0 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1937 rl IrLYI I .± I YY _. 11 THE MICHIGAN DAILY OffilJal Publication of the Summer Session .0(- f r ' i ?AAPP - . .p -- 1 How Nebraska's Experimental Legislature Conducted Itself By CURTIS A. BETTS (From The St. Louis Post - Dispatch) w Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal, $150. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420OMADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO Los ANGELES . PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFFP MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD C. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MGR. ......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER ...........ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL NIGHT EDITOR: HORACE W. GILMORE Life For Popular Front ... HE FINANCIAL CRISIS which has just come to a head in France and which seemed to momentarily imperil the structure of the Popular Front appears to be on the way toward settlement following parliamen- tary approval of the plans of M. Bonnet, new finance minister. The question of how far the general policy of the Front will be affected by the change in cabinets is, however, not yet en- tirely apparent. The government of Leon Blum, leader of the Socialist party, largest group in the Chamber of Deputies, which was forced from power after more than a year's existence on the question of enlarged fiscal powers to deal with the monetary situation, was the first liberal government France has enjoyed since the fall of the cabinet of Edouard Herriot in 1932 on the question of the payment of the war debts. Its record, in domes- tic affairs at least, has been outstanding; its achievements in the improvement of the condi- tions of labor class in particular have been re- markable.Nonetheless, a slight but steady move- ment toward the -right has been discernible in its general trend, due apparently to the increas- ing realization on the part of the Radical So- cialists, right wing of the Popular Front, of their key position in the government. The shift in premiers from Blum to the somewhat more con- servative Radical Socialist Camille Chautemps appears to be merely a further evidence of this tendency. Blum was refused in the Senate the same powers which Chautemps and Bonnet have just succeeded in winning from the parliament. The most important result of the cabinet change from the world viewpoint will probably be the continuation of the cautious foreign policy which has been the main weakness of the Pop- ular Front government in the eyes of most lib- eral critics. The symbol of the continuation is the re-appointment of Yvonne Delbos to the post of foreign minister. Delbos has been the object of repeated criticism from the left wing of the government's adherents, especially the Communists, who have long agitated for his dismissal because of his handling of the Spanish neutrality situation. His timidness, it is charged, has resulted in the flagrant violation of the non- intervention pact by the fascist nations who have constantly supplied Gen. Franco with men and munitions while France has remained helplessly paralyzed in spite of her sympathy with the Loyalist cause largely because of Delbos' insist- ence upon close cooperation with the Tory gov- ernment of Great Britain. English policy has fluctuated pointlessly be- tween negotiations for enforcement of neutrality and tacit permission to Germany and Italy to continue their activities in behalf of the rebel cause. The true policy of France in this situa- tion, it is claimed, should be an insistence upon the strict enforcement of the pact, in which the support of the League of Nations could be gained, rather than a helpless drifting in the wake of conservative and unreliable England. The Chautemps appointment, while maintain- ing the life of the Popular Front, thus appears to have destroyed any hope for improvement in the unsatisfactory neutrality situation. DRAMA By WENDELL COLE The Michigan Reportory Players present: The Path of Flowers; a new farce on the mar- riage code in the U.S.S.R., by Valentine Katayev, (Continued From This Column In Yesterday's Michigan Daily) The first political test which came before the new Legislature was in the selection of a speaker. The Democrats had a majority of one, and yet the Legislature elected a Republican to the Speakership, choosing Charles J. Warren of Wa- verly. Warren received 23 votes, two more than the total number of Republicans. He actually re- ceived three Democratic votes, losing one Re- publican, who joined with the 19 other Demo- crats who divided their votes between three Dem- ocratic candidates. Without compass to chart the way, the new Legislature was two weeks in adopting rules and selecting committees, thus delaying the actual legislative work, but that was less time than the Missouri Legislature took in getting into action. When the rules were adopted, however, they showed they had been carefully prepared with a view to expediting business rathr than to aid in delaying business, as do the rules of the Missouri Legislature. They were designed to insure a public hearing on every bill, prompt action, and safeguards which would prevent the passage of unconstitutional, conflicting or ambiguous legis- lation. The utmost in publicity of all the actions of the individual legislators was provided. Instead of delegating the selection of standing committees to the Speaker, the Legislature creat- ed a Committee on Committees, consisting of 11 members, two from each of the