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August 14, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-14

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grant the munitions makers some of their
Spurious documents, forged by armament
salesmen, it has now been proved, created the
English naval scare of 1909. At that time rumors
ran rife that "gigantic preparations" were being
made for an enormous increase in the German
navy. The results, exactly as some powers had
hoped: England upped her naval budget for
the ensuing year by three millions. Parallel was
the 1930 case in Rumania when the whole coun-
try was mysteriously disquieted by fear of a
Russian attack. Apprehension curiously sub-
sided when Rumania dispatched a -large order
for arms to the Skoda works in Switzerland.
French armament companies, confirmed en-
emies of nationalism of course, contributed to
the Hitler campaign funds and now work over-
time producing arms for Der Fuehrer's treaty-
defiant army.
At home there was the 1915 Senate investiga-
tion which disclosed that the United States navy
was paying flagrant over-charges from Amer-
ican armament companies who were allowing
foreign countries cheaper rates in whole-heart-
ed accordance with their philosophy. of inter-
nationalism. Then there is the redoubtable
William B. Shearer whose boast it is that he
broke up the 1927 Geneva Nava Conference,
acting in his capacity as lobbyist for certain in-
terests. This tasty morsel was revealed when
Lobbyist Shearer sued for the $250,000 he claimed
owed to him for his yeoman service.
Gerald Nye's recent Senate investigation
showed that munitions makers figured price on
the basis of cost plus 10 per cent. But cost be-
came for them a convenient all-inclusive item.
Anything from lobbying fees and newspaper sub-
sidies to the general manager's palatial home was
relegated to the cost side of the balance sheet.
Prospects are not too dismal, however. Con-
gress, judging by the progressive frequency of
government-ownership demands, is growing tired
of the armament makers' tune. It begins to
look like the death of the golden-egged goose.
Wartime profits ran as high as 800 per cent and
the depression has done little toward removing
the companies from their solid position in the
clover. Perhaps a half a dozen more Senate in-
vestigations may accomplish the feat at which
the depression failed. At least let's hope they
As Others See it
Wrongs Of Education
(From The Daily Illini)
Today, the last day of summer school, a fair
percentage of students will discover that they
made a mistake just eight weeks ago. As at the
end of every semester, the students who pur-
posely enrolled in "pipe" courses under easy
teachers are beginning to realize their error. They
find they didn't learn much because they didn't
work in these classes. They find they are faced
with as low a grade as they would have re-
ceived in a hard course because they loafed in
this so-called pipe.
The time table lists three things of importance
in connection with our courses-the number of
credit hours, the course, and the teacher. Any
one of these three factors will bring a judgment
of the student as to whether the course is de-
But the most understandable and detestable
part of the whole procedure is the wide-spread
connection which exists between these factors and
the almighty grade. The student searches for
just so many hours in the manner that a child
looks for a piece of a block puzzle. He chooses a
course which requires the least expenditure of
time and effort with the maximum return in
hours and grade. An easy instructor and a
simple text are prime considerations.
Despicable shortsightedness of this kind on
the part of the student- accounts for the un-
educated diploma carriers. There are few men
in this University who really teach. That in-
volves in our mind the insistence that students
master a certain amount of factual material
outside the classroom. The classroom contribu-
tion then is merely thinking as the teacher di-
rects it. An application of universal principles
and an intelligent manipulation of facts is all

that is required.
The real teachers of the university either enjoy
much popularity or are appreciated only by a
small group of students. Some of them gain
large classes by sheer force of a genial treatment
of the course and the students, and those in the
class must think despite their antipathy toward
thinking. Those men and women who teach
small groups, and who are misunderstood by
most students who are confused and resentful
because of relentless barrages of seemingly point-
less and trivial questions, are to be appreciated
the more when their object is apparent. They
seek to teach by getting the student to reason
with them, and in consideration of the interests
which motivate their questioning, they are
teachers of the first rank.
We come back to the kernel of education when
we disparage slipshod and easy instruction. Mere
recitation is not enough. Precise and well con-
structed reasoning is essential before an educa-
tion can be claimed. We repeat our thesis that
education, no matter what theories and statistics
relate, is given only in the end by men who teach.

