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August 10, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-08-10

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Teacher Denies Teaching l arivinism

Friday night's barn dance at the
Union was more than a great success
. what with the crowd all attired
as farmers and farmerettes . .. and
Charlie Zwick, playing in spite of the
handicap of having three of the fin-
gers of his right hand bandaged.
Some of the costumes were most
unique and original . . . one of the
first things that we saw was a much
bewildered yellow duck on a string
... this string led us to Phyllis Miner
(attired in a blue checked taffeta),
and Jack Croft who were watching
Charlie. Then our attention was
taken by a rather familiarly dressed
individual, who turned out to be L'il
Abner (or Jack Nicholson in dis-
guise). Another couple who were at-
tired in the approved rural manner
were Louise and Leonard Morse --.
and incidentally Mr. Morse happened
to be the only one present who could
call an "Alabama," or for that matter
any sort of square dance.
Barn Dancing
Net we saw Marie Sawyer and Doug
Gregory, who had come to try a bit
cf barn dancing . . . Hope Hartwig
escorted by Jack Smiley was a lovely
farmerette . . . some of the lone cow
hands were Tom Sparks, Steven Phil-
ipcack, Stuart Tatum, and Henry
Intermission came and the tap-
room looked like a farmers' conven-
tion . . . among those, whom we saw
refreshing themselves were . . . Irene
Freeman with Willis Paling, May
Duhig with 'Don Tracey, and June
Iollen with Jim Sargent.
Then came the mad rush for the
ballroom where the costume con-
test was to take place . . all those
who had come in costume went out
into the floor and entered the grand
march . . . after a few times around,
several were selected from the grop
for the final judging . . . The two
contestants chosen as winners were
Leonard Morse, very much the farmert
in a pair of overalls, straw hat, andt
what appeared to be a week's growth1
of beard, but turned out to be skill-
fully applied make-up and Joan Tak-
ken, who was dressed as the "caounty
onstabule" won the girls prize. Thel
prizes were "due bills" on Ann ArborY
clothing stores.
Sitting On Sidelines ,
Some of those sitting on the side-
lines were Jane Belser with Bob
Bauer, MariannarCondit and Bill
Walters, and Dorothy Denton with
Clark Depue, And engaged in con-
versation we saw Dorothy and Rudy
Shulte, and Cynthia Adams with Neil
Back on the dance floor we en-'
countered Joan Hanson dancing with
Bob Lodge, Sally Pane with Bill,
Brown, Phyllis Cozart with John Ab-
raham, and Doris Staebler dancingt
withf Harold Nichols . . . Jeanne Geyert
was stepping with Tom McCann.
Saturday night's dance proved it-
self as much of a success as that of1
Friday night ,in spite of the rain.
Charlie Zwick's band was' helping itt
along with some well chosen pieces ... .
Rain Doesn't Dampen Spirits
Dancing along we saw Lee Hoff-s
meister and Marge Erb, who were
thoroughly enjoying themselves.C
LYnn Owen was there escorted by2
George Stuhr and they seemed to ber
having a wonderful time.
Saturday night's crowd was prettyc
much the same as the one of Friday,l
proving that those who had been1
there the night before enjoyed them-a
selves so well that they came the
second night . .. However, enjoyings
cigarettes we saw a few new faces,
among whom were Dorothea Justin
and Jim Boozer, and Kitty Mead withE
Tim Walton.
Stags were numerous, so a smooth9
ime was had by all. Some of thef
stags were Dick Ingrams, Jack Davisg
and Jack Boren. The band ended thet
evening by singing "When Night Fallsf
Dear," and "When the Summer Isr

Fighting to regain her teachers desk in a rural school near Waynes-
burg, Pa., Mrs. Laura Elms Morris, 44, denied she taught that "humans
came from monkeys." Dismissal followed charges of disciplining stu-
cents with a baseball bat and stove poker. She is shown with her
daughter, Ruth, 9.

Listed And Sifte
NEW YORK, Aug. 9.-(1P--)--Sifting
the sport rumor crop and separating
them into the easy and hard to be-
lieve departments:

