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August 14, 1937 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-14

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1937 ~1


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Freshmen Have
Equal Start In
Scholarship, Leadership,
Character Form B a s is
For Position Awards
Activities Important
An equal opportunity to participate
in every activity on the campus is
automatically awarded to every wom-
and as soon as she registers through
the Michigan League's plan of gov-
ernment which is based on the merit
system. This plan extends from the
beginning of the first year until
The merit system is founded on
scholarship, character and qualities
of leadership which each individual
woman displays. At specified times
during the year every woman is given
th opportunity to signify hr choice of
activities in which she is interested in
working. She may do this by filing a
regular petition blank. All applicants
for minor committee positions are
accepted, and on the basis of the work
done in these capacities, each woman
may thus advance to a major position.
Points For Each Activity
For every activity in which a per-
son participates, a certain number of
points are recorded and kept as a per-
manent record. The number of ponnts
for any activity is determined by
the number of hours spent in the ac-
tivity and the way in which the job
is accomplished.
These activity points are not only
recorded for each indivdual, but also
for every dormitory, sorority, league
house and independent zone. At the
end of the year, an activity cup is
awarded to the group having earned
the greatest number of points during
that year.
For' each- individual, these points
are greatly responsible for the selec-
tion of members into honorary soci-
eties as well as the major offices on
the campus. In addition, these points
may be earned in any organization on
the campus in addition to actual work
in the League. Whether it be sports,
debating, newspaper work or glee
Council Heads Women's Govenment
At the head of the League govern-
ment, which is the governing body for
all women, is the Undergraduate
Council. This Council is composed
of the President of the League who
serves as chairman of the Council;
three vice-presidents selected from
the various schools; a secretary-trea-
surer; the Presidents of the Panhell-
enic Association, organization for sor-
ority women, Assembly, organization
for unaffiliated women, and the Wo-
men Atheletic Association; the Wo-
men's Editor of The Daily, ex-officio,
qSnd the chairmen of the various Lea-
gue committees.
The various committees which are
responsible for all the activities spon-
stred by the League include the merit
system committee, the social commit-
tee, theatre-arts committee, orienta-
tion committee, and publicity com-
mittee. During the second semester
of the freshmen year, every woman
may join in the work of any of these
committees which she desires.
Merit System Committee
The merit system committee re-
cords and files every point made in
4activitiesin the Undergraduate Of-
fices of the League. The publicity
committee is responsible for adver-
tising all League events as well as
editing a small paper for alumnae
)nd campus circulation.
Teas, style shows, receiving visitors,

open house, and assisting with the
President of the University's recep-
tions are the functions of the social
committee. This committee is also in
charge of the week-end dances.
Sponsoring sculptor and art exhib-
its as well as managing the Children's
Theatre is the work of the theatre-
arts committee. The Children's Thea-
tre features entertaining and educa-
tional productions for the children of
Ann Arbor and vicinity.
Advisors For
'Transfers Are
Made Known

Is W.A.A. Sponsor

Campus Fashions Declare Simplicity



As New Keynote Of Entire Wardrobe


A iigeliii ( iIalisz('W$ IiM


Glee Club Only
Activty Open
To Freshmen
Carillonneur Wilmot Pratt
Directs Singers; Music
School Sponsors
The University of Michigan Wom-.
en's Glee Club is of special interest
to the freshman women for it is the
only organization of its kind open to
freshmen. Although the regular
freshman glee club was discontinued
five years ago, there is a group of
freshman women attached to the
regular glee club who will become
regular members during the second
The Women's Glee Club is now
under the direction of Wilmot Pratt,
University Carilloneur, and is spon-
sored by the School of Music. It
meets for one rehearsal a week in
the League, and call various other
rehearsals before concerts. It presents
several programs at various campus
social functions, a Christmas Con-
ei t, and also sing at other schools
in the state.
The Glee Club was formerly called
the Stanley Chorus, in honor of the
late Dr. Albert Stanley, former di-
rector of the School of Music, but
since the name did not definitely
identify the organization with the
University, and resulted in some con-
fusiondon tours, the name was1
changed back to the original one.
The group was organized before the
School of Music was affiliated with
the University, and originally was
open only to members of the School
of Music. When it was decided to al-
low members of the other schools to
take courses in the School of Music,
those members were permitted to join
the glee club, and then when the
School of Music joined with the uni-
versity in 1927, the organization was
opened to any girl who wished to try
Membership is decided by try outs,
which have become more exacting in
the past few years. Freshmen women
who are admitted to the freshman
group of the organization are ad-
mitted to the regular glee club during
second semester. There are at pres-
ent about sixty girls in the group.
Expenses .ere
For Students
Michigan Students Tuition
Is $55; Laboratory Fees
Are Extra
Expenses of living in Ann Arbor,
within certain limits, are just about
what the individual student wishes
to make them. Some spend more'
than $100 monthly; some spend less
than $50.
As to static expenses, all Michigan
residents but special students must
pay $55 tuition each semester. Non-
residents of Michigan must pay $75
semester tuition. Laboratory fees are
additional costs for the student of
Considerable saving can be made
by buying second-hand books, al-
though many courses require books'
heretofore unpublished. The pros-
pective student should allow about
$12 each semester for the purchase
of books.
Room rents are rising this year,
according to the University housing

