PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1937 Hopwood Awards Remarkable Feature For Student X lriters Prizes Totalling $10,000 Are Often Awarded Four Fields, Essay, Poetry, Prose Fiction, Drama, Are Open To Students One of the most remarkable fea- tures of the Michigan extra-ciirric- ular program is the Avery and Jule Hopwood Awards for creative writing, for which competition is held every spring and in which prizes totalling as high as $10,000 are given. The contests are divided into two general groups, major and minor, the former open to senior and graduate students, and the latter to undergrad- uates. Each group is composed of four fields of writing: prose fiction, essay, poetry and drama. Major awards of as high as $2,500 are made, while minor awards are limited to $250 or less. Discretion is allowed the contest judges in determining the .mounts to be awarded. " Established By Will Established by the will of the late Avery Hopwood, well-known writer of comedy drama, the Hopwood Fund has received many additiohs, includ- ing one of more than $50,000 last year upon the death of a relative of Mr. Hopwood. The Fund was stablished, according to the terms of the endowment, for the purpose of fostering student creative writing, and in partiular encouraging "the new ind the radical." Seven competitions have been held since the contests were inaugurated in 1931. In 1932 a part of the fund was set aside for the establishment of a contest for freshmen, ineligible under contest rules to compete in the regular competition. Freshman Hop- wood awards are made in the fields of poetry, fiction and essay, with prizes of $50, $30 and $20 usually made in each. Three Works Published Three Hopwood major fiction win-, ners have been subsequehtly pub- lished; Mildred Walker's "Fireweed," 1933 winner; Hubert Skidmore's "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes," victor in the 1935 contest, and Ruth Lininger Dobson's "Straw in the Wind," win- ner in 1936. Two others, "The Stub- born Way," by Baxter T. Hathaway, awarded a second prize in 1936, and the winner of the 1937 contest, writ- ten by Emmanuel P. Menatsaganian, will be published this fall. Menat- saganian is an Armenian student en- rlled in the Graduate School who filed papers for naturalization only two weeks before the announcement of awards. Hopwood competition is restricted4 to students enrolled in English coursesr in the literary or engineering college, with minimum schedule and grade requirements for both graduate and undergraduate students. Many Outstanding Judges Contest judges are selected froml the nation's outstanding men of let-t ters. Among last year's judges were Joseph Auslander, Clifton Fadiman, borothy Thompson, Robert Hillyer, Mary Ellen Chase and Bruce Bliven. Manuscripts are first examined by the contest committee before beingf sent to the judges, and material con- $idered inferior in quality weededt out.t A part of the endowment is alsos used to bring an outstanding speaker to Ann Arbor to deliver the "Hopwood lecture," which is given at the meet- ing at which the awards are made, generally held the middle of the last week of school. Last year's lecturer was Christopher Morley, who spoke on Don Marquis, "A Successor to Mark Twain." Loan Library Project To Be Available Here A project for establishing a text- book loan library for the benefit of students unable to afford to purchase books is being put into effect this year. The plan was worked out last spring by a committee composed of Prof. Erich A. Walter of the English department, Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineering college, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary college and Dr. William W. Bishop, director of the department of library science. It calls for a library modelled on that found- ed at Yale University by the late Lor- ing W. Andrews, although no fund is available to begin the project. A number of text books were con- tributed by students at the close of last semester, and more are being sought from students of the Sum- mer Session. Although it is impos- sible that a large enough number of volumes will be on hand to start the library in earnest next semester, a beginning will be made, and an at- tempt to draw student and alumni The Way The University Campus Looked Way Back When 150 Freshmen To Be Guests At SCA CAMP I I~~~ Traditional Rules Are Not Numerous But Please Remember Just These Few You're not a "frosh," and you can't join a "frat." You'll have no "profs," and you'll never see Joe College at Michigan-- he departed this campus in '29, in company with his raccoon coat, his silver gin flask, his supercharged roadster and his whoopee hat, and you'll hear none of his raucous, Col- lege Humor Jargon. Why don't you? Because this is Michigan, not a Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer six day set, and we like to think-of ourselves as a group of some- what serious-minded college stu- dents, not mere atmosphere. Our Rules Are Few We're a hundred years old this year, and a century of education has mellowed us a bit, and we consider ourselves entitled to a few halycon recollections. Our rules are few, but such as they are, we like a moderate adherence to them. Here are some of the favorites among the accepted practices, and keeping them in mind, lends a strain ways is at footb of unity to a cosmopolitan com- sions and pep me munity. ineffable. A freshman smoking a pipe on Rules F( campus is frowned on-no law, you During the rusl understand, but one of those unwrit- call a fraternityx ten customs. ber! when you a Do Not Cut Across an appointment, Treading on the lawns on your intend to pledg way from class to class is not re- house. garded with favor. Not that your Refrain from classes aren't worth getting to on fessor as an instr time, of course; in fact, walking into but if you must lecture rooms consistently after the favor vice versa. instructor has started to talk is a collect, is a memb leading misdemeanor. As for leav- --he has to have ing classesbefore the lecture has degree from some finished, even if he slightly exceeds Sipn lse his allotted time, this is a flagrant kofvmakng aerthem violation of common courtesy, erroringjudhen - error in judgmeni High school pins, athletic emblems, cry afternoon at t etc., can be stowed away in the attic those whose thirs trunk with your diploma and short isfied with a coke pants It's futile for a Hats are removed when The Yel- a senior - acting low and the Blue is sung, as it al- freshman lable. all game intermis- etings. This one is or Rushees hing period, always not a frat, remem- are unable to keep even if you don't *e that particular addressing a pro- uctor, or vice versa. err, by all means And a doctor, re- ber of a closed shop received a doctor's place. s with