On The Level
THE UNION STORIES for this week have been
rather brisk. One of them goes as follows.
Seems that a certain nice old lady called the
room next to hers one evening. The operator
then rang that room only to see the nice old
lady's light go off indicating she had hung up.
Then the same little voice answered the phone
being rung and announced that she would take
any message for its occupant.
The answer to this is that the rooms are con-
necting and that the little old lady upon hearing
her friend's phone ring, grew excited, ran in to
answer it, only to find that she was answering
her own call.
The world of science has always remained per-
fectly satisfied with its peculiar abstractions.
They work, and that is sufficient for it.-White-
Query: Does the cow grazing at frequent in-
tervals on the right hand side of the walk leading
to Mosher-Jordan, graze there at night?
* * * * .
"The dangers arising from (the) aspect of pro-
fessionalism are great, particularly in our demo-
cratic societies. The directive force of reason is
weakened. The Leading intellect lacks balance.
They see this set of circumstances (in which they
are trained), or that set; but not both sets to-
gether . . . In short, the specialized functions of
the community are performed better and more
progressively, but the generalized direction lacks
vision. The progressiveness in detail only adds
to the danger produced by the feebleness of the
coordination. . . . The whole is lost in one of its
"Wisdom is the fruit of balanced develop-
ment. It is this balanced growth of indi-
viduality which it should be the aim of edu-
cation to secure."
Whitehead, has, in the above quotation, ex-
pressed clearly one of the main weaknesses of the
progress and development of mankind today. It
applies not only to education but in all fields.
Our football players are too likely to be mere
puppets, our singers mere birds, and our profes-
sional men mere grinds. It is on the fringe of
sport, art and education, where men of broad
training and understanding are necessary, that
real life is livd today and real progress made
* * * *
Sensitiveness without impulse spells decadence,
and impulse without sensitiveness spells brutality.
* * * *
It seems that an American from Ohio was
visiting Scotland during prohibition days here
and while being shown around and having var-
ious points of interest brought to his attention,
his unfailing remark was, "not bad, not bad;
but you should see our - -- at Youngs-
town," or some such place. The guide was not
a little irritated at this continual belittling of
everything Scotch, so when he came to a cer-
tain group of chimneys, he asked the American
to count them. The American did so and upon
being asked how many he counted, answered:
The guide replied with evident satisfaction,
"That's right, twenty-seven chimneys, twenty-
seven distilleries, and all working."
reaches of opera, love certainly is on the payroll.
Toss "I-love-you" in the ashcan as Iturbi did,
and ponder, if you can, the fate of tenors who
would be selling spaghetti, baritones who would
be picking olives, bassos who would be brewing
beer and coloratura sopranos who might, per-
chance, be tenderly waiting for indecision at last
to order ham and eggs.
Of course, there's a difference between opera's
"I-love-you" and that of American minstrelsy.
In opera, love always ends in a dagger thrust or
a poisoned cup, while, with our troubadours, the
lovers saunter down rose-hung lanes, powdered
with orange blossoms. Yet, tragic or triumphant,
love, we submit, is love.

Remember, too, the occasion we're talking
about was the 150th anniversary of the signing
of the Constitution. Does Senor Iturbi, one
wonders, imagine the Founding Fathers to have
been pale, detached philosophers, dwelling in
cloistered isolation, blind to the charms of the
day's dazzlers, deaf to the tinklings of the lute?
Well, they weren't. They were for wine, women
and American song.
Buenas noches, Iturbi. Or, as we say it, Good

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

To All Students Having Libraryt
1. Students having in their pos-1
session books drawn from the Univer-
sity Library are notified that such
books arec due Monday. Aug. 16, before
the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special needI
for certain books after Aug. 16 may1
retain such books if renewed at the
charging desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Thursday, Aug. 19, will be
sent to the Cashier's office, where
their summer's credits will be with-
held until such time as these records
are cleared, in compliance with the
regulation of the Regents.
Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
School of Music Library materials
on loan by Summer Session studentsl
must be returned to the Library,
Room 606, Tower, by Wednesday,1
August 18. School of Music credits
are withheld until all school property
is returned.
Henry Bruinsma, Librarian.
Linguistic Institute Lecture: The
concluding lecture of the summer
program will be presented by Prof.
Edward Sapir of Yale University,
who will speak at 7:30 p.m. Friday
in Room 25, Angell Hall. The topic
will be "The European Laryngeals."
Public Evenings at Angell Hall Ob-
servatory :The 10-inch refractor
and the 15-inch reflector, located on
the fifth floor of Angell Hall, will
be available for Summer Students
from 8 to 1 p.m. tonight.
The Intramural Swimming Pool
will be open to men and women stu-
dents on Saturday, Aug. 14, from 7:45
to 8:45 p.m.
Christian Students Prayer Group
will hold its last meeting for the Sum-
ner term Saturday, Aug. 14. For
room inquire at desk.

