., The Weather Warmer today; tomorrow probably local showers. Cloudy. Ll r e Lit igan ~D'ait6F Editorials A Third Term For Roosevelt.. Mothers Versus Grme.. . Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUG. 15, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS i Expect A Vote By Judiciary Committee On BlackMonday Telegraphed Protests And Demands For Delay Are Received In Senate Labor Leaders Are Favorable To Black WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-(P)- Senate Judiciary Committee members forecast today the committee would vote Monday to approve the nomina- tion of Senator Black (Dem., Ala.) to the Supreme Court-although there were telegraphed protests and de- mand for delay. Senator Burke (Dem., Neb.) one of the few publicly committed opponents of confirmation, predicted the com- mittee majority would over-ride ob- jections Monday and recommend that the Senate approve President Roose- velt's nomination of the liberal Ala- bama Democratic Senator. Can Delay Action Opponents of the nomination could delay action on the Senate floor as long as they wanted, but in view of the adjournment fever, many believed the confirmation would be voted after a brief flurry of debate. A check-up of the Judiciary Com- mittee members disclosed a lineup of ten to three for the Alabaman, with four senators still publicly un- committed. Members of the committee said the telegraphed protests outnumbered the approvals of the nomination. Chair- man Ashurst (Dem., Ariz.) made pub- lic a file of communications all of which were against Black except those from labor organizations. Protest Black's Conduct One, from Grenville Clark of the New York law firm of Root, Clark, Buckner and Ballantine, protested h.at Black's conduct of Senate inves- tigations had demonstrated "a com- plete lack of regard on his part for ordinary principles of fairness and for legal and constitutional rights." Urging the committee to approve Black's nomination, William Green, president of the American Federa- tion of Labor, telegraphed: "I hope the Senate Judiciary Com- mittee will promptly recommend con- firmation of the appointment of Sen- ator Black to the Supreme Court. Labor strongly supports the appoint- ment of Senator Black and will be tremendously disappointed if there is delay in approving his appointment." Similar telegrams were received from a number of locals of the Inter- national Ladies Garment Workers Union. Alfred A. Cook, chairman of the Judiciary committee of the Associa- tion of the Bar of the City of New York, asked that "proper and reason- able opportunity be given to the bar of the country" to be heard by the Judiciary Committee. Local Churches Today Feature Student Topics Today will find another group of interesting sermons and discussions available from which the summer school student may make his choice. At the Congregational Church at 10:45 a.m., the Rev. Leonard A. Parr of the Green Bay, Wis., Congrega- tional Church will speak on "The Perfect Lover" to the union meeting of Presbyterian and Congregational Churches. A supper symposium on "Present Day Religion in Germany, Korea, the Near East and Mexico" by students who have lived'in those countries will feature the 5:45 p.m. meeting at the same church. The students taking part will be Bertram Hovey, Shannon McCune, Kenneth L. Pike and Aris Demetriades. Dr. W. P. Lemon will preside. Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour- nalism department will speak on "To The Intelligent" at the First Methodist Church at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Theodore R. Schmale's topic at the Bethlehem Church service, which begins at 10:30 a.m. will be "The Guest Chamber of the Soul." At the First Baptist Church Rev. H. A. Huey will talk about "Vic- tory Won Beforehand" at 10:45 a.m. Sint Andrew's Eniscoal Church Tigers Beat Browns In Double Headier DETROIT, Aug. 14.-(JP)-The De- troit Tigers gained undisputed pos- session of second place in the Ameri- can League race today, passing five St. Louis pitchers for 40 hits that in- cluded eight home runs and mopping up both ends of a double-header. Detroit won thefirst game, 16 to 1, and the second, 20 to 7. Elden Auker, lanky Tiger sidewin- der, limited the Browns to four hits in the opener and clouted home runs in two successive innings of the 16- hit affair. With the aid of a long fly, he drove in five runs. Second baseman Charlie Gehringer, who accounted for a brace of singles in three official trips in the first game, had a perfect day in the after- piece, getting five of Detroit's 22 hits. He hit homers in the first and second innings-the