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August 13, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-13

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Moscow To U.S. Martin Claims GM
Pact Still In Force
Flght Starts; 6- ___
DETROIT, Aug. 12.-(IP)-Homer
I n Monoplane Martin, president of the United Au-!
tomobile Workers, who is attending a
MOSCOW, 'Aug. 12.-1)-Sigis- pre-convention session of the union'sk
mund Levaneftsky, piloting a huge executive committee in Milwaukee,
four-motored plane and accompanied issued a statement Thursday explain-
by a crew of five, took off from Mos- ing that the union's agreement with
cow today for a flight across the 3eneral Motors had not expired.
North Pole to New York. The statement, addressed to all
The most famous of Soviet airmen, members and officials of the union,


FRIDAY, AUG. 13, 1937

Seeks Heat Relief

'Educators Hear For Fall And Winter, Right Purse
RugenAddressl With Costume Adds Finishing T
On HealthPlansI .


however, will not attempt a non-stop said:
flight to the United States, a feat "The agreement between the Gen-
accomplished twice in the last two eral Motors Corp. and the UAW did
months by Russia naviators. His plans not expire on Aug. 11. It has been
called for refuelling halts at Fair- rumored in some quarters that this
banks, Alaska; Edmonta, Alberta, and agreement expires at that time. The
possibly Chicago. only part of the agreement which ex-
Levaneffsky estimated he would re- pired is that covered by the exclusive-
quire about 30 hours to reach Fair- >argaining paragraph, which was
banks. limited to six months, under the sup-
Plans for the adventure were kept ervision of Governor Murphy.
secret until two hours before the
take-off, but a crowd of officials was BITSY GRANT BEATEN
at Schelkovo Airport ,on the outskirts RYE, N. Y., Ahg. 12.-()-Bryan
of Moscow, to cheer as the big plane (Bitsy) Grant, Atlanta atom and a
roared away in the direction of the, member of this year's Davis Cup
North Pole. ream, was eliminated in the third
Levaneffsky said he would not try round of the Eastern Grass Courts
for a speed record, but indicated his singles championship today by Gerin
flight was an experiment to study Cameron of Tulsa, Okla., 6-3, 8-6, in
conditions affecting a regular air- a stunning upset.
line across the North Pole to the
dUnited States.
The plane is a cabin monoplane of R ambunctious'
Soviet design weighing 34 tons. It
has a wing span of 120 feet. Avoided, Prim
Sm ith, Back In Give a child limitless physical free-
I4 dom when he's four years old, and
Politics, Is . when he's seven, he won't suddenly
turn into an obstreperous youngster
who bangs doors and slides down stair
Cold Warriorrails.
The rambunctious stage can be
avoided, says Miss Florence Beaman,
NEW YORK, Aug. 12.- (A ) -"A staff member of the Little Red School
Smith, "the happy warrior" of an- House in New York City. Here's how
other day, sits in a leather-covered she says it should be done:
chair behind a massrve desk in his Give Him A Wagon
Empire State skyscraper office, Gv i ao
Give the four-year-old ladders to
chews on a half-smoked cigar, and climb, wagons to move, large blocks
As tte. of wood to push about. He'll expend
Athe din of the New York may- his physical energy on them. If he
oralty fight, already loud enough to has reasonal oets lk these, he
beherarndtecnrygrs has reasonable outlets like these, he
beheard around the country, growswo' want to climb precariously up,
daily louder, he sits in its midst, an wont want rowvsesronsyhe
imperturbable figure with white hair, floor.
cold blue eyes and lips closed over a But his mother will have to con-
cigar or shut tight like a purse. trol her tendency to say, "Don't be so
Purple Shirt And A Pearl
ThePman who was oenr a noisy!" A little noise at pre-school
maIh wsgvenr ageasMssBaawildv e
presidential candidate has doffed his age , sa s Miss Bema n , ill save her
I R .lot ofweaJ d rLni teain1t1 li fla

Says Post-War Programs
Began With Practice Of
Health Propaganda
"The health program is one of en-
richment" said Dr. Mabel E. Rugen
of the University's department of
physical education in yesterday's
School of Education lecture on
"Techniques in Health Education" at
the University high school auditor-
Health is not a subject but rather
a condition of the organism or a
quality of living, Dr. Rugen said. It
is as broad as school health education
itself in that it recognizes the learn-
ing experiences that are found in
healthful school living which include
the providing of a wholesome envir-
onment, the hygienic arrangement of
the school day and the establishment
of proper relationship between the
teacher and pupil, she added
In health education, Dr. Rugen
deems it necessary that the coopera-
tion of medical authorities be enlist-
ed. The education in the school must
coincide with that of the community,
and it must be an extension of that
of the community, she added.
Health programs after the great
war began with the practice of using
posters, plays and radio skits as the
medium of propaganda, but the exact
significance of these media was ques-

