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August 14, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-14

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Bitter Struggle
Nears Shanghai
Foreign Zones
City Millions Are Gripped
By Terror As Artillery
Roars Along Whangpoo
(Continued from Page 1)
al community where interests of
many nations are concentrated, took
the center of the stage.
Conflict had actually impended
here since last Monday night; when
in a clash at Hungjao airdrome near
here two Japanese naval men and a
Chinese gendarme were killed. Both
sides brought in reinforcements.
Fighting actually began Friday
morning with rifle exchanges along
the Hongkew-Chapei border; each
side said the other fired first.
It developed into a crescendo of
artillery exchanges, with Japanese
naval vessels blazing away at the
shore, with the fine new Jukong
wharves of the greater Shanghai mu-
nicipality as their principal target.
These wharves, recently finished at
a cost of $1,500,000 about halfway
between Shanghai and the mouth of
the Whangpoo, were blasted and
burning. Two huge fires were blaz-
ing at midnight in that vicinity.
Japanese officers said the wharves
harbored a Chinese troop concentra-
tion which had fired on a Japanese
warship moving upstream. From the
shore the Chinese fought back with
machine guns and artillery.
Casualties thus far were believed
light. Officers of both sides said
they knew of none, but Japanese re-
porters said they had seen two of
their bluejackets wounded by shell
Football Rules
Have Only One
Football fans who acquire head-
aches each fall watching new rules
go into effect can take it easy this
year. The only change is a simplifi-
cation of the kick-off rule to allow
only one kick except where there is
an infraction of the kick-off rule and
the ball does not go out of bounds.
If the ball goes out of bounds under
the present ruling, it will automatic-
ally be put into play by scrimmage on
the receiving team's 35 yard line,
and if it crosses the goal line, it will,
as before, be put in play on the 20
yard line unless the receiving team
runs the kick-off back out of the end
In the event of infractions of the
kick-off rule, the penalty will be in-
flicted from the 35-yard line of the
receiving team if te ball goes out of
Sounds. Only if it does not leave the
playing field upon such an infrac-
tion will the ball be kicked over again.

The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures


Police and firemen had a difficult time in extricating Mrs. Marie
Coral, 26, from the wreckage of a tenement building in New York, under-
mined by heavy rainfall on Staten Island. She suffered internal injuries
in the tragedy that claimed at least nineteen lives.

At least nineteen persons were crushed to death in their sleep in New York, amid a smothering
avalanche of bricks and 'debris, when three Staten Island tenement buildings collapsed during a violent rain-
storm. Police and firemen are shown) here poking through the ruins for bodies.

Dr. R. Freyberg
Will Be Head
Of New Clinic
(Continued from Page 1)
million dollars was paid in 1931 to
ex-service men on account of dis-
ability from arthritis. The cost of
rheumatic disease for 1922 in England
was estimated at between $85,000,000
and $100,000,000.
No efforts will be spared in avail-
ing the new clinic of all the informa-
tion known on the subject at this
time, Dr. Sturgis said, and to this
end Dr. Freyberg will leave shortly
on an extended tour of other clinics
throughout the country, including
those at New York, Rochester, Minn.
and Boston. Methods of organiza-
tion will be studied and notes made
on the different administration set-
Dr. Sturgis expressed hearty en-
thusiasm for the new project, assert-
ing that any research which sue-
ceeds in concentrating scientific ef-
fort on one subject is bound to bear
fruit and "may 'produce benefits
which by the wildest stretch of the
imagination could not have been an-
Piano Recital
Will Be Given
By Clinton Girl
Miss Ruth Pardee, pianist, of Clin-
ton, Mich., will give a recital at 8:30
p.m., Monday, Aug. 16, in the School
of Music Auditorium. This recital is
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
She will open her program with
the Bach "Concerto in G minor" (Af-
ter Vivaldi), whose movements are
Allegro,Adagio, and Allergo, to be
followed by the Beethoven "Sonata,
Opus 57" (Appassionata). The move-
ments of the Appassionata are Al-
lego Assai, Andante con moto, and
Allegro ma non troppo.
After intermission, Miss Pardee
will play "Berceuse," by Chopin, and
"Sonetto 104 del Petrarca," by Liszt.
Two pieces by Debussy will follow
this, "Masques," and 'La Terrasse.
Des Audiences Du Clair De Lune."
Miss Pardee will close her program
with "Femmes des Seville," by Tu-
When in Ann Arbor
EAT at the
Located in the basement under
North University at Thayer

Swarthy sons of the desert, guardians of the Nile, holding standards of Egypt aloft, formed a picturesque
cavalcade as they rode in review past young King Farouk after his investiture. Theirs is the task of protecting
the rich valley of the pharaohs from invasion by any foreign power as Britain relaxed her protectorate over the
ancient nation.

Detective Walter Hart of Cincinnati signed fugitive warrants charg-
ing murder and grand larceny against Mrs. Anna Filser Hahn, 31, as
police continued their investigations into the deaths of four elderly
men. They said she had admitted benefitting from the estate of one
and had sought to collect money from two of the others. Mrs. Hahn is
shown here talking to Detective Frank Kammer at Cincinnati.

