THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1937 new worlds to conquer but, rather, see themselver joining the ranks of men who search the world for sustenance and a little more. They who have banished Joe College and learned to find fun in less uproarious ways than did their confreres of 1929, go a bit reluctantly from a small and sterile world to find them- selves places in the active world. That their attitude is an indictment of modern life is not so important as is their attitude toward remedy- ing what they shall find in it. Surely there can be no consideration of avoiding future depres- sions without an organic consideration of the men who shall seek to avoid them. As Others See It Continue Civil Liberties Inquiry THE SENATE COMMITTEE on Audit and Con- trol, heayded by Senator Byrnes of South Carolina, seems to make a practice of holding up appropriations for meritorious investigations. It took quite a campaign to induce this small committee to pass on the railroad financing in- quiry. Now an appropriation to allow the La- Follette Committee on Civil Liberties funds to continue is in danger of dying in the audit com- mittee's file'of unreported bills. In the long line of valuable congressional in- vestigations, few have approached that directed by Senator La Follette in definite relationship to traditional American principles as embodied in the Bill of Rights. The recent succession of shocking disclosures of industrial peonage, pro- fessional strike-breaking and armed violence by employers' agents has demonstrated how little regard many professed defenders of the Consti- tution actually have for the constitutional rights of others. ' What the La Follette committee has gone into, it has investigated thoroughly. There are, how- ever, other dark corners which need the same illumination. Vigilanteism, the Black Legion, semi-Fascist organizations, academic freedom in educational institutions supported in part by Federal funds, the denial of equal rights under the law to members of minority races-these and other phases of the civil liberties problem require continuance of the investigation. Senator Byrnes and his colleagues on the Committee of Audit and Control, Senators Tydings of Maryland and Townsend of Delaware, would assume a serious responsibility if they yielded to the short-sighted and self-serving clamor to choke off the patriotic service of the Civil Liberties Committee. On The Level By WRAG VERNON KELLETT, who has the comedy lead in "H.M.S. Pinafore" which opens at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight, relayed this one on from one of Professor Willam's music lectures. It seems that a rich young man in New York with rather pseudo-musical ability had written a symphony, and through "pull" had prevailed upon the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra to play it for him. Before the con- cert, a huge affair was given for all the Eastern critics to bevel off the sharp edge of their crit- icism. But one of the better known New York critics did not let the meal influence his criticism of the symphony when it was rendered later on in the evening. In his article the next day, the critic wrote, "This new symphony was both beautiful and original. It had only one fault. When it was beautiful, it was not original; and when it was original, it was not beautiful." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Buletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. The Union Pool will be open to any student from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the evenings of Aug. 12 and 17. Student Recital: Kenneth Cole, violinist, Peck, Michigan, will give a graduation recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Music degree, Wednes- day evening, Aug. 11, at 8:30 p.m., in the School of Music Auditorium. Miss Helen Titus will accompany Mr. Cole. Excursion No. 11: The Ann Arbor Daily News, Wednesday, Aug. 11, at 2 p.m. This trip offers an oppor- tunity to observe a modern newspa- per plant in operation Trips ends at 4:30 p.m. There is no charge for this excursion. Men's Education Club Picnic, Wed- nesday, Aug. 11. Portage Lake. An- nual picnic and fun fest. Leave main entrance of University high school at -4:30 p.m. Men needing transpor- tation can be accommodated if prompt in assembling at U.H.S. Stalker Hall: Swimming party and picnic Wednesday, at 5 p.m. Please call 6881 for reservations. Linguistic Institute Lecture, Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. Topics: "The Menzerath-Janker X- ray Motion Pictures, with Sound, of the Movements of the Vocal Organs During Speech", with discussion by Dr. Bernard Bloch, Brown University. "Stroboscopic Motion Pictures of the Vocal Cords in Action," with dis- cussion by Dr. Milton Cowan, University of Iowa. * * * * EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger.. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER.........NORMAN B. STEINBERG ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER ...ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES A. BOOZER For Art's Sake... R ECENTLY much note has been taken of the increasing space de- voted by newspapers to art comment and crit- icism: The New York Post has increased the amount and frequency of such criticism, and its letter box has receivegd both congratulations from artists and messages of appreciation from readers in general. Magazines, too, are carrying con- siderations of the improvement in approving articles. But, we ask, how valuable is this general in- crease in newspapers throughout the country and the trend established by the leading news- papers, if there is to be no similar availability of art? Money spent in bidding up prices of art objects might be better spent to develop traveling col- lections of really good exhibits. The mediocre quality of many of those already reaching the smaller cities from time to time, has, we be- lieve, discouraged an interest in them. That this interest could be revived and that the public would cooperate by payment of a reasonable fee, rather than leaving the expense to local art circles, there is little doubt. When money spent in disutility can be allo- cated to such a purpose by convincing the ma- jority of wealthy speculators of its superior claims on their extra money and good name, when small art societies realize the futility of bad-if-not-good art and thus use their funds for good displays, even if they display less often, a fair fee can be levied to the public and, as they know that the art is really that, they will be willing to pay and general attendance will in- crease satisfactorily, we are convinced. Only then can the increasing newspaper space devoted to art be really significant to the general population. The Human Element .. . T ODAY MEN ARE considering whether another depression can be avoided, yet their consideration of the depres- sion of 1932, from which we are still recovering, is incomplete. All the aspects ascertainable, and they at best few, have not been scrutinized, which means that all the available evidence cannot be brought to bear upon the problem of obviating future depressions. The necessity of providing jobs for idle youths, for instance, has been discussed and attacked, but there has been little considerationof the function of youths as directors of world activ- ities. The youths who are today college seniors anticipate independence in the active world with more fortitude than eagerness, for they are the children of depression. Once it could be told them that they were the hope of the world, but their tolerance for such euphemistic ways of saying that one generation is yielding its bur- dens to another has been exhausted. Their adolescence was spent in a world that loosed destruction or injury on almost everyone they knew. They were only then beginning to contemplate that world, as such, and their minds resembled supersensitive film, receiving lasting impressions, not at will, but upon exposure. The scenes to which they were exposed were slice-of-life; they were real; and they were ear- net; and, most important and perplexing to them as future citizens, no one knew the goal. From an adolescence lived in that kind of world, youths stepped into college and into sanc- tuary. The world of personal tribulation be- came remote as a background, despite the fact,. THE FORUM IU I / Letters published In this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. A Correction A letter was published in this column August 5th concerning the death of a popular and prominent boy of the campus who had passed away some days previous from pneumonia. There was an inference in the letter that his death re- sulted from his not having medical care until "a few days before his death." In view of the fact that this letter obviously referred to Stevens T. Mason, Jr., captain elect of the track team, and in order to prevent any injustice being donie to his family, Thomas El- lerby, a relative, has brought to our attention the following: "On July 9th Steve complained of a slight sore throat and immediately proceeded to treat this condition with a hot water solution. The throat was not serious or painful, but obstinate, and on July 13th his parents became concerned and called Dr. Hugh Stalker, a prominent Grosse Pointe physician, who, by the way, has been the family physician for the past nine years. The doctor found no serious inflammation at that time, and after treatment he left not expecting to be recalled. On the following day the throat condition had not improved and the family again called the doctor. On July 17th, Dr. Wadsworth Warren, a prominent Detroit throat specialist, was called for consultation by Dr. Stalker. The throat gradually improved and it appeared that Steve was fast recovering, yet the doctor was in daily attendance. On July 24th Steve com- plained of a slight pain