latter with two men on the runways-a double and two singles, driving in six runs in all. Last Vespers Is Today On Library Steps Summer Session Chorus And Orchestra Feature Third Meeting The third and last Vespers service to be held at 7:3 p.m. today on the steps of the Main Library will feature the Summer Session Chorus under the direction of Prof. David Mattern, of the Music School. Call to worship by Prof. Wilmot F. Pratt, carillonneur, will begin the program. The Summer Session Or- chestra will play "Arioso," by Bach, and the Chorus and Orchestra will join in presenting "A Mighty Fort- ress Is Our God," by Bach-Damrosch. The assembly will join with the Chorus in singing several hymns, among which are "Go Tell It to the Mountains," a Negro Spiritual, and "An Abraham Lincoln Song," by Damrosch. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun- selor of religion, will give an invoca- tion. A baritone solo will be sung by Bernard R. McGregor-"Consider and Hear Me." The Chorus and Orchestra will blend in offering selections from the oratorio, "St. Paul," by Mendelssohn. Two more hymns by the assembly will follow, and the service will be closed with a benediction by Dr. Blakeman. NLRB Election Demanded For Broach Plant Want To Establish UAW's Privilege As Collective ]BargainingAgency An NLRB election under the terms of the Wagner Act to establish the UAW's right as collective bargaining agency at the' American Broach and Machine Company's plant here has been demanded by the Union and will be held in the immediate future, it was learned here yesterday. Three four hour meetings between workers' representatives and com- pany officials have followed the con- clusion of the four-day sit-down and picketing at the Broach plant last' week, without the successful comple- tion of negotiations, according to spokesmen. A request for a blanket wage increase was understood to be the point which is tying up the ne- gotiations begun in accordance with the terms of the truce suggested by Governor Murphy, UAW claims a membership of 90 per cent of the Broach employes, and told Company officials that it had filed an application with the National Labor Relations Board for the elec- tion to verify its position as bargain- ing agency. The NLRB office in De- troit said the application had not yet come before it, but that an election would be arranged to be held within a week or 10 days after the receipt of the formal application if it was desired. The plant officials have expressed their willingness to bargain with any agency winning a majority vote of the employes in the election, should a Believe Soviet Three Americans Die In Shanghai Fliers Safe In Arctic Section As Bombs Of Chinese Miss Mark; Airmen Are Somewhere Betwe. e Fairban.,And Number Of Dead In City Is 582 ,Between Fairbank Pole,Reports Say . Matterni Joins Hunt For Russian AirmenDr. Chang Expr FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Aug. 14.- DeathO Am (P)-Faint radio messages today in-- dicated six missing Soviet fliers were safe somewhere in the Arctic between By JOSEPH GIES t Alaska and the North Pole and three Regret for the death of the three planes bearing Russian officials left Americans who were accidently killed Fairbanks to search for their com- yesterday by Chinese bombing planes rades: during a raid on the Japanese battle Part of the message was unread- cruiser Idzumo lying in Shanghai able and the portion received did not harbor was expressed last night by give a clue as to whether the big plane Dr. Y. Z. Chang, visiting professor was aloft or down in the icy Arctic. inrthe English department, speaking Believe Craft Down for the Chinese Students Club of the Government offcials expressed be- University. lief the powerful craft long since had Dr. Chang declared that the Idzu- descended. Shortly after passing mo, at the time of the airplane attack, over the Pole early yesterday on its was directing assaults on the northern projected 4,000 mile flight from the districts of Shanghai from her berth Soviet capital to -Fairbanks it re- in the Whangpoo Creek. The ship ported one of its four motors was dead was moored at a distance of only 40 because of a damaged oil line. 