The Weather Partly cloudy today; tomor- row local thundershowers; con- tinued warm. 0 ~- (t4r A6igau I ~AIaiti Editorials Congress And Adjournment .. . Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUG. 10, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS Nippons Erase All Liter~ature Of Nationalism In Chinese City Soldiers In Small Patrols Visit All Bookshops, Go Over Entire City Many War Forces Terrorize Chinese PEIPING, Aug. 10.-(Tuesday)- (MP-The Soldiers of Japan erased methodically from this old capital of the Emperors of China today all traces of the nationalism of Sun Yat- Sen and Chiang Kai- Shek. From the bookshops the military patrols combed out "objectionable literature." In the public schools they forbade the teaching of the principles of na- tional salvation of Sun Yat-Sen, the Chinese "liberator." These, they said, were impractical and "tended to poi- son youthful minds" Without hesitation, the troops searched Tsing Hua University, built in 1911 as the result of United States remittance of more than 10 million dollars of the Boxer Indemnity. They looked for traces of activity which they might not approve. General War Breaks Out The general war which had been threatening for a month or more ap- parently broke out today, but there were still no formal declaration of hostilities. Fighting, reports said, has spread over a large area and had passed far beyond the bonds of a local incident. The casualties on the both sides as a result of the fighting were said to be more than 20,000, making it the most serious battle so far. At Shangai the Japanese demanded that the Chinese Peace Preservation Corps be withdrawn 12 miles from the city as they had agreed after the Shanghai wa of 1932. The Chinese, apparently following the threat of; Chaing Kai Shek, refused. Warning Is Issued Forces of the Central Government and the Japanese regular armies were engaged northwest and southwest of Peiping and south of Tientsin. Ja- panese naval patrols faced Chinese soldiers in Shanghai, where a Japan-i ese naval officer, a sailor and a Chin- ese soldier were killed.- The Japanese high naval com- mand met in the great fortified naval barracks which the Nipponese com- pleted two years ago on the river front and debated their course of ac- tion. Resume Normal Activities After Sit-bown Ends Normal production was resumed at the American Broach & Machine plant yesterday while negotiations to effect a final settlement on workers' demands were held during the after- noon at the City Hall. Working under a truce agreement arranged through the intervention of Governor Murphy, representatives of the city, workers, UAW and company conducted negotiations which a prominent city official described as "amiable." Further conferences will be held, probably starting on Wed- nesday, to discuss working condi- tions, wages and hours. The 36-hour sit-down and picket- ing which followved the plant's evac- 1 uation came to an end Friday after a conference with Murphy at Lan- sing. The only agreement made then I was for conferences to begin within1 five days. Loan Negotiations For China Finished PARIS, Aug. 9.-AP)--Dr. H. H. Kuirg, China's smiling finance minis- ter, completed today the second series of loan negotiations on his European tour to reorganize his nation's fi- nances. A brief announcement said French bankers had agreed to help to in- Trial Proceedings May Be Suspended BERLIN, Aug. 9.-(P)-Indications tonight were that some Nazi quar- ters desired to drop trial proceedings against The Rev. Martin Niemoeller, Protestant leader in the fight against I government regulation of chunh af- fairs. An end to the affair was under- stood to be desired because of last night's demonstration parade by members of Niemoeller's congrega- tion, irked by a ban on a public prayer meeting planned on his behalf. Another possible factor was the re- cent acquittal of the Rev. Otto Di- belius ,another prominent protestant who was tried for an old open letter upholding that Christ was a Jew. Niemoeller's trial was postponed today, having been scheduled orig- inally for Tuesday. No new date was made known. Organizers Tell Board Of 'Fear' In Labor Ranks Republic Steel Company Refuses To Sign With Representative Leaders CANTON, O., Aug. 9.