in the lower left side of the chest, but at that time no evidence of infection could be found. On July 25th the lung infection was apparent, and was diagnosed as Type IV Pneumonia for which there is no known cure. Three nurses and an operator for the oxygen tent were in constant attendance. Dr. Robert Novy, one of the leading internists of the city was called for consultation by Dr. Stalker. Dr. Novy is the son of the renowned bacteriol- ogist, who was instrumental in making the Med- ical School at the University what it is today. It appeared toward the end of the week that the pneumonia had been licked, but on August 1st the infection suddenly spread and on the morning of August 2 Steve died. "Steve was under constant medical care from July 13 to August 2. He had everything that doctors could provide, and his death was simply an -unfortunate circumstance with which medical science can not yet contend." We regret that we published the letter of August 5-a letter which was based on false in- formation-and want this to stand as a retrac- tion and correction. The printing of it was not intended to be malicious or misleading. -THE EDITORS. THERE HAS ALWAYS been considerable doubt in our mind .as to the gentlemanliness of the use of the phrase, "Nuts to you." We used to find the phrase falling off our lips at all too frequent in- tervals,, and we have al- ways blushed at the slip of the lip, until we read the report of New Jersey State- Beverage Commissioner Burnett replying to a woman's complaint against a New Jersey bar- tender. The bartender was alleged to have thrown the woman some disputed change, re- marking "Nuts to you" quite loudly at the same time. The woman tried to have the man's license revoked. But Commissioner Burnett replied to the charge, as follows: "I do not attempt to censor barroom language unless it is so revolting or of- fensive as to constitute a nuisance. The allusions to acorns and squirrel food were indeed ungentle- manly and inelegant, but more the expression of frustration, the white flag of a cornered debtor, than abuse or insult." We can .think of no better way to explain a man's use of "Nuts to you" to a woman, than the way Burnett has above. Now we feel relieved to think that our former "allusions to acorns and squirrel food" were really not insults. * * * * * R.P.J., after much consideration, mailed the following play (or should we say dray-mah) to us the other day. People got to reading gur mail and laughing, so we thought we'd print it. ACT I (The scene is laid on the grounds of WPA Project No. .056%/2. Before us there is a broad expanse of clay and weeds with a narrow ele- vation also composed of clay and weeds, running directly down the center of the set. After a little close inspection it is evident that a highway is in the process of construction. In the foreground a section boss is sitting in a Ford V8 listening to the radio over which some politician is speaking about balancing the national budget. On the elevation two "workers" are seen stretched out under one of the trees which are placed all along the roadway. In the distance a steeple clock tolls the hour of twelve. One of the workers speaks:) First Worker (yawning) Joe. Second Worker (also yawning) Huh? First Worker: We better be gettin' up. Second Worker: Huh? First Worker: The boss always comes snoopin' around at twelve. You know that, you dumb- head. (He shakes him). Come on. It's only half an hour until lunch. Second Worker: Uh-huh. (He gets up and leans on a hoe which was resting by his side. The First Worker then makes a few passes at some weeds until the boss is out of sight and then leans on his hoe. Utter silence. Curtain.) ACT II (The second set is laid in a small but com- fortably furnished apartment. It is that of the First Worker's son. It is fifteen years later and the First Worker's hair is gray, probably from hard work. He is leaning on an ash stand. The son is standing beside an open door with head hanging low. The First Worker speaks.) First Worker: Me own son turnin' me out. It ain't right. Son: But paw, we can't afford to keep you. First Worker: And after I kept you all those years. Son: That's just the trouble. First Worker: (surprised) Huh! Son: Yeah. I'm paying for it now. Scram! Curtain soloists were Miss Creighton, Mr. Van Deursen, Mr, Schaffmaster, and Mr. Thompson. Although all were not in good voice, most were excellent and all were able to prove that we have in the University a top-flight composer of modern songs. Needless to say, none will become pop- ular in the vulgar sense since all require more than an ordinary vocal range. The accompani- ments, played by the composer, were most inter- esting and offered support to the soloists in spite of the modern slant of the compositions. These opinions are not mere unfounded be- liefs as will be proven when Lawrence Tibbett blossoms out on radio or in concert with Ben- nett's "John Brown." For exhibiting