The Weather Partly clciuiy today, unot quiP so cool; tomorrow gcnrally fair and somewhat warmer. -AL t ~IaitF Editorials Life For The Popular Front,.. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1937 INN -, I I PRICE FIVE CENTS TotalOf 5,000 ToBeEnrolled This Summer 2,246 Enroll In Graduate School; Literary College Is Second With 628 Gain Of 256 Over Last Year IS Made With the enrollment figures mount- ing daily and already much larger than those set down last year on the corresponding dates, officials pre- dicted a new record for total regis- tration for a Summer Session at the University. The nunoer should draw very close to 5,000, dwarfing the rec- ord made last year of 4,528. Of all the schools and colleges, the! Graduate School had the greatest attendance with 2,446, as compared with 2,154 at this time last year. There was a gain of 13.6 per cent in en- rollment in this school alone. Following the Graduate School, the literary college had a total of 628, as compared with 684 at this time last year. This college was one of five units of the University to drop in at tendance so far this year. The oth- ers were the Medical School, with 45 less students this year than in 1936, the Law School with four less, the School of Business Administrationt with three, less, the education school and college of architecture, each with I eight less students in the 1937 ses- sion. The total gain of students, count- ing every unit of the University of course, is 256 to date, for a present total enrollment of 4,451 as com- pared with 4,195 last year. How- ever, the total enrollment of the[ session will be far greater than the present figure due to further late registrations and tht second terms held in certain divisions.l Tigers Yield To Chisox And DropTo 4th' Monty Stratton Pitches Third Three-Hit Game Of Season COMPARATIVE ENROLLMENTS 1937 Summer Session with the 19:6 Summer Session through Tuesday of the first week of school. School 1937 1936 or Summer Summer College Session Session L., S., and A.,. 628 684 Engineering ... 335 305 Architecture .. 43 51 Medicine....... 202 247 Law ..........153 157 Pharmacy 22 16 Education .....291 299 Bus. Admin. ... 31 34 For. and Cons. 76 67 Music .........224 181 Graduate ....:.2446 2154 Total......4451 4195 Tapps'an Called fGreatest Head Of University First President Changed College Into University Says Historian SHenry Phillip Tappan, who was asked to resign by the trustees of the University in 1863, was called Michi- gan's greatest president yesterday by Dr. 0. W. Stephenson, head of the department of social studies and au- thor of a history of Ann Arbor as he traced the history of the college in the first of a series of lectures on the general topic "Significant Trends in American Education," in the Univer- sity High School auditorium. Dr. Stepenson praised his courage and vision, crediting him with for- mulating a policy which has brought Michigan to its present state. Unfor- tunately President Tappan who loved his scotch mush more than the more religious students and faculty of those days approved of was a too bel- ligerent and forbidding nature to get support for these proposals. "In a period when college education was synonomous with a study of the classics, President Tappan strove for courses in such number as to allow any student to study anything he wanted," he said. In his administra- tion the medical school, law school and a school of civil engineering were founded. He devoted himself to the development of a school for graduate studies which had he been success- NEA Members Will Address Students Here Lyman Bryson To Discuss Adult Education; Glenn To Give Talk Dinner To Be Held Tonight In Union All Summer Session students are invited to attend a dinner at 6:30 p.m. today in the Union at which prominent educators from the 75th annual convention of the National Education Association, being held this week in Detroit, will speak. The School of Education is spon- soring the dinner, and Dean James B. Edmonson will act as toastmaster. The principal speakers will be Charles Glenn, superintendent of schools of Birmingham, Ala., and Ly- map Bryson of Columbia University. Mr. Glenn, who is also president of the American Association of School Administrators, will talk on "Some Encouraging Developments in South- ern Education." Mr. Bryson will ad- dress the group on the subject, "En- couraging Developments in the Field of Adult Education." Other educators on the program, who will make brief talks are Willis a Sutton, superintendent of schools at Atlanta, Ga., S.D. Shankland, execu- tive secretary of the American Asso- ciation of School Administrators, Washington, D.C., H. V. Church of Chicago, executive secretary of 'the Department of Secondary School Principals of the National Education Association, Clyde Miller, professor of journalism at Columbia University and former assistant editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and William E. Bristow, executive secretary of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers. Other prominent educators from the NEA Convention will also be present and will be introduced, ac- cording to Prof. George E. Carroth- ers of the education school. Wii ie Turnesa Wins Golf Title Princeton Takes Team Honors As M jehjigan Places Fifth OAKMONT, Pa., June 29.