Simplicity marks the keynote of
every college woman's wardrobe. Re-
verberations of the days of '26-i
when skirts were on the rise, are re-
echoing for '37-'38, as the skeleton in
the closet is rattling. Dresses ar
simpler with little det ils, sleeves are
varied, shoulders are accented, and
clothes in general arc smarter.
Black is still the best color this
winter, but for those who cannot
vear it well, it would bh wise to choose
green or brown as the predominant
color in their wardrobes, rather than
look ghostly and pale trying to be
smartest. Although fashion says it
is smart to wear certain trends, the
wisest and most economical thing to
do is to wear what is most becoming.
For rushing not as many clothes
are necessary as thought. The clever
girl owns several dresses in sheer
wool and silk, and effects many cos-
tumes by a change of accessories, par-
ticularly hats and shoes.
Black Proves Smartest
A dress for favorable comment is
in black. with a straight skirt, plain
sleeves buttoned at the wrist, and a
square neckline. For a sleek appear-
ance wear a small single strand of
pearls, or for a bit of a dash try a
bright sash of heavy silk that ties in
the front, and falls in folds nearly
to the hem. Or add gold or sparkling
clips fastened at the corners.
For the rushing dinners, again may
simplicity and wise economy be
stressed. Short informal dresses are
the only thing for these occasions,
and never appear in a floor length
or an ankle length gown. Save them
for the formal dinners.
And since no girl may visit any one
house more than three times, not
more than three or four dresses for
these dinners are needed. Those
permissable are sheer dressy wools.
silks and knits. These dresses also
are worn for dates.
Satin For Smoothness
If you have or have not a slim
waist, a dress to meet the occasion
is of shining black satin. Heavy and
rich looking, the full raglan sleeves
are elbow length with a tiny band
for the cuff. The waistline is smooth
and fitting, wth a swathed belt for
that trim look.
The fullness of the blouse is tucked
into a small shoulder yoke, and the
high neckline has a strand of the
now .well-established pearls. For
added accent wear a pair of neat
suede pumps with a high flaring
tongue, trimmed with strips of black
patent leather. These shoes are just
dressy enough, and yet still plain
enough so that you may wear them
with many other costumes.
Teas Are Informal
Informal clothes are also worn to
the afternoon teas. Wear a short
velvet or a tailored suit with a dressy
blouse. Velvet is not as economical
since little wear is required of it
during the winter, but when the flat-
tering ability of this dress is con-
sidered and if you can afford to be
extravagant just once, why not?
Of rich wine velvet, this dress has
a short full peasant skirt, girded at
the waistline with a folded self belt.
The bodice is soft and full at the
waist and flat at the throat. The
sleeves blouse below the elbow where
the fullness is caught in a wide cas-
ual cuff. The only decoration is a
gold link necklace that accents the
With this dress wear wine suede
sandals, short wristlength cuffless
gloves that flare slightly, and a soft
suede or doeskin purse, pouch-like,
gathered on a covered frame.
Small Hats Most Popular
Small hats are always worn to
these teas. With this dress, if your
hair is fluffed on the ends, don a
diminutive skull cap of wine antelope
with its sole trim of a large stiff
bow of narrow velvet ribbon, that
perches saucily above the left eye.
Or if you wear your hair sleekly in
a bun or a roll, emphasize it with
a silly little cap with a huge poufi
of feathers, bows, and, of all things,
velvet daisies. The cap is of ant--
lope, in wine the assorted trimmings

of soft greens, a touch of black, and
tiny dashes of cream.
A suit might have a straight jacket
and full skirt, or a full jacket and a
straight skirt. Either one will have
a lot of wear, for classes as well as
dates. For a tea dress it up with a
frothy blouse of organdie or satin
of contrasting color, and have the hat
and shoes match the suit, the glove
and purse match the blouse.
Two Formals Are Sufficient
Until Christmas two formals are
all that are really needed. Each
sorority has two formal dinners at
the end of rushing, and no woman
may go to one house both nights.1
Perhaps the most practical dress to
buy would be a formal with a jacket.
There are many materials and fabrics
from which to choose your gown as
well as a variety of styles from which
to select.
If you are budgeting rather care-
fully, the best choice would be a
simple dress, one that would flatter
you and be reasonably inconspicu-
ous. How much nicer it is to have
someone say, "How lovely she looks
tonight!" rather than "What a good-
looking dress, I wonder where she

in a short-waisted princess style, wit a change wool dresses and knits are
full bodice, a very low decolletage. very popular- the wools are the most
r.anu inch-wide straps over the shol- tailored in shir .waist styles, and the
ders. On th: front are pinned a knits may he almost anything, but
bednch of navy JAue silk flowers. The not too dressy.
skirt is fairly straight in front to Fat '-cels are worn to classes for

pcimit easy dancing or strolling, and
in the back the fullness starts below
'he hips, standing out stiffly, and
rustling as you walk. Then there is
a little yellow jacket with puffed