five Congressional districts, and one at large to be chairman. The members of this committee were chosen by the legislators residing in the several districts. In selecting the members by Congressional dis- tricts, the Legislature merely used that as a convenient means of creating a committee of 11 members, which is the largest number which may be on any committee under the rules. New Pan Of Apportionment In Missouri the president pro tem of the Sen- ate and the Speaker of the House make the committee assignments, and are subject to high pressure from lobbyists who know the value of controlling committees, and by members who seek the opportunity to trade their votes on the election of a president pro tem and Speaker for promises of desirable committee assignments. In arriving at a total membership of 43, the Nebraska Legislature of 1936 inaugurated a plan of legislative apportionment new to the United States. It abandoned the heretofore universal practice of making population the sole determin- ing rule. The eastern one-third of Nebraska contains the larger part of the population of the State, being more closely settled and having the larger cities of Omaha and Lincoln. The western two- thirds is sparsely settled, but for a number of years there has been a westward trend to the population. Under the constitutional amend- ment the new Legislature could not contain more than 50 members nor less than 30. It was found by Dr. Senning in a careful analysis that taking into consideration population of districts, com- munity of interest between the counties, means of communication and common economic inter- ests, with 50 members from 50 districts the east' ern one-third of the State would have 18 more legislators than the western two-thirds, and that as the number of districts was decreased this ex- cess of representation for the eastern part of the state diminished until the excess was.only 13 when the figure of 43 districts was reached, but that as the number went lower than that the excess for the eastern part of the state gradually increased. It was decided, therefore, that, tak- ing into consideration all of the factors of pop- ulation, trend of population, ease of communica- tion and common economic interests, 43 was the equitable number of districts, each to be rep- resented by one legislator. An important feature of the rules adopted by the new Legislature was a requirement that when a committee reported a' bill back to the Leg- islature it must submit with the bill an analysis of its provisions and a written statement of the committee's reasons for its recommendations on the bill. In the Missouri Legislature no member except those on a committee has any means of knowing the motives which actuated a commit- tee's action. The secret, or "executive session," committee meeting, common to bicameral legislatures, in which most of the skullduggery of legislation is perpetrated, was abolished. Provision was made for a record vote in the committee when passing on bills, and newspaper reporters, barred from sohn Theatre last night. The mad antics of Charles Harrell as the lover and Edward Jurist, the prudent husband, as they haggle over the fur coat of the eloping wife, Virginia Frink, con- vulsed the first night audience. Katayev is known chiefly for his ability to sa- tirize Soviet manners and customs without in- curring the wrath of the Communist leaders. The Path of Flowers, unlike last season's successful farce by the same author, is much of the time domestic comedy in a serio-comic vein. This does not mean, however, that there are not many farcical moments and much laugh-provoking dialogue. As Ivan Zavyalov, the young lecturer with a handsome profile and Utopian ideas of love that make him the Don Juan of Moscow, acquires a new soul mate in each of the acts, the audience is introduced to their three respec- tive families in a series of humorous portraits of Communist and proletarian types. Charles Harrell in the exacting and unsympa- thetic role of Zavyalov often finds himself plav- executive sessions of committees in the Missouri Legislature, were admitted and were free to pub- lish the details of discussion on bills, the votes of members and anything that transpired in the committee meeting. Under that system, there could be no star- chamber trading. A member had to act in the open and his constituents had ample means to know at any time just how he was performing. Under the discredited bicameral system, as followed in Missouri and most of the other states having it, there is no constructive effort to have legislation in good shape when it is passed. Preparation of a bill is more or less hap- hazard. It may be good, if the author is compe- tent. It most likely is bad if the author is in- experienced or slipshod in his work, as many of them are. Thoroughness In Writing Bills But in Nebraska, the unicameral Legislature settled down to its job as a business to be done in the best possible way. It had the services of an official bill drafter, an experienced lawyer at- tached to the Legislative Reference Bureau, to draw bills. It employed three disinterested law- yers, one of them the dean of the Law School of Creighton University of Omaha, to pass on the constitutionality of all bills, and paid them $25 a day each. It had a special committee to pass on the phraseology of bills. The Missouri Legislature has none of these, and not infrequently the wording of bills is so in- volved as to be almost unintelligible, a condition which leads to much litigation which could be avoided if the laws