In Old Library Boys And Girls Were
Kept Apart, But That Was Long Ago

opened once a week for the use of
the students although the faculty
could draw books. During the various
periods of its growth several students
and members of the faculty served
as librarian. It was not until the
State Legislature appropriated $100,-
300 for a new library in 1881 and after
the dedication of the library in 1883
that there was a permanent library
and librarian. This building was
what is now known as the "old li-
Volumes Increased
But during the 33 years old the
"old library's" life the number of
volumes rapidly increased until when
the number reached 250,000 volumes
the stacks were jammed and the
books were placed at diverse spots on
the campus, even though it was the

largest library in the west and one of
the best libraries west of Cornell,
according to Dr. Bishop's evaluation.
The library also was thoroughly in-
flammable, having caught fire three
times, but luckily the blazes were de-
tected in time and no damage was
done. The only part of the library
that was fire-proof was the book
stacks and these were preserved and

used in the new library.
It was because of the inadequate
capacity of the library and its in-
flammability that soon after 1900
there was agitation for a new library.
Finally, after repeated adjustments
which entailed the use of the art gal-
lery as a stack room, the University
received an appropriation for a new
library in 1915.



(Continued from Page I.
facing the entrance was the circula-
tion desk, which together with the
reference room provided all the serv-
ice to the students. The reading
room occupied the circular front sec-
tion of the building in which were
numerous desks, book, cases lined
along the walls, and the much dis-
cussed border line between men and
women. The room had a capacity
of 150 students-trivial compared to
the many and spacious reading rooms
now available in the present library.
The first floor also contained the pe-
riodical room and the library offices.
Finney Was Reference Librarian
The reference librarian was for
many years Byron A. Finney, '71, who
retired on a Carnegie pension in 1916
after 25 years of service. He was
commonly known as "Pa" Finney be-
cause he was closely associated with
many of the students in his capacity.
No talking was allowed in the library
and it was up to "Pa" Finney to repri-
mand the students who violated this
rule. When he spoke to a student
about this his horse whisper could
be heard throughout the reading
room so that "Pa" Finney's whisper
became famous on. the campus,.
On the second floor was an art gal-
lery which added to the cultural at-
mosphere of the library but was of
no great artistic merit, although it
contained some famous pieces. It in-
cluded a marble statuary of "Nidi-
The Blind Girl of Pompei," by Ran-
dolph Rogers, a plaster cast of Lewis
Cass, famous Michigan governor and
statesman, and "Twins," by the
French painter, Bouguergeau.
Better Than Party Line
But it was not the art gallery that
was the * center of interest on the
second floor but the famed "whisper-
ing gallery." This was a narrow,
dark, circular passageway surround-
ing the roof of the rotunda in which

take the freshmen to the gallery and
instill in them a sense of fear for
their upperclassmates and a feeling
of reverence and awe for the poten-
tialities of the library.
Oh, Dear!
One of the many incidents associat-
ed with the gallery concerned an
Ypsilanti girl who came to this cam-
pus on a "blind date." Not being
aware of the "whispering gallery" she
whispered to her girl-friend while on
one side about her feelings toward her
"date." Her escort was on the other
side and the different hues of his
face were only vaguely described be-
cause of the darkness of the chamber.
The first library of the University
was consigned to the "dark corners"
of the home of C. C. Trowbridge in
Detroit, who was secretary of the
University Board of Regents, and it
was later sent to Ann Arbor-the
ORCHARD averaging 12 1/3
per cent yearly. 950 bearing
trees. 16 acres, bungalow,
storage and packing house,
barn. Beautiful location.
Good crops. Strong local
market. Immediate posses-
sion. $14,000.
dates 16 students on 2nd and
3rd floors. Apartment to rent
and owner's apartment on
1st floor. Income $250 a
month. $12,000.
5-ACRE ESTATE. Country
Club district. Charming 4-
bedroom Dutch Colonial
house. Beautifully land- I
scaped. Fruit. $20,000.

sum total of books being 12 volumes.
While situated in Ann Arbor the
Gray collection which formed the
real foundation of the present Uni-
versity library was purchased. But
there was no library proper and the
books were constantly shifted to sev-
eral buildings on the campus which,
each in turn, became too small for the
rapid growth of the number of vol-
umes. During this period the library

Are Our New FALL STYLES that
All the Co-eds Are Clamoring For!

2romptly and neatly done by expera-
iced operators at moderate pre~utw.
314 South State Street

I - -

)fic~dguL UniaoL
Choice of one:
Florida Fruit Coupe Cream of Tomato
Jellied Consomme or Chicken Broth au Riz
Chilled Grapefruit Juice


J / i

. .
' .: ; .

As seen in

SHOES ... and


Branch Celery

Mixed Olives

Sweet Pickles

Planked Jumbo White Fish, Union Style $1.10
Roast Stuffed Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce $1.10
Calves Sweetbreads, Virginia under Glass $1.10
Baked Imported Holland Ham, Pineapple Glace $1.10
Special Chicken Salad Plate, Hearts of Lettuce $1.10
Tenderloin or Porterhouse with French Fried Potatoes to order
French Fried Potatoes or Potato in Cream
Corn on Cob or Fresh Lima Beans au Beurre
Frozen Punch

;tCrisp . . clever styles, ready to "reg-
ister" with you for a semester of work
and fun! Swanky sports ... glamor-
ous "date" modes, in materials and
colors that will make you squeal with
glee! Come see them!
to $7.75

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