PAGE EIGHTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 14. 193: THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. AUGUST 14, 1937 New Baird Carillon And Burton Memorial Tower Michigan Offers Much For Those Will Soon Complete Interior Work On Interested In Dramatic Work .RacklaM Graduate School Bu eii na By JOSEPH GIES For the student interested in the theatre, Michigan can offer perhaps more in the way of opportunities both for active participation and specta- torial enjoyment than any other uni- versity in the country. Play Production, under the direc- tion of Valentine B. Windt, trains students in every department of the- atrical work, including costume and stage designing, directing, managing and other technical work as well as acting. The group presents several plays during the year in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, located in the Michigan League and owned by the University. During the past several years a number of experiments has been made in correlating the work of Play Production and the analagous sum- I mer group, the Repertory Players, with that of the School of Music. Out- standing operettas, including Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance," "The Gondoliers," and "Ruddigore," and Oscar Straus's "The Chocolate Soldier," have proven extremely pop- ular with student audiences. This summer the Repertory Players and thn mlin n nln mhn r olrf I C( Although no completion date has meeting places for 30 or more re- been set for the Rackham School for search organizations on the campus, Graduate Studies, according to Dean while its facilities will be available to Clarence S. Yoakum, of the garduate state and national scientific and school, the interior work should be learned societies. finished in the early part of the next Dean Yoakum has placed emphasis I nemuicseno iciaaentsin;semester.on the fact that the general signifi- "H. M. S. Pinafore," most famous of cance of the building lies in the fact all Gilbert and Sullivan comic operas. The $1,500,000 project was begun that graduate work is not merely Play Production is open to sopho- more than a year ago as a memorial courses and laboratories, but a new mores and upper classmen only, in to Mary A. and Horace H. Rackham, form of human relation with knowl- accord with thr general rule against whose estate made the donation for edge. In the Rackham School for freshman participation in extra-cur- the building. Graduate Studies it is hoped that ricular activities. No classes will be held in the build- boundaries between subject will be The Spring Dramatic Season, an ing, according to Dean Yoakum, less evident in its discussion rooms, annual event introduced several years the three-storied structure having lounging and common rooms, than ago by Robert Henderson, is one of been conceived rather as a center for in other places on the campus. the highlights of the Ann Arbor students stirred by curiosity to know. According to Dorr H" Martin, '11A, year. The building will provide suitable the building is being constructed to be one of the most permanent here. It will be unique in town because of its facing of a particular kind of In- diana limestone, previously used only as a trimming here. It will probably be the last building of its size in the world faced with this limestone from the Dark Hollow quarry in Indiana, the source being"exhausted. A large auditorium on the north side of the building will be the build- ing's outstanding room. About the size of one of the local theatres, it takes up the entire side of the strue- ture from the first floor, through the second, to the mezzanine. 1,100 per- sons will be able to find seats here- about one-half the number such a space would ordinarily accommodate: space would ordinarily accommodate: Welcome Freshmen! 4 _ __ Friendship Creates Friendship and We're a FRIENDLY STORE -.. * * * * Carillon Is Rapidly Becoming Tradition OfUniversity Life Come In and Get Acquainted By JAMES BOOZERX Musical tomes of the Charles A. Baird Carillon fading into a grey December dusk o floating on the balmy twilight of summer are on the way toward becoming an integral part of the University and its tradition. Every time these 53 bells, third largest group in existence, boom out from their chamber 10 stories above' the campus in the Burton Memorial Tower, "some soul will be cheered," President Ruthven said at their dedi- cation Dec. 4, "encouraged and up- lifted." The, carillon is situated where it should be-in the midst of daily life, according to Prof. Earl V. Moore, di- rector of the music school, who had charge of the selection of the bells. "Compared with others in this coun- try and abroad, they are lovely in tone quality and clear and pleasant to the ear." Dedicated December 4 With the impressive dedication ceremonies Dec. 4, modeled closely after an ancient English custom of dedication of church bells, there came to a realization a project that had been envisioned by alumni and University leaders for more than a decade. The carillon, donated by Charles A. Baird, Kansas City attorney, is housed high up in the bell tower built by subscriptions of students, faculty, townspeople and alumni, and called Burton Memorial Tower in memory of Marion L. Burton, president of the University from 1920-24, because it was a dream of his, frustrated by an untimely death. It is hoped that it will become a symbol, an embodiment of the spirit of Michigan. The Baird bells have a range of four and one-half octaves, exceeded onlyby two carillonstboth in this country - that of the Riverside Church in New York City, which has 72 bells, the largest of which weighs 20 tons, and that of the University of Chicago, which also has 72 bells, lar- gest 18 tons. The largest bell of the Baird group weighs 12 tons. A caril- lon is judged more by the size and weight of its largest bell than by the number of separate bells, according to Professor Moore. Made In England A score or more carillons of the four-octave range are located in this country, all of which were cast and tuned by English firms, as was the Baird carillon. English American bell founders have produced some inter- mediate bells of a quality equal to the imported ones, but have not as yet produced large or extremely small bells. The 12-ton bell with a pitch of E- flat is contrasted with the smallest of the group weighing 12 pounds and having a pitch of G-sharp. The first carillons were brought to America after the World War, accord- ing to Professor Moore. Since the con- struction of one in Toronto in 1922, more than 40 others have been in- stalled on this continent. Carillons have long been intimately tied up with civic and national life in Eur- ope, especially in the low countries, he says. "Almost every town in Hol- land has a carillon, while Belgium has several that are known the world over. Schedule Of Semester Fees Is Listed Here Effective with the beginning of the regular University year 1937- 38, the matriculation fees, the di- ploma fee (except for duplicate diplomas), fees for special cer- tificates, and the general labora- tory fees in the Medical School and Hospital were abolished by the Board of Regents on Feb. 28, 1936. As an offset. for the ma- triculation, diploma, and similar fees abolished, semester fees were readjusted, all effective with the. beginning of the regular Univr- sity yar 1936-37 as follows: SCHEDULE OF SEMESTER FEES In the following schedule the name of the school or college is followed by two figures. The first is the fee for legal residents of Michigan, and the second is the fee for non-residents. 1.'Literature, Science andthe Arts......$55 $ 75 2. Engineering ....... 60 80 3. Medical............110 175 4. Education.......... 55 '75 5. Law ...............70 75 6. Pharmacy ......... 60 80 7. Dentistry .......... 110 150 8. Graduate........... 55 75 9. Business Adminis- tration.......55 '75 10. Forestry, Conserva- tion .. ...... 55 '75 11. Music.............. 55 75 12. Architecture 00 80 13. Part-time Fee, All Schools and Col- leges, Group 1......15 15 14. Part-time Fee, All Schools and Col- leges, Group 2...... 25 25 Largest And Most Complete Stock Of and STUDENT SUPPLIES We're anxious to make you a regular, everyday customer and friend of ours - We can only do that by giving you what you want - when you wa nt it-and at the lowest price. Come in and browse - get acquainted even before you're To give students and faculty of the university of Michigan the finest and most efficient book service they've ever had, we have arranged a special daily phone service to Chicago. Come in once- we, know you'll come back often, Good Old College Days Of Past Are Bid Goodbye For Evermore (Continued from Page 17) games were shouted out to the mob of students from a second story win- dow of the State Street bookshop, Mr. Slater particularly remembers be- cause it was he who had to run with where the new engineering building now stands. Fraternities in those days were feeble frame structures, made over from rooming houses and private residences, and only a small percent- age of the more affluent students were members according to Mr. E I p "lio -W AN A '7"\ r