'yards from the Palace and Cathay The message was the first to be hotels in the city's downtown district, picked up by the army listeners in he pointed out. "Japanese marines nearly 28 hours, the last previous are using the International Settle- one having been at 5:40 a.m. (EST) ment in Shanghai, which ought to be yesterday when the plane reported passing the Polar cap in 35-degree sub-zero weather. IIndo-European Mattern Enters Hunt The call of fellowship also brought Tontue Theory- Jimmy Mattern, American long dis- esses Regret At ericans In China v- and is a neutral district, as a base of attack in central China with SoochowE and Nanking as their objectives," he4 continued. The Nanking road and the Bund4 or banking district of Shanghai, form a section analagous to the Michigan Boulevard shore of Lake Michigan in Chicago, Dr. Chang said. "To hide behind the skyscrapers there and use the area as a base to attack the, Chinese will involve other nations in the conflict," he declared. "The Chinese defense was forced to strike back in order to prevent the attack on Soochow and Nanking from being carried out. Unfortunately, innocent foreign residents lost their lives; but it should be noted hundreds of Chinese were also killed. "I hope the nations represented in the International Settlement will' ask the invaders not to use the neu- tral Settlement, so that innocent non-combatants will not be exposed to danger. The Chinesecommander will no doubt order the Chinese pi- lots to avoid repetition of such inci- Two Other Americans Wounded When Chinese Warhirds Strike SHANGHAI, Aug. 15.-(Sunday)-(4)-War at its worst caught and killed Americans and heaped dead and dying in Shanghai today. Officials counted the known dead at 582 in the foreign quarters, although many were Chinese refugees. Hundreds of noncombatants, at least three of them Americans, died in a rain of Chinese bombs that missed their marks. Two or more Americans were wounded. Every one of the 4,000 Americans in the bleeding international community was in grave peril. The Americans were drawn into the tragic vortex of the undeclared yet undisguised Chinese-Japanese War when the warbirds of the Chinese government struck suddenly at the Japanese. Bombs Drop In Densely Packed Streets Two recklessly dropped Chinese bombs plunged into densely packed street intersections of Shanghai's foreign areas. Apparently they were aimed from far aloft in a heavy, murky sky at Japanese warships on the nearby Whangpoo River or at Japanese land concentrations. But the victims, of the resulting holocausts were mostly innocent Chinese civilians. Many . other foreigners, besides the Americans, were killed or wounded. tance flier, into the hunt, in an effort to repay an act of mercy by one of the lost aviators, Sigismund Levaneff- sky, the "Russian Lindbergh," who was in charge of the missing plane. Levaneffsky and five companions left Moscow at 10:13 p.m. (EST) Thursday. They expected to reach Fairbanks in about 30 hours. Pre- sumably their plane was capable of remainingaloft about 40 hours, or until about 2 a.m. today. Candidates For Masters Degree To Be Honored Ruthven, Yoakum, Woody To Talk At Breakfast Today In Union All students who will receive a mas- ter's degree at the end of Summer Session will be the special guests of the University at a breakfast to be given at 9:30 p.m. today in the ball- room of the Michigan Union. The speakers for the occasion will be Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean Clarence S. Yoakum and Prof. Clif- ford Woody. The invocation will be given by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman and Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, will preside. Approximately 250 invitations have been sent out to candidates for this degree. All schools and departments on the campus have been included according to Dr. Hopkins, who has charge of the breakfast. This is the first time the University has spon- sored this type of affair honoring master's candidates. The purpose of the breakfast is to give the graduate students who are only here during the summer an op- portunity to become acquainted with the administration officers especially President Ruthven who is seldom here for the Summer Session. Dr. Hopkins is being assisted by Miss Ethel McCormick as director of the social program. i CJ Ji 1 i' is iviaue iear dents. All the Chinese students and residents here deplore the unfortu- nate event," he concluded. Prof. Sapir Explains The Members of the Chinese Student . t Club generally agreed that General- Laryngeal ypothesTo Cissimo hiang-Kai-Shek would con- Linguistic Institutet The laryngeal hypothesis, a rather abstruse theory of prime importancet in the study of the early Indo-Euro-< pean languages, is clearer today to t members of the Linguistic Institutel as a result of the explanation pre-I sented Friday night by Prof. Edward Sapir of Yale University in the In- stitute's closing lecture of the sum- mer series. It was a number of curious coin- cidences in these sound changes that