That Don Budge, torch bearer of
Uncle Sam's winning Davis Cup ten-
nis team, will keep his pledge by
remaining an amateur and will be
rewarded with the coveted Sullivan
award as the outstanding amateur of
Ma Schmeling, if he doesn't look
too good when he arrives August 18,
will fight Joe Louis for the heavy-
weight boxing championship at Phil-
adelphia in September or October.
New York's mauling Yankees will
shatter their 1936 record of 182 home
runs this season as they'gallop away
with the American League pennant.
(They've made 128 in 98 games so far,
averaging 1.31 homers per game. If
they keep up that War Admiral pace
they'll harvest 204 for the campaign).
Grimm To Retire
That Charlie Grimm, the Sciatica-
plagued manager of the pennant-
winging Chicago Cubs, will retire to
the upholstered chair as president
of the club at the close of the cur-
rent season, with Gabby Hartnett
succeeding him as pilot.I
That Harold Stirling VanderbiltI
could swap yachts with Tom Sopwith
and still trim him in four out of seven
Mike Jacobs, whose title as Czar
of boxing now is offi'cial, will keep his
head, when all men about him are
losing theirs, by running good shows
and keeping prices within reason.
That Dizzy Dean is pitching his last
season for the St. Looey Cardinals.
That Tommy Farr can pick J.
Barrow Louis. Tommy's talking a
great fight but Mr. Louis isn't the
talking kind. (Before the build-u
gets too high, it might be reported
the consensus among fight writers
today is that Farr won't come up for
round three.)
The Brooklyn Dodgers are to be
sold. This rumor now falls to the
bottom of the pile as the oldest
living bit of gossip in sport.
That any football team is going to,
kick Minnesota or Pittsburgh around
this fall. Mr. William Andrew
Weekes, our Chicago spy who recently,
visited Minnesota, says the Gophers
Robber Held After
.Shooting Officer
DETROIT, Aug. 9.-(6P)-Bullet
wounds suffered last week caused the
death today of Police Patrolman John
R. Sheridan, '31.
Thomas Keegan, who admitted fir-
ing the shot when Sheridan sought to
question him, will face prosecution,
Sheridan's brother officers of the
homicide squad said, as will George
Pratt, Keegan's companion.
Sheridan was shot as he opened
the door of a taxicab in which the
two men were sitting The prisoners
s jauosr id aq L '.fullis @am u aui oAx q
earlier in the evening.
The slain officer had been a mem-
ber of the department since 1930 and
had been awarded a distinguished

Are Carefully
d For You In This'
are so tough that if they just stood
still they'd be hard to beat. Jess
Carver says the same thing of Jock
Sutherland's Panthers of Pitt.
That George Jacobusp will be oust-
ed as president of the Professional
Golfers' Association. (George is quite
a politician when the checks are
down and I can't believe he's out
until he steps down).
That the gal swimming stars of
the 1936 Olympic team, except Elea-
nor Holm Jarrett, are happy because
they turned pro. (Pickings are pretty
That Connie Mack will ever have
another pennant winner. (The far-
flung farm systems have Connie
Arrest 5 Youths
For Series Of
Midnimht Raids
Sgt, Cook Leads Police In
Attempt To Put An End
To Recent Lawlessness
A series of midnight raids led by
Sergeant Norman Cook late Sunday
climaxed by the arrest of five youths
who are charged with Ann Arbor's
iecent series of automobile and car
radio thefts, burglaries, robberies and
at least one holdup, broke up one
of the two gangs which police said
are operating in the city.
Arrested were Sam Sayer, 18 years
old, 508 S. Division; Charles Petti-
bone, 17. 1111 S. University Ave.; La-
Verne Casterline, 18, 309 Thompson
St.; Jack Steele, alias Jack Carsters,
17. 3125 Geddes Ave.; and Charles
Cotton,'18, of 120 E. Summit St. Be-
sides a small part of admitted loot.
police seized three revolvers, some
ammunition and a toy cap pistol in
the raids.
Sayer, Pettibone and Steele are
charged with robbery armed, while
Cotton is charged with unlawfully
driving away an automobile and Cas-
terline with breaking and entering.
All made partial confessions.
Last of the incidents in which the
gang figured took place only a few
hours before the capture when Cas-
terline broke into Severn's Grocery,
820 Miller Ave., and stole candy and
$2.68, police discovered. The gang's
arrest, however, came through the
result of a tip.
Theft of two car radios from Shad-
ford Road garages Sunday night and
the burglary of another garage on
the same street led police to believe
that. the second gang is still operating
in Ann Arbor.