By JANET COLLINGS choose, but the pouch style is the
For fall and winter the right purse softest, and prettiest type. One of
with a costume adds a finishing the most attractive has a curved'
touch, and often that extra dash frame, covered wih the leather, and
brings pleasing compliments. It is the rich black antelope is gathered
best to have at least three bags, pay- in full folds to the frame. It is lined
ing the most for the general all-
round purse in order to have it stand:
up with long and steady service. Less
money may be paid for a dressy purse
to carry on more important occa-
sions, since it is not used as much as
the other. And then for teas, have
a crepe bag, just large enough for
cigarettes and a compact.
One of the best leathers for all-
round service is alligator. Most rep-
tile skins are tough, do not scratch,
mar, or lose their finish, even after
several season's wear. So even
though they are quite expensive at with black satin, and fastens with a
first, it is economical in the long run carved crystal ball on top.
to invest in one of these. Handles on purses will be very
Alligator Is Important o ular this winter. s dn lin a


While Congress rushes through
legislation seeking adjourment,
Speaker Bankhead swelters and
seeks relief from heat.
Stage Can Be


try Teacher Says
school room partially explain the rea-
son for the sudden burst of energy at
the six-ye~ar-IeveIl sa MiC BP~~

. - V tionable, Dr. Rugen continued. The
First-graders have to sit in speci- trouble was, she stated, that the com-
fled places. They go through the munity must feel the importance of
day's routine as a class, not as in- the health program as outlined in
dividuals-except in the most pro- the schools, but these posters and
g skits were not the most successful
gressive schools, purveyors of the desired connotation.

Alligator has particular import-
ance this winter in handbags. It has
blossomed forth from the conven-
tional brown or black into many
bright colors, especially blue, green,
red and the tawny shades. In a mod-
ified pouch style, one of these has a
plain, square horn frame, fastens
with a clip, and has a loop handle. It
is very roomy inside, will almost holdl
your toothbrush. The lining is heavy
silk, matches the bag, and the coin
purse is attached by a gold chain, in-
suring its retention during heavy
shopping rushes. The bag is fitted
with a comb and mirror, and little'
compartments are on the lining for
cigarettes, vanity, lipstick, and call-
ing cards. And it opens wide so that
there is no struggle necessitated to
procure desired objects within.
Or for general wear, have a calf-
skin bag of good quality in a tailored
envelope style. This type is larger
than it was last year. One of them
has a diagonal flap, and fastens with
a dragon design clip, carved of heavy
Many Antelope, Suede Styles
Select antelope or suede for the
special occasion purse. There are
any number of styles from which to

pup l p 11 11 , b Ulglil g I
bag from your hand need not make
you feel conspicuous.
The purse illustrated is of the
dessy type, though it might serve
double duty for street wear. It is
suede, may be had in blue, brown or
black. The clip 'is of simulated silver
or gold, to blend with the color of
the bag. The silk lining has notches
and loops for your belongings, and the
interior is quite roomy. The square
handle is not too large, is very easy
to hold.
Envelope Bags In Style
For spectator sports wear, envelope'
bags are in style, though the costume
must be taken into consideration.
Envelopes are larger this winter,
some of them being nearly 12 inches
long. But a warning to the small
woman do not forget proportion, so
avoid appearing as a porter carry-
ing an over-night case.
A modified envelope purse of calf
has a loop on the back for gloved
fingers, and the flap is diagonal fin-
ished with a heavy scroll clip. Anoth-
er is rounded slightly at the bottom,
and has loops on each side, through
which braided silk is run for a double
Little party bags are featuring

trimmings of petitpoint. These are
always in black, since black is a better
foil for the pastels in the needlework.
With a beige circle as background,
roses in reds and pinks, with little
blue decorations and shaded green
leaves, stand out attractively on a
heavy crepe silk bag, with a braided
Another plain crepe purse has k
sparkling square cut clip. The ma-
terial is pleated onto the straight
frame, in small pleats.
Many Fabrics, Leathers
There are many fabrics and leath-
ers featured this winter. Antelope,
suede, buck, calf, kid, are the prin-
cipal leathers, while such reptiles as
alligator, python, lizard will be good
also. The fabrics include gabardine
(mostly for fall), wool in nubby
weaves, and crepes and velvets for
party bags. Patent will also be prom-
inent this year, seen mostly when
combined with antelope or gabardine.
The greatest demand as for color
will be for black, still the most pop-
ular for winter. Brown and green
will retain their positions, and navy
blue will be seen with grey fur coats,
or with slate blue outfits. The bright-
er and less frequent colors will be
dubonnet, rust, grey, and gold and
dull orange.
Student Supplies
_O.D. Morrill