-(P)--Two CIO organizers told the National Labor Relations Board today of "fear" among Republic Steel Corp. employes, and the board was advised the company had refused to sign an agreement with the leaders of an em- ploye representative plan. The board is investigating CIO charges that Republic violated the Wagner Act. Republic has contended it did not have to sign an agree- ment under the act. CIO called a strike last May to enforce its de- mand for a contract, but all Republic plants now are operating. Howard Porter, an or'ganizer for the CIO Steel Workers Organizing Committee, said "There seems to be a lot of terror" among Republic em- ployes when he came to Canton a year ago. Guy L. Sweany, an organ- izer who formerly worked for Re- public, said workers were "afraid" the company would find out they had signed membership application blanks. Both men told of being trailed by men they said were com- pany policemen. More than a hundred steel work- ers, many wearing CIO buttons, crowded a stuffy courthouse room here to listen to resumption of the hearing, which began last month in Washington. Edward Kirkland, a steel worker since 1907 in the tin plate plant here which is not a Republic subsidiary, described the employe representative plan from its formation in 1933. Kirkland said that prior to the time Republic acquired the mill, the employe representatives had a writ-i ten agreement covering wages andI conditions of work, signed by the management each year. This was, discontinued when Republip became, owner. "We were told," Kirkland said, "that they never signed an agree- ment." Foster Parents Take Chicaoo A7 'L Llr t/'1LA _T_ Reich Protests' Expulsion Of 3 Picketing Of 'Bell' By 5-Year-Old Boy Causes No Worry i F Picketing of the Pretzel Bell con- e s ritters inued spasmodically through the early afternoon yesterday in another outburst in Ann Arbor's present era Prominent British Writer of labor troubles. A lone picketer, singing an indis- Ordered From Germany tinguishable ballad at the top of In Rletaliation his voice, paraded back and forth in front of the entrance for some time before he scuttled around a corner' Home Office Still to disappear from view. Officials at the Bell declared they Steaedfast In Action weren't worried over the outburst, although they did send waiters to make the disturber go away.. LONDON, Aug. 9.-(IP)-Germany The reason for their unconcern, protested today against Great Brit- observers said, might have been be- ain's expulsion of three German cor- cause the picketer was five years old, Characteristics Of Speech Are Listed In Talk Speech Personalities, Both Social And Individual, Confused, Sapir Says Person's 'Speech Side' Is His Topic Social and individual speech per- sonalities are often confused and mis- understood, Prof. Edward Sapir of Yale University, visiting instructor in the Linguistic Instiute, told the Sum- mer Session lecture audience yester- day in his talk on "The Speech Side of Personality." Professor Sapir listed seven char- acteristics of speech, six of which he called both social and individual. Voice, he said, is altogether biological, while voice dynamics, pronunciation, morphiology, style, vocabulary and dynamics of pronunciation are all capable of either individual or gen- eral social peculiarities. Voice dy- namics he distinguished from mere voice by describing it as "the way a person handles foreign materials in speech." Affectation Often Mistaken In discussing the confusion of in- dividual with community speech and idiom, Professor Sapir remarked, "How often you will hear an Ameri- MacLean To Speak In Lecture Series "Japanese Wood-block Prints and Printing" will be the subject of J. Arthur MacLean, curator of Oriental art in the Toledo Museum, in the Summer Session lecture at 5 p.m. to- day in Natural Science Auditorium. Mr. MacLean has played a leading part in gaining widespread critical recognition for modern Japanese prints as compared with 18th cen- tury work. In his talk he will discuss both the old and the new artists and their work. The lecture will be illustrated. with lantern slides. In connection with his lecture Mr. MacLean has prepared an exhibit of Japanese prints in Alumni Memorial Hall which will remain there for the1 rest of the semester. New Federation Makes P ub lice Labor Policies, UAW Asks For Protection To Pass Material Near Ford Co. Attorney For Union Writes Letter To Dearborn And Gets Practical Refusal Answer Calls Union A 'LegalNonentity' DETROIT, Aug. 9.---P)-Maurice Sugar, attorney for the United Auto- mobile Workers of America, , made public today letters to the sheriff, the county prosecutor and the corpora tion counsel of Dearborn, asking po- lice protection for union members respondents and retaliated by order- ing a prominent British news writer to leave Germany within two weeks. Norman Ebbutt, Berlin correspon- dent of The Times of London for about 15 years, was ordered to leave. Since the Nazi regime came to powerI in Germany, his articles have been widely quoted. Through the British foreign office the Times was informed that the German government wanted a Times correspondent in Berlin "Who will, pay less attention to work consideredl here as trivialities and more atten- tion to what is important." An authoritative source indicated the German action would not alter, the refusal of the British home office, announced last week, to renew labor permits of three German correspon- dents, two of whom already have left England. The British government offered no explanation. The Conservative Eve- ning.Standard in an editorial, asking official light on the affair, said: "If the men have been guilty of espionage, it is better that the public should be told so than that the pres- ent atmosphere of uneasy specula- tion should exist." In the absence of explanation, the Evening' Standard said, "Wide pub-f licity is being given to theories of an alarming character." It insisted, however, it did not question the jus- tice of the expulsions. Germany's protest was delivered by Dr. E. Woermann, charge d'affaires in the vacation absence of Ambas- sador Joachim Von Ribbentrop, but it followed a week-end conference between members of the German Embassy Staff and the Ambassador at Renfrew, Scotland. Forces Rushed ByGovernment 4 grimy and having the time of his life. This report was neither verified or denied, however. Auto Accidents Cause 6 Deaths Over Weekend One University Student Is Injured; Four Others, Also Are Treatedl (By Associated Press) At least six automobile accident victims died Monday in Michigan. Some of the victims were involved in smashups over the week-end. The Michigan toll for Saturday, Sunday and Monday was at least 23 dead and many injured. Deaths Monday: Lewis Aiken and his five-year-old daughter, Gladys May, of Cement City, injured in a collision at Jack- son. Leo J. Gyles, 19, Grass Lake, in-I jured when his car turned over Sun- day near Jackson. Rex Davis, 23, Charlotte, involved in a collision Monday at Delta Cen- ter. Four persons were injured in this, accident and a stallion valued at $2,000 had to be destroyed because of it. The horse was being carried be- hind one of the cars. State police shot it. A University student, Donald Tra- cey, 25 years old, Grad., was one of five persons injured in and near Ann Arbor over ther week-end in three accidents. Tracey suffered a fracture of sev- eral ribs and his nose in a head-on collision late Sunday night between a. who will distribute literature at the Group Is Formed Against Ford Motor Co. gates tomorrow. B p F e g n in reply to a previous letter from IBoth AFL, CIO; Aims lSugar, Corporation Counsel James W. Are Announced Greene ofJDearborn wrote last week Arennouced_ that the UAW was a "legal nonentity" and that city officials were "at a loss HARRISBURG, Pa.. Aug. 9.-()-- as to whom the cityashould afford the The new Independent Labor Federa-' police protection you desire." I I ij can say affectedc of fact, speaking his own gestures mon to an English speaker has an delivery, when, as a matter the Englishman is merely, in the manner common to group." Similarly, certain and voice inflections com- Frenchmen are often re- t i i I II It I; garded as the characteristics of in- dividuals, who are therefore consid- ered emotional, witty, effeminate, etc., depending on what qualities the1 auditor associates, through past ex- periences or learning, with the French nationality. "We see an Italian in the street; talking in what sounds to us like a rapid voice," Professor Sapir con-s tinued, "and say to each other, 'how' excitable he is!' when as a matter of fact he may be a person of excep- tional coolness. We don't take into consideration his social background, and the fact that his speech and ges-t tures are peculiar to it." Social Background Considered E We sometimes accuse a man ofi possessing vulgar habits of speech be- tior icie ing "Sic c Fed pos Lab tria pur ica pay wit] inti we con sta uni secs nou c hea def due tior wa era ina and Pa. n of America made public its pol- Scores Greene On Letter es for the first time today, declar- Sugar, in his letter today, wrote: it would use strikes,-walk-outs and "It is to be regretted, Mr. Greene, that your knowledge of the law is not ow-ups" only as a last resort. as great as your devotion to the Ford Clark M. Seltzer, councel for the Motor Company. The International deration which was formed to op- Union, United Automobile Workers se both the American Federation of of America, is not a corporation and it is not a partnership, but if you bor and the Committee for Indus- will turn to page one of an appro- al , Organization, announced this priate treatise on the subject, you will rpose: no doubt be startled to note that the 'To preserve the right of the Amer- union is an unincorporated voluntary n working man to work without association, falling in exactly the ying tribute to a racketeer and "same legal category "as thousands of hout fear of violence, coercion or other groups-unions, lodges, clubs ,imidation." and societies. The federation was organized a "Apart from all this, the union ek ago at nearby Hershey, in a newspapers are really not going to ivention of delegates from several be distributed by any nonentity. tes representing unaffiliated Newspapers are not distributed by in- ions. tangible entities existing only in con- The dorganization meetings were templation of law. So, even if the ret and the results were not an- union were a nonentity, what does Cnced until today. that have to do with it? You can't Chares E. Hallman, of Hershey, assault or slug or kick or beat up an ad of the Independent Union which intangible entity any more than you feated the CIO in an election con- can assault or slug or kick or beat up Bted by the National Labor Rela- a nonentity. ns Board, after the April 7 riot, Really Want Protection s named president of the new fed- "What we really want is protect tion. The other officers are Reg- Lion fordpeople, real, live American Ad Boote, Ilion, N.Y., vice president men and women of flesh and blood d Mrs. Maude Painter, Lebanon, who propose to do what they have secretary. a perfect legal right to do. Your -Iletter must be considered more than I1k Ensem ble a mere impertinence. It must be icii considered as a direct incitement to violence on the part of those inter- [s Featured On ested in depriving the union of'their constitutional rights." Distribution of a Ford edition of Faculty Concert the United Automobile Worker, Union newspaper, will take place between 2 and 5 p.m., Sugar informed Sheriff nusual Program Offered Thomas C. Wilcox and Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea. Sheriff Wilcox For Affair Which Starts was asked to provide "adequate pro- At 8:30 P.M. Today tection."I A score of union members were beaten by Ford employes during a The 1937 Chamber Music Ensemble previous attempt to distribute litera- the School of Music, under the di- ture at the Ford gates on May 26. i car he was driving and one with! Paul Arms, 19 years old, 906 River0 St., Ypsilanti at the wheel. To Stop Drive MAlso iDurerd in the accidentwe ~ To toMary Duhig, 21, of Port Huron who1r has a possible skull fracture; and Battalions Move To Teruel Otto Barnum, 28, of 806 River St., Ypsilanti. Front To Throw Up More Miss Ruth Walker, 820 Joy Rd.,i Fortifications was badly cut over the left eye whent she fell off a motorcycle driven byL Ervin Krueger, 745 Fountain St., Sun-x HTENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron- dlay night. Two other accidents in1 tier, Aug. 9.-(P)-Government labor which no one was injured occurred battalions rushed to the Teruel front over the week-end.r in Northeast Spain tonight to throw __er__he___ek_-ed. earthworks and fortifications across the path of the Insurgents' steadilyEy lengthening salient. Mo r. T m The whole town of Canete, which l orePay, Lessime# straddles the Cuenca-Teruel highway, apparently was to be transformed LANSING, Aug. 9.-(IP)-A group into a fortress for a stand in *de- representing employes of the State fense of the vital government com- Liquor Control Commission appeared munications between Madrid and Va- before the commission today to ask lencia on the east coast. for higher wages, shorter working Canete is about 40 miles on a direct hours, and seniority rights. line southwest of Toril, southernmost Edward W. McFarland, chairman tip of the Insurgents' finger-like sal- of the Commission, gave the delega- ient It is on a main highwav east tion COpiS of the Commission',nn cause of a single example of a word or syllable which we have become ac- customed to hearing pronounced in a certain manner and which he pro- nounces some other way, buta way which isiconsidered correct in his own locality. Turning to behavior characteristics in speech, Professor Sapir pointed out that students of psychology inform us that there are certain desires, im- pulses and motivations which are ex- plicit in various overt signs. They are also often found expressed in more disguised shape in speech, as when a person is angry, amused, or melancholy. "It is unavoidable," he concluded, "that the conflict situa- tions of ordinary life should be re- flected in habits of speech." Leoislation For z O Farms Will Be Drafted Later P U of rectlon of Pro. Hanns Pick, will pre- sent the next faculty concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audtiorium. The program cosists of music' not often performed, and features the chamber orchestra, instead of the; more intimate groups, such as the string quartet, which usually appear on recitals of chamber music. Included on the program are a Debate Contest To Be Decided Through Ballot I __._ _a uC pyavane'for strings, by Purcell, a The tenth annual Summer Session l J of Cuenca and southwest of Teruel. roll and budget and invited the mem- .'colorful set of two dances by De- debating contest among high school Although Insurgent quarters ex- bers to offer definite suggestions if Roosevelt Wins Assurance bussey-the first movement from the debate coaches was held last night in Mother Of Donald Horst petedthe government to mass its de-lthey could ascertain whethr That It Will Be Drawn "Quartet for Piano," a selection from Angell Hall before an audience of 150 Sense forces there, the Government money allocated would permit wage Strauss, and one from Saint-Saens. people. Signs Document Giving ilso fortified positions closer to Toril and hour readjustments. Upon Reconvening The members of the chamber mu- The question was "Resolved, that and in the Valdemeca Mountain The delegation representeda sic class who will participate in the the Several States Should Adopt a Consent To Adoption passes northeast of Cuenca, capital known as the State, County and Mu- WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. -(P) - recital are: Kenneth Ball, John Boll- System of Unicameral Legislation." of Cuenca province. nicipal Workers of Michigan, a Con- President Roosevelt won assurance inger; Neil Certain, Jeanne Clark, The debaters arguing for unicamer- CHICAGO, Aug. 9.-(I)-Little Insurgent field headquarters on themieefrIdsia Organization, today, in the face of a falling cotton James Dunlop, Earl Frost, Walter 1 legislation were R. L. Strawn, In- Donald Horst went back home today Teruel front said their observation Affiliate. It was composed of Rolandmtodanthe a teAgicltneJame, DnlepeorLus, Weler eedegi an;rR.yL.nd ai- with his fostrparensMr.ndMrs.planes sighted a column of Govern- S. Phillips, president; Frank Dittmer, market ,that the Senate Agriculture Ihrke, Dan Klepac, Leo Luskin, Helen dependence, Kan; Raymond Hamil- with his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Committee will draft farm legislation Lutes, Mary Frances McDonough, on, Vassar, Mich.; A. S. Weeks, Cold- Otto Horst. bag-laden trucks moving up fron Ray Aersa of Detroit. within a week after Congress re-con- Myron Myers, Stanley Myers, Max water. The team supporting bicam- Cny daEnKJa kC entucne vn pfrmRyAesao evenes. Mitchell, Wendell Obey, Andrew Pon- eral legislation was composed of County Judge Edmund K. Jarecki Cuenca to Canete. --M ,osvl hmsn awarded them temporary custody of M.Roosevelt has said he will not der, Sigvald Thompso, Bruce Wal- Kenneth Scott Wood, Eureka, Calif.; The se ourneradiheyrhad n- ast Ph oo rdra lei recommend federal loans to boost ter, Ross Williams and Calla Jean Carney C. Smith, Flint; and Miss the 31 months old child pending a tercepted a Government radio broad-s C prices of cotton and other crops until Wilson. Olga Kobasa, Republic, Penn. hearing Aug. 23 on their petition to cast ordering "all able-bodied men in Les Completed Congress enacts legislation controll--- The affirmative team was selected adopt him. Cubuild a lacework of barricades in g productions Are from members of Prof. Carl G. The boy's real mother, Miss Lydia its streets and to encircle it with ROCHESTER, N. Y., Aug. 9.-(A- The government crop reporting erBrandt's class in debating, and the Nelson, who signed a document giv- trenches. Believed by its makers to be the service, meanwhile, forecast a cotton1 Expeeted For Rae negative represented Prof. G. E. ing her consent to the adoption, was ____ fastest in the world, a new photo- crop of 15,593,000 bales for this year, Densmore's class in stage and radio not in the crowded court chamber , graphic lens has just completed tak- an increase of 3,194,118 over 1936. diction. S. J. Candell, Canton, Ohio, when her dark-eyed son was rec- Excursion To News ing pictures of light rays which left Cotton prices immediately fell off I SELFRIDGE FIELD, Mich., Aug. 9. acted as chairman. laimed by the couple who had neared distant stars before dinosaurs trod sharply, with December cotton closing -(P)-Better weather conditions and Ballots were distributed to the him since the day of his birth. Plant Is Sponsored the earth- in New York at 10.37 cents a pound. more recent models of air racers are members of th eaudience to deter- The happy Horsts lifted the lad The baursch and Lomb Optical By a unanimous vote, the Senate epected to help smash speed records mine a shift of opinion. The team fi'om the Judge's knee. Mrs. Horst A tour thiough the Ann Arbor News Company announced tonightscompe Agriculture Committee agreed to sub- for military aircraft when the 13th which causes the greatest number of sobbed:,, int tomrrow will h th last um- ion of tests of the new lens by Dr mit a farm bill to the Senate within running of the Mitchell Trophy Air shifts in opinion will be declared the