Many Weddinos,i
Are Announced
Schenl-O'Donnell Marriage
Vows Are Spoken In
Detroit Rites
A number of weddings have taken
place during the past week and the
engagement of one former student
has been announced.
Margaret Elizabeth Kendrick,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Melville
Kendrick, became the bride of John
Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.
Moore, Saturday evening in the First
Congregational Churen in Port Hu-
ron. The Rev. Mr. Jonathan Turner
read the ceremony.
Miss Kendrick was assisted by Mrs.
Theodore J. Olsey as matron of hon-
or, and by Charlotte Hamilton, Mar-
garet Lassen, Elizabeth Johnson and
Dorothy B u r n s as bridesmaids.
Charles Moore was his brother's best
The bride attended Port Huron
Junior College and the University.
She is a member of Lambda Rho
Tau and Kappa Alpha Theta sorori-
ties. Mr. Moore attended Michigan
State College and the University.
Anne Margaret Schell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanford Schell
spoke her vows to Edward A. O'Don-
nell, son of Mrs. William Andrew
O'Donnell, Saturday morning. The
Rev. Fr. Joseph L. Scott, S.J., per-
formed the ceremony.
Mrs. HughHarris attended the
bride at matron of honor and James
D. O'Donnell assisted his brother as
best man.
Miss Schell attended Highland
Park and Junior College and grad-
uated from the University and Mr.
O'Donnell graduated from the Univer-
sity of Detroit.
Miss Alice M. Hiscock, daughter of
Mr.. and Mrs. Dana E. Hiscock, was
married to Harry E. Botsford, son of
Mrs. B. H. Card, of Ann Arbor, Sat-
urdayrafternoon. Dr. Charles W.
Brashares read the service.
Miss Hiscock was attended by her
sister, Helen, as maid of honor and
Thomas L. Botsford served as bestl
man for his brother.
The bride attended the University
and was affiliated with Alpha Gamma
Delta sorority.
The marriage of Rosalie Grabow-
sky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Grabowsky, of Detroit, and Dr. Sher-
man M. Beckerman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Stein, of Cleveland Heights,
took place Sunday.
Miss Grabowsky graduated from
the University and Dr. Beckerman at-
tended the University and is a grad-
uate of the Metropolitan Chiropractic
College of Cleveland.
A GREAT Drama...
fug at your


Doris "Billie" Major (above), 27,
cigarette girl in a prominent Wash-
ington hotel, was the object of a
police search after she had been
missing for a week. In a note she
told a friend she planned to swim
the Potomac River because she
couldn't make "things go .straight
in my think machine."
Infantile Paralysis
Causes One Death
LANSING, Aug. 9.-(/P)-An out-
break of infantile paralysis that
caused the death of one Lansing boy
and struck four others who attended
a Y.M.C.A. summer camp at Mystic
Lake brought from state and city of-
ficials today an order that 120 per-
sons connected with the camp be
isolated and riven preventative treat-
All boys and officials who attended
the camp will be given medical treat-

Cigarette -GrI Missing

U. S. Amateur Golf Champions
Will Battle Over Tough Course




Clearance Priced at GOODYEAR'S


$8.98 $10.98 $12.98
Printed Grace Ashley linens and voiles,
2 pc. Galawind frocks, dark sheers, chiffons,
and marquisettes, pastels sports silks. For-
merly priced to $19.75. Sizes 12 to 20.

$1.98 and $16.98

Jacket ensembles in printed silks and thin
woolens; navy and black chiffons, nets and
marquisettes; tailored pastel silk frocks.
Sizes 14 to 20 aid women's sizes. Formerly
priced to $39.75.



Theatre: Michigan: "Captain'
Courageous," with Freddie Bartholo-1
mew and Spencer Tracy; Majestic:
"The Emperor's Candlesticks," with
William Powell and Luise Rainer;
Wuerth: "Good Old Soak," with Wal-
lace Beery; Orpheum: "Love Is
News," with Tyrone Power and Lor-
etta Young and "California Straight
Ahead," with John Wayne and Louise
Lecture: "Japanese Wood-block
Prints and Printing by Mr. J. Arthur
MacLean at 5 p.m. in Natural Science
Concert: Summer Session Facilty
Concert at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi-
Detroit Resident Is
Drowned Near Dam
Sheriff's officers late Sunday af-
ternoon recovered the body of Louis
Peek, 19 years old, of 1559 25th St.,
Detroit, who was drowned while try-
ing to swim across the Huron River


Formals and jacketed dinner frocks in
dotted swiss, voile, marquisette, organdy,
linen, pique, chiffon, net, lace . . . printed
and plain pastels. Sizes 12 to 20. Values to
Smartly tailored shirt frocks in Gloucester
chambray, Sea Mist, printed dimity, linen,
swiss, and plaid ginghams. Sizes 12 to 20
... 38 to 44. Values to $14.95.



$2.98 and, $4.98
Gored and pleated styles in flannel and
Salyna cloth. Pastels and a few darker
shades. Sizes 26 to 32. Formerly priced to

It's just a matter of days in this Selling-Out sale. Our aim is
to save money. Come in and be convinced that nowhere else
could you get the finest quality merchandise at such ridicu-
lously low prices.
We have a lovely assortment of SILK ROBES and NEGLIGEES
that sold to $5.95 .....................Now $2.88


service medal

for thwarting a hold-

$19.75 to $59.75
Just a few of these beautiful coats left.
Pastel fleeces topped with honey fox, grey
fox, blue fox, and honey wolf. Lined

i 'U

111-7 -. - - - -'.' I



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