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August 11, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-11

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Of The DAY

The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures J

(By The Associated Press)
To Adjourn Today
LANSING, Aug. 10.-(P)-The leg-
islature tomorrow will adjourn finally
its first special session of 1937, with
prospects that it will be back in the
capitol before the end of the year to
resume its fight over laws demanded
by Governor Murphy that twice have
been rejected.
Only a handful of legislators was
expected for the formality of ad-
journment. The only business on
hind was voting to quit.
The special session now in its dy-
ing hours defeated a labor relations
bill demanded by Governor Murphy,
passed a teachers' tenure bill and
piade corrective amendments to leg-
islation enacted at the regular ses-
W ightman Cup
Team Named
NEW YORK, Aug. 10.-(IP)-The
United States Lawn Tennis Associa-
tion today named Alice Marble, Helen
Rull Jacobs, Mrs. Sarah P. Fabyan,
Carolyn Babcock, Mrs. Marjorie
Gladman Van Ryn and Dorothy
Bundy on the personnel of its 1937
Wightman Cup team, which defends
its title against the British women
lakyers at Forest Hills, N. Y., Aug.-
Miss Bundy, only newcomer on the
tgan, is the daughter of May Sutton
Bundy, who was makii ir!ernational
history in women's tennis long be-
fore the Wightman Cup series began.
Miss Bundy is only 20 years old.
Give Influenee
Of Substratum
On Linguistics
Speakers Discuss Various
Situations, Illustrated By
(Continued from Page 1)
rived the Semitic "sigreti" (ladies of
the hiarem.
A possible effect of a prehistoric
linguistic substratum was pointed to
by Prof. Wm. Worrell of the Univer-
sity, who commented upon a recent
article which drew certain parallels
between the vernacular Celtic of Ire-
land, northern Scotland, and Wales,
on the one hand, and Hamitic Egyp-
tian on the other. Both language
groups, for instance, use the peculiar
construct relationship of compounds,
so that the combination "house dog"
means not what a European speaker
would expect, but rather "house for
the dog." Both groups lack verbs
and make use of round-about meth-
ods to express the time and action
elements in a sentence.
It is quite likely, concluded Dr.
Worrell, that such an influence ex-
isted, for there is also some archeo-
logical and anthropological evidence
to support the theory that when the
prehistoric Celts came to the island of
Britain they found there a Mediter-
ranean people speaking a Hamitic
Although the relationship between
Pennsylvania Dutch and English is
not quite that of a substratum lan-
guage to a dominant one, there is suf-
ficient resemblance to make lin-
guistically important the research
necessary to determine the historical
facts, said Prof. Leo L. Rockwell of
Colgate University. Here can be
seen some of the substratum effects
actually. in the making, instead of in
a state of dubious preservation some
thousands of years later.
Dr. Rockwell related briefly the

movement of the Low Germans from
the Palatinate and other regions to
Pennsylvania beginning in 1709 and
continuing to such *an extent that at
the time of the American Revolution
half the population of the colony was
German. Their language, he pointed
out, was a Low German dialect,
"Deitsch," which was not a literary
form but existed only in the vernacu-
Contrary to what a recent scholar
declared with reference to the char-
acter of Pennsylvania Dutch, the'
phonological effect, said Dr. Rock-
well, has been great, to say nothing
of the vocabulary borrowing. Be-
cause the Palatine dialect used a
sound intermediate between English
"p'" and "b, many words appeared
in altered forms in both languages.
That is why a certain famous pro-
duct of Reading, Penn., came into
English as "pretzel" and not "bret-
zel," and why in the early documents
of Pennsylvania colony one may find
the word "daunschip," which is simp-
ly the English "township."
PONTIAC, Aug. 10.--(P)-Joseph
Weinman, 9, of Detroit, died here

Faculty Team
Beats Cards In
U. League Tilt
The Faculty soundly trounced the
league-leading Cards 8-3 yesterday,
but the Card's position was a lot bet-
ter than their big-league namesake,
because they've got the University
League title clinched anyway by vir-
tue of their five victories and two de-
In the day's other game the Chem-
ists pounded out 10 runs while the
Cubs were sending five markers across
the plate to leave both teams dead-
locked in third place, each having
three wins and four defeats.
Safe in second are the Faculty with
four conquests and three lickings,
while the Yankees are sadly in need
of a DiMaggio as they huddle in the
cold, cold cellar with two wins and
double that number of defeats.
Next Thursday final games of the
circuit will be played.
Comet Discovered,
By Finsler Slips
Past Big Diper
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 10.--(AP
--Finsler's comet swerved out to--
night toward the stellar spaces from
which it may never return within the
lifetime of those who viewed it.
Harvard astronomers said it was
flying southward at a rate of about
five degrees a day, and probably
would pass from sight as it crossed
the Equator at the eastern edge of
the constellation Virgo early in Sep-
The Finsler object, for weeks rush-
ing visibly earthward, came its near-
est to this sphere last night. It was
Sfifty million miles Iaway-nearly
twice as close as the sun-when it
slipped past the second star in the
handle of the Big Dipper under the
northern, midnight sky.