led to the first suggestion of the theory by Ferdinand de Saussure, a French scholar. Include Indo-European Sounds The sound changes to which the principle applies, explained Professor Sapir, include most of those develop- ments of original Indo-European sounds that do not fit into the normal pattern of shifting. Such a change is that illustrated by the difference between the initial vowel of Indo- European "pater" (father) and Iran- ian "pita." In its simplest form the theory as- sumes the existence in primitive In- do-European of a set of laryngeal consonants. By their very nature, especially because of their lack of sonority, such consonants are evanes- cent. Provides Principle Thus the assumption of these In- do-European sounds provides the lin- guist with a principle by which he can solve many of the hitherto inex- plicable problems presented by phe- nomena apparently inconsistent with established phonetic law. Only three laryngeal consonantst were at first postulated, but the series it now thought to contain four. This alteration occurred as a result of re- search in the obscure Hittite lan- guage, in the orthography of which appear phenomena that not only provide factual substantiation of the (Continued on Page 3) tinue to resist the present Japanese incursion with all his forces, in spite of the handicap of inferior equip- ment and training of his soldiers. All of China is united behing Chiang, they said, in the realization that suc- cessful resistance to Japan is the most important immediate aim for' China today. Players Offer Condensation Of Greek Epic The final offering of the Repertory Players' Summer Season for 1937 will be the brilliant and widely acclaimed artistic success, "Daughters of Atreus," Robert Turney's condensa- tion in modern form of the classic' Greek "Elektra" cycle. It will open at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, rather than Wednesday as usual, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, . and run through three performances, closing Thursday. The drama, which tells the Aga- memnon-Elekrta saga from a point of view sympathetic to the women of the house of Atreus, is written in the classic style of poetic prose, inter- spersed with occasional contempor- ary jargon. In the Repertory production, Sarah Pierce' will play Elektra; Nancy Bowman Polymia; Claribel Baird, Klytaimestra; William Rice, Agamemnon; Mary Pray, Iphegenia; Charles Maxwell, Orestes; Ralph Bell, 'Achilles; Raymond Pedersen, Kal- chas;sCharles McCaffrey, Pylades; Charles McCaffrey, Phaon. Others taking part will be: Karl Klauser, Elsie Buchanon, Emma Hirsch, Mir- ian Brous, Anita Newblatt, June Pollan, Roy Rector and Lawrence Olson. Ask Students OfI Session To Aid LoanLibrary Needy Students To Be Able To Borrow Books In The Next Semester Students of the Summer Session will be given an opportunity this se- mester to participate in the forma- tion of the newly-formed student text-book loan library for the aid of needy students, a project begun near the close of the spring semester under the direction of a faculty committee headed by Prof. Erich A. Walter of the English department. Professor Walter and the other, members of the committee, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary col- lege, Prof. Arthur D. Moore of the engineering college and Dr. William W. Bishop, director of the University library service, hope for a good re- sponse from summer students to their plea for donation of text-books for the library. Gifts of students of the present session will be especially use- ful, Professor Walter pointed out, in order to get the library into opera- tion in the fall. General text-books for all regular courses in all de- partments of the University are needed. Great care will be taken in the ad- ministration of the library, according to Professor Walter, to ensure the 'books being placed only in the hands of students actually in need of such assistance. The library will in gen- eral follow the same lines as the Lor- ing W. Andrews Library at Yale University, except that the books will be loaned for one semester only in- stead of for a whole year. The library plan jhas been widely commended by faculty members of the various schools and departments as-- helpful to those students who stand most in need of aid. "Only students who have a genuine need will be given consideration by the committee," Professor Walter said. It is hoped that with the books con- tributed during the closing weeks of last semester added to those donated by summer students a satisfactory beginning can be made next semester although the first year of the