the thought up later is a serious t -open house ev- the dean's office for t for culture is sat- instead of a class. freshman to act like g is an infallible Be yourself! of ti s s al SC n H C T a ti. m f ID in a a IT g p a re c W m Rendezvous Group Meets Sept. 18 At Patterson Lae Fresh Air Camp More than 150 freshmen will be ' y guc: t of the Student Christian As- sociation at the annual Freshman Rendezvous Camp Sept. 17 to 19 at the Fresh Air Camp site on Patterson Lake, 25 miles from Ann Arbor. The charge for the weekend will THE MICHIGAN UNION be approimately $4.75, and includes all expenses. Included on the pro- gram are talks by prominent men in the University at meals and around en's Activities evolve Around the evening campfire; swimming and games; and stunts to serve as "mix- ers." Michigan songs will be learned One Principal 'ener-TlieI nion and new students will meet upper- classmen acting as counselors on var- ____ _ --- ----ious phases of college life. With the new addition to the Union ,the Union, providing an excellent The program will not interfere with nished, incoming freshmen will find place to read and study for examin- orientation activities, since the latter he Union, hub of all men's activities, ations. do not beign until Tuesday, Sept. ffering greater opportunities than Much In Recreational Line . 21. ver before. The three-day session is designed In the recreational line, the Union for a two-fold purpose-to create a At the Union, a multifold program offers practically every type of indoor cooperative, friendly association of s carried on, including a recreation- recreation. In the basement is lo- hme aculty and erclssmen ,cdemi aated a splendid swimming pool, 25 and to provide a rapid and profitable chedules. yards in length and 15 yards wide. adjustment to the larger sphere of The Men's Council, heading th^ open to men students every day from University life with its complexities tudent government on the campus, 11 a.m. until midnight. and strangeness. nakes its headquarters at the Union. In the basement of the new addi- Group discussion will be held, at lugh Rader, '38, is president of the tien are situated seven new bowling which University activities will be dis- ounci. for the coming year Bruce alleys, where individual games, as cussed. Athletics, publications, re- Felfer, '38 is vice president of the well as the regular Union tournma- igion, dramatics, are only a few topics nd Frederick Geib '38, is secretary- ments, are held. to be discussed in individual dis- reasurer. On the second floor are located cussions where questions may be Discipline Cases billiard and pool tales, as well as asked of an upperclassman experi- All cases involving discipline of many ping pong tables. During the enced in the activity. en students which are to come be- year billiard tournaments are held Many prominent men visited the ore the University Committee on and many of the country's leading Rendezvous Camp last year. Among )iscipline and other disciplinary cases chalk-line artists give exhibitions in them were Coach Fielding H. Yost, n which the procedure is authorized the Union. grand old man of Michigan football, re referred to the Council's judici- Dining room facilities are also to Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the ry committee for investigation and to twice its former size, where food is University, Joseph A. Bursley, dean eport. be found in the Union. In the base- of students, and Ira Smith, registrar. The Union has its own student muent is the taproom, newly enlarged These and many other visitors with overnment with a president, vice served cafeteria style throughout the messages to the freshman class made residents from the various schools day. On the main floor is located brief addresses at mealtimes. nd colleges in the University, a the dining room, an excellent place Although definite plans have not ecording secretary and an executive to bring the parents when they are yet been completed it is believed these ommittee. visiting in Ann Arbor. men will again talk to the assembly The Pendleton library, containing A large ballroom is situated on the this year. arious types of books and reference second floor. Here dances are held Freshman men students wishing naterials, as well as many periodi- every Friday and Saturday night application blanks for the weekend, als, is located on the second floor of throughout the school year. should address Lane Hall, Ann Arbor. Leaders In1 Campu 1s Activities, Scholarships Termed B.W.O.C. The magical phrase B.M.O.C. or Margaret Meloicke, secretary and B.W.O.C. which every freshman rev- Clare Ford, treasurer. eres with the greatest esteem is not Although there is no honor society merely a nickname that certain stu- dents acquire but is their reward for for sophomore women, their scholas- being leaders in scholarship and so- tic merits and social activities deter- cial activities on the campus, mine whether or not they can fulfill The main prerequisite necessary to the requirements of Wyvern, become a "big woman" on campus is The active members of Wyvern pa- to attain membership to the various rade around on "tapping night" and campus honor societies. Eligibility for rout the new members from their these societies is based on scholar- homes and take them to the home of ship, leaderhip and activities. Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher for refresh- Alpha Lambda Delta is the honor ments. Mrs. Backer, assistant dean society for freshmen women who have of women, is the sponsor of Wyvern. a half-A and half-B scholastic aver- Later a formal initiation is held in age for the first semester. It is a na- the League Chapel. tional sorority which was founded at Wyvern was founded 15 years ago the University of Illinois. A chapter under the supervision of Mrs. Fred- was organized here in March 1928 crick J. Jordan who was formerly with Dean Alice C. Lloyd as faculty dean of women. Harriet Pomeroy is adviser. The newly elected officers the new president and the other offic- are: Ann Vicary, president; Mary ers are Barbara Heath, secretary, and (Continued on Page 15) Norma Curtis, treasurer. ..... ------ - ", d the freshman rendezvous----- GATHER HERE with your associates, the Class of 1941. Enjoy the meals, carefully planned and prepared in the Union's all-electric kitchens, cooked by chefs who know food as well as cooking. You will pay little for this food lead the field in- QUALITY . COMFORT Style DistinsCtion Priced at $6.75 and up. Headquarters for: T T_ nN Rr hT IDT-TV CThTu C * and you will eat it in pleasant surroundings in the com- * pany of your friends. You should alo meet Sam and sam- ple his preparations at the soda fountain. in short, Men of 1941, the Union Cafeteria will be practically your home The MICHIGAN UNiO10N