The Weather
Fair and warmer today; little
change in temperature.
LI r
A1ir igan
Wolf! Wolf!ss..
Fascism In America? ..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Black Nominated
For Vacant Court,
Position By F.D.R.
Hammett Says
Japan' s People
'Religious Architecture Of
Japan,' Topic; Reviews
1,400 Years Of History
Lecture Is Last
Congress Split Wide Open
By Surprise Move On
The President's Part
Favors Government
Industry Regulation
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-(A')-
President Roosevelt nominated Sen.
Hugo Black, Alabama Democrat who
champions Government regulation of
industry and agriculture, to the Su-
preme Court today in a surprise move
that split Congress wide open.
Reaction ranged from exclamations
like "Great! Fine" to bitter com-
plaints that the appointment was an
"insult." Signs of a coming battle
against confirmation appeared, but
few legislators doubted that Black's
name would be approved by the re-
quired majority after a fairly short
Seek Move To Dominate
Some opponents of the President's
proposal to reorganize the high tri-
bunal charged that, by naming the
"left-wing" Democrat to succeed the
-,-tired Willis Van Devanter, the
Chief Executive was trying again to
dominate the judiciary and assure its
approval of Administration enact-
Two leaders of the opposition to
the beaten court bill-Senators Hir-
am W. Johnson, California Republi-
can, and Edward R. Burke, Nebraska
Democrat, after a six-hour wrangle,
blocked immediate confirmation of
the nomination. They forced post-
ponement of Senate action at least
until tomorrow by sending the nom-
ination to the Judiciary Committee
for study.
However, one leading foe of the
court legislation, Senator Burton K.
Wheeler, Montana Democrat, de-
clared that the nominee is "a very
able individual" and that he un-
doubtedly would be confirmed.
Lewis Praises Him[
Leaders of organized labor were
among the first to applaud the Pres-
ident's selection.
John L. Lewis said that his Com-
mittee for Industrial Organization is
"strong" for Black, who helped write
the Administration's pending wage-
and-hour legislation.
From William Green, president of
the American Federation of Labor,
came a statement that the appoint-
ment is "both pleasing and satisfac-
tory to labor."
But to such bitter foes of the wage-
and-hour legislation as Rep. E. E.
Cox, Georgia Democrat, the appoint-
ment was "the worst insult that has
yet been given the nation."
Observers generally agreed that
Black, being a member of the Senate
and a Southerner, has a better
chance of confirmation than an out-
sider of similar economic and political
views would have had. Some ex-
pressed belief that many Southern
Democrats who are known as conser-
vatives would support him as a mat-
ter of courtesy and friendship.
Insurgents Try
Again To Wipe
Out Santander
Loyalist War Planes Renew
Raids On Insurgent-held
Cities Beyond Madrid
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Bord-
er, Aug. 12.-(I)-The Insurgents re-
newed their "Drive of Obliteration"
against Santander today, while Gov-
ernment airforces repeatedly raided
Insurgent-held cities west and south-
west of Madrid.
Details of the Santander drive were
withheld, although the daily com-
munique of Insurgent Generalissimo
Francisco Franco admitted it was un-
der way again and claimed it had
scored important advances.
This campaign is designed to wipe
out all remaining Government resis-
tance along Spain's northern coast
now confined to the City of Santan-
Balance Of Power
Swings With Change
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-(/)-
Selection of Hugo L. Black to be a
member of the Supreme Court will
give the Democrats a majority on
the tribunal for the first time since
Justices, however, are supposed to
forget their political affiliations
when they go on the bench. History
has provided a number of examples
of judges voting directly in opposi-
tion to the wishes of the President
who appointed them.
Until the retirement on June 2 of
Justice Willis Van Devanter, the line-
up of the court was five Republicans:
Chief Justice Hughes, Van Devanter,
Sutherland, Stone and Roberts-and
four Democrats-McReynolds, But-
ler, Brandies and Cardozo.
