram Hovey, Shannon McCune, Kenneth L. Pike and Aris Demetriades. Dr. W. P. Lemon will preside at the meet- ing. The price of the supper is 15 cents. 7:30 p.m., University Musical Ves- per Service to be held on the Library Terrace. Prof. David Mattern direct- ing. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship for Sunday are: 8 a.m., Holy Communion, 11 a.m. morning prayer and sermon by The Rev. Frederick W. Leech. 5 p.m. Stu- dent Fellowship meeting at the Hall Farm. Cars leave the church at 5 p.m. Bethleham Church, So. 4th. Ave. Service at 10:30. The Rev. Mr. Theo- dore R. Schmale will speak on the subject: "The Guest Chamber of the Soul." First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 So. Division St. Morning service at 11 a.m. Subject: "Soul." Golden Text: Psalms 42:2. Responsive Reading: Psalms 86:1- 12. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. before morning service. First Baptist Church: Service at 10:45 a.m. The speaker will be Rev. H. A. Huey of Ann Arbor. Topic: 'Victory Won Beforehand." Thursday 4-6 Thursda 10-12 THE FORUM IU I Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the rightto condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. A Protest To the Editor: Looking through an old University catalogue I see the fees itemized as to tuition, union fee, Health Service fee, but in the new catalogues the tuition is listed as a lump sum. A very well-known professor on this campus accosted a Mr. Smith who seems to be influ- ential 'in the treasurer's office and asked him about the change. Said he "There are no union dues-the sum paid by a student is tuition." Countered the professor, "That is sheer camou- flage.. A student in actuality pays a' certain amount to the union for operating expenses." "Oh, no," said Mr. Smith. "What the student pays is merely tuition" or words to that effect. That shows what arbitrary definition will do. The writer met the same attitude on the part of a Mr. Leidy in the Law School. Since nu- merous law students are interested in the gentleman's game, billiards, the writer wanted permission to place a petition for opening the billiard room this summer on the Law bulletin board. "No," said Mr. Leidy, "And further, this is the wrong way to go about it." He seemed very agitated and angry. I told him that I thought the Union's not keep- ing the recreation rooms open for summer school students was receiving money under false pre- tenses. "How," said Leidy. Said I, "Since a cer- tain portion of the male student's fee is allo- cated to the Union-" "But," said he, "No portion of the student fee is allocated to the Union. Be- sides, you could say that if one classroom which was not being used was closed, any student could say that the University were accepting money under false pretenses." That, dear readers, is legal analogy. If the rest of the Law Faculty reasoned like that, what a crop of lawyers Michigan would turn out. But they are not. That is why Michigan is ace high in Law. Afterward I calculated such an analogy to be 0.1 per cent true if there are a thousand classrooms on the campus. There is but -one billiard room. And the nearest public billiard room is a greasy one on Main Street. One can see that such reasoning concerning the lump tuition is hypocritical. It may be a way to facilitate registration not to give a stu- dent any choice. Freshmen would not know if they wished to be members of the Union. A sophomore, if he were a liberal, would know and would not join. I shall never pay another Union fee. I do not like the food in the taproom, team"? Will Michigan forsake the "punt, pass, pray," and line-buck game that has put the crowds to sleep for the past three years? The coming season is fraught with potentialities, and these questions can only be answered when the last timer's gun has been fired. Sticking our now swollen neck out again, the most favorable prediction of the coming year that we can make, would give Michigan four wins and four losses over the season. To make this record, Michigan would have to defeat Michigan, State, Iowa, Illinois, and Chicago, while losing to Northwestern, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Ohio State. That is the way we think it will be done. But we have to win the "warm-up" with M.S.C. first. * * * * > ' Speaking of football, the All-Star dream-team will play the Green Bay Packers, at Soldier's Field, Chicago on the first day of September. If the game isn't cursed with its usual deluge of rain, we think that this game will set a new high- scoring record for the affair. The scores have always hovered around the one-touchdown mark, but this year Dorais and the passing combina- tions of both teams ought to see the pros winning by something like 20-13. But, as usual, there will probably be a healthy handing down of aqua from Old Man Pluvius to make the ball unpassable. We recall the second game of this "dream" series, which was played against the Chicago Bears in 1934. It rained felines and canines all day, and the crowd was getting soaked through, despite the large sale of wax-paper raincoats that was going on. An ex- ceedingly inebriated gentleman, motioned to one of the young ladies who were selling these flimsy raincoats. She hastened up the aisle to him. "How many?" she asked the drunk, as she started passing raincoats down the line to him. "How many?" repeated the souse. "Do I look like the Dionne quintuplets?" * * * THE PACIFISTS in this coutry have taken quite a beating of late with all the brawls that are going on abroad. In view of all the foreign free-for-alls, the Pacifist group decided that something had to be done, so radio stations all over the country have been receiving a flood of requests to play, "I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be a Soldier." the present management barring fires, floods, and depressions). That brings me to my next point, the one-sided