plan will be considered more or less a "tria run" by the committee. Great buildings, including two fa- mous hotels, were shattered. Mounds of dead littered the pavements. List American Dead The American dead were: Dr. Frank J. Rawlinson, 35 years a missionary leader in China; H. S. Honigsberg, wealthy motorcar dealer who had made Shanghai his home more than 20 years; Dr. Robert K. Reischauer, member of the Princeton University faculty, in Shanghai on a study tour. The war in the air was only ,one phase-but deadly phase-of the the battle of Shanghai between China and Japan. The conflict, in the sec- ond day of actual bloodshed, was fought from the air, on water and on land along a front from Shanghai to the mighty Yangtze River, 10 miles north. Rages Along Whangpoo Mostly it raged along the Whang- poo -River, Shanghai's harbor and winding highway to the sea, crowded with the shipping of many nations and the 21 naval vessels that Japan is known to have concentrated here. Far to the north the five-weeks old undeclared' war in Hopeh province continued bitterly, involving ever- increasing forces and a steadily wid- ening area. Warplanes of both China and Japan were over Shanghai most of the day in spite of heavy, lowhanging clouds and frequent rain. What tolls of death and destruction they claimed in distant Japanese and Chinese parts could not even be estimated today. In the international area the fatal bombs fell late on Saturday after- noon when Shanghai streets are al- ways teeming. 450 Are Killed Two plunged into the intersection of Avenue Edward VII and Thibet Road, in the French concession. Po- lice there declared they killed 450, Dr. Rawlinson and Honigsberg in- cluded, and wounded 750, all Chinese. The other tore a great hole in Nan- king Road, just between two of the .city's leading hotels, the Cathay and the Palace, both packed with guests and refugees. This is in the Interna- tional Settlement. Police said two foreigners were killed there and seven wounded. ClIinese dead were believed 1130. The known American injured were R. R. Rouse of Saco, Montana, and J. M. Kerbey, employe of a firm of accountants. Both were expected to recover. At least 16 Chinese planes ranged (Continued on Page 3) ,Prof. Smeaton' s Father Dies In l Local Hospital 49 i. AnimalHouseMaintained By University flas .3000 Inates. Kpwner ai t ~ .AL-7WAY . XF it v in.. U/Q U V .U U.-AL."%7 v N' By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY -or as ferocious as they are capable < Sequestered in the group of small of becoming. Rabbits, rats and guineai buildings clustered around the mam- pigs can all administer an unpleasant moth University hospital is a rectan- bite, but this occurs very seldom underr gular brick structure known as the an experienced handler. "animal house"-a shelter for more When Caris comes to work every than 3,000 guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, morning at 8 a.m. he is dressed in the1 same blue-colored shirt and black-a mice and dogs-all used for experi- striped over-alls. He enters the an- mental purposes by different depart- imals' room by one door and leaves' ments of the University. via a different exit, never varying this For 12 years now Albert R. Caris routine. The animals are fed at pre- has been chief keener and patriarch ciselv the same time every day and I i f 1 William Smeaton, 1941 Geddes One Inmate Escapes Ave., father of Prof. William G. catcalls, prodding fingers and pea- Smeaton of the chemistry depart- nuts soon termed this practice a men- From State Prison ent,and the oldest resident of Ann Arbor, died yesterday in University ace and now Caris patrols the house Hospital after a brief illness following alone. JACKSON, Aug. 14.-(0)-One in- a fall at his son's home last week. Most beloved, by their keeper, of all mate escaped over the wall and three The elder Mr. Smeaton, who was the animals are the white rates, who others were captured in a break for born in Scotland and came to Can- freedom tonight at the State Prison ada at the age of six, would have been he claims are the "greatest and of Southern Michigan. 101 years old Oct. 11. He has lived smartest" animals he has ever raised. First reports said that three of the at his son's home here since 1903. Yes they're great little fellows,tm he prisoners reached freedom, but He was a member of the survey- said, 'but it's bsuicide to make one guards found two of the four men ing expedition which charted the of them squeal because the whole yhiding on the roof of a prison build- route for the first railroad to cross bunch are then down on you." Caris . i ._n.T n.rin-