the vocal facility and dramatic ability of a singer it equals "Glory Road or "Largo al Factotum" from Bar- biere di Siviglia. After hearing van Deursen sing it I remarked (perhaps too enthusiastically) that lie has out-Tibbetted Tibbett. Miss Creighton the subject "Editing Dictionaries." "Techniques in Latin," is the topic of the lecture to be given by Prof. Fred S. Dunham in University High School Auditorium at 4:05 this af- ternoon. Student Recital: Miss Mildred Bas- tian, pianist, Albion, will give a grad- uation recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the master of music degree, Thursday evening, Aug. 12, at 8:30 p.m., in the School of Music Auditorium. Deutscher Verein: There will be a banquet in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League, at 7 p.m., Monday, Aug. 16. Please make reser- vations either at the German Table or in the office of the German De- partment, 204 U.H- (Extension 788). First Mortgage L o a n s: The University has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Of- fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer- sity Hall. Mexico Gives U. S. Students Hissing Hints MEXICO CITY, Aug. 10.-(A)- "Well, so long, I've got a class at 15 o'clock." That method of telling time after noon is one of the two things Amer- ican students attending summer school at the National University of Mexico find it difficult to adapt them selves to. The other thing is class room lectures delivered in Spanish. "When they start talking about 15 and 16 o'clock, it sounds as though they are referring to next week, or something," says Joan Andre, a co-ed from Luxemburg, Wis. More than 500 Americans from 37 states are enrolled in the univer- sity this summer, most of them to learn Spanish. The school is housed in one build- ing, the former residence of a Span- ish grandee, and the campus is only a picturesque patio, about the size of the average American backyard, All classrooms open to the patio, and it is not uncommon to see a studeni outside conversing freely with . a friend in class. Startling to the visitor from the United States is the chorus of hissing that occasionally arises from his Mexican fellow students. They ar not hissing the professor however Protest Brazil's Leasing Of U.S. Vessels Of War (Continued from Page 1) resources was said by La Nacion to be the concern of the whole continent, adding that Germany's colonial as- pirations were "well known" and that "German immigration has great im- portance in Brazil." The newspaper La Prensa declared, however, that if such a' menace exist- ed, the 1936 Inter-American consul- tative pact calling for nations to con- fer in time of danger should be called into immediate operation instead of leasing United States destroyers. (Berlin newspapers saw the lease proposal as bringing the Latin Amer- ican nations closer to the United States "than the dominions are to England." (The French press interpreted the project as a move to block foreign penetration of the southern conti- nent, saying that Germany was the nation feared. (British naval circles expressed whole-hearted approval of the pro- gram, but I suggested such leases should be limited to "nations which do not have a belligerent attitude.") CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY The 5 o'clock lecture today Natural Science Auditorium will given by Prof. Thomas A. Knott in be on Morgenroth Takes Swimming Tourney Bill Morgenroth crashed through to a stand-out victory in the intra- mural Summer Session swimming tournament, Randolph Webster, di- rector, announced yesterday. An official compilation gave him 900 points, amassed through six firsts, three seconds and a single third. Trailing 220 points behind was Lee Lyon, his nearest rival. Jack Flow- ers secured third with 560. John W W. Smillie had 220; Sielski, 200; B. Miller, 80; and Hugh Henry, 20. Morgenroth was star of the fresh- man swimming squad in 1934-35, but did not go out for Varsity competi-I tion. He was on the wrestling team. tenaw bus or vicinity of Church and Willard. Please call 620 Church, Tel. 6835. Reward. 650 g LAUNDRY e LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, . Careful work at low price. 1t L ,. y ,_ lbil Do you have typing to be done, or do you want yping to do. O r, have you lost anything? Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance only Ilc per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. NOTICE EXPERIENCED typist. Prompt serv- ice. Mrs. Wing. 1002 Forest Ave. Phone 8369. 653 TYPING: All day service. Five years' experience. Theses, term papers. Schumacher. 820 E. Washington. Phone 2-2394. 651 TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. 632 LOST AND FOUND ,LOST: White purse containing $40 in money and small change, hand- kerchief and ring. Receipt in purse with name. Lost either on Wash In any case, your best medium is The Michigan. Daily Classified Colu~mn CASH R ATES LINE ici PEP HII Ito