were carefully written. In preparation for the future, the unicameral Legislature created a Legislative Council of 15 of its members, to make a continuing study of the state government, and with full power to examine books and take testimony of witnesses under oath. This council is required to submit a program for needed legislation at the beginning of each session of the Legislature. Specifically, the law directs that it shall give study to all subjects which go toward better government, to possible consolidations in the state administration, to simplification of govern- ment, the merit system, law enforcement and the whole problem of taxation on the state, counties and cities. How different from the politically controlled Missouri Legislature. The same bill was intro- duced at the last session in Jefferson City by Sen- ator McMillan Lewis of St. Louis. Such a coun- cil might, probably would, make recommenda- On The Level By WRAG JJARY FRAN BROWN, Lu Kentfield, Grete Hoist, and Cy Sturgis, started off Monday night by taking pot shots at bottles with long .22 bullets. They were way out in the country with the bottles stuck on fence-posts, and they didn't think they were bothering anyone with their fun except for the fact that an occasional groan would follow some of the shots that missed the mark. At length, a rather irate farmer inter- rupted their play, and shooed them back to Ann Arbor. It turned out that many of the bullets were ricocheting off the bottles and fence posts. and landing in the midst of some very sensitive dairy cows in the pasture beyond. T MAY NOT BE very original, but we still get a kick out of a sign in one of the South University drug stores. Some clever artist, while waiting for his coke and sandwich, has inserted an "R" into the word "PAY" to make the placard read, "Please Pray When Served." k* 3 JACK COLLINS' true marksmanship with pebbles at windows and his ability to whistle so that a housemother couldn't- hear it, saved a young thing at a certain Hill Street sorority a lot of time to be made up, the other night. The girl he took to a picnic was leaving for Geog- raphy camp the next day, so she didn't mind especially what time she arrived back at her temporary domicile, but the girls on the inside became plenty worried when midnight arrived without Jack and the girl. The anxious girls tel- ephoned and waited, and then telephoned some more, but to no avail. Then came the pebbles and the whistling, and the hour and a half late girl was spirited into the house while the sororima- tron slept on. Collins' only excuse was that his watch had stopped. * $ * POOR POLLY POWER ! Sometimes a car can be a lot of bother. Polly Power, who resides at the "Fee" House, went through a lot of official red tape to get permission for an automobile this summer, and after filling out all the blanks neces- sary, her mother came up yesterday with a brand new car. Now Polly has to return to the Dean's office and rewrite all the blanks for her new car. Poor Polly Power! WE ADD A SORRY TEAR for Charles Frederick Peterson, Laporte (Ind.) law- ver-to-he. "C. F." as he is affectionately tions which would seriously interfere with the expeni Sve system of govern- mentA it might abolish the useless AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN political jabs, with which the capitol is overrun, but which are considered Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notiee to nil members oft2# Vaiversity. Copy received at the offo. ca the Assiqtant to tho Preident necessary to keep the party workers unto 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. in line. It might reveal that politics__ wtas an extremely costly thing in the Missouri government. Circulation Notice: Due to the fact comprises all streets between Main So the Senate deleted from the that several students made out their St., east to the city limits. In case Lewis bill everything which would registration cards improperly, sev- you are living outside of this zone, make the Council effective and which eral subscriptions cannot be de- either west of Main St., or outside w.ould give it power to make detailed livered until those entitled to them of Ann Arbor, please call at the Daily investigation, and then the skeleton call at The Daily offices. If you are not offices and give an address within the bill that was left was permitted to receiving your Michigan Daily, please above zone at which your copy can die, even as innocuous as it was after present your University Treasurer's; be delivered. In case this absolutely amendment. receipt for the Summer Session at cannot be arranged, a mailing charge The Nebraska Legislature, realizing Daily offices on Maynard St., to- must be paid at the Daily offices be- the advisability in the interests of ef- gether with your full name and ad- fore your Daily will be delivered. ficiency of having some sort of con- dress. The Michigan Daily, Circula- tinning organization, made the job The area in which The Michigan tion Dept., J. C. Hall. of clerk of the Legislature a perma- Daily is delivered by carrier service -- nent one. He will have an office in ----- - __Excursion No. 1: Tour of the Cam- the Capitol, which will be open }has worked out satisfactorily so far. pus: The students who will make an throughout the year, and there any Its future will depend largely on the inspection of the Cook Legal Re- pcrson may have access to any legis- type of members who are elected. search Library, Law Quadrangle, lat ive records and receive informa- 1"You can change the system but Michigan Union, General Library, tion on any legislative matter. you cannot change human nature. 