Esperanto Is
Discussed By
Linguistic Men
Spend Two Hours Talking
Over Problems Raised
By AuxiliaryTongue
Despite the apparent consensus
that the topic was just a bit below
their scholarly dignity, members of
the Linguistic Institute spent nearly
two hours after their regular lunch-
eon yesterday in a discussion of prob-
lems raised by proposals for an ar-
tificial international auxiliary lan-
In opening the symposium Profes-
sor Clarence L. Meader of the depart-
ment of general linguistics set forth
three basic questions involved in any
such proposal. These are: Can such
a language be constructed? Can it
be adopted? If so, can it be made'
elastic enough so that it will grow
and expand to meet changing condi-
Meader Explains
Before answering these questions
Dr. Meader explained briefly the na-
ture of language. In the first place,
language, as an instrument of com-
munication, expresses images, ab-
stractions, conceptions of time and
distance, and emotions. It is com-
posed of various organizational ele-
ments, such as tense, mood, case,
word-order, melody, rhythm, accent,
and pause. It makes use of certain
motor elements, such as kinesthesis
and movement of the nervous and
muscular tissues. Finally, it involves,
on the part of the receiver, the sen-
sory processes of interpretation and
All these language elements, he
continued, constitute conditioned re-
flexes. And because the work of re-
searchers has recently revealed that
conditioned reflexes can be trans-
ferred to similar contents, it follows
that an artificial language can be
constructed along general lines sim-
ilar to those of present-day lan-
guages, and that therefore the an-
swer to the first question is yes.
Changes Question
Dr. Meader then turned to his two
other questions, and of them said
that thenanswer is also yes, but that
rit does not fall within the field of
linguistics so much as in sociology.
When the world feels a need for such
a language-and Dr. Meader indicat-
ed his belief in the tendency toward
internationalism and the consequent
demand for an international tongue
-then and only then will it be adopt-
ed, and, if adopted, will it change
when necessary. So it is important
he concluded, to have a usable aux-
iliary language ready when the day
That such a language already ex-
ists and, in fact, is now in interna-
tional use, was the contention of Mr.
Norman McQuown, who this year
(Continued on Page 2)
Are To Hold Mixed
Swim At Intramural
Of Summer
A people gentle in the arts of peace,
sensitive, clean and modest in all
they do; this was the description of
the Japanese nation given yesterday
by Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of the
architecture school as a preface to
his talk entitled "Japanese Religious
Architecture," the last of the Summer
Session lectures.
In all of the ages the Japanese
have changed but little fundamental-
ly," Professor Hammett said, and thus
it has been with their architecture
which has responded lethargically to
the passing years.
Entom.bed with nature and their
religion the Nipponese have tended
toward an independence of spirit and
action which even the influence of
the Occident has failed to dim, he
Colored Slides Used
With the aid of colored slides the
speaker then proceeded through 1400
years of Japanese architectural his-
tory. These years he divided into
three major periods: the first ex-I
tending to the sixth century, the sec-
ond terminating in the 18th century
while the third period he termed
During the entire first period
Shinto was the religion of the island
people-a religion almost undiffer-
entiated from other rites and devoid
of dogmas, moral precepts and sacred
writings. Some gods, according to the,
teachings of Shinto, were good, some
evil, some mortal and some wedded
to women.
Religious Architecture Simple
From the latter category were de-
scended the exalted emperors of Ja-
pan. During the ascendency of
Shinto, Professor Hammett said, the
religious structure was simple even
to the point of crudeness, however
with the advent of Buddhism in the
sixth century there came an embell-
ishment of the ancient shrines and
(Continued on Pace 3)
Governor Soon
To Select Head
Of Civil Service
Competitive Examinations
Started By Sept. 1; To Be
Ready By Jan. 1
LANSING, Aug. 12.-UP)-Governor
Murphy said today he would appoint
Michigan's first State Civil Service
Commission probably in Detroit to-
morrow and plan for a swift start in
re at.ring for the cumbersome taskI
Bengals Split Two
With Chicago Sox
DETROIT, Aug. 12.-(Special to
The Daily) -Detroit's fighting Ben-
gals managed to pound out one vi-
tory over the Chicago White Sox,
who occupy the notch above them
in the American League ladder, but
that 11-8 win didn't do them any
good in the second game of the double
feature when the Sox outlasted the
Auto City Outfit to win a 10-inning
encounter, 6 to 4.
The aging Goose Goslin slammed
one over the fence in the second
game, but hitting star of the game
was steady, reliable Charley Gehrin-
ger. The Tiger star batted in six
runs in the first game, two of them
when he hit a homer, and then went.
on to make another run in the final
Eby Quits Post
As Ann Arbor
Hicrh Teacher
Was Object Of Attempted
Ouster By The Board In
Fall Of 1936'
Kermit Eby, instructor in history
and political science at Ann Arbor:
High School who was the central fig-
ure in a sensational "red hunt" by
the Board of Education a little less
than a year ago, has accepted a
teaching position in Chicago, it was
announced yesterday.
Mr. Eby was the object of an at-
tempted ouster by the Board early in
the fall of 1936 follwoing complaints
of parents that their children were
being taught Socialist beliefs in his
classes. Following the announce-
ment that Mr. Eby would not be re-
tained on the faculty, scores of stu-
dents, former students and parents
rallied to his support, forcing the
Board toreconsider his case and fin-
ally grant him a contract renewal,
although denying a raise in salary
which was being made at the time to
all members of the teaching staff in
recompense for previous cuts during
the depression.
Mr. Eby has taught at Ann Arbor
High School continuously for six
years, with the exception of a brief
period in the spring of 1933 which he
spent in the Orient.
Several other faculty changes were
announced by the Board. Among
them were those of Dr. David Vander
Slice, '35M, as school physician to
succeed Dr. R. G. White, who re-
signed three months ago; Arthur A.
Rezny, who will be an instructor in
social science in one of the junior
high schools; Emily P. White and
Myreta Hammann who will join ele-
mentary school staffs.
One resignation was reported by
the Board. Algot J. Dahlberg, teach-
er of social science at Mack Junior
High School, has left the faculty to
enter business here.
Settle Lumberjack
Strike At Ironwood
International Settlement
In Shanghai Scene Of Jap
And Chinese Hostilities
Fascist Money Behind Kurdish
Revolt,Says Macedonian Student
Regard Conflict Inevitable,
Outcome Of Incidents
Since World War
"Not improbably the Kurdish re-
volt in Syria can be immediately
blamed to German and Italian guns,
money and agents, but basically the
cause is a desire for freedom and a'
universal dislike of the French man-
date," Methodi Vaugheloff Gaieff,
'38E, a Macedonian familiar with
Near Eastern problems, said yester-
The revolution is a manifestation'
of the events which transpired in the'
Levant immediately after the World
War, Gaieff stated. The United
States introduced to the world the
idea of military occupations of min-
or powers by majors powers, occupa-
tions which did not constitute own-
ership. These so-called "mandates"
were eagerly approved and used by
Japan, Italy, Great Britain and'
France, but the United States, not
Edith Wharton
Will Be Buried
On French Soil.
Burial Is Today In Country
Where She Had Lived
For Nearly 35 Years
Aug. 12.-(P)-Edith Wharton, the
famous American novelist, will bel
buried tomorrow in France-the
country in which she had lived for
aearly 35 years and about which she
had written books.E
The writer's death yesterday at
her chateau near here was disclosed
to the public today. She succumbed
at 5 p.m. to an apoplectic stroke which
she suffered early in the morning. She
was 75 years old.
Miss Wharton will be buried in the
Protestant Cemetery at Versailles. Her
only known relative is a niece, Mrs.
Max Farrand, wife of the noted his-
Miss Wharton, daughter of a so-f
cially prominent family had been edu-
cated at home and abroad, made her
greatest mark with the novel "Ethan
Frome," dramatized two seasons ago
in New York.
Of the novel, written in 1911, one
critic said it was comparable only to
the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne as
a tragedy of New England.
She has published 38 works, in-
cluding fiction, travel and autobiog-
Born Edith Jones in New York
City, the novelist lived much abroad
as a child, spending much of her
later life in France and Italy.
She was the second woman mem-1
ber of the American Academy of Arts
and Letters-being preceded only by
Julia Ward Howe. The Academy'
awarded her a gold medal for excel-
lence in literature and fine arts.
wanting additional responsibilities,
did not take advantage of its own
idea, he said. Syrians gathered in
Damascus in 1919 and 1920 and asked
this country to administer its man-
date after they saw intervention by
some power was inevitable.
However, France, Gaieff said, re-
fused to lose the valuable oil con-
cessions so easily, and when the
United States proved uninterested in
the Syrian's proposition France took
the upper part of the country, Great
Britain the lower-both under man-
dates. But natives disliked French
exploitation of their land and had a
desire for freedom, Gaieff continued.
Dissension which has been character-
ized by riots and sporadic uprisings
"To really have people fight against
their own government," the student
pointed out, "They must have some
incentive-here it is the human heart,
conscience and pride in the coun-
try's heritage."
"Persiaand Turkey had built
themselves up after the war," he said,
"but Syria had not, could not. Na-
turally a desire for freedom arose but
the government refused nationalist's
demands. They gave religion as an
excuse and in some measure religion
had been important, for it is a force
which moves the mob."
Galieff bemoaned the policy of the
French in the present Kurdish crisis
in using religion as an excuse for
their moves. He referred to an AP
dispatch yesterday which said: "Sev-
eral Christians were injured .
The Kurds are an Aryan people,
Mohammedans who speak Iranic
(Persian). They differ slightly in
belief with orthodox Mohammed-
ians, Gaieff said. He described them
as essentially a "simple people who
readily appropiate foreign ideas."
Last Vespers
service To Be
Start Mobilization Of U.S.
Marines Along With The
British And French
Fear For Safety Of
Nationals In Sector
TOKYO, Aug. 13.-(Friday)-
()-The Japanese government,
following a special meeting of the
cabinet, was understood today to
be rushing further naval, military
and air reinforcements to Shang-
SHANGHAI, Aug. 13.-(Friday)-
(I)-Hostilities broke out in the
northeastern quarters of Shanghai's
international settlement today as
Japanese bluejackets on patrol and
Chinese plainclothes men exchanged
The conflict developed in a situa-
tion made acute by the arrival of
Japanese reinforcements in the last
two days and the moving in yester-
day of detachments of Chinese regu-
lar troops.
Other parts of the settlement were
guarded heavily.
United States Marines manned a
three-mile stretch of the settlement's
border where it abuts Capei, Chinese
British Patrol Settlement
To their left British forces pa-
trolled a similar front while to their
right Shanghai's volunteer corps, con-
sisting of foreign residents augment-
ed by a Russian company, occupied
the dangerous section adjacent to the
Chinese within Chapei.
United States Marines, 1,050
strong, were mobilized along with
British, French and other interna-
tional forces to protect the foreign
communities of China's largest city,
including 4,000 Americans.
Foreign officials feared their Na-
tionals might be in even greater dan-
ger than in 1932, for Chinese leaders
indicated they were unwilling to re-
spect the neutrality of the foreign-
( controlled sections of Shanghai-the
International Settlement and the
French concession-as they did in
Situation Is Acute
The present Shanghai phase of the
undeclared Chinese-Japanese war,
full of tension since the killing of two
Japanese naval men and a Chinese
gendarme Monday night, became
acute today when it was established
that strong forces of Chinese regular
troops, under direction of the cen-
tral government, were moving into
the Shanghai area.
The Japanese immediately mobil-
ized all their available power. Backed
by 21 warships lying in the Whang-
poo River, just off Shanghai, they
arrayed their formidable naval land-
ing party for combat.
This force, estimated at from 5,-
000 to 8,000, took up battle positions
along the northern fringe of the
Japanese section of the International
Settlement and on the roads extend-
ing into Chinese-administered areas
to the north.
An international peace conference
(Continued on Page 3)
Leaoue Council
. To Lead March
At Last Dance
Summer Session
And Orchestra
Third Meeting
prep uig tui U1uU5t1 a
of compelling every state employe to
submit to a qualifying examinationi IRONWOOD, Aug. 12.-( P)-tRich-
smatouldroveuaisyinghtexoamolnathenard E. Harris, representative of the
that would prove his right to hold the Michigan Commission of Labor and
job. Industry, said today the strike of
He served notice he would expect Upper Peninsula lumberjacks had
the Commission to start preparing been settled.
the tests not later than Sept. 1, al- He said the settlement followed
though the law does not become op- agreement on a labor policy by log-
erative until Jan. 1. gers and strikers, details of which
The Governor explained the task of were not immediately made public.
examining 13,000 State employes be- The strike had been in progress
tween the law's effective date and since May 18 and was marked with
the deadline of July 1 that has been disorders in various lumber camps.
set for completion of the examina-
tionsMurphy declined to discuss possible Expeditions, Coi
choices for appointment as Civil Serv-
ice Director. He said he would con- A -Tg
sult with the National Civil Service Add To Univ
Assembly of North America to obtain
its approval of the appointment be-
fore it is announced. By WILLIAM DAVIDSON
The exhibits of the University Mu-
e e. eW lseums are constantly being rear-
Add ion W l ranged and supplemented in order
The third and last Vespers service
to be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday on the
seps of the Main Library will feature
the Summer Session Chorus under
the direction of Prof. David Mattern,
of the music school.
Call to worship by Prof. Wilmot
F. Pratt, carillonneur, will begin the
program. The Summer Session Or-
chestra will play "Arioso," by Bach,
and the Chorus and Orchestra will
join in presenting "A Mighty Fort-
ress Is Our God," by Bach-Damrosch.
The assembly will join with the
Chorus in singing several hymns,
among which are "Go Tell It to the
Mountains," a Negro Spiritual, and
"An Abraham Lincoln Song," by
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor of religion, will give an invoca-
A baritone solo will be sung by
Bernard R. McGregor- Consider and
Hear Me."
Th h hle inri u nrlu rrh t~rn -m ill
Remedy Clinic
With the completion of the addi-
tion to the Health Service now under
construction, present overcrowding of
facilities will be relieved to some ex-
tent, according to Dr. Warren E. For-
n~h irs t of f,,a +P Nralf~h onrvir
to make them more interesting as
well as up to date with the latest
findings and discoveries in the par-
-icular fields represented; exhibitions
to acquire new material and research
to classify and interpret the material
already on hand keeps a large staff
very busy, under Dr. Carl E. Guthe
Director of Museums.
The six divisions of the museum
system illustrate such fields as zoo-
ogy, the study of the animal world:
rnstant Research,
ersity Museums
kept. A pool for turtles and snakes
is nearby in the yard. Also in the
museum are live Gila monsters, squir-
rels, mice, snakes, and an armadillo.
The main museum building was
erected in 1927, a monument to Pres-
ident Ruthven, at that time director
of the University Museums, and very
instrumental in bringing about its
construction and development.
I On the second floor the museum
T contains an exhibit of the story of
the evolution of life from earliest
geologic times to the present. A
series of exhibits of Michigan wild
- life are on the balcony, and on the
fourth floor are illustrations of var-
ThneC unrus and Orcnesra win
blend in offering selections from the Members of the Summer Session
oratorio, "St. Paul," by Mendelssohn. League Council who will lead the
Two more hymns by the assembly grand march at the farewell formal
will follow, and the service will be dance to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
closed with a benediction by Dr. tonight in the League ballroom, have
Blakeman. announced the names of their guests.
_ __ Hope Hartwig, president of the
League, will go with John Smillie.
Fill Honor Degree Miss Hartwig has chosen a blue
printed linen dress accented by a
Candidates Sunday blue jacket for the dance. Jeanne
,__Geyer, chairman of the farewell for-
A breakfast to honor candidates for' mal, will have as her guest Gus Col-
a master's degree with President Al- latz. Miss Geyer will wear green or-
exander G. Ruthven as the chief Tandy trimmed with violets.
akr w be held at 9:30a S Blue pique, collared in white, will
speaker wil a.m. un- be worn by Barbara Bradfield. Miss
day in the ballroom of the Michigan Bradfield's guest will be Paul Wright.
Union. Barbara Nelson, another member of
According to an announcement of the Council, will attend the dance
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins. director of xri . Ar f n--44 1-- ,,;A Vz 1 W .411