So Miss Beaman advises mothers
to pay particular attention to after-
school activities during the adjust-
ment period.
A child who has enjoyed physical
freedom before school will soon ac-
custom himself to the new restric-
tions if his out-of-school life re-
mains unhampered.

Dr. Rugen concluded her talk by
saying that the teaching of health
in the school should not be done in
the same way that comfmon text book
courses are given, but that they
should be taught in the laboratory
Read Daily Classified Ads

"Report Me and My Cause Aright"

coat in the August heat, and his vest
is unbuttoned over a purple shirt and
a tie .with a pearl stickpin. Before
him on the desk two terra cotta tig-
ers, with delicate stripes, stand as
though sniffing the air.
His greeting is friendly, but once it
is over he clamps down on his cigar
and demands: "How long is this go-
ing to take?"
"As long as you care to make it,"
he is told.
"Fire away, then," he says. "Poli-
tics is out."
That gives him one strike on his
visitor, for interviewing Al Smith,
with politics out, is like talking about
Atlas without his burden.
That's One Strike
But there is no question that the
walker and talker of the last presi-
dential campaign is in his element
again. There is something alive and
nervous in his movements, in his
manner. For sweeter than the strains
of "The Sidewalks of New York" is
the battle din of politics to the man
in the brown derby. Therefore it
seemed safe to ask him: "How does4
it feel to be back in the political
"Didn't know I'd ever been out of
it," he barks through his teeth.
The illness and death of Tam-
many Leader Dooling brought Smith
back to the council tables of New
York's embattled democracy, and he
emerged with his man, Christopher D.
Sullivan, long a congressman but
never an orator, as chief of the wig-
wam, and his choice, Sen. Royal S.
Copeland, as candidate for mayor.
Political observers saw in this per-
sonal victory for Smith the injection
into local politics of his and Mr.
Copeland's opposition to President
Roosevelt's New Deal administration.
There's LaGuardia
Although President Roosevelt has
made it known "for the thousandth
time" that he is staying out of New
York city politics, the Democratic
primary here apparently will be
fought out on the New Deal issue
since four New York borough lead-
ers have designated a pro-New Deal
candidate, Jeremiah T. Mahoney, to
oppose the senator. Should Copeland
emerge victorious, he will face Mayor
Fiorello H. LaGuardia, friend of the
administration, up for reelection on
his record of good government.
Will local history repeat itself?
Once every 20 years the New York
electorate, exhorted into action by
reform groups, has risen in wrath
against Tammany domination of City
Hall. Once every 20 years the Tiger
has gone into hiding, only to emerge,
leaner, but snarling fiercely before
proudly ascending the front steps of
the mayor's mansion as though to
the manor born. This year it will
have a fiercer fight on its hands, be-
cause of LaGuardia's prestige.
What does Smith think about all
fh; ;:9'

U 1L v We'ana Lear n neiu~ure
Even if the home does not permit
the child to have a playroom to him-
self, a spot can be provided where he
can assemble his toys. Children will
play hours at a time on the floor.
Best of all is a space outdoors for
large equipment.
Housework Helps
"Household tasks provide an ex-
cellent outlet for energetic young-
sters," states Miss Beaman. "I've
known a little girl to spend two or
three hours painstakingly drying
dishes," she says. "She'll climb up a
stepladder to the dish rack, lift out
a cup, climb down again, and dry the
cup carefully. Her mother leaves the
dishes entirely in her care."
There is a type of child more both-
ersome than the noisy child of six or
seven, says Miss Beaman; the child
who does not rebel at six or seven,
Such a child, the teacher says,
learns fear because his mother clamps
restrictions on him without explana-
tion. He is likely to carry that fear
into adult life, Miss Beaman believes.
Adult self-consciousness often is a
result of hampered childhood activi-
Helping First-Graders
Physical limitations imposed by the
covered chair he occupied in the gov-
ernor's mansion at Albany and lays
his plans.
He never will run for office again,
he says: but he is bringing into the
local arena the alarum of national
issues, and he puffs on the stub of
his cigar and bides his time.



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