1 Clements Library, Aeronautical Lab- ; Personally I believe that party re- oratory, and Naval Tank. Those who Working Syst nt sponsibility is desirable in a legislative wish to attend should meet in the A striking example of the working { body. Members elected on non-polit- lobby of Angell Hall, Thursday, July 1 of the system under which the actions ical ballots make up a Legislature of at 2 p.m. There is no charge for this of every member are constantly under 43 individuals without responsible excursion. public view arose in this first session. party leadership and there is a lack of The question of ratification of the co-operation. Without leadership it Mr. Wilfred B. Shaw, Director of Federal child labor amendment was is impossible to get done some things Alumni Relations, will lecture this up. Women's clubs and labor oigani- that should be done. I afternoon at 4:05 p.m. in the Univer- rations favored it. Farmers organmza- "The big change is not from two i sity High School Auditorium on the tions opposed it. Politically it was a 1 houses to one house. It is the elec~ subject "The Significance of the Re- tough spot for a legislator, and the Ibil of members on the non-political cent Centenlal of the University of uature of the politician showed itself. ballot. That is a revolution in stateMIchtgen ilete is open to The question in the committee of the government and I am inclined to be- Michigan." This lecture is opento whole was on indefinite postpone- lieve it is a mistake." The 5 o'clock lecture today ment, or in effect defeat of the pro-Tol, posal. It was killed without a roll Couldn't Use 'Whip' Natural Science Auditorium will be call, and though one was required if The Governor, of course, was look- given by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton on the one member asked for it, none was ing at the matter from a political subject "The Present Situation in demanded. standpoint. He is a Democrat, elect-.Spam. Immediately there was a storm of ed on the Democratic ticket, and he protest throughout the State. Labor had on his hands a Legislature with a Graduate Students in all depart- organizations adopted resolutions de- slender and undependable Democratic ments who during the Summer Ses- nouncing the "cowardly" Legislature majority of one. Neither the gov- sion wish to take the German reading for its refusal to have a roll call and ernor nor the chairman of the Demo- examination required for the doctor- disclose how the members voted. So cratic State Committee could crack ate and those in the exact and na- strong was the protest that the meas- the party whip and obtain obedience tural sciences who wish to take both ure was called up again, and a roll 'o orders. the French and German examina- call had. The result was not changed, The conclusion of the writer after tions are requested to consult with but the people had demanded and had an extensive study of the unicameral Professor Lee Thursday of this week received the knowledge of just how Legislature and the results of its first between 4 and 5 p.m. in Room 3, East each member voted. session is that it provides the system, Hall. Some may say that the special in-jpossible in any state, under which C. S. Yoakum, Dean. terests lobbyists should find their ; there can be intelligent lawmaking work much easier under the unicam- without interference of political bosses Student Mail: Students expecting eral system; that the lobbyists can and special interest lobbyists. mail addressed in care of the Univer- woi k more effectively with 43 mem- The three outstanding reasons why sity should call at the Business of- bers of one house than with 33 sen- it is far superior to the bicameral sys- fice, Room 1, University Hall. ators and 100 representatives, can get tem are: "closer" to the individuals. The an- Every individual member is con- Summer Session Orchestra: Open swer to this is that under the rules stantly in the public spot light, with to all students who play. Perry School, the lobbyist can do nothing now with- his every official action open to public Division and Packard Streets, Wed- out exposing his friends, that pub- view. nesday, Thursday, Friday 1 to 2:30 licity has destroyed the power of the Evasion of responsibility, "buck p m lobbyist. passing," is not possible as under the Gov. Cochran, who during his terms bicameral system. has dealt with both bicameral and Election of members on non-polit- Summer Session Chorus: Open to unicameral legislatures, told the ical ballots makes those elected re- all who care to sing. Morris Hall, writer that he still considered the sponsible directlyto the people and every Tuesday evening, 7 to 8 °p.m. one house an experiment, not the political bosses. "It will be impossible to tell until If Missouri would have a business- Archery: A class in archery will be several sessions have been held whe- like Legislature and destroy the costly organized for women students Who ther it is better than the old way," control of its lawmaking by machine- wish instruction in this sport. Regis- he said. "However, judging from re- politics and special interests, the way tration must be made in Barbour stilts I can say that I feel the plan is simple to follow the Nebraska lead. t (Continued on Page 3) _ _ _ __~ ~- ~ I Doou have tyin to be done, or do you want typing to do? Or, have you lost anything. I In any case, your best medium is The Michigan Daily Classif ied Column, CASH RAT ES ~ LINE ti1C PER III