direction of Prof. David E. Mattern.
In case of rain it will be held at the
First Congregational Church.
Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:30
a.m, under the leadership of Prof.
George E. Carrothers. J. A. Had-
field's book "Psychology of Power,",
will be the subject for discussion.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:30 a.m. Prof.
John L. Brumm of the Journalism
Department at the University will
speak on the subject: "To the Intel-
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship for Sunday are:
8 a.n., Holy Communion, 11 a.m.
morning prayer and sermon by The
Rev. Frederick W. Leech. 5 p.m. Stu-
dent Fellowship meeting at the Hall
Farm. Cars leave the church at 5
Graduate Outing Club: Will go toj

the Waterloo Project near Chelsea,
Sunday, Aug. 15. Picnic, swimming,
and games. All graduate students
are invited. Meet in front of Lane
Hall at 2 p.m. Tloserhaving cars
are urged to bring them. Transporta-
tion will be provided for those who
have none.
Deutscher Verein: There will be a
banquet'in the Grand Rapids Room
of the Michigan League, at 7 p.m.,
Monday, Aug. 16. Please make reser-
vations either ft the German Table
or in the office of the GNrman De-
partment, 204 U.H-. Extension 788).
In order to take care of many of
the students we have been unable to
see personally, I will be in the office
between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Mon-
day and Tuesday evenings.
T. Luther Purdom, Director
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall on Aug. 18
to consider loans for the coming
school year. Any one in Ann Arbor
who has recently filed an application
for a loan should make an appoint-
(Continued on Page 3)

Classified rectory

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance only 11c per reading
line for one or two insertions. l1c per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
LOST: Pi Lambda Theta key. Will
finder please call 2-2591. Helen
Newberry residence. 660

FOR RENT: Suite with private bath
and shower for three. Two large
doubles with adjoining lavatory.
Shower bath. Steam heat. Approved
for men. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash-
ington. 659
WOMAN wishes position as first codI
in fraternity or sorority. References.
TYPING: All day service. Five years'
experience. Theses, term papers.
Schumacher. 820 E. Washington.
Phone 2-2394. 651

FOR RENT: Double rooms for boys.
Nicely furnished. $2.50 each. One
and one-half blocks from campus.-
720 Whaley Court (on State be-


tween Monroe andk
Final Vesper Service, Sunday, Aug. FOR RENT: Light
15, at 7:3 p.m. on the Library Terrace. rooms for graduate
Program of Sacred Music under the 7485, 806 Arch. St.

Hill). 6b4
women. Phone

TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. Ix


the sight meter will tell you the facts about it
Have you enough light for easy and comfortable seeing,
whereever eye tasks are performed in your home? The Sight
Meter will tell you definitely the value of your lighting. It
shows you just how much light you are getting, and ihether
that amount is sufficient.


For Leader?
St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

ACTING ON THE IMPULSE that now is the
time to come to the aid of the party-and
heaven knows it is-William Allen White nom-
inates Fiorello La Guardia for the leader of
the Republicans. When the laughter, which he
discounts, has subsided, the Kansas editor re-
minds his audience of the derisive reception
Lincoln was accorded 80 years ago and proceeds
to enumerate the qualities the man of the G.O.P.
hour must possess.
He must be a veteran of the World War, with
congressional and executive experience, clad in
shining honesty, politically successful in the acid
test of the polls, and speaking the language of
the man in the street, the housewife, the office
woman, the seamstress, the school teacher, and
"absolutely unhampered by clogging traditions."
All those possessions would be revealed, we
suppose, in an impartial inventory of New York's
fiery and admittedly capable mayor. And 'in the
sneech of Kansas. Mr. White has recited the re-


Love Is Love

(From The St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
American music has been mortally insulted.
Senor Iturbi is the guilty wretch. He kicked our
most popular songs off a radio broadcast the
other night. They could not be tolerated, he
said, on the same program with the Philadelphia
Symphonic Orchestra, which Iturbi was con-

To prevent eyestrain, you need the correct amount of
proper light - enough to make seeing easy - diffused to
prevent glare. Whereever you read; sew, study, be sure that
you do so in plenty of well-shaded light. This will prevent
eye abuse and excessive fatigue . . . and important matter
when eyes are used for long periods.
Don't guess in so important a matter as your eyesight.
Consult an eyesight specialist regularly. And to be sure
of your lighting, have it checked with the Sight Meter.
Your eyes will adapt themselves to light that is too dim for
easy and safe seeing, even though the resulting strain is
harmful. To be sure of your lighting, have it measured with
a Sight Meter. For a Sight Meter check of your lighting,

The Sight Meter will tell you

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