Using crude carts, of the variety employed for centuries by Chinese farmers,'Japanese soldiers haul
ammunition supplies through Fengtai south of Peiping, to front lines of the Sino-Japanese "unofficial"
war in North China.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Horst were awarded temporary custody of Donald,
the two-year-old boy. they had raised almost since birth, at a court
hearing seeking to untangle the complications arising from his "kid-
naping" by Miss Lydia Nelson and John Regan, Who claim to be his
natural parents. In court, Donald hugged both Mr. and Mrs. Horst
and then returned to work on his lollipop.

Slayer Of Michigan
Graduate Confesses
DETROIT, Aug. 10.-(YP)-Admit-
ting he shot Patrolman John R. Sher-
idan, '31, last week, Edward Keegan
pleaded guilty today wnen arraigned
before Recorder's Court Judge George
Murphy on a charge of murder.
Sheridan, the holder of several ci-
tations for bravery and distinguished
-NOW -Two Features!
Written by Anita Loos
. ' ...played by the nuttiest
comedy cast of the sea-
son! You'll
r \ /'J.

service, died Monday of bullet wounds
suffered when Keegan fired on him
from a taxicab..
Keegan's companion, George Pratt,
pleaded not guilty and his examina-
tion was set for Thursday.


A Message.. .


More than 100 persons, many of them carrying signs indicating their anti-Nazi sympathies, picketed the
German-American hall in Kenosha, Wis., during"progress of German-Americans. Uniformed members of
the society are shown here standing at atte'ntion as the meeting opened with a song. George Froboese,
of Milwaukee, leader of the bund, said approximately 750 persons from Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana at-
tended the rally.
Tattle-Tale Professor Tells -Reason.
Wh Profs Are Such Funny People
Y_____ .

CHICAGO, Aug. 10.--(,)-For three
centuries we have been hoodwinked
by college professors who harp on
"Most of them neither know what
the word means nor demonstrate cul-
tured personalities.
"College professors, as a class, are
second-raters." a
Well! Now that he has that off
his chest, let's taketa look at this fel-
low. Sounds like somebody who's
just gulped a couple of portions of
sour grapes.
It isn't, though. It's Dr. George W.
Crane, of Northwestern University.
He's in the way of being a professor
himself; been on Northwestern's fac-
ulty for a number of years. He's list-
ed as a lecturer in the psychology
Now, Dr. Crane, just what's the
trouble with our college professors?
"You've heard the adage about
when a manhcan't make a living prac-
ticing a subject he becomes a teach-
er in that field? That's your college
"Here is the typical development of
such a person. In high school and
college he .is a shy introvert who
cannot sell brushes or be a football
"After three years of post-graduate
study and a thesis on some such pro-
found topic as 'The Love Life of a
Goldfish' he blossoms out , with a
Ph.D. and a teaching job.
They Dare Not Argue
"Intoxicated with his sudden posi-
tion of authority over a group of. co-
eds he begins to disclaim positively
about advertising and selling, reli-
gion and economics, politics and in-
ternational relations.
"All he really, knows is the love life
of a goldfish but he is very brave
since his students dare not argue with
Pause by Dr. Crane. Gasp by in-
In the midst of the gasp, the doctor
bursts out anew, this time about
housecleaning, a thorough house-
cleaning, of high schools and colleges
so that they'd have less Latin, geom-
etry and "other impractical sub-
jects." Dr. Crane would train high

school students "for life instead of the curriculum if it were not for the
for college." autocratic and antiquated domina-
Recommends Four M's tion by the colleges."
Not the three R's, but the four Dr. Crane was worried about stu-
M's-"music, marriage, money and dents who put in four years of high
mechanics. school and then did not go to the
"Every high school student should1 University. For four out of five of
be able to play one musical instru- them it was time wasted, he remarked
ment. sdy
"Young people ought to know how sadly. the ld hael'nd
to play at least one athletic game the fo M's instead of the 'culure'
reasonably well and be able to dis- attributed to the study of Aristotle,
cuss the rules of several others. Plato, Shakespeare."
"Every youngster should know how "And," he addedas the interviewer
to render first aid, drive a motor car left, "to the love life of the goldfish."
wisely, know how to swim and per-
form a few parlor tricks or sleight-of-I
"Tap dancing would do more to MONROE, Aug. 10.-R)-Police
build up physical and social poise hunted yesterday for two men who,
than four years of high school Latin. armed with pistols, held up three em-
"If we built a high school curricu- ployes of the Packers Outlet Co. and
lum to fit boys and girls for life in- escaped with between $2,000 and $3,-
stead of college we would immed- 000. H. H. Worm, manager, was
iately include a course on marriage forced to open the safe. The rob-
problems and psychology." bers fled in an automobile.
Start With Teachers- - -
Well, uh, where would you start all READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS
this, Dr. Crane? -

' r

ietd by
George B. Seitz
Produced by
SBased on thelohn
jKirkpatrick play,
Ado Beats the
Drum." Produced
on the stage by
John Golden.. Inc.

; -

And j
Coming Saturday


"With the teachers. The high
school teachers would gladly alter


--'-E- -+

t ..
j"" f


On August 14 a copy of The Michigan Daily will
be mailed out to every Fall Freshman student ac-

There's still loads of grand values
left in our Half-Yearly Clearance
of SUMMER CLOTHES priced way
below cost.
Leftover dark dresses. Styles and
materials good-for all winter. Also
a few Spring Suits and Coats at
1/2 and more off original prices.


cepted at the present time. This issue should be of
special interest to alL landladies who have rooms to
rent as it is a most excellent means of reaching this
group of incoming students at the low cost of 1Ic

h .



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