< .6


high 'icels are tabu, besides being
very tiring with so many stairs to
climb. White shoes are worn all win-
ter too, but for classes only; espec-
cially saddle shoes, which now are
universal campus shoes. No one ever
wears rubbers when it :ains. So
have heavy campus shoes with thick
rubber soles, to prvent wet feet. The
leather soles aiĀ° not so practical be-
cause they get very damp and curl at
the toes, and make slipping easy on
slick sidewalks.
Rain Coats Necessary
And speaking of rain, do not be dis-
couraged, but invariAly it rains dur-
ing Freshman Week, so be sure to
bring a rain coat. Trench coats are
comfortable, and a rubberized silk
is cooler for the warm fall rains. And
don't forget th., little oilskin or cello-
phane capes that fold into a package
to carry in your notebook.j
A three-piece tweed suit has no end
of use. The coat may be worn over
other skirts all winter, and for foot-
ball games the suit is ideal. And
fur-lined carriage boots may be worn
to games to keep your feet warm, even
when there isn't a sign of snow. With
these suits wear little felt rollers, or
snap brims, and bright purses, blouses
and gloves.
Ankle Socks For Campus
Other popular campus coats are
camels-hair, and shaggy tweeds in
almost any color. Hats are worn, or
not, entirely by choice, to classes. And
ankle socks are worn over silk stock-
ings. No bare legs with only ankle
socks should appear in public during
winter school.
If you are athletically inclined
bring warm ski-suits, shorts for tennis
riding clothes, or equipment for al-
most every sport. The ski-suit should
be selected for comfort rather than
beauty. See that wrist and ankle
cuffs prevent chaffing, by keeping
the cold snow out, and that mittens
are warm, and the boots are heavy.
As soon as you come to college dark
clothes are donned, black and brown,
and all the rest. No matter how hot
it is absolutely no light clothes ai.
worn, so leave all the summer clothes
at home. Even for classes everyone
wears their new fall clothes. Be-
sides, the cottons and silks left home
now will be new to the campus next

Miss Maliszewski heads the Ju-
diciary Council for women. This
group handles all interviewing for
major campus positions as well as
disciplinary cases.
I League Library
Aff ords Girls
Browsing Hour
The League Library, which was
opened for the first time 2 years ago,
offers an array of books for recrea-
tional reading.
The library is located on the third
floor of the League. It is planned in
the same nature as the Hopwood Li-
brary in Angell Hall. However, it is
not an educational library, its chief
purpose being to afford a browsing
place for one's spare time.
When the library was opened in
September, 1,000 books lined the
shelves. With the aid of the Under-
graduate Book Fund which was
formed, more than 300 books have
been added. These may be taken out
for a period of two weeks with re-
newals, or they may be read in the
Attendance in the library last year
was almost 9,000. Edna Linzey, '39,
who has charge of the library, re-
ported that throughout the year only
one book was lost. It is expected
that attendance will increase as the
library becomes better known.
Hours of the library are from 12:30
to 9:30 p.m. daily except Sufiday.

sleeves to wear for less formal occa-
sions. Wear navy blue satin slippers
with it, and carry a navy blue silk
party bag.
Another dinner dress with a flow-
ered removable tunic makes a nice
formal when worn without the over-
blouse. A black velvet evening wrap
is the best and most all-around for
evening wear.
Tweeds For Classes
Silks and satins are never worn to
classes. Sturdy tweed skirts and
sweaters, with scarves are the stand-
by. Bring as many as you can. For

__ -


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FALL - t"pr?
Starting September 'we ty--Four th con~
tinuing on September Twenty-Fifth The
Michigan Union presents th regular week=
end dances, As usual, Bob Steile and is
Melody Men will furiih the music. One
dollar the, couple,

Elizabeth Baxter, '38, will be chair- inspector who has taken a consensus

man of tne transfer 'advisory group
according to Margaret Ferries, '38,
chairman of orientation.
This is the first year that advisers
for transfers have been appointed.
'the purpose of these advisers is to
acquaint the students with eachc
other and the various phases of cam-
pus activities. The transfers will fol-
low the same program that has been
arranged for freshmen women, and
although this program will be very
helpful for transfers it is not obliga-
The members of the transfer ad-

of landlords of the houses she has'
inspectedrthis summer. The average
room rent will be about $4, she indi-
cated, although there will be many
houses distant from the campus and
of lower quality which will be much
Rooms near the campus and of
higher quality are comparatively
scarce, according to reports, and it
would be wise for the prospective
student to engage his room as soon
as possible.
This year, on a large scalebfor the
first time, extra charge will be made

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