political philosophy of the management. The manager need not take it to heart because everyone who has thought about it suspects that he is more or less a passive loud speaker for the conservative Union board. A couple of weeks ago a member of the Pro- gressive club which was given official recognition last spring engaged a meeting place in the Union. When the group assembled on the appointed night no room had been reserved. Mr. Waltz was questioned. He gave a song and dance about the desk man not having authority to pass on such matters and that controversial sub- jects could not be discussed there. A university professor who has long been a member of the Union spoke up. "A number of meetings have been held here in recent months at which con- troversial subjects were discussed and speeches were made, to the contents of which I would strongly object, not that I would object to their meeting in the Union. You (Mr. Waltz) are not avoiding the controversial issues. You are merely taking sides." I questioned the desk man who took the res- ervation. He said that non-University groups could not meet in the Union. He forgets that insurance, rotary, all sorts of commercial gath- erings find a welcome haven there. I informed him that a University professor scrutinized the group which met in the Unitarian Church after being denied the room reserved in the Union. He recognized only two men and three women who were not connected with the University in an audience of eighty to a hundred. -Nonentity. As Others See It Tax Facts To Remember (From Emporia Gazette) IT WON'T HURT the people of this country to agonize a little about taxes, to keep taxes in their minds. And this is a good thing to re- member: that every time a Federal employe draws $1 over the counter for salary, per diem or expenses, 32 cents of that dollar represents borrowed money. We are paying interest on it, and our children will pay interest on it, and our To All Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Univer- sity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, Aug. 16, before the impending examinations. 2. Students who have special need for certain books after Aug. 16 may retain such books if renewed at the charging desk. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Thursday, Aug. 19, will be sent to the Cashier's office, where their summer's credits will be with- held until such time as these records are cleared, in compliance with the regulation of the Regents. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. Summer Session Chorus: Report 1:30 p.m. at Morris Hall for rehear- sal. Be seated for concert by 7:15 p.m. on Library steps. Summer Session Orchestra: Report at Morris Hall at 1:30 p.m. for re- hearsal. Concert 7:15 p.m. Library steps. Men's Glee Club: Report prompt- ly at 9:15 at Room 305 Michigan Union. Sing for University:Break- fast in Union Ballroom at 9:30. Final Vesper Service, Sunday, Aug. 15, at 7:3 p.m. on the Library Terrace. Program of Sacred Music under the direction of Prof. David E. Mattern. In case of rain it will be held at the First Congregational Church. Graduate Outing Club: Will go to the Waterloo Project near Chelsea, Sunday, Aug. 15. Picnic, swimming, and games. All graduate students are invited. Meet in front of Lane Hall at 2 p.m. Those having cars are urged to bring them. Transporta- tion will be provided for those who have none. Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:30 Place advertisements wit~h Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance only I1e per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. WANTED WOMAN wishes position as first cook in fraternity or sorority. References. 11 FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1932 V8 coupe. Reason-, able. Private owner. Phone 2-2180. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low price. ix FOR RENTi: lDouble rooms for goys. Nicely furnished. $2.50 each. One and one-half blocks from campus. 720 Whaley Court (on State be- tween Monroe and Hill). 654 FOR RENT: Suite with private bath and shower for three. Two large doubles with adjoining lavatory. Shower bath. Steam heat. Approved for men. Phone 8544, 422 E. Wash- ington. 659 NOTICE TYPING: All day service. Five years' experience. Theses, term papers. Schumacher. 820 E. Washington. Phone 2-2394. 651 TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. 632 LOST AND FOUND Department at the University will speak on the subject: "To the Intel- ligent." First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m., Summer Union Service of the Presbyterian and Congregational Churches to be held at the Congrega- tional Church, corner of State and William Streets. The Rev. Leonard A. Parr of the Congregational Church of Green Bay, Wis., will preach. His subject will be "The Perfect Lover" 10:45 a.m. Nursery and Church School in the Church basement. 5:45 p.m., last meeting of the in- formal supper conferences for stu- dents. There will be a symposium Student Recital: Miss Ruth (Continued on Page 3) FOR RENT FOR RENT: Light housekeeping rooms for graduate women. Phone 7485, 806 Arch St. 658 Par- Classified Directory r /'T1!1 TrT'.jr TT l~j n rrL. LJUUI, e ±VUL1 LU± ,JVc LOST: Pi Lambda Theta key. Will finder please call 2-2591. Helen Newberry residence. 660 4 I1 Ill?36he MICHIGAN ALUMNUS Official Publication for Michigan's Alumni 26 ISSUES PER YEAR 920 PAGES Four Quarterly Review Numbers of 100 pages each. A publication worthy of your Univer- sity's fine academic reputation. Twelve Monthly Numbers of 28 to 36 pages each. Filled with news of alumni campus events and personalities. Five Weekly Numbers of 16 pages each, tell- ing the story of the early weeks of the school year, with expert reviews of Varsity football games. Five Fortnightly Issues of 16 pages each, keep- ing you up-to-date. I | I I | Order at the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICES