THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST.12, 1937 until social forces and public welfare agencies can be mobilized in a nation-wide fight against crime. Delinquency, and crime cannot be abol- ished merely by education; slum clearance proj ects must be instigated, schools and recreation facilities must be established; housing must be improved so that the effect of family disturb- ances can be lessened. The press can play a vital part in this campaign. Our newspapers can dramatize the funda- mental factors behind our crime; they can make the people alive to the basic problems which are involved in a fight against it. If the newspapers are to assume responsibility of operation for the public interest, their duty is to see that the people of this country are informed and edu- cated upon the sociological aspects of our crime. ~ B OOKS UNHOLY PILGRIMAGE, social study by Thomas L. Harris. 185 pages. Round Table Press. $2. By JAMES A. BOOZER This clergyman, once an assistant rector of St. Andrews Episcopal Church here, shed his robes of the pulpit, donned a brown shirt, a green tie, and as far as possible an objective attitude, and went to Russia. He wanted to find out in the Soviet Republic how they were getting along without religion. He was singularly disinterested in the number of new tractors, but was concerned with what the people thought about the new tractors. In a review of a book concerned with a contro- versial subject, it is difficult for the reporter to maintain a disinterested point of view. It is too easy to quote paragraphs and sentences that present personal beliefs. In an effort to present an unbiased study of this book, a continuous attitude of alertness was kept during the reading in order to search out thoughts against the Soviet as well as those for it. This was of no avail. We can find no paragraph that utterly derides the communistic theory in religion, in industry, in morals, in culture. And so, this review must reflect the conclusions of a priest who saw the experiment and called it good. A knowledge of the Russian language made a guide unnecessary, and Harris visited the large and the small cities to find what 20 years of vigorous official atheism have done to the people of the U.S.S.R. "Godless Russia illustrates the general principle that good character needs equity more than piety . . . Pietism is a kind of cowardice; the Church is a society of the rem- nant who walk the narrow way in but not of the world. "I had seen a New Creation and a New Man; of that I was quite certain. In the U.S.S.R. is growing a new order, a new civilization, a new culture producing a new character, a new type, a new kind of person. "A domination of life by dogma marries thought to action, and gives to living a coher- ence and consistency quite rare with us. After dealing with the inconsistencies, subterfuges, hypocrisies and hesitancies of young Americans, who suffer so acutely from the divorce of thought from deed, I was glad to meet other young men and women whose acts spring naturally from their /ideas, and whose ideas were accessible to their actions . . . In character the new man of the U.S.S.R. excels the young men and women of the U.S.A. Young Russians excel in character, not because they are naturally more attractive, naturally finer; tley excel because they have social advantages . . . To grow up in a society where man's exploitation of man has virtually disappeared and is universally condemned, is a privilege that makes a Groton and a Harvard graduate seem desperately underprivileged." However, it wasn't difficult for Mr. Harris to find churches open, even though many were closed or put to other uses. Why did the persons who trickled into these churches come to bow before a dimly-lit icon? The most common reply was that there was nothing in secular life that dealt with man's inescapable solitariness, except a persistent and fruitless attempt at denying it, the awareness of the not human, the not social, the desire to become something more than man. Militant atheism was hard to find, which he ascribes to the fact that "a dead fox makes no hounds bay." In the towns especially, he says, the battle of the godless seems to have been won. He visited hospitals, motor plants, open-air speeches, joined in parades. He traveled in the places least seen by the Intourist, and his nar- rative is happily constructed of descriptions, thoughts, quotations, personal sketches; and all woven together with threads of wonder. Unholy Pilgrimage is a book that should be widely read. It approaches the Russian undertaking from one of the most important and less exploited angles. It is on its culture and personal religion that it will stand or fall. Harris, well equipped to fathom human feeling, has written an astute and valuable study of the most important experiment of this generation. Closely akin with religion is culture. The author develops in two chapters the Russian's concept of this element. He discovered that Puritan standards exist without the Puritan conscience, that a major point in Soviet culture is the possession of things-to use razor and soap and lipstick, and to use a tractor instead of a horse-and to appreciate music, art, and liter- ature. "Culture means to Russians what culture means to us, plus what we mean by standard of living plus an ethical, social use of things." He compares Gorki, motor center, with Dear- born. He had seen poverty-stricken mountain- eers enter upon a higher standard of living at Dearborn, and acquire ice-boxes, radios and automobiles, gaining little or nothing culturally through their improvements. This absence of raised taste or morals is lacking in Gorki, he says, Swheree nasants hecnme sneialv-minded nnt n- O-n TheLevel By WRAG KING LIM 0, who, despite the regal monicker, is only another Geology student here from Can- tin, China, pulled a good one on the recent Geology field trip. Rising at an early hour, King went out on a little hike of his own and returned while his fellow embryo geologists were still fast in the arms of Morpheus. Heartlessly, he woke them all up and told them that he had a breakfast prepared for them. Then,heven more heartlessly, he stuck a handful of rather common weeds in front of their hungry faces. With typical racial cleverness, he had gathered such weeds as "bread-fruit," "butter and egg plant," and "milk-weed." Ii I . 11 . isDRAMA' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I c' I 11 * * * * AFTER DISCUSSING a poem very thoroughly in his 11 o'clock class, Prof. Amos R. Morris broke down and confessed that he had written the affair himself some seven years ago. But the story behind the writing of the poem was the real humor in the situation. In another class some seven years ago, Morris and his listeners were discussing Wordsworth's "Lucy" poems. They came to the one about the little gal who got lost in a winter snowfall and fell off a plank into a stream and drowned. One of the pupils in the class objected to the use of the word "plank," and said that it was un- poetic and out of place in the poem. For the sake of argument, Morris told the class that he would write a poem containing the word "plank" several times, and thus prove to the class that "plank" was poetical and could well be used in verse. At the next meeting of the class, Morris re- cited his new poem about a carpenter falling to his death off a high plank. The word in ques- tion was used many times throughout the poem. At the end of the reading, the objetor to the word "plank" said, "That isn't poetry, Mr. Morris, that's "plank verse!" Mathematics is the science of the most com- plete abstractions to which the human mind can attain.-Whitehead. * * * * DOROTHY CLOUDMAN was fooled by what was apparently an overpious act on the part of her roommate, Muriel (But Not On a Golf Course) Hassard, Saturday. It seems that Dor- othy had an important exam that morning from 7 a.m. to 9. It was a rather ungodly hour to rise after Friday night, but D.A. set her alarn for 6:30 or so and hoped she'd hear it. When the alarm went off as scheauled, Dorothy slept soundly on, but Muriel heard the thing and got up to turn it off. Returning to wake h roomies, Muriel tripped in the dim light of dawn and fell to her knees beside Dorothy's bed. With- out getting off her knees, she proceeded to shake D.A.C. Dorothy finally came to and Muriel trot- ted back to her mattress. At about 8 o'clock, Dorothy finally woke up completely and tore out of bed shouting madly that she was over an hour late for her exam. Muriel sleepily explained that she had wakened her at six, but she must have gone to sleep again. Dorothy said that it was still night time, and when she saw Muriel on her knees at the bedside, she though Muriel Jean was merely saying her prayers. However, Dot got dressed in time to write the last half-hour or so of the exam. WE HAVE TOLD about absent-minded pro- fessors before, but we believe that Professor Wood, of the Sociology department, topped all the previous stories when he backed into a chair on the platform during a lecture recently, and turned to it saying, 'Pardon me" very politely. set me in fear where so much that I had seen set me in hope." He found their minds open to argument. In debate they never attacked him with innuendoes or emotionalism. The argument was always log- ical, when he admitted being a priest and entered a discussion of religion. "Suppose," he muses, "in my own church an American Communist had dared to defend his doctrine before ten Chris- tians. Suppose a visitor with a strong Russian accent had joined in the debate and admitted he was a Communist Party official from Moscow . . . We should not have been content to rest our case against Communism on the evidence of facts unmixed with special pleading and a rousing per- oration on Americanism and Christian-decency." Mr. Harris bemoans that it is not possible to give radical views a wide circulation in the United States. "If it were not for the kindness of Mr. Hearst, the Communist party would be vir- tually unknown by the mass of the American people. The mass of magazines are virtually closed to revolutionary opinion; radios are re- stricted in comment, and the effect of radical propaganda is often greatly weakened by care- ful quotation and elimination." Still, there exists here a freedom of the press unique to America and England, he says, and wonders whether the new Russian constitution's offer of a free press is simply a pious hope. In Moscow, he began feeling a desire to quit the ministry, learn some useful profession, and earn a place on this crew of 160,000,000 people. "A still small voice of common sense whispered, 'Don't be a fool,' " but the sense of common pur- pose intrigued this Episcopal rector. The swollen faces of the people suggested dentistry as a need- ed profession, and he thought "Let me see, was the dental course at Michigan two years or three? . . ." He could recall the exact position on his study shelves of the catalogue of the U. of 1\/T 1QIn T T nnn nccn- Ia ci - of irm nA -4-4 'Damine, But It's Good!' The Michigan Repertory Players in collaboration with the School of Music and the University Orchestra present H. M. S. Pinafore by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Directors:mValentine B. Windt. Mary Pray, Truman Smith. Musical Director, ,Jack Conklin. Or- ] chcstra Conductor,Henry Bruinsma. Scenery by Alexander Wyckoff. Cos- tumes by Evelyn Cohen. At the Men- delssohn Theatre. By JAMES DOLL] IT WAS, I suppose, inevitable that sooner or later, Pinafore would be ( added to the list of musicals produced on the campus through the combined efforts of the theatre and musicl groups. One of the earliest works of the two great Victorian collaborators, it shows the line their works will take.; But it lacks the subtlety they will' later achieve in The Mikado, Patience and The Gondoliers. So persistent is theatrical tradition, though, that it has always been one of the most popular of the Savoy operas in America. For it was orig- inally produced with great success by rival organizations, one with the sanction of its authors, and the other (and more successful one) pirated. So from the high Victorian noon on down to the present it has been held in special esteem in this country. And no lack of interest is apparent in the present production. It started last night on a whirl ofvexcitement and continued in that, vein to the end. Mildred Olsen has never sung better than she did last night as Josephine. Her second act solo, "The hours creep on apace" was especially lovely. John Elwell's Ralph Rackstraw was also beautifully sung. His first solo with the chorus is one of the most charm- ing passages in the score and he did full justice to it. Frederic Shaff- master's sturdy voice was well suited to his humorless Captain Corcoran. Marguerite Creighton was pleasing and amusing as Buttercup. Vernon Kellet, however, did not seem to get the full possibilities out of the part of Sir Joseph Porter. His comedy seemed blurred. The single setting with its Gilbert- esque detail was entirely suitable. Especially admirable was the elegant lacquered metal smokestack. And the costumes were conceived in exactly the same spirit. Whether or not Pinafore is your favorite G. and S. opera, it is not to be missed in this production. SENATE GETS GAS BILL. WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-(AP)-A bill to regulate the transportation and sale of natural gas in interstate com- merce won the approval today of the Senate Interstate Commerce com- mittee. The bill already has passed the House. Graduate Students taking degrees:i If you wish to attend the breakfast1 on Sunday morning it will be neces- sary for you to secure your ticket be- fore 5 p.m. today. L. A. Hopkins. Stalker Hall: Supper tonight at 6' p.m. at Stalker Hall. All Methodist students ana their friends are cor- dially invited. For reservations, call 6881 or 5555.E Baseballgames in the University League will be played inside Ferry Field today at 4 p.m. between the Yankees vs. Cubs (final League game) and Faculty vs. Members of other teams present (practice games). Cercle Francais: Annual banquet this evening at 7 p.m., Terrace ball- room of the Union. Prof. Ralph W. Hammett will give an illustrated lecture, "Japanese Re- ligious Architecture," in Natural Sci- ence Auditorium at 5 p.m. today. Lecture: "Techniques in Health Education," Mabel E. Rugen, asso- ciate Professor of Physical Education for Women, at 4:05 p.m. this after- noon in University High School Au- ditorium. Candidates for the degree of M.A. Ask Labor's Aid To Fight Electrification LANSING, Aug. 11.-(/P)-Governor Murphy today advised a delegation representing rural electrification co- operatives to enlist labor organiza- tions in the fight for enactment of a rural electrification bill the legis- lature twice rejected. The group visited the capitol to complain that some private utilities companies were infringting on ter- ritory that the cooperatives had planned to serve. Paul H. -Todd, chairman of the state public utilities commission, told the delegation of 50 men and women that the commission had no jurisdic- tion over rural electrification lines, and that this was one of the things the defeated bill would have c6rrect- ed. DROWNS IN CROCK JONESVILLE, Aug. 11.-(P)-Sally Ann Herendeen, two-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton C. Heren- deen, drowned today when she fell into a rain crock. in Political Science: The following have successfully completed the ex- amination in French: Maxwell Bauer, Thayer Carmich- ael. Lewis Gilfoy, Harry L. Kohn, Elizabeth A. Robertson, Chen Dao Tung. Lawrence Preuss. Graduate Students of the School of Music: An examination to validate credits in written theory (harmony) will be given on Saturday, Aug. 14 at 10 a.m. for all students who have not already taken care of this, in Room 306, Burton Tower. Deutscher Verein: There will be a banquet in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League, ait 7 p.m., Monday, Aug. 16. Please make reser- vations either at the German Table or in the office of the German De- partmen', 204 U.H. (Extension 788). First Mortgage L o a n s: The University has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Of- fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer- sity Hall. I1~ 1 01 1' 1{ CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge.' Cash in advance only Ile per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading linerfor three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. NOTICE EXPERIENCED typist. Prompt serv- ice. Mrs. Wing. 1002 Forest Ave. Phone 8369 653 TYPING: All day service. Five years' experience. Theses, term papers Schumacher. 820 E. Washington. Phone 2-2394. 651 TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. 632 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low price. 1x WANTED WOMAN wishes position as first cook in fraternity or sorority. References. 11 I ' . ---- % r.: r,,: . , . 1 'p. f" ., " . s ," 1 ;y 'i%;r,' .,.:.:::.,:a....' ... S. , " - y s St . ,] 'sfi R LP . }} } l^' 1 X '... r r "r"i i " " "1 r A THI They're Easy To G et When You BUY Then. MICHIGAN DAILY WAY There's always something new coming out that strikes your fancy . . . some- thing to wear, something for your home, any one of hundreds of different things ! Wise women aren't deprived of the things they want ... they shop The Daily ads, where they know it's a simple matter to make their budgets meet their demands. r i