--(P)-It took a youngster reared in profes- ;ional environment--smiling Willie Turnesa of Holy Cross-to finally master Oakmont's stiffly-guarded par, and win the National Intercol- legiate Golf championship's 36-hole qualifying round medal with a 146 total. The junior class student drove st.raight and long, lined his irons on the pins and putted with a magnetic wand to score a 71 this afternoon, to hand par its only licking and grab medalist honors from Bobby Jacob- son of Dartmouth by three shots, Trailing in order behind George- town in the team race were, Mich- igan, 656; Georgia Tech, 658; Louis- iana, 658; Yale, the defending cham- pion, 660; Pennsylvania, 660; South- ern California, 664; Pittsburgh, 668; Dartmouth, 669; Texas, 671; Stan- ford, 678; Michigan State, 683; Cor- nell, 691; Waynesburg, 692; North Carolina, 701 and Oberlin, 721. COURT REJECTS LICENSING LANSING, June 29.-(P)--A peti- tion seeking to set aside a State Liq- uor Control Commission regulation requiring the licensing of brewery drivers and helpers was rejected to- day by the State Supreme Court. Expect Britain To Recognize State Of War Status Of Belligerent May Be Given Rebels If Italy, Germany Collaborate MoVe Would Depend On Their Neutrality LONDON, June 29.-(/P)-Informed sources said tonight that Great Brit- ain may agree to recognize Spanish insurgent General Francisco Franco as a belligerent if Germany and Italy continue collaboration in the "hands off Spain" program. Usually reliable observers forecast this as Britain's next move in an ef- fort to keep the Civil War confined to Spain after both Germany and Italy flatly rejected a proposal by Britain and France to patrol all of Spain's coasts in the interests of neu- trality. Government spokesmen said that should Britain agree to accord Franco the rights of a belligerent, it would not mean that his regime would be recognized as equal to the Spanish government. Britain To Recognize War Instead, they said, it would simply be official recognition by Britain that a state of war exists in Spain. British observers said such action by their government would amount to "a pat on the back" for Germany and Italy in exchange for their co- operation for world peace. Informed sources declared such a move hinged upon the fact that British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden was ready to do almost any- thing to confine the war to Spain and bring it to a speedy close. Lord Plymouth, in outlining the Anglo-French proposal to take over the Spanish patrol, received a prompt rejection from Germany and Italy. Both Joachim Von Ribbetrop, German ambassador, and Count Dino Grandi, the Italiar envoy, asked hy- pothetically what attitude Britain and France would take if the roles were reversed. That is, if Germany and Italy suggested taking over the whole naval patrol. New Developments Within Spain there were these de- velopments: Franco's men, marching toward the important northern city of Santand- er, captured the town of Valmaseda without much resistance. Insurgent artillery bombarded Ma- drid again, killing several persons and wounding many. The Valencia government reported discovery of evidence that an explo- sion aboard the British destroyer hunter in May was due to striking in- surgent mines. Will Install Sodium Li.(rht At Intersection Approval given by the advisory board of the state highway depart- ment has virtually assured the in- stallation of a sodium light at the corner of the Ford and Plymouth roads, northeast of Ann Arbor. The fog penetrating device is de- signed to reduce the accidents oc- curing at that intersection where cars travelling west on the Ford road of- ten fail to see in time the dead-end at Plymouth road. David Rank, '38, was just recently released from the hospital after incurring severe in- juries in a crash there last February, and at least one fatality has resulted from the inadequate marking. Electronics Lecture Program To Be Given For First Tine i t 1 I 1 1 t t l Commercial Laboratory tion of America. Varioushmembers Techicias To Leadof the technical staffs of these com- Technicians To Lead , panies will be sent to the session as New Series lecturers and research leaders. Among these lecturers will be: Dr. Saul Dushman and Dr. Lewi Tonks eAspecia pr1ogramin electronics of the General Electric Research designed to provide graduate stu- o h eea lcrcRsac dents, teachers of electronics and Company laboratory, Schenectady, N. those engaged in industrial elec- Y.; Dr. Joseph Slepian and Dr. R. C. tronics with a broader concept of Mason, of the Westinghouse Research the fundamentals of the subject is l Laboratory, East Pittsburgh, Pa.; Dr. being offered this summer for the H. E. Mendenhall and Dr. F. B. Lle- first time in the form of the Elec- wellyn of the Bell Telephone Labora- tronics Institute. ; tories, New York City, Dr. L. B. Loeb roicsisitute.Dowoof the University of California; Dr. Prof. WilliamG. Dow f hen en~ B. L. Thompson of the RCA Vacuum partment of electrical engineering Tube Laboratory and V. K. Zworykin will direct the Institute, which is be- of the RCA Electric Research Labor- ing sponsored by the electrical en- soy adn .J gineerins deartment withrithe co tory, Camden, N. J. The program of the Institute will operation of the General Electric consist of two successive but inde- Company, the Westinghouse Elec- pendent four-week lecture sequences trical Company. the Bell Telephone with parallel laboratory courses. Sup- plementary courses will be offered in -- ---_the department of electrical engi- neering, and the physics and mathe- U.S. Links men matics departments. The first lecture sequence, from lJune 28 to July 24 has for its subject Take Lead InI high-vacuum electronic phenomena. Lectures are scheduled at 9 a.m. I Dand 11 a .m. four days a week, fol- der Cup Play lowed by two three-hour afternoon labeatory meetings for discussions of subject matter and problems sug- Byron Nelson's Score Nets gested by the lectures. Americans Victory Over The subject for the second sequence Asr e will be gaseous conduction of elec- British 'Invincibles' tronic phenomena. Lectures will be ____at the same time as the first session. Monty Stratton, pitched his third ful in founding would have been three hit game of the season to give the first in the Middle West. the Chicago White Sox a 3 to 2 vic- Dr. Stepnenson sketched the his- tory over the Detroit Tigers in the tory of the six succeeding presidents opening game of a three-game series. emphasizing change in spirit which The defeat dropped the Tigers came over the campus as the min- down to fourth place behind the Bos- isters who had formerly comprised ton Red Sox. the faculty gave way to laymen, as Elden Auker and Rudy York com- women were admitted and the strict bined to kick in the run which gave classical curriculum was relaxed. Stratton his winning margin. Goose He explained that the ideal looked Goslin, who entered the game in the forward to by Marion Leroy Burt ninth as a pinch hitter, knocked out when the University should accom- a home run which would have evened modate 20,000 students was close at the count at two apiece had Auker hand due to the impetus given to and York not booted in the fourth adult education by President Harry inning tally. Burns Hutchins. He characterized Elden set up two runs when he the growing'success of adult educa- walked both Dixie Walker and Zeke tion and extension work as one of Bonura after two men were out. Luke the important recent developments in Appling drove both runners in with education, keeping men in contact a double. Appling, last years Ameri- with the University long after they can league batting champion, was completed their undergraduate ca- omitted from this year's all star team. reer. For six innings it looked as if The second lecture of the series on Stratton was out to pitch a no-hit-no "The Significance of the Recent Cen- run game. However, Pete Fox broke tennial of the University of Miehi- the spell in the seventh when he gan" will be delivered at 4 p.m. to- beat out a bounder to deep short. Ro- day by Wilfred B. Shaw, director of gell followed with a double giving the Alumni Relations at the Universityj Tigers their first tally, of Michigan in the University High Auker pitched six hit ball and but School auditorium, These lectures are for the lapse in the fourth inning open to the public without charge. nightn have fared better, He had men on base in seven of the eight innings. V SOUTHPORT, Eng., June 29.-(P) -America's professional golfers, blown out of many a British cham- pionship in the past, stood up bravely* today in the face of as wild a wind as ever blew in off the Irish Sea to take a 22 to 1% lead over Great Britain in defense of the Ryder Cup. Playing a foreign type of game, Scotch foursomes, and with the for- eign, smaller ball in a land where they never before have won the cup, the U.S. players beat the British at their own windy game. They gained their single-point advantage by virtue of the most astonishing victor.y in the recent history of British golf. The hero of this victory was 25- year-old Byron Nelson, the slim f or-) mer Texas railroad clerk whose name1 stands for all that's poetic and valor-1 ous in British hearts and whose deeds oday added glory to the name. The, youngster, paired with veteran Ed Dudley, beat the British "in- vincibles," Henry Cotton and Alf Pad- gham, by 4 and 2. Hook Demands Red Puroe Of Lewis Unions WASHINGTON, June 29.-(/P)-A demand that John L. Lewis eject "communistic leaders" from the Committee for Industrial Organiza- tion came today from Hook, (Dem., Mich.). "Some of the honest labor leaders of Michigan have come to me to urge my influence to get Communists eliminated as CIO organizers," he told the House. Hook declared Lewis, generalissimo of the current steel strike, had con- demned and ousted "certain com- munistic leaders" of his United Mine workers several years ago, but that the same men now are his liuten- ants. The ranks of labor will be disrupt- ed ,he continued, unless these per- sons are ejected again. Senator Bailey (Dem., N.C.) also criticized the CIO today, issuing a statement accusing it of "lawless- ness" and the government of failure to maintain order. "The failure of governing author- ities to meet this lawlessness with the means of maintaining order has created a bad impression, has en- couraged the lawless and caused widespread alarm," Bailey declared. Chautemps Granted Full Fiscal Control PARIS, June 30.-(A)-The Cham- ber of Deputies early this morning approved Premier Camillie Chau- temps' request for full financial pow- trs to deal with the nation's financial emergency by a vote of 380 to 228. The Chamber shortly before re- fused three amendments which would have qualified the powers. The measure is expected to go to the Senate this afternoon. T m p f ure. wou~ lauIt 1thrize. th The institute is for grauae stu- dents and credit will be given in the Graduate School. Fletcher Hits I Secret Ballot' Used In House Says Device Defeated Bill To Provide Federal Aid For Education DETROIT, June 29.-(IP)-Rep. Brooks Fletcher (Dem., Ohio) told1 the National Education Association here tonight that a house committee by "the undemocratic device known as the secret ballot" blocked progress of a measure to provide federal aid for education. The Harrison-Black-Fletcher bill, he said, would provide an annual in- itial appropriation of $100,000,000 to be increased over a period of years to $300,000,000 for aid of schools. Of the committee action, Fletcher said, "There is no place for legislative secrecy in a democracy on legislation in behalf of the children of today whose education and thinking will help to determine America's destiny tomorrow." Mrs. Mary R. Beard, New Milford, Conn., author, praised the teachers'- group for "a widening and deepen- ing sensitivity to the changing re- quirements of decent social living." The resolutions committee prepared proposals to prevent war for action by the representative assembly of the group'Thursday morning. Five steps in maintaining peace will be recom- mended. Approximately 50 per cent of a group of full-time school physicians questioned by the American Associa- tion of School Physicians have had additional training beyond medical school, according to a report by Dr(P). Earl E. Kleinschmidt of the medical school. Katayev's Play Opens Summer Drama Season An enthusiastic house greeted the opening performance of the Reper- tory Players' presentation of "The Path of Flowers," at 8:30 p.m. yester- day in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. This new farce on the marriage code in the U.S.S.R. which was writ- ten by Valentine Katayev and trans- lated by Jenny Covan marked the First in a program of eight plays to be presented by the Players during the Summer Session. A large crowd of faculty members and students were among the first nighters to attend this first play. Some of the faculty present included: Director and Mrs. Louis A. Hopkins, Dean and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher. Mayor, Council '/ Of Johnstown Expel Leaders Of Steel Strike Roosevelt Expresses His Disapproval Of Extreme Elements IBoth Sides Labor Board Turns In Report, -Disands JOHNSTOWN, Pa., June 29.-(P)- City Council concurred tonight at a special meeting with the action of Mayor Daniel J. Shields of this strike- torn city who told two of three strike leaders he would no longer be re- sponsible for their safety in Johns- town. Shields had ordered city police to bring three strike leaders before the special session, but the officers re- ported they were unable to find H. M. Van Sant and said they believed he was not in the city. Mark, Jones Hear Order The two who heard the expulsion order were: James Mark, sub-regional director of the Committee for Industrial Or- ganization-affiliated Steel Workers Organizing Committee and president of district 2 of the United Mine Workers of America. C. W. Jones, vice-president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. The meeting was stormy and marked by a verbal clash between Shields and Samuel Defrancesco, at- torney for the labor leaders. WASHINGTON, June 29.-(WP)- President Roosevelt turned to a Shakespearean quotation today to ex- press an opinion on extremists on both sides of the steel strike. He told reporters that he and Chairman Charles P. Taft of the steel mediation board believed that a majority of people are saying just one thing about the strike, "a plague on both your houses." The mediation board, meanwhile, was disbanded after failing to bring about peace. Secretary Perkins said, however, that the federal govern- ment still is keeping, an eye on the strike. Group Makes Report Before leaving for Europe, Charles P. Taft, 2nd, board chairman, turned in to Miss Perkins the group's final report. Taft and Edward F. Mc- Grady, another member, drafted it this morning. Miss Perkins said she would make it public as soon as it is approved by Lloyd Garrison, the third member. Acknowledging that the govern- ment's efforts so far had been futile, Miss Perkins told reporters she still is studying the situation to determine if further mediatory moves are pos- sible. The Labor Department chief an- nounced the board believes that a "man to man discussion around the conference table" would be necessary to break the strike deadlock. Helen Jacobs Is Eliminated At Wimbledon WIMBLEDON, Eng., June 29.-(P) --Dorothy Round, England's 27-year- old top ranking player, pounded Helen Jacobs out of the all-England tennis championships today and left blond Alice Marble to carry on the fight for the title America has cap- tured eight times in the last ten years. In as stunning an upset as this an- cient tennis center ever has witnessd, Miss Round, daughter of an English clergyman, eliminated Miss Jacobs, the defending champion, 6-4, 6-2 and joined Miss Marble, the American titleholder, Jadwiga Jedrzejowska, hard-hitting Polish girl, and Mme. Rene Mathieu of France in tfe semi- finals. Thursday's pairings will send Miss Marble against Mlle. Jedrzejowska and Mme. Mathieu against Miss Round. It was a day of form reversals but Miss Round's unexpected triumph was by far the greatest. The English girl, who soon will be married to Dr. Douglas L. Little, held the Wimbledon championship in 1934 but her play had fallen off so rapidly taoinARF had fallen off so badly that she was seeded only seventh for the current i Burglars Get $130 From Fraternities Burglars early Tuesday morning entered five local fraternity houses to escape with loot of at least $130 in cash, summer students yesterday re- ported to the Ann Arbor police. The Delta Sigma Pi house at 1502 Cambridge Rd. was entered and $30 taken, along with an electric razor, and a similar amount of cash was taken at the Phi Chi medical fra- ternity at 1541 Washtenaw Ave. Delta Theta Phi, at 503 Monroe St., reported $50 missing, and an un- known amount was taken from the Chi Phi house at 1530 Washtenawl Ave. Triangle fraternity, at 927 S. Forest, had a total of $20 taken. In Auto Accident Harry Bennett, personnel director of the Ford Motor Company, was due to leave the University Hospital this morning following treatment for min- or injuries received yesterday in an automobile crash at the intersection of Geddes and Harris roads, four miles northeast of Ypsilanti. "He sustained cuts about the right eye and a bad shock," Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske, chief resident physician of the hospital said, "and he should be able to leave Wednesday morning." Gordon Westlake, 23 years old, of Ferndale, was driving the car that collided with the Bennett auto, which was driven by Bennett's bodyguard, Frank Whitmire, 55 years old, of Ypsilanti. Both Westlake and his wife, Jennie. 21 vears old, were re- s Colossal! It's GiTantic! i Circus Comes To Town Today; n,. !Yr A sand-% RT TYTi V r. . By CLAYTON XU HEPLERf taring daughter of Pancho," the fa- Twenty-four snarling and quarrel- mous Mexican general, is also listed ing, biting and fighting male and fe- among the stellar stars hitting the male lions are the headliners, and sawdust trail with this troupe. they will be put through their paces Poodles Hanneford, world famous by the "Lion King" himself, Terrell clown, will be performing in the cen- Jacobs, when the "highest class show ter ring with his family of riders on earth," the Hagenbeck and Wal- when the man in the tall silk hat lace circus, today unfolds its wonders fires the gun for the curtain to ring before the startled eyes of town and up, while overhead Jeanette May, the gown alike. Flying Le Vards, and the Flying Vas- "Battling the largest group of fight- sars will gracefully execute an aerial ing jungle bred lions and lionesses ballet. ever assembled